Swing state polls. Obama on DAPL. Ohio police killer captured. “Vote Trump” spray painted on Black church. KKK newspaper runs front page article on Trump. Buddy prepares for protest.
The confederates being remembered as traitors is rather ironic when America itself can be considered to have been founded by a group of traitors. for example George Washington would never have been able to win independence if he didn’t have previous military experience in the British army.
that’s true. And the British couldn’t have created the colonies without massacring the native people there. They never could have built their navy that eventually created a global empire without first commissioning pirates to steal gold from the Spanish who got to the new world first. The Spanish wouldn’t have had the navy they had without taking over the Portuguese navy, who got where they were because of Islamic technology from the Islamic caliphate that occupied Spain. They couldn’t have occupied Spain without the invention of the stirrup to lead horses into battle as an effective calvary and the cannonball, which comes from China, and China couldn’t have gotten where they got before they had to prepare for war with the Mongols, and so on and so on, back through history. Who started something, and who is betraying who, just depends on how far you want to go back, and how far our records go back.
Correct your historical records, cannons were not introduced to the world until the 15th century plus Spain already had a powerful navy of its own before taking Portugal in the 1580s.
As for crimes, every empire committed one, it is what happens next that matters and modern European empires (unlike the Roman empire which had a number of foreign non-European Caesars) differ from the rest in their imposition of racial and linguistic supremacy.
thanks for the correction. I was going off of memory. You’re right about Spain and Portugal. I was being deliberately vague there, since when we refer to historical places with names we recognize today, it’s never totally accurate. What I referred to as “Spain” when the Muslims occupied that area, was nothing like the current borders of Spain, and was not called Spain. When “Spain” first built their armada, they were the kingdoms of Aragon and Castille, and there were alliances with what we now call Portugal, but Portugal made some of the first major explorations around the African Continent, so their maps and navigation technology were adopted by “Spain” (ie, the united kingdoms of Ferdinand and Isabella) to explore western routes.
With Cannonballs, I was mixing the invention gunpowder in China (11th century) with the Turkish attacks that finally conquered Byzantium in the 15th century. It took a long time for this technology to travel west. It doesn’t change the point of my comment, but it’s always important to get the history correct.
One should have caution with correlation versus causation presuming ‘this leads to that’ as if historical events in a timeline are just linear without conditions in place… History book read that way, but present realities at any time are always subject to whatever forces are in play… TYT and Wolf pack continuously push the notion that this timeline should not be about dominos where our hands are tied, but that we are actice participants in the creation of how history will one day read… No doubt some things matter more than others, but the realities of geopolitics throughout history are far more complex than even the most important paradigm shifts of any given age…
Cenk, I am still appauled the disrespect you give Trump. At least be a little civil because you are sinking to a new low in my book. Maybe lighten up with the name calling because I have to try so hard not to end my membership.
I have read a great post of my elderly neighbor that I would like to share with the TYT crew.
Randy Buker
November 1 at 8:51pm · Parkers Prairie ·
Why support Trump?
I’ll get into personal reasons in a minute. First, I want to explain how he even became the republican candidate.
Trump whooped a bunch of establishment republicans to become the candidate. Why? Because America is pissed off. They are sick of the politicians who are only for themselves as they struggle to make ends meet and to pay their health insurance. The republican party is seriously broken. America stepped up to slap the party across the face by electing Trump to be their candidate. Why? Because out of those 17 candidates, he is the ONLY one that promised to deviate far enough away from a broken and dysfunctional system.
Before you jump up and down and say the republican voters are screwed up and wrong, keep in mind that the exact same thing happened with Bernie Sanders and the democrats. The truth has leaked out (no matter what you think or say, the WikiLeaks documents and actions of the DNC prove that) that Bernie likely won the nomination but things were, in fact, rigged against him. But Bernie got as far as he did for the same reasons as Trump. America is pissed off at the establishment and the helplessness they feel when dealing with that establishment.
