Frumpy will use the war on terrorism like Reagan used the War on Drugs. Super charging stations. Batteries for phones do this. Eggs are good. My mom raises chickens. My mother almost died of blood poisioning because she literally only drinks mountain dew and amp. She drinks more amp now than mountain dew. My dad almost died of his first stroke, only 1 in 3 survive the stroke he suffered.
It’s just crazy. Like talking your Dad off the wall. He was the one who convinced my mom I wasn’t normal and needed to go live in a psychiatric hospital. He literally went in and out of them so many times, I lost count. My mom believes I inherited “it” and my dad literally just lost his mind in his 50s because his mom past away and it devastated him until this year. I’m shy, so using my words is my only strength. The face is scientifically proven to be the most attractive feature to man who look at porn. “The Donald Scores Again, The Donald Scores Again.” Caugh Caugh, deodorant. Mary Jane literally just makes me sleep. I feel bad about dating her. Lol, the only woman I will probably ever marry. Cenk, your jokes make my day, Uygur. Silent prayer is really easy. Just do that whenever you remember, if you can’t pray aloud. I do it a lot. I pray for whatever I feel the need to. I prayed for rain in California for three days and on the third day, it rained. Earthquakes and Climate change are man-made. But so was frion in the roaring 20s. Release the belrod. People are just selfish. Not everyone. My minister talks to me about Being a true Christian and he doesn’t care that I’m gay and pangender. He literally drove an hour to allow a homeless man to live in his house. The only verbal response I’ve gotten while praying was to answer my question on the sexually immoral. Sex without love was the answer, I’m paraphrasing, the full response was, “people who sleep with others for only sexual pleasure.” Gay people love to love. People love. When I pray, I’m overcome with emotion. I pray silently when I’m unsure of decisions to make in my life, its how I judge if something is right for me or wrong. Sin is literally described as all wrongdoing and Jesus wants us to not sin and to follow his commandments. The law. Once you follow his commands, you are exempt from the law. But you still have to abide by the law. Life is a bitch.
So much hate for Has! Since he’s started on the show, he’s showed me that it’s not only women who get hate on, no matter what, for having a strong opinion while being confident and attractive. Do you, boo.
I’m a vegan, and I’m just glad you guys brought up the connection between animal agriculture and climate change! It’s a start, and I’ll take it.
To begin transitioning into a plant-based/ vegan lifestyle is all about the mental transition, honestly. You certainly don’t have to go cold turkey overnight, either. I sure as hell didn’t. Doing it once a week even makes an impact.
Anyone who thinks God supports Trump is not a Christian. Jesus was a socialist, had no job, everything he got was a gift from others. These loons need to get out of Christianity, they make ppl think all Christians are bat shit crazy. Jesus said its easier for a camel to get though the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get in the kingdom of God. Don’t think he would vote for Trump.
Great about the Wes-thing! I tweeted him about the 5%-number when I watched the OS-episode and I’m glad he corrected himself. Looking forward to hearing his big announcement!
And as always, awesome episode.
Cheers from loving vegan xx
Electric cars are generating more jobs than fossil fuels. No surprise there. Just like when digital cameras first came out they were 1 mega pixel cameras. Which was useless. After diverting resources and research, digital cameras are now far superior to camera’s that use chemical based film. That’s the same thing that is happening with electric cars. More research and development will make electric cars far more superior to gasoline based cars. For instance there are Tesla electric cars that can go 0-60 mph in 2.5 seconds! Which is now the second fastest consumer car ever built. The range will be increased when they develop higher capacity batteries. Either with graphene batteries or some other newly developed technology.
Loved the show. Would love to see a conversation about some recent research on how introducing seaweed to cows’ diets drastically reduces their methane output (which for the most part is coming from burps, not farts). keep up the good work!
Piker, can you EVER just say 2 sentences about YOUR opinion and then SHUT UP? I’m so sick of you rambling ON, and ON, and ON. I left the room when you were talking and when I came back you still hadn’t finished. We don’t need to know YOUR OPINION on EVERYTHING! I should have gone with my first inclination and not watched when I found out you were on this show.
