Jimmy Dore and Steve Oh on this week’s Aggressive Progressives. The duo watch a Bernie Sanders speech from the early 90s stating the same issues he has been fighting for for nearly three decades. They also watch a Trump supporter’s passionate speech.

I thought it was falafel. Anyway…..a great show, a must watch.
I love you guys, I became a member tonight because of this show
1st, I love David Sirota. Great writer. 2nd, I love coming here and getting my Aggressive Progressives pick me up. It can be so brutal when you’re getting beat down all the time with how scary Trump is and that you threw away your vote not voting for HRC. You are just what I need. Thank you so much Jimmy and Steve!!
Jimmy Dore 4 president !
You two are my heroes!
Aggressive progressive for life!
Keep up the good work you two!
The “lesser of two evils” narrative is such a transparent ruse I simply cannot comprehend how it has worked for so long.
Thank you, Steve and Jimmy. This is fantastic content and the only reason I keep my TYT membership active!
Jimmy is that YOU?
Hillary, is that you?
…you seem less corrupt in print, but I’m sure that this is just the print.
The Michael Moore sound clip (you played) that described a lot of real hurting (from being beaten down over decades by the systems meant to protect all of us) Trump voters seemed to me to be pretty genuine and real of many millions of voters.
In an interview with Megan Kelly, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz5wIJUf6Ao , Michael Moore goes on to say that at the end of his movie, he wants everyone to vote for Hillary (even though a lot of us are experiencing this tragedy of inequality & injustice caused by our corrupt corporatist politician and their big money donors). BTW Moore once supported Bernie before Hillary.
I disagree with his current position as I think voting for Jill Stein is the RIGHT vote for ‘we the people’.
You guys are really really very very amazing phenomenally bright and y’all get it. This show was one of the best so far – mainly because you started right away with the stories and you kept moving (transitioning) from story to story with good intelligent & concise commentary.
I do agree that you both need more time to expand your commentary/discussions and to add a few more important stories that are out there which keep getting left out.
Fully agree with your post
Seems like a majority wants more Aggressive Progressives. I’d vote YES for 2 shows at 2 hrs for each (Tue & Thu).
I second that. More than that, I couldn’t keep up with.
But, whatever works for Jimmy and Steve Oh, is cool.
Ah, so now Jimmy is a tool of the Gremlins. As I’d always suspected.
Hey, he could be beholden to worse creatures – he could be a tool of one the Democratic or Republican Parties, preaching to everyone about the lesser of two evils strategy, which led only to a continuing lesser of two evils strategy, and nothing more.
Roger on the frustration, Jim and Steve. The best you can hope for, is that history will prove you right. Or at least, history will show how silly we were, attacking supporters of candidates we don’t like, and following outdated strategies that have never worked, instead of focusing on solutions.
I’m real curious, to see how Trump supporters will be portrayed 6 months AFTER the election, when there is no longer any pressure to belittle candidates on either side.
My anecdotal experience, has been the same as Moore’s – there are a few clueless individuals repeating propaganda, but most of them are making sense. I’m just not buying that the ‘average’ Trump supporter sounds like the image that the TYT team is trying to give us. Again, the best time to judge this, is AFTER the election dies down.
Meantime, maybe TYT will want to interview a Taxi driver in one of the big cites, who arguably has some finer insights into the plight of the poor and middle class, than most of us. See if they sound deranged or clueless or make a ‘mockery’ of themselves; or if maybe we’re just throwing our fellow voters under the bus, in order to support our own flawed corporate candidate.
Keep it coming, Jim, Gremlin stooge that you are, heh. And don’t let Steve Oh out of your sight, for too long. We need you both.
dcwhatthe_1, your point is valid, but I think that you will find that many “rational” Trump voters will resort to their own party propaganda, such as, “we need someone who knows business to be the president.” This belief is just as dangerous as the “lesser of two evils.” Even though you could explain to them the fallacy of that belief, they would find it impossible to believe you because they know, in their gut, that “business” is good, “government” is bad, which is more party propaganda. Whether the supporter is clueless or can string enough propaganda together to sound rational, the “deplorables” are not critically thinking.
dcwhatthe_1, I am interested in reading an example or two from your anecdotal experience of Trump supporters that make sense.