Both Trump and Sanders offered hope for real and honest change as opposed to the promises of change with Obama that never happened.
But, that’s the national view. You asked about personal so I’ll share that.
I guess I’m a Trump supporter. Why? Because I care about this country and am sick and tired of seeing where it’s been and where it’s headed under another career politician.
But, that doesn’t mean I approve of the things he has said or done. Quite the opposite.
I so honestly believe that Hillary is the MOST corrupt politician this nation has seen that she makes Nixon look like a choir boy. I believe that with poor relations she has with foreign nations, WWIII is on our door step with her at the helm. I believe that our second amendment will be severely damaged under her “rule.” I can not tolerate the idea of ever electing someone who basically doesn’t care about the many, many, many murders of unborn children in this country and even supports it up to the moment of birth. Look into the eyes of your grandbabies and tell me I’m wrong.
Hillary has proven she is corrupt. If you look at what she said vs. what James Comey said about the emails, you will see she is corrupt. Lies come too easily for her.
Trust me, I could go on and on about how bad Hillary is but this isn’t about her. It’s about why I support Trump.
So, why do I support him even considering the things he’s said and done?
I think he’s got some good answers. His business sense and his financial success tells me that he knows how to run finances. Our country is so far in debt right now that our grandchildren will never be able to dig out from under the debt. And our last administration doubled it. Shameful.
So, lots of folks are jumping up and down right now screaming about how he filed bankruptcy on some of his ventures. I don’t know the details on those and neither do you. But, I believe it was Trump’s way of cutting his losses rather than throwing good money after bad. It very likely was a good financial decision. Was it moral? Ethical? I don’t know. And I don’t know because I don’t know the details. What I do know is that I know many good and decent, moral and ethical people who have had to go bankrupt or had a house foreclosed on. That doesn’t make them bad people any more than it makes Trump a bad person. If you think it does, then you are applying a double standard.
He hasn’t shared his taxes and likely hasn’t paid a dime in a decade. Lots of folks screaming that he’s scamming the system. But, as he states, he’s audited nearly every year. It’s clear he’s not scamming anyone but rather is following the tax code and laws as close to the letter as he can. Wise business move, I’d say. I know that in my business I don’t pay any more taxes than I have to. I use every deduction I have coming and I follow the laws. These are the same laws Trump follows and they are the laws that folks just like Sanders and Clinton have put into place. If they weren’t good laws, they should have changed them. If you are still upset about him not paying more taxes, let me ask you… Do you pay more taxes than you are legally required to? No? Neither does Donald Trump. It’s really a no brainer.
Is Trump a racist? I don’t think so. If you look at his history, he’s been very active with minorities and has personally given money to charities that a racist wouldn’t support. (google it) I look at the issues that are racial in nature that gave folks this idea. There’s folks out there that say they tried to rent at a Trump property and were turned down because they were black. Maybe that’s true. Or, was there another legit reason and they happened to be black? Not everything is about race. But, if it was, do you honestly think Trump looked at those rental applications and told the building manager to turn them down? I don’t believe, for a moment that he reviews all rental agreements and applications personally. He hires folks for that. And I believe it’s possible some of them may have made the decision to act because of someone’s color. It’s true that shit runs uphill and the buck stops with him but in an organization as large as his, he can’t personally supervise everything.
It’s interesting to read the reports of black people who have worked for and closely to Donald Trump. They report NO racism at all. Odd he would be racist sometimes and not at others?
Now we come to immigration. He wants a wall. Bill Clinton advocated for a wall and people cheered. Hillary said there are places where a “barrier” was needed.(Barrier is another word for wall). Some folks said he was a racist because he wants a wall. he said Mexico was sending us their least desirable folks. He said some committed crimes or were rapists. I want to emphasize and put it into context because so many people say he said Mexicans were murders and rapists. He did NOT say that and if you think he did, all you have to do is go to youtube and listen to those words yourself.
