So, fellas, where do we the aggressive progressive contingent go from here? How de we create the New DemSocialist Party? Or the Progressive Democratic Party… I’m tempted to still use the ‘Democrat’ title so as to appeal the the main base of true liberals, not center-stuck democrats in Republican-sheeps clothing, in order to still have a large enough demographic to win in the two-party election….??? I’m trying really hard here to be open minded even playing the Devils Advocate a bit there… but seriously how do we create a new party that will appeal to most of us, and be competitive…?
I think it would be better to take over the Democrats. They’re broken right now.. The Dem. insiders were all about electing Clinton, and now her chances are zeeeero for a second try. Bernie is now their great white hope for a rebuild and they will gather around him like the Republicans are gathering around Trump. The thing to do now is infiltrate the party with progressives, and work to select progressives to go into the midterm elections.
It’ll be a fight, but a better fight than splitting the leftish vote against the Republicans which — in this first-past-the-post system will keep them in power for two to 10 cycles… I’m from Canada. We have multiple parties, and I know the results well (I’m a green, and greens are the FOURTH party. It’s pretty harsh even for the NDP who are the third).
We need Cornel West or Nina Turner or Van Jones as our new leaders for these new coalescing movements. Sign me up.
Progressives need to transform the Dem party. Progressives need to get in there and fight against the Establishment’s power hold on it, so it really represents the will & rights of ‘we the people’.
‘We the People’ rejected politicians who are willing to quickly ‘bend’ to the wishes of greedy corrupt donors.
Steve – great analysis on 3rd party votes. In the end, I agree that Gary helped Hillary way more than Jill helped Trump.
Both Jill and Gary lost a lot of support as Election Day neared, according to polls. I saw how the Gary poll numbers dropped which then increased Trump poll numbers.
So the Hillary campaign should have been advocating for more Gary voters, which means that Hillary could have greatly benefited from a 3rd Party.
Yes, Steve, voters do want a leader with courage to fight for their rights & policies that a majority wants, to stand up for a vision of a better tomorrow, to not back down to those greedy & corrupt powerful elites making the rules to benefit themselves and harmful to many others.
I call it Election Manipulation – fraud, push polls, cheating, suppressing the voter turnout, preventing voters from voting, having an unbiased Party be blatantly biased, limiting debates to favor one candidate, keeping down ballot money for yourself, negatively manipulating media & party officials to side with you, smearing, lying, below the belt negative criticisms, manipulating election machines & election officials to flip votes/incorrectly counting votes/dumping votes (absentee, affidavit or provisional ballots), calling the election before votes counted, calling the election before voting ended, …
Hillary had every opportunity to give a bone to Bernie supporters. If she had thumbed her nose to Wall Street by nominating Bernie or Elizabeth as VP , she would be President elect. If she had talked up Bernie’s parts of the Democratic platform, she would have won — It was in the polls.
She didn’t give the Berners a bone … just the scent of a bone. Now she’s upset and surprised that not enough of them came out to vote for her. It was her election to lose, and she lost it big time. By all rights she could have won by 20 points.
What really hurt Clinton was the stay at home vote. No vote is a vote for whatever happens.
If you didn’t vote and could have, you voted for THIS. If you didn’t vote and now don’t like the result, then shut up and eat your crow pie. This is what you voted for.
Next time, get out and F’ing VOTE.
So, fellas, where do we the aggressive progressive contingent go from here? How de we create the New DemSocialist Party? Or the Progressive Democratic Party… I’m tempted to still use the ‘Democrat’ title so as to appeal the the main base of true liberals, not center-stuck democrats in Republican-sheeps clothing, in order to still have a large enough demographic to win in the two-party election….??? I’m trying really hard here to be open minded even playing the Devils Advocate a bit there… but seriously how do we create a new party that will appeal to most of us, and be competitive…?
I think it would be better to take over the Democrats. They’re broken right now.. The Dem. insiders were all about electing Clinton, and now her chances are zeeeero for a second try. Bernie is now their great white hope for a rebuild and they will gather around him like the Republicans are gathering around Trump. The thing to do now is infiltrate the party with progressives, and work to select progressives to go into the midterm elections.
It’ll be a fight, but a better fight than splitting the leftish vote against the Republicans which — in this first-past-the-post system will keep them in power for two to 10 cycles… I’m from Canada. We have multiple parties, and I know the results well (I’m a green, and greens are the FOURTH party. It’s pretty harsh even for the NDP who are the third).
Jimmy & Steve – Great ‘off the cuff’ commentary.
We need Cornel West or Nina Turner or Van Jones as our new leaders for these new coalescing movements. Sign me up.
Progressives need to transform the Dem party. Progressives need to get in there and fight against the Establishment’s power hold on it, so it really represents the will & rights of ‘we the people’.
‘We the People’ rejected politicians who are willing to quickly ‘bend’ to the wishes of greedy corrupt donors.
Steve – great analysis on 3rd party votes. In the end, I agree that Gary helped Hillary way more than Jill helped Trump.
Both Jill and Gary lost a lot of support as Election Day neared, according to polls. I saw how the Gary poll numbers dropped which then increased Trump poll numbers.
So the Hillary campaign should have been advocating for more Gary voters, which means that Hillary could have greatly benefited from a 3rd Party.
Yes, Steve, voters do want a leader with courage to fight for their rights & policies that a majority wants, to stand up for a vision of a better tomorrow, to not back down to those greedy & corrupt powerful elites making the rules to benefit themselves and harmful to many others.
I call it Election Manipulation – fraud, push polls, cheating, suppressing the voter turnout, preventing voters from voting, having an unbiased Party be blatantly biased, limiting debates to favor one candidate, keeping down ballot money for yourself, negatively manipulating media & party officials to side with you, smearing, lying, below the belt negative criticisms, manipulating election machines & election officials to flip votes/incorrectly counting votes/dumping votes (absentee, affidavit or provisional ballots), calling the election before votes counted, calling the election before voting ended, …
Audio download broken.
Hillary had every opportunity to give a bone to Bernie supporters. If she had thumbed her nose to Wall Street by nominating Bernie or Elizabeth as VP , she would be President elect. If she had talked up Bernie’s parts of the Democratic platform, she would have won — It was in the polls.
She didn’t give the Berners a bone … just the scent of a bone. Now she’s upset and surprised that not enough of them came out to vote for her. It was her election to lose, and she lost it big time. By all rights she could have won by 20 points.
What really hurt Clinton was the stay at home vote. No vote is a vote for whatever happens.
If you didn’t vote and could have, you voted for THIS. If you didn’t vote and now don’t like the result, then shut up and eat your crow pie. This is what you voted for.
Next time, get out and F’ing VOTE.