Thank you guys for doing this show! This is the only reason i’m still subscribed here. It’s heartbreaking how deep into the politics of fear the other hosts have fallen.
The main team still has some good material, Kalylsta. I’m staying away from them for the duration of the election season, because of their tactics and how clearly their integrity has been compromised, when it comes to Donald Trump, or rather when it comes to Trump supporters. But overall my membership has been well worth the cost.
Anyway, I understand your reaction, Kalysta. I’m just not willing to paint the main TYT team with the same broad stroke, that they are painting their fellow voters who don’t agree with them.
Fuck the two-hour show. I want Aggressive Progressives EVERY DAY! I’d upgrade my membership for that!
As always, Jimmy is embarrassing himself with delusional crap about Brexit, Trump voters and racism.
First Brexit, the EU was never popular with the conservatives and they went into oblivion for 10 years over it and Cameron was pro-Brexit before coming to power and advocating against it when he realised how bad it would be. Half of all Brexit voters voted on ideological principle of an independent Britain with full economic control especially on regulation (according to post Brexit polls they want less regulation) and a large segment were non-white labour voters who benefited from the EU being from the Blairite wing of the party. Ultra leftists (Corbyn and Benn among others) were also against it from the get go even when it drastically enhanced working conditions and welfare state for the working class also for ideological reasons. Then we get the racists, 30-35% of the voters for Brexit, who voted because of racism.
Second, Trump voters. For the umpteenth time the median Trump voter earns 50% more than the median income in the US, or 75k. There are not poor, they don’t get welfare, they are racists. Jordan had done a great job interviewing them and unlike previous elections they are out and proud of their racism. In the great recession White unemployment barely rose and quickly recovered, Whites earn now more than any time in the history of the united states and income inequality among them while high is lower than with other races or inside other races. White Household wealth is still the highest in the US and fully recovered from the depression and white home ownership rate is also at historical highs. There is no economic crisis in white America except in rural areas and even these have a higher income than inner cities.
Finally, racism. Racism is real and it is not just the cops. It is on every level of society and people are now owning it. A vote for Trump is a vote to empower racism and this is a slippery slope you do not want to go to.
sec, your post seems to be taking issue whilst either misinterpreting Jimmy and Steve or not knowing what you are talking about:
— BREXIT: Your commentary isn’t much different than our heros. They said “maybe 50%” racisit and you said 30-35% (I would tend to think the higher number but that’s quibbiling). They said the majority of the vote was to send a big FU to establishment because of EU control and perceived wealth redistribution to the rich. You commented on the fact that many BREXITER’s voted against there interest (true) and the ideaology of full econonmic control wanting less regulation. Can you not see that those factors are not inconsistent? If not you need some more classes in critical thinking.
— Trump voters: So the median income of Trump voters is $72k (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/6/3/1534120/-Meet-your-average-Trump-Voter-hint-they-aren-t-working-class). Not what you said but again I won’t quibble. But that means half of them earn less! And the point Michael Moore makes that Jimmy so resonates with is that their income has been declining! You state in the great recession, “White unemployment barely rose and quickly recovered”… but statistics show more than half of those whites who lost employement took jobs that paid less or had less benefits. You clearly don’t get Jimmy and Steve’s point at all.
— Racisim: FInally something that you got entirely right. But why would you think Jimmy and Steve would disgaree with this though? No evidence… Their point is many *desparate* people don’t want to vote for Hillary because they see her as an agent of the forces that have screwed them, and they’re right! We need real progressive alternatives to vote for, whether they com from within the Democratic Party or from a third party!
With regards to Brexit, the interpretation that the vote was a big FU to the establishment is wrong, the establishment, that is the Conservative Party Leadership and the Labour Party Leadership, were both in their majority pro-Brexit, the majority of the Conservative cabinet actively campaigned for Brexit, the PM was a former Brexiter himself, Corbyn never actively campaigned for the organisation he railed against from the 70s until he became the leader of the Labour party. Brexit was always mainstream and always strongly supported by the establishment and a large segment of the non-financial portion of the British economy. The reason it did not happen sooner was Blair and the economic crash after him.