A wall isn’t about racism. It’s about protecting our resources from ILLEGAL aliens. You see, coming into this country without proper forms, documents and reasons is against the law. There’s no point having laws if folks don’t have to follow them. If that’s what Americans really want then have your congressional representatives change the laws allowing anyone to come in for any reason. Then they won’t be illegals.
And Muslims. He has called for extreme vetting prior to letting the refugees. What’s the problem with that? Seems to make sense. Unless of course you are willing to bring the problems Germany, France and Australia are having with Muslim refugees. Personally, I don’t want to bring that wrath down on America. America is THE most hated western country for the Muslims. Bringing them in by the hundreds of thousands like Hillary wants to do will bring us all the problems that Germany, France and Australia have ten fold.
Oh, and this extreme vetting is not racist. Islam is a religion and not a race. I hear people say he’s racist because of it and I have to chuckle at their ignorance.
Finally (I know there is more but I am just hitting on the most common gripes) Trump said bad things about women. He sure did. I’m not condoning what he said. I think it was wrong and very tacky.
First, let’s talk about what he said. He reminded me of an 11th grade boy in the locker room who just went to second base for the first time. Full of BS and tall tales. But, let’s be honest here. I’ve heard men and boy say a lot worse. Also, let’s be honest. I’ve heard women say lots worse too.
But, did he do the things folks said he did? I don’t know and neither do you. It’s likely the truth lies somewhere between the worst of what is being said and the denial that he issues.
Trump has never made a secret of being a playboy. He once said he could never be elected because of his history with women. I think it’s because he bedded so many and many, I’m sure were married. Again, I don’t condone that behavior. But, the odds are that many of you reading this have had extra marital affairs. Don’t be throwing stones, that glass house is fragile.
But what of the women coming forward to say he kissed them or touched them without their consent? Could be. I don’t know. And neither do you. Apparently how he did it wasn’t very traumatizing for them because none came forward before all this crap came to light. I see it as little more than a campaign move. If he did what they said, then they should have called the police and had him charged.
The problem is and always has been that rich and powerful men have always felt they have some sort of entitlement to women. This was true of Bill Clinton (who actually had reports of rape against him) and John F. Kennedy. There are plenty of other stories about the sexual antics of the rich and powerful from athletes to actors to politicians.
It’s not right. But it is a fact.
So, if I had to summarize it all up, I’d have to say I support Trump because he’s not Hillary. The third party candidates don’t stand a chance against Trump or Hillary and I won’t waste my vote.
I see Hillary as the most evil and corrupt politician in the history of this country. The things she’s done make Ted Kenney and his issue with Mary Jo Kopechne look mild. And keep in mind how many more years of being a career politician he had after contributing to her death following an illicit affair.
Please lay off Trump, I want to here how his plan is going to affect things with facts! Not NUKES!
I’m so disappointed in Obama. In my eyes, his reputation is greatly tarnished by his non-action at Standing Rock. He should go there in person. That he doesn’t do that, diminishes him as president. I always knew he was too corporate friendly for my taste, but this plunges him to a new low.
Hey Obama, what is your generally rule on armed police and paid guards using DOGS & pepper spray & rubber bullets against unarmed protestors? Oh, okay Obam, you would be on the side of the police in Selma, Alabama?
Right? Right? Interesting. Maybe if the police used water cannons THEN he would do something to help the protestors. Okay, fire-hoses is the absolute LAST straw, right?
I think the reason Obama says”let it play out out for a few weeks”, is because they know that that Sacred Stone camp floods every winter when the river freezes and ice jams. The Natives will have to move to another location that limits their access to protective positions. They are going to try to remove them with nature. That and they are trying to keep the banksters from divesting through “extend and pretend” politics. Obama has no intention of respecting their rights under treaty. No president ever has, no president ever will. IMO. I’ve lived in Montana and Wyoming my whole life. My communities have raped these Americans all the 56 years of my life. Breaks my heart.