I lived in Shanghai China for 12 years and never felt sick, Beijing has smog issues a lot associated to the dust from the Gobi desert, thousand of trees have being planted. The number of cars are a big problem adding to the air pollution. / I am so glad they are leading the drive to change oil to electric.
Shanghai is one of the modernist and progressive city in the world also very safe. The Metro has fast electric trains. travel around 150mph that run every 3 minutes, ten million people use the system on average each day. Their fastest train the Maglev travels at 268 mph up to 311 mph also a German design, 2nd fastest train in the world. Are they trying to address smog most certainly.
About 6 years ago they doubled their storm water drain size in anticipation of more flooding due to climate change in all the biggest cities.
Jesus I was thinking of turning it off as soon as I saw Cenk but then Has sealed the deal, what a shity panel. Do they have to ruin everything? Someone should tell Has nepotism is a crutch and one he’s leaned on for way too long
The botox thing is just too much. It’s funny because the last segment on the main show that day was about the male birth control and Has and Cenk were both scared of crotch injections.
If you are getting rejected because of your wrinkly nut-sack, see different women.
Interestingly, botox for scrotum is already kind of a birth control since by preventing it from sweating (it is not only about the wrinkles) testicles overheat and start to produce much worse quality, potentially useless sperm; the temperature regime is critical for this organ. So Hasan and his possible children and in danger, if he will be use such measure.
Did you ever make an announcement? I guess I’ll find out, as I wade through all the last year’s shows!!!
I’m very disappointed this show was cancelled.
Is this show cancelled now?
I came to ask the same thing.
It’s now January 10, 2017 and no new show since November 1, 2016. So what’s the deal? At least tell us something!
Is this show cancelled now
Frumpy will use the war on terrorism like Reagan used the War on Drugs. Super charging stations. Batteries for phones do this. Eggs are good. My mom raises chickens. My mother almost died of blood poisioning because she literally only drinks mountain dew and amp. She drinks more amp now than mountain dew. My dad almost died of his first stroke, only 1 in 3 survive the stroke he suffered.
It’s just crazy. Like talking your Dad off the wall. He was the one who convinced my mom I wasn’t normal and needed to go live in a psychiatric hospital. He literally went in and out of them so many times, I lost count. My mom believes I inherited “it” and my dad literally just lost his mind in his 50s because his mom past away and it devastated him until this year. I’m shy, so using my words is my only strength. The face is scientifically proven to be the most attractive feature to man who look at porn. “The Donald Scores Again, The Donald Scores Again.” Caugh Caugh, deodorant. Mary Jane literally just makes me sleep. I feel bad about dating her. Lol, the only woman I will probably ever marry. Cenk, your jokes make my day, Uygur. Silent prayer is really easy. Just do that whenever you remember, if you can’t pray aloud. I do it a lot. I pray for whatever I feel the need to. I prayed for rain in California for three days and on the third day, it rained. Earthquakes and Climate change are man-made. But so was frion in the roaring 20s. Release the belrod. People are just selfish. Not everyone. My minister talks to me about Being a true Christian and he doesn’t care that I’m gay and pangender. He literally drove an hour to allow a homeless man to live in his house. The only verbal response I’ve gotten while praying was to answer my question on the sexually immoral. Sex without love was the answer, I’m paraphrasing, the full response was, “people who sleep with others for only sexual pleasure.” Gay people love to love. People love. When I pray, I’m overcome with emotion. I pray silently when I’m unsure of decisions to make in my life, its how I judge if something is right for me or wrong. Sin is literally described as all wrongdoing and Jesus wants us to not sin and to follow his commandments. The law. Once you follow his commands, you are exempt from the law. But you still have to abide by the law. Life is a bitch.
So much hate for Has! Since he’s started on the show, he’s showed me that it’s not only women who get hate on, no matter what, for having a strong opinion while being confident and attractive. Do you, boo.
I’m a vegan, and I’m just glad you guys brought up the connection between animal agriculture and climate change! It’s a start, and I’ll take it.
To begin transitioning into a plant-based/ vegan lifestyle is all about the mental transition, honestly. You certainly don’t have to go cold turkey overnight, either. I sure as hell didn’t. Doing it once a week even makes an impact.
I say the root of the problem is overpopulation. You want to save the world, have one kid at the most, none is even better.