As for voting against their interest, not necessarily true. If Brexit does in fact lead to a reduction of the number of foreigners in the UK it will be quite beneficial and we have seen this reflected in property prices, employment figures and wage inflation figures, you have to understand that immigration is actually a real issue in Britain where 1 in every 10 employees is a low wage EU import who only can make it in Britain because EU regulations demand the UK to treat him as a UK citizen and therefore has a right to claim benefits and while the number in the US is similar the UK has the disadvantages of space and 75% labour participation rate.
On the question of Trump voters, 72k is not that far away from 75k, both are within the top 25% of all income earners and assuming their incomes have the same standard deviation as the rest of the population (about 20k) that still makes about 60-70% of all Trump supporters earning at least 50k or more, basically middle class and upper middle class. As for the whites who returned to employment with less salary and less benefits, they are still a very very tiny % of the overall white employment situation (and were averaged out by the increase in white college educated STEM graduates who have a starting income at about the same as the median income) or else they would have dragged white incomes down in the calculation of the median instead of up and since white GINI coefficient actually went down (meaning more equality) that means all categories of white income rose at about the same rate with the lowest 50% rising higher than the top 50%.
Finally about racism, I don’t theorise about horse teeth shapes when I can open the damn horse’s mouth. Jordan Cheriton interviewed hundreds of Trump supporters and other media outlets interviewed 10s of thousands. While a certain segment of voters won’t vote for Hillary out of partisanship the majority are not voting for her because she is not a racist as Trump. The people interviewed are middle class or upper middle class people from states that grew exponentially because of NAFTA like Georgia, Florida and North Carolina (all doubled their population since 1990 and probably tripled by 2020), they live comfortably and have secure jobs. There is no logical reason to vote for Trump except racism and they said it out loud, Trump says the truth that no one says, time and time again these words or others of the same meaning have been uttered and the only way to interpret them is racism because when asked to explain those who dare to say it out loud, whites, not Americans, are facing genocide or economic damage.
“It’s all about the racism”? You’re great on facts – for which I always commend you – but not so great on theories and philosophy.
Aggressive Progressives the best show on TYT!! Jimmy for president!!
He is, somewhere in the Multi-verse!
PLEASE do a 2 hour show! And please provide links to the info you’re siting – the soldier who’s paying $650/month so we can bomb more people…
I agree , Please do! I will promise to increase my contribution level if you do!
Love the show, Jimbo! Welcome back, Steve. I missed ya!
My daughter served in the Navy for 8 years (so she could get a college education, which she is doing now) so just understand that these “kids” just want a better life and they think they’re actually serving their country. It’s very sad. My daughter’s eyes are wide open now, but she was just trying to go to school, and we couldn’t afford to send her.
The Pentagon has lost trillions of dollars, and they have the nerve to make these veterans pay back their sign-on bonuses!! We should ALL be in the STREETS until this bullshit ends. All of it! I’m so sick of it. And YOUR rants are the best, Jimmy!
Two hour show….YES!!
Stevo and Jimmy, speaking of dismantling the new deal, Obama and Hillary are working overtime to dismantle the GSE’s, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Say good bye to home ownership and say good bye to the middle class.
You should do a story on this.
Thirded! But, I have a question for you, northernick: how does eliminating the middle class help anyone?
If the Supreme Court is such a big deal why didn’t Ruth Bader Ginsberg (who is approaching 90) retire during Obama’s administration? is she really that disgustingly selfish or do they just want a stick to make sure “progressives” vote for a corporate Democrat?
They really do use the foundation for power, to reward & appoint people that have served their power!
I couldn’t believe this when i heard of that number!
I remember someone I knew tried to scam me into doing a website for free for a charity to help kids. Another friend told me it was a scam charity & he is just going to get paid by it and only give 30% to charity!
If scammers are giving only 30% to charity, jesus friggen christ, what the hell is 15%? Charities normally give 75-95% to charity.
> Charities normally give 75-95% to charity.
That estimate sounds like it’s on the high side. Charities have increasingly been corporatized which means that they spend more and more on advertising and on paying themselves.
I would only ever give to a charity that 1) gives cast-iron guarantees about how much goes to their stated cause, and 2) has not just a charitable but also a political mission (the reasons for the latter are more complicated but are certainly related to being “aggressively progressive”).
