
  1. I will call this last week “Threat Assessment.” Most of my actions were dedicated to understanding the degrees of awfulness that will follow the outcome of the election. However, I also managed to do the following:

    1) Participate in a local peaceful protest. (Exercising my freedom as an american was an empowering experience.)
    2) Joined this group. Thank you all for being here.
    3) Joined as a member
    4) Made Monthly donations to:, Wolf PAC, National Resources Defense Fund,, Union of Concerned Scientists, ACLU, Southern poverty law center, The Trevor Project (no relation), and Planned Parenthood.
    5) Wrote to my local elected officials.
    6) Called my local elected officials.
    7) Got some of my friends and family to call and write their local elected officials.
    8) Endorsed (and donated to) Keith Ellison to be the DNC chairperson. Keith Ellison is a progressive. And he was one of the first members of congress to endorse Bernie Sanders. (I voted for Bernie Sanders in the Primary. I voted for Hillary Clinton in the general.)

    Please consider sharing clear concrete ways to help the world. I would suggest supporting Keith Ellison. But calling your local and national leaders is also a great way to “remind” them that #WereStillHere and that we will not willingly allow for a return to our bigoted past #notonourwatch.

    – Trevor

  2. It is not wrong to offend people through speech. Like just respect people. Don’t be a pussy lol (; Weed is proven to not be addictive. If you are high all it does it overwork your dopemien glands. Cenk deserves a lit week. I live the present day like it will be my last, usually. Cenk, you are as bipolar as I am. Medically speaking. In my opinion. 1987, a good year. Tyt makes me smile every day (:

  3. Can you guys find time for your race rematch now that you have more free time? That + Cenk’s dancing video would make 2016 end nicely :D

  4. glad you finally realised that you hadn’t shown us that vid of cenk dancing yet… ive been waiting since you guys mentioned it just after the wedding. omg i cant wait to see it!!! =D

  5. i don’t have tv or cable anything, just my laptop, so i listen to C-SPAN via radio. the last time you were on This Week, Cenk, you were the only panelist to predict a Trump victory. i was saddened at the time, because i agreed with you.

    Hillary’s camp used to email me campaign donation requests; i would reply with some advice on how to modulate her tone and project her voice, dress more for success and less like Martha Stewart (i even provided links to some nice clothing items online), and urge her to discuss HER issues rather than Trump’s personal foibles. i figured the best donation i could give her was my sage and astute advice, which i do have, in lieu of money, which i don’t have. she never responded, and she obviously never listened.

    OTOH, Bernie got my $27, and then some.

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