Anti-Trump protests around America. Trump chooses fence not wall. Fuel-economy targets. Jamie Dimon as Secretary of the Treasury. Statistics on voter turn-out. Hillary Clinton’s arrogance. Dakota Access pipeline operator announces final phase.
Wouldn’t you know it, we’re all in shock. We should be. Our new president is a certified 24-carat clown. Hardly someone prepared to hold the highest office in the land. From here I can tell you that Europe is reeling from the blow. People we forgot we even knew come up to us on the street to offer their sympathy. The country they once looked up to for guidance has lost its marbles and needs to be institutionalized. How could this have happened? There are a couple of reasons that easily come to mind, 1) For one thing, for the last 15 years, it’s been drilled into America’s head that we should all be very very scared! Day and night we’ve heard about the country’s “War on Terror.” Fear vendors, like Trump, have been on the prowl 24/7 selling their wares on the air, in newspapers and over radio waves. (Thanks, Rush, thanks Fox, thanks CNN) After all, fear sells, and it sells big! Result? Since 9/11 Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that they’re truly under attack by creepy dark-eyed foreigners. (you know, anybody that isn’t shimmering white, loves their Harley more than their wife and packs a Bible in one back pocket and a loaded gun in the other. And 2) That America’s lower-middle class was fed up and finally found someone who promised to do something about it. The problem is that you don’t fix a lousy minimum wage and poor working structures by being a xenophobic hate host. Xenophobia has nothing to do with the way a nation distributes its wealth. It has a lot to do, however, with how a nation’s growth potential can be definitively stifled. Deal with the outside world or die, is what it’s really all about.
So Trump promised to save the day and every pissed-off, poorly-schooled white guy in the country believed him. They needed a punching bag, so Trump gave them one. “That’s the American way.” They were told. Be a patriot and hate the establishment! Beat it up. Destroy it! No problem. You’ve got permission from a TV star. Oh, and he also gave us the impression that he could make us all rich (just like he is). What he forgot to mention was that he actually wasn’t rich. As a matter of fact, Mr. Trump owes $950,000,000.00 to creditors all over the globe. That’s nearly “ONE BILLION DOLLARS!” in debt. And how did that happen? It happened because our newly elected president is a fake! The man has absolutely no idea whatsoever how to run much of anything except the warm water in his gold-plated bathrooms. We all know now that he’s declared bankruptcy 6 times and yet, there are still those who think that he can deliver on his promises to tumble the establishment and make America great again. Trump; anti-establishment? Really? Just wait till you see his cabinet.
I’m sorry this has happened. What lies ahead isn’t going to be pretty. Trump has divided the country in half using hate and deception to reach his narcissistic goal. Too bad his tactics worked. Now he’s president. The trolley car finally stopped and the rabid dog that was chasing it stands there confused and bewildered. “Now what?” He wonders.
Wouldn’t you know it, we’re all in shock. We should be. Our new president is a certified 24-carat clown. Hardly someone prepared to hold the highest office in the land. From here I can tell you that Europe is reeling from the blow. People we forgot we even knew come up to us on the street to offer their sympathy. The country they once looked up to for guidance has lost its marbles and needs to be institutionalized. How could this have happened? There are a couple of reasons that easily come to mind, 1) For one thing, for the last 15 years, it’s been drilled into America’s head that we should all be very very scared! Day and night we’ve heard about the country’s “War on Terror.” Fear vendors, like Trump, have been on the prowl 24/7 selling their wares on the air, in newspapers and over radio waves. (Thanks, Rush, thanks Fox, thanks CNN) After all, fear sells, and it sells big! Result? Since 9/11 Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that they’re truly under attack by creepy dark-eyed foreigners. (you know, anybody that isn’t shimmering white, loves their Harley more than their wife and packs a Bible in one back pocket and a loaded gun in the other. And 2) That America’s lower-middle class was fed up and finally found someone who promised to do something about it. The problem is that you don’t fix a lousy minimum wage and poor working structures by being a xenophobic hate host. Xenophobia has nothing to do with the way a nation distributes its wealth. It has a lot to do, however, with how a nation’s growth potential can be definitively stifled. Deal with the outside world or die, is what it’s really all about.
So Trump promised to save the day and every pissed-off, poorly-schooled white guy in the country believed him. They needed a punching bag, so Trump gave them one. “That’s the American way.” They were told. Be a patriot and hate the establishment! Beat it up. Destroy it! No problem. You’ve got permission from a TV star. Oh, and he also gave us the impression that he could make us all rich (just like he is). What he forgot to mention was that he actually wasn’t rich. As a matter of fact, Mr. Trump owes $950,000,000.00 to creditors all over the globe. That’s nearly “ONE BILLION DOLLARS!” in debt. And how did that happen? It happened because our newly elected president is a fake! The man has absolutely no idea whatsoever how to run much of anything except the warm water in his gold-plated bathrooms. We all know now that he’s declared bankruptcy 6 times and yet, there are still those who think that he can deliver on his promises to tumble the establishment and make America great again. Trump; anti-establishment? Really? Just wait till you see his cabinet.
I’m sorry this has happened. What lies ahead isn’t going to be pretty. Trump has divided the country in half using hate and deception to reach his narcissistic goal. Too bad his tactics worked. Now he’s president. The trolley car finally stopped and the rabid dog that was chasing it stands there confused and bewildered. “Now what?” He wonders.