…none of which is to excuse or defend the Clinton Foundation. FAR from it. But we shouldn’t stop there and re-evaluate the whole entire corporate charity sector.
When a news article begins with purple prose, such as, “The Clinton Foundation is a giant vampire squid with its filaments wrapped around the world and its blood funnel jamming relentlessly into anything that smells like money,” can its reporting be trusted? Yournewswire.com probably has its own agenda and benefits from making the Clintons look worse than they are, however, robertjordan18 is probably correct that the entire corporate charity sector needs re-evaluated.
bm3racer, find a better source. Even with much more generous percentages of funds going to charity that TYT and other news organizations have reported, it is still unsavory for the Clintons to exploit their charity for political gain.
Issuing debt letters and then garnishing wages is very common for those employed by the DOD. I have been through it twice in 13 years. More than half of the people I know have been through it. Also it is riddled with a high rate of errors, many that are never fixed. They have even been known to go after retired teachers who long ago worked for the DOD for $20K or more necessitating them hiring attorneys. These debt cases are currently taking Years and years to settle. Many have been garnished twice for the sam debt. It is a mess for both military and civilians. It is my impression that military have more clout in getting help than the civilians do.
aberterry1, if the DOD cannot keep their accounting safe, how can they keep us safe?
This is an excellent show today. Steve Oh and Jimmy Dore having good discussion.
Really love this show–needs to be 2 hours though!
Also, every time I hear that story about them taking back money from the veterans I feel a little sick. Jesus Christ did they ever stab them in the back–I guess I still am a little naive, as I never would have seen that coming.
They keep making the same points over and over again. I get it, Hillary sucks, the Democrats suck, the system sucks. What are we going to do about. We need something realistic. Not just, lets vote for the third party. We need to change the system. The Constitution does not mention parties and in fact Madison and Washington didn’t want parties, but two parties formed naturally. Why? Because the winner-take-all system for each district means that even if you get 1/3 of the vote you will probably never win a single representative in Congress or one Electoral vote. We need to go to a system where people can get win 35% of the vote and still get elected if you want to have real meaningful third parties. Most voters see that voting for a third party is a losing strategy most of the time. We need a different system, otherwise all this talk is a waste of time.
Stevo and Jimmy, speaking of dismantling the new deal, Obama and Hillary are working overtime to dismantle the GSE’s, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Say good bye to home ownership and say good bye to the middle class.
You should do a story on this.
Whoops, didn’t mean to post that comment as a reply to you. What I meant to say was……
Ideas? Suggestions? Do you have anything for us besides a stupid comment? If so, please share, otherwise keep your hopeless thoughts to yourself.
No need to get nasty. I have many ideas. Cenk is correct, none of this will get done unless money is out of politics. Publicly financed elections would be a great start. Some other ideas: get rid of the electoral college, for the president use ranked choice voting (RCV) or instant run-off voting, for Congress create multiple representative districts and use either cumulative or limited voting. On the presidential level RCV would allow third party voters to put the third party choice first and at the same time prevent the worst possible candidate (this year it would Trump) from winning. We need to remove the parties from controlling the debates and open it up to candidates that are on enough ballots that they could win the Electoral College. These are just a few ideas that we could push for. Maine has RCV on the ballot this year, so maybe other states can follow suit if it passes.
Just telling people to vote for the third party isn’t going to do anything. If you want to change the Democratic Party, then go to the local meeting of the DNC, get involved and pick local DNC leaders that are more liberal. Take over the party from the inside. Change the primary process by controlling the DNC. Go out and elect local Green Party members to town council, school board, county commission, and even state assemblies, but don’t just sit here and say you will vote for the Jill Stein to send a message. No one will hear you. Unless Clinton loses they won’t care.
With you on most of this, DieHard, though I don’t mind how many times Jimmy says essentially the same thing.
This is a systemic problem, no question about it. Hillary and Trump aren’t threats because they are evil; they are threats because the structure of economics and politics tend to incentivize their behavior.
Even getting money out of politics won’t solve our problems, in any permanent sense. As long as money, jobs, and capitalism are so deeply ingrained in our psyche , it will find its way into politics.
