David Duke protest at Duke University. Trump calls out Katie Turr’s “biased coverage.” Middle school shut down mock election after children start repeating Trump quotes. Milas Kunis on Hollywood pressure.
I really like the staff spotlight segments. I’ve only seen two. And there may have been more segments. But- TYT offers so much content- as much as I try, I can’t watch all of it. So- I already feel that my membership is the best money I spend each month. But- to know that, by being a member, TYT is able to hire young, talented individuals who can work in their specialized fields really drives “the best money I spend each month” thought home.
The David Duke story was disappointing and I’m starting to feel is very indicative of what’s been going on with TYT lately. It sort of reminds me of when they covered the “Blue Lives Matter” bill that the governor passed a few months ago. Yes, it was a shitty bill. But they BARELY talked about the politics behind the bill and instead went off on unrelated tangents, railing against police brutality, promoting #BLM, etc. Now, of course police brutality is awful and we all support #BLM, but that wasn’t REMOTELY the story. That Blue Lives Matter bill was passed by a fairly progressive Democratic governor that we in Louisiana recently elected. He has been cleaning up the mess left behind by Bobby Jindal and doing his best to push forward a progressive agenda in a deeply red state (he has passed executive orders relating to LGBT rights, for example). The Blue Lives Matter was essentially a compromise bill.
Here, again, Cenk and Ana do the exact same thing. David Duke is a disgusting joke; the fact that he is polling at 5% should tell you everything. I don’t care what state you live in; at least 5% of the populace are going to be revolting racists. C’est la vie. Duke’s presence disrupted the debate, which is REALLY important for Louisiana (and potentially the country); there are two republicans and two democrats. The lead republican, who will almost certainly be in the run-off, is a holder over from the Jindal administration; he essentially would spell disaster for Louisiana, which has had the most cuts to higher education (I believe) than ANY OTHER STATE. (And we are suffering in many other ways, too, thanks to Jindal’s selfish policies.) But the two democrats are next in line, and so long as they don’t split the vote, we will have a democrat in a run-off with Kennedy, the republican, and there is a great chance the democrat will be elected. One democrat has been endorsed by Governor Edwards; the other is a Clinton supporter and a former employee of Goldman Sachs! Now, doesn’t that sound like just the sort of thing TYT USED to be interested in covering? I realize they can’t go to each and every state and carefully examine and report on each senatorial and congressional and gubernatorial race, but a brief MENTION of the political situation in Louisiana would have been nice.
Can someone please explain to me why TYT is an informational black-hole with respect to what’s happening in Turkey? TYT has published nothing substantial for over three months, while the political situation in Turkey deteriorated badly over the same time-frame…
I’m always surprised to see such rude and idiotic comments here. The fact that they are allowed just goes to show how unbiased TyT is. Personally, I’m not as big of a person as Cenk is, I would block them. I would do it with a smiley face (bc im southern) but I would def do it. Hahahahahaha
On Trump calling out Katie Tur: this issue should be separated into two parts:
1. Unlike what Ana implied in her presentation of the story, the MSM are biases against Trump in their coverage of the rallies, and NBC is one of the worst abusers, including reports by Tur. Katie’s excuse that cameras are there filming does not equate to what NBC eventually shows in their reports; this critique by Trump is legitimate. Cenk making it sound as if this time Trump was complaining of the lack of coverage in general is a blatant misrepresentation of what Trump was saying. Cenk also claims that the MSM covers Trump fairly, which is simply incorrect and obvious to any observer that is capable to overcome his/her own bias; sadly, Cenk seems to be unable to do that.
Remember that NBC even went as far as implying that Trump is Putin’s spy just because he once, few years ago, wanted but failed to meet with Putin — all while dozens of USA’s businessmen, mostly Hillary donors, have met with Putin, let alone the countless times Putin have met Clinton, including the times before she became the head of StateDep. According to NBC’s logic, almost entire elite of the USA are Putin’s agents.
Weird how the insane neo-MacCarthyism never bothered Cenk during this campaign. This shows just how deeply Cenk in his bubble, and how far he is from being able to burst it and be objective.
2. Of course, naming a specific journalist is petty, low class act that can be dangerous; it is unacceptable. Trump’s PR woman is right about that it would be much better if Trump would be critiquing NBC as an institution, not this concrete journalist who may not actually have that much of editorial power of what footage ends up in the report that NBC eventually shows versus editors within the headquarters of the company. Not surprisingly, Trump can not contain himself from saying controversial things.
By the way, Cenk again has said that former Trump’s wife accused him of rape without mentioning the fact that she has denied the claim later as done during the nasty divorce trial (which is sadly very typical practice in general). Trump is bad enough, there is no need to skew and twist coverage against him, giving his supporters legitimate reasons do deny all of the critiques, include fair cases, altogether. But, apparently, Cenk just can not help himself, he is unable to carry on principles of journalism and fair coverage in cases when he has a personal attitude. This harms TYT, its brand, trust of the audience in the reporting. Cenk should be better than the MSM that just spew propaganda.