While I was in that swamp, I saw something else. I think Fox News might be getting nervous that someone might want to encroach on their territory. TYT mentioned this in the past.
Sorry for links to Fox News. I thought they were interesting. But- since I went to FoxNews.com, I’ve noticed Siri’s vocabulary seems to have been cut in half. Plus, she’s learned a few racial epithets. Follow the links at your own risk.
So what’s the solution for the DAPL? If protecting the water in the Missouri River is the first concern and protecting tribal lands is next what is the solution? How do both sides win? The pipeline going under the river is a plus compared to over, gravity in most circumstances will pull oil away from the river in the event of a spill. Double walled pipeline I’ve heard is used up in Alaska where the ground freezes. is this being employed under and around the river? Rerouting around sacred land should have been dealt with in the planning stages but could still be done now with extra cost (I bet Dapl won’t be paying for this). Let’s be productive.
The way how Cenk and John mock the possibility that the “Vote Trump” inscription might be a work of dirty politics is not an objective reporting, considering the network of Clinton’s hatched job goons like Robert Creamer (featured in Wikileaks’ Podesta mails). Not that this is should be a leading version as there are enough natural imbecile racists out there, but, alas, it has to be treated as a real possibility also.
why is the Nov 1st archives button redirecting me to Nov 2nd video..?.. Dag Nab it!
“If you have a Confederate Flag you are a traitor” .. What if it’s a spoil of war? ;)
Yeah be nice to that failure rapist who hurts American companies and wants to fuck his own daughter! “Cenk” is such a shit bag.
Rant @ 42:30 is the greatest
The confederates being remembered as traitors is rather ironic when America itself can be considered to have been founded by a group of traitors. for example George Washington would never have been able to win independence if he didn’t have previous military experience in the British army.
that’s true. And the British couldn’t have created the colonies without massacring the native people there. They never could have built their navy that eventually created a global empire without first commissioning pirates to steal gold from the Spanish who got to the new world first. The Spanish wouldn’t have had the navy they had without taking over the Portuguese navy, who got where they were because of Islamic technology from the Islamic caliphate that occupied Spain. They couldn’t have occupied Spain without the invention of the stirrup to lead horses into battle as an effective calvary and the cannonball, which comes from China, and China couldn’t have gotten where they got before they had to prepare for war with the Mongols, and so on and so on, back through history. Who started something, and who is betraying who, just depends on how far you want to go back, and how far our records go back.
Correct your historical records, cannons were not introduced to the world until the 15th century plus Spain already had a powerful navy of its own before taking Portugal in the 1580s.
As for crimes, every empire committed one, it is what happens next that matters and modern European empires (unlike the Roman empire which had a number of foreign non-European Caesars) differ from the rest in their imposition of racial and linguistic supremacy.
thanks for the correction. I was going off of memory. You’re right about Spain and Portugal. I was being deliberately vague there, since when we refer to historical places with names we recognize today, it’s never totally accurate. What I referred to as “Spain” when the Muslims occupied that area, was nothing like the current borders of Spain, and was not called Spain. When “Spain” first built their armada, they were the kingdoms of Aragon and Castille, and there were alliances with what we now call Portugal, but Portugal made some of the first major explorations around the African Continent, so their maps and navigation technology were adopted by “Spain” (ie, the united kingdoms of Ferdinand and Isabella) to explore western routes.
With Cannonballs, I was mixing the invention gunpowder in China (11th century) with the Turkish attacks that finally conquered Byzantium in the 15th century. It took a long time for this technology to travel west. It doesn’t change the point of my comment, but it’s always important to get the history correct.