Anyone who thinks God supports Trump is not a Christian. Jesus was a socialist, had no job, everything he got was a gift from others. These loons need to get out of Christianity, they make ppl think all Christians are bat shit crazy. Jesus said its easier for a camel to get though the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get in the kingdom of God. Don’t think he would vote for Trump.
Great about the Wes-thing! I tweeted him about the 5%-number when I watched the OS-episode and I’m glad he corrected himself. Looking forward to hearing his big announcement!
And as always, awesome episode.
Cheers from loving vegan xx
Electric cars are generating more jobs than fossil fuels. No surprise there. Just like when digital cameras first came out they were 1 mega pixel cameras. Which was useless. After diverting resources and research, digital cameras are now far superior to camera’s that use chemical based film. That’s the same thing that is happening with electric cars. More research and development will make electric cars far more superior to gasoline based cars. For instance there are Tesla electric cars that can go 0-60 mph in 2.5 seconds! Which is now the second fastest consumer car ever built. The range will be increased when they develop higher capacity batteries. Either with graphene batteries or some other newly developed technology.
Aida, I love you!!
Has, I’m sure that you are well meaning but please think about checking your ego…
Loved the show. Would love to see a conversation about some recent research on how introducing seaweed to cows’ diets drastically reduces their methane output (which for the most part is coming from burps, not farts). keep up the good work!
here’s a link to one of the reports on seaweed if it lets me post links here:
This is one idea on capturing the cow farts, I wouldn’t suggest smoking anywhere close to these guys!
Piker, can you EVER just say 2 sentences about YOUR opinion and then SHUT UP? I’m so sick of you rambling ON, and ON, and ON. I left the room when you were talking and when I came back you still hadn’t finished. We don’t need to know YOUR OPINION on EVERYTHING! I should have gone with my first inclination and not watched when I found out you were on this show.
The only non-wrinkly balls I have ever seen are super swollen ones that you can’t find the penis to put a cath in :\
I lived in Shanghai China for 12 years and never felt sick, Beijing has smog issues a lot associated to the dust from the Gobi desert, thousand of trees have being planted. The number of cars are a big problem adding to the air pollution. / I am so glad they are leading the drive to change oil to electric.
Shanghai is one of the modernist and progressive city in the world also very safe. The Metro has fast electric trains. travel around 150mph that run every 3 minutes, ten million people use the system on average each day. Their fastest train the Maglev travels at 268 mph up to 311 mph also a German design, 2nd fastest train in the world. Are they trying to address smog most certainly.
About 6 years ago they doubled their storm water drain size in anticipation of more flooding due to climate change in all the biggest cities.
Gotta give it up to Hassan for bringing up animal agricultures impact on the environment!
If men are getting botox in their balls, then there is no reason to think that men won’t get an injection for birth control.
I suppose that if they inject too much botox, then the fertility issue just becomes moot.
“The twin engines cannae take that kinda pressure, cap’ain! They’ll explode sir!”
I was looking forward to Wes, Malcolm, Dave, Jason, anyone but these fools
Agreed. Really cannot stand Has who is such an egomaniac and has relatively NO life experience but thinks he does.
In general–there are a few exceptions–I greatly prefer the older (40s+) contributors on TYT.
It’s not as bad as all that, but still more like a glorified Post Game than anything else.
Jesus I was thinking of turning it off as soon as I saw Cenk but then Has sealed the deal, what a shity panel. Do they have to ruin everything? Someone should tell Has nepotism is a crutch and one he’s leaned on for way too long
The botox thing is just too much. It’s funny because the last segment on the main show that day was about the male birth control and Has and Cenk were both scared of crotch injections.
If you are getting rejected because of your wrinkly nut-sack, see different women.
also. for the swamp-crotch issues see the product “Freshballs” endorsed by THE Jimmy Dore.
Interestingly, botox for scrotum is already kind of a birth control since by preventing it from sweating (it is not only about the wrinkles) testicles overheat and start to produce much worse quality, potentially useless sperm; the temperature regime is critical for this organ. So Hasan and his possible children and in danger, if he will be use such measure.
What the fuck. Way to ruin All Star Tuesday. Has was so horrible on this show on it’s debut. Well at least Wes isn’t on it this time so I can skip it.