As an example how fair coverage can be done, you can go no further than to Kyle Kulinki’s Secular Talk show. He pertains the same “lesser of two evil” approach towards this elections, but it did not make his channel turn into anti-Trump propaganda machine, he did not almost entirely stop covering controversial stories on Clinton for months after the primaries as Cenk did, he does not use bogus reasons to attack Trump, though there is a lot of critiques of him on the channel.
Thankfully, Cenk recently changed his editorial policy of the main show, and has started to cover stories about Clinton. But the damage was done. TYT’s main show has lost 20 million views only in September, the grows subscribers has halved. As I wrote before, it proves once again that Cenk is in the business not for the money, and it is good; the bad thing that it proved that he is in this business not for fair and unbiased coverage, not for journalistic principles, but for whatever political agenda he personally holds at the moment. So, in the end, such editorial policy ended up being highly destructive.
If you want to step back and look at the bigger picture, it is the MSM that created a potential President Trump. He got billions of dollars in free media coverage that catapulted his campaign in the primaries and general election. Yes, I agree the MSM has been tougher on him than on Clinton – and Wikileaks bears out how much they are in bed with Hillary. But overall, the MSM has done Trump much more good than harm, and he will never acknowledge that publicly.
Also, if Cenk was as much a propagandist as you claim, then why would he let Jordan have free rein to dive into Wikileaks and let Jimmy have free rein to attack Clinton? I think that Jordan has provided an excellent service in laying out the most damaging Wikileaks revelations, but at the same time there were more than a few in which he exaggerated their importance. It is clear where his biases lie, but I don’t call him a propagandist. If anybody has ever accused TYT of being an echo chamber, that has been more than dispelled this election season.
Cenk limits his editorial policies to his main show, and this is the only reason why many members/viewers did not drop TYT altogether. For the progressive coverage he has created show called “Aggressive Progressives”, and yes, Jordan has TYT Politics channel, where Cenk does not dictate the coverage either. Until very recently, for TYT’s main show Cenk has dropped the progressive flag for a time being, until Cliton will get elected.
By the way, Cenk is propagandist for the causes he thinks are important, including not electing Trump, hence the horrible editorial policy for the main show in the latests months up until very recently. However, Cenk seems to be genuinely well-meaning guy, so we should not compare it to the corporate propagandists that do it for the sake of establishment, for status quo, for money. My point is that I, as well many more TYT viewers, would prefer Cenk not sacrificing balance, objectivity and fairness of the main show even if it is for a good cause; I think that journalistic principles are much more important.
I really like the staff spotlight segments. I’ve only seen two. And there may have been more segments. But- TYT offers so much content- as much as I try, I can’t watch all of it. So- I already feel that my membership is the best money I spend each month. But- to know that, by being a member, TYT is able to hire young, talented individuals who can work in their specialized fields really drives “the best money I spend each month” thought home.
The David Duke story was disappointing and I’m starting to feel is very indicative of what’s been going on with TYT lately. It sort of reminds me of when they covered the “Blue Lives Matter” bill that the governor passed a few months ago. Yes, it was a shitty bill. But they BARELY talked about the politics behind the bill and instead went off on unrelated tangents, railing against police brutality, promoting #BLM, etc. Now, of course police brutality is awful and we all support #BLM, but that wasn’t REMOTELY the story. That Blue Lives Matter bill was passed by a fairly progressive Democratic governor that we in Louisiana recently elected. He has been cleaning up the mess left behind by Bobby Jindal and doing his best to push forward a progressive agenda in a deeply red state (he has passed executive orders relating to LGBT rights, for example). The Blue Lives Matter was essentially a compromise bill.
Here, again, Cenk and Ana do the exact same thing. David Duke is a disgusting joke; the fact that he is polling at 5% should tell you everything. I don’t care what state you live in; at least 5% of the populace are going to be revolting racists. C’est la vie. Duke’s presence disrupted the debate, which is REALLY important for Louisiana (and potentially the country); there are two republicans and two democrats. The lead republican, who will almost certainly be in the run-off, is a holder over from the Jindal administration; he essentially would spell disaster for Louisiana, which has had the most cuts to higher education (I believe) than ANY OTHER STATE. (And we are suffering in many other ways, too, thanks to Jindal’s selfish policies.) But the two democrats are next in line, and so long as they don’t split the vote, we will have a democrat in a run-off with Kennedy, the republican, and there is a great chance the democrat will be elected. One democrat has been endorsed by Governor Edwards; the other is a Clinton supporter and a former employee of Goldman Sachs! Now, doesn’t that sound like just the sort of thing TYT USED to be interested in covering? I realize they can’t go to each and every state and carefully examine and report on each senatorial and congressional and gubernatorial race, but a brief MENTION of the political situation in Louisiana would have been nice.
Bring back Bernie.
or she dated Keith Olberman
Ok, happily married here…off topic…but Ana is absolutely glowing today, beautiful…
Can someone please explain to me why TYT is an informational black-hole with respect to what’s happening in Turkey? TYT has published nothing substantial for over three months, while the political situation in Turkey deteriorated badly over the same time-frame…
I didn’t know Hass was Cenk’s nephew
*tut tut* Nepotism at The Young Turks ;)
how else could it be explained?