One should have caution with correlation versus causation presuming ‘this leads to that’ as if historical events in a timeline are just linear without conditions in place… History book read that way, but present realities at any time are always subject to whatever forces are in play… TYT and Wolf pack continuously push the notion that this timeline should not be about dominos where our hands are tied, but that we are actice participants in the creation of how history will one day read… No doubt some things matter more than others, but the realities of geopolitics throughout history are far more complex than even the most important paradigm shifts of any given age…
(“books” and “active” obviously… my damn pug distracting my present)
America will eat the South, praise Jesus
Cenk, I am still appauled the disrespect you give Trump. At least be a little civil because you are sinking to a new low in my book. Maybe lighten up with the name calling because I have to try so hard not to end my membership.
I have read a great post of my elderly neighbor that I would like to share with the TYT crew.
Randy Buker
November 1 at 8:51pm · Parkers Prairie ·
Why support Trump?
I’ll get into personal reasons in a minute. First, I want to explain how he even became the republican candidate.
Trump whooped a bunch of establishment republicans to become the candidate. Why? Because America is pissed off. They are sick of the politicians who are only for themselves as they struggle to make ends meet and to pay their health insurance. The republican party is seriously broken. America stepped up to slap the party across the face by electing Trump to be their candidate. Why? Because out of those 17 candidates, he is the ONLY one that promised to deviate far enough away from a broken and dysfunctional system.
Before you jump up and down and say the republican voters are screwed up and wrong, keep in mind that the exact same thing happened with Bernie Sanders and the democrats. The truth has leaked out (no matter what you think or say, the WikiLeaks documents and actions of the DNC prove that) that Bernie likely won the nomination but things were, in fact, rigged against him. But Bernie got as far as he did for the same reasons as Trump. America is pissed off at the establishment and the helplessness they feel when dealing with that establishment.
Both Trump and Sanders offered hope for real and honest change as opposed to the promises of change with Obama that never happened.
But, that’s the national view. You asked about personal so I’ll share that.
I guess I’m a Trump supporter. Why? Because I care about this country and am sick and tired of seeing where it’s been and where it’s headed under another career politician.
But, that doesn’t mean I approve of the things he has said or done. Quite the opposite.
I so honestly believe that Hillary is the MOST corrupt politician this nation has seen that she makes Nixon look like a choir boy. I believe that with poor relations she has with foreign nations, WWIII is on our door step with her at the helm. I believe that our second amendment will be severely damaged under her “rule.” I can not tolerate the idea of ever electing someone who basically doesn’t care about the many, many, many murders of unborn children in this country and even supports it up to the moment of birth. Look into the eyes of your grandbabies and tell me I’m wrong.
Hillary has proven she is corrupt. If you look at what she said vs. what James Comey said about the emails, you will see she is corrupt. Lies come too easily for her.
Trust me, I could go on and on about how bad Hillary is but this isn’t about her. It’s about why I support Trump.
So, why do I support him even considering the things he’s said and done?
I think he’s got some good answers. His business sense and his financial success tells me that he knows how to run finances. Our country is so far in debt right now that our grandchildren will never be able to dig out from under the debt. And our last administration doubled it. Shameful.
So, lots of folks are jumping up and down right now screaming about how he filed bankruptcy on some of his ventures. I don’t know the details on those and neither do you. But, I believe it was Trump’s way of cutting his losses rather than throwing good money after bad. It very likely was a good financial decision. Was it moral? Ethical? I don’t know. And I don’t know because I don’t know the details. What I do know is that I know many good and decent, moral and ethical people who have had to go bankrupt or had a house foreclosed on. That doesn’t make them bad people any more than it makes Trump a bad person. If you think it does, then you are applying a double standard.
He hasn’t shared his taxes and likely hasn’t paid a dime in a decade. Lots of folks screaming that he’s scamming the system. But, as he states, he’s audited nearly every year. It’s clear he’s not scamming anyone but rather is following the tax code and laws as close to the letter as he can. Wise business move, I’d say. I know that in my business I don’t pay any more taxes than I have to. I use every deduction I have coming and I follow the laws. These are the same laws Trump follows and they are the laws that folks just like Sanders and Clinton have put into place. If they weren’t good laws, they should have changed them. If you are still upset about him not paying more taxes, let me ask you… Do you pay more taxes than you are legally required to? No? Neither does Donald Trump. It’s really a no brainer.