I’m always surprised to see such rude and idiotic comments here. The fact that they are allowed just goes to show how unbiased TyT is. Personally, I’m not as big of a person as Cenk is, I would block them. I would do it with a smiley face (bc im southern) but I would def do it. Hahahahahaha
On Trump calling out Katie Tur: this issue should be separated into two parts:
1. Unlike what Ana implied in her presentation of the story, the MSM are biases against Trump in their coverage of the rallies, and NBC is one of the worst abusers, including reports by Tur. Katie’s excuse that cameras are there filming does not equate to what NBC eventually shows in their reports; this critique by Trump is legitimate. Cenk making it sound as if this time Trump was complaining of the lack of coverage in general is a blatant misrepresentation of what Trump was saying. Cenk also claims that the MSM covers Trump fairly, which is simply incorrect and obvious to any observer that is capable to overcome his/her own bias; sadly, Cenk seems to be unable to do that.
Remember that NBC even went as far as implying that Trump is Putin’s spy just because he once, few years ago, wanted but failed to meet with Putin — all while dozens of USA’s businessmen, mostly Hillary donors, have met with Putin, let alone the countless times Putin have met Clinton, including the times before she became the head of StateDep. According to NBC’s logic, almost entire elite of the USA are Putin’s agents.
Weird how the insane neo-MacCarthyism never bothered Cenk during this campaign. This shows just how deeply Cenk in his bubble, and how far he is from being able to burst it and be objective.
2. Of course, naming a specific journalist is petty, low class act that can be dangerous; it is unacceptable. Trump’s PR woman is right about that it would be much better if Trump would be critiquing NBC as an institution, not this concrete journalist who may not actually have that much of editorial power of what footage ends up in the report that NBC eventually shows versus editors within the headquarters of the company. Not surprisingly, Trump can not contain himself from saying controversial things.
By the way, Cenk again has said that former Trump’s wife accused him of rape without mentioning the fact that she has denied the claim later as done during the nasty divorce trial (which is sadly very typical practice in general). Trump is bad enough, there is no need to skew and twist coverage against him, giving his supporters legitimate reasons do deny all of the critiques, include fair cases, altogether. But, apparently, Cenk just can not help himself, he is unable to carry on principles of journalism and fair coverage in cases when he has a personal attitude. This harms TYT, its brand, trust of the audience in the reporting. Cenk should be better than the MSM that just spew propaganda.
As an example how fair coverage can be done, you can go no further than to Kyle Kulinki’s Secular Talk show. He pertains the same “lesser of two evil” approach towards this elections, but it did not make his channel turn into anti-Trump propaganda machine, he did not almost entirely stop covering controversial stories on Clinton for months after the primaries as Cenk did, he does not use bogus reasons to attack Trump, though there is a lot of critiques of him on the channel.
Thankfully, Cenk recently changed his editorial policy of the main show, and has started to cover stories about Clinton. But the damage was done. TYT’s main show has lost 20 million views only in September, the grows subscribers has halved. As I wrote before, it proves once again that Cenk is in the business not for the money, and it is good; the bad thing that it proved that he is in this business not for fair and unbiased coverage, not for journalistic principles, but for whatever political agenda he personally holds at the moment. So, in the end, such editorial policy ended up being highly destructive.
If you want to step back and look at the bigger picture, it is the MSM that created a potential President Trump. He got billions of dollars in free media coverage that catapulted his campaign in the primaries and general election. Yes, I agree the MSM has been tougher on him than on Clinton – and Wikileaks bears out how much they are in bed with Hillary. But overall, the MSM has done Trump much more good than harm, and he will never acknowledge that publicly.
Also, if Cenk was as much a propagandist as you claim, then why would he let Jordan have free rein to dive into Wikileaks and let Jimmy have free rein to attack Clinton? I think that Jordan has provided an excellent service in laying out the most damaging Wikileaks revelations, but at the same time there were more than a few in which he exaggerated their importance. It is clear where his biases lie, but I don’t call him a propagandist. If anybody has ever accused TYT of being an echo chamber, that has been more than dispelled this election season.
Cenk limits his editorial policies to his main show, and this is the only reason why many members/viewers did not drop TYT altogether. For the progressive coverage he has created show called “Aggressive Progressives”, and yes, Jordan has TYT Politics channel, where Cenk does not dictate the coverage either. Until very recently, for TYT’s main show Cenk has dropped the progressive flag for a time being, until Cliton will get elected.
By the way, Cenk is propagandist for the causes he thinks are important, including not electing Trump, hence the horrible editorial policy for the main show in the latests months up until very recently. However, Cenk seems to be genuinely well-meaning guy, so we should not compare it to the corporate propagandists that do it for the sake of establishment, for status quo, for money. My point is that I, as well many more TYT viewers, would prefer Cenk not sacrificing balance, objectivity and fairness of the main show even if it is for a good cause; I think that journalistic principles are much more important.
I’m pretty sure it’s yogurt AND a bagel, not a yogurt smothered bagel. I say its a solid option.