Is Trump a racist? I don’t think so. If you look at his history, he’s been very active with minorities and has personally given money to charities that a racist wouldn’t support. (google it) I look at the issues that are racial in nature that gave folks this idea. There’s folks out there that say they tried to rent at a Trump property and were turned down because they were black. Maybe that’s true. Or, was there another legit reason and they happened to be black? Not everything is about race. But, if it was, do you honestly think Trump looked at those rental applications and told the building manager to turn them down? I don’t believe, for a moment that he reviews all rental agreements and applications personally. He hires folks for that. And I believe it’s possible some of them may have made the decision to act because of someone’s color. It’s true that shit runs uphill and the buck stops with him but in an organization as large as his, he can’t personally supervise everything.
It’s interesting to read the reports of black people who have worked for and closely to Donald Trump. They report NO racism at all. Odd he would be racist sometimes and not at others?
Now we come to immigration. He wants a wall. Bill Clinton advocated for a wall and people cheered. Hillary said there are places where a “barrier” was needed.(Barrier is another word for wall). Some folks said he was a racist because he wants a wall. he said Mexico was sending us their least desirable folks. He said some committed crimes or were rapists. I want to emphasize and put it into context because so many people say he said Mexicans were murders and rapists. He did NOT say that and if you think he did, all you have to do is go to youtube and listen to those words yourself.
A wall isn’t about racism. It’s about protecting our resources from ILLEGAL aliens. You see, coming into this country without proper forms, documents and reasons is against the law. There’s no point having laws if folks don’t have to follow them. If that’s what Americans really want then have your congressional representatives change the laws allowing anyone to come in for any reason. Then they won’t be illegals.
And Muslims. He has called for extreme vetting prior to letting the refugees. What’s the problem with that? Seems to make sense. Unless of course you are willing to bring the problems Germany, France and Australia are having with Muslim refugees. Personally, I don’t want to bring that wrath down on America. America is THE most hated western country for the Muslims. Bringing them in by the hundreds of thousands like Hillary wants to do will bring us all the problems that Germany, France and Australia have ten fold.
Oh, and this extreme vetting is not racist. Islam is a religion and not a race. I hear people say he’s racist because of it and I have to chuckle at their ignorance.
Finally (I know there is more but I am just hitting on the most common gripes) Trump said bad things about women. He sure did. I’m not condoning what he said. I think it was wrong and very tacky.
First, let’s talk about what he said. He reminded me of an 11th grade boy in the locker room who just went to second base for the first time. Full of BS and tall tales. But, let’s be honest here. I’ve heard men and boy say a lot worse. Also, let’s be honest. I’ve heard women say lots worse too.
But, did he do the things folks said he did? I don’t know and neither do you. It’s likely the truth lies somewhere between the worst of what is being said and the denial that he issues.
Trump has never made a secret of being a playboy. He once said he could never be elected because of his history with women. I think it’s because he bedded so many and many, I’m sure were married. Again, I don’t condone that behavior. But, the odds are that many of you reading this have had extra marital affairs. Don’t be throwing stones, that glass house is fragile.
But what of the women coming forward to say he kissed them or touched them without their consent? Could be. I don’t know. And neither do you. Apparently how he did it wasn’t very traumatizing for them because none came forward before all this crap came to light. I see it as little more than a campaign move. If he did what they said, then they should have called the police and had him charged.
The problem is and always has been that rich and powerful men have always felt they have some sort of entitlement to women. This was true of Bill Clinton (who actually had reports of rape against him) and John F. Kennedy. There are plenty of other stories about the sexual antics of the rich and powerful from athletes to actors to politicians.
It’s not right. But it is a fact.
So, if I had to summarize it all up, I’d have to say I support Trump because he’s not Hillary. The third party candidates don’t stand a chance against Trump or Hillary and I won’t waste my vote.
I see Hillary as the most evil and corrupt politician in the history of this country. The things she’s done make Ted Kenney and his issue with Mary Jo Kopechne look mild. And keep in mind how many more years of being a career politician he had after contributing to her death following an illicit affair.
Please lay off Trump, I want to here how his plan is going to affect things with facts! Not NUKES!
Your pal says he is not racist, his post says he is.
He voted for Trump because he thinks Trump will bring back Jim Crow.
I’m so disappointed in Obama. In my eyes, his reputation is greatly tarnished by his non-action at Standing Rock. He should go there in person. That he doesn’t do that, diminishes him as president. I always knew he was too corporate friendly for my taste, but this plunges him to a new low.
Where can i watch the interviews with Joss Whedon and Susan Surandon?
Almost certainly on the TYT Interviews channel:
But not yet obviously.
Obama’s equivocation on DAPL might also be to avoid forcing Clinton to speak out on the subject. Neither will stand up to big oil/business.
i can’t saying i’m gonna say this but i’m a lesbian who has a crush on johnny pie
Great show! Man I can’t wait for this election shit storm to be over. Keep up the good work and keep up the current volume levels! Lol
Hey O’Bama, how does that Pig Oil Semen taste dripping from your lips?
Hey Obama, what is your generally rule on armed police and paid guards using DOGS & pepper spray & rubber bullets against unarmed protestors? Oh, okay Obam, you would be on the side of the police in Selma, Alabama?
Right? Right? Interesting. Maybe if the police used water cannons THEN he would do something to help the protestors. Okay, fire-hoses is the absolute LAST straw, right?
I think the reason Obama says”let it play out out for a few weeks”, is because they know that that Sacred Stone camp floods every winter when the river freezes and ice jams. The Natives will have to move to another location that limits their access to protective positions. They are going to try to remove them with nature. That and they are trying to keep the banksters from divesting through “extend and pretend” politics. Obama has no intention of respecting their rights under treaty. No president ever has, no president ever will. IMO. I’ve lived in Montana and Wyoming my whole life. My communities have raped these Americans all the 56 years of my life. Breaks my heart.
I was looking for Fox News coverage of the recent police killings. I didn’t see much. But- I saw this. It seems like a weird defense of a cop killer.
While I was in that swamp, I saw something else. I think Fox News might be getting nervous that someone might want to encroach on their territory. TYT mentioned this in the past.
Sorry for links to Fox News. I thought they were interesting. But- since I went to FoxNews.com, I’ve noticed Siri’s vocabulary seems to have been cut in half. Plus, she’s learned a few racial epithets. Follow the links at your own risk.
So what’s the solution for the DAPL? If protecting the water in the Missouri River is the first concern and protecting tribal lands is next what is the solution? How do both sides win? The pipeline going under the river is a plus compared to over, gravity in most circumstances will pull oil away from the river in the event of a spill. Double walled pipeline I’ve heard is used up in Alaska where the ground freezes. is this being employed under and around the river? Rerouting around sacred land should have been dealt with in the planning stages but could still be done now with extra cost (I bet Dapl won’t be paying for this). Let’s be productive.
The way how Cenk and John mock the possibility that the “Vote Trump” inscription might be a work of dirty politics is not an objective reporting, considering the network of Clinton’s hatched job goons like Robert Creamer (featured in Wikileaks’ Podesta mails). Not that this is should be a leading version as there are enough natural imbecile racists out there, but, alas, it has to be treated as a real possibility also.
Someone (Marx) once said that government = administrator of corporations. Obama is proving the point. There’s your Capitalism.
Not Ohio – IOWA! Sheesh
once again the web teams is very inattentive….
Obama = LOSER
except for the 2 times he won