Human beings are more clever and creative, and any static laws or amendments that might be passed.
Although it’s not related to this particular topic, you might find a recent podcast interesting.
It’s called
Surprising News, Crazy Questions 2: The Best Time to Be Alive
, and it’s on the Blog Talk Radio World Transformed channel. It was posted last Wednesday, October 26th. Although the hosts don’t usually discuss politics – their focus is technology – they did discuss how silly the paradigm of Left vs Right is.
Starting to sound a bit like the left-wing Alex Jones here.
“I know this because I read it in a book!”
That only applies if the book is written by Bill O’Reilly and a ghost-writer to be named later.
Ok this is fucking ridiculous i cant believe you guys are fucking talking about this fucking mandatory investment in private fucking retirement bull shit and you guys are still not covering bitcoin! Fuck you guys this is fucking stupid…
WTF are you talking about?
Ok this is fucking ridicules i cant believe you guys are fucking talking about this fucking mandatory investment in private fucking retirement bull shit and you guys are still not covering bitcoin! Fuck you guys this is fucking stupid…
Give em a few years, buddy.
Clinton was in support of this back in 2007 and campaigning with Bob Johnson – BET CEO, a Bush supporter and advocate of privatizing social security – and pitched private retirement programs as part of her platform:
“Through the discipline of good planning and the miracle of compound interest, you should be able to build wealth for yourself,” Mrs. Clinton said.
Great show guys, just one quick thing I wanted to comment on.
One thing you guys railed against was the argument that the green party should work on building it’s party in off years. While I agree that this is a BS argument when used in the framing of why someone shouldn’t vote for a 3rd party presidential candidate (I’ll be voting for Jill come November), I don’t think it’s beneficial to completely disregard the idea of the importance of the green party becoming more of a force in the national discussion outside of the presidential campaign. If more greens and even libertarians were to make their way into the state legislatures and the house and maybe even the senate, we could become more like a parliamentary system that they have in many European countries and help break the two party dichotomy that plagues our political system.
Of course a big part of this would be getting 5% turnout for the Jill this cycle so the greens can get federal funding going forward. This is just one of the many reasons I’ll be voting for Jill this election.
Keep it going guys, love your stuff
NO! You do NOT need a two-hour show. Aggressive Progressives needs at least 4-5 shows every week for at least an hour! THANKS for being really truly honestly profoundly aggressive progressives. My $10 a month donation to TYT is so I can see THIS!
Jimmy and TYT Politics and other podcasts are already too much, for me to keep up on, but I hope you get what you’re asking for, Veda.
If they broke up each one hour daily session into half hour segments with specific topics, then we could download the segments we’re interested in.
We saw you eating that cookie Jimmy;)
Glad you are back Steve!!! You had a chance to see The Forbidden City and passed on it!! What? Please feel free to send me in your place next time.
Enjoyed the Michael Moore footage. It was hard to hear, but true. You guys keep us thinking, you keep us intellectually honest. My vote is for Jill, and I hate Trump’s message, but the man does have his own mind, as child-ish and messed up as it is.
One thing I have to call you out on Jimmy: you said, “Do you really think that this many people are racists?” Yes, I do. Racism is a cultural thing, not an intellectual one. I live in America and Americans are inherently racists. It is built into our culture, which means it permeates everything including our oldest and most cherished institutions. It works very well as a deflection tool because it’s an open wound, but we do have to wake up. As soon as Occupy protests start up, racism rears its head?? — it’s a tool of the 1%, no matter what political side they are on. Unfortunately, it works because people are trained monkeys and it’s hard to turn the monkey brain off. Shows like this cause us to collectively reflect on our own cultural sub-routines of hypocrisy and reaction; the monkey brain is confronted and perhaps turned off for a few minutes. Thank you.
Two hour show please!!! Old school is two hours, why not Aggressive Progressive?
You clearly need a civics book in your life. After the civics book start watching the 1st hour show regularly. Continue to read, listen to Dan Carlin’s Common Sense. In six months come back and see if you identify as a progressive.
You need 2 hours! I love your show and want more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS!
Don’t get me wrong, I am passionate about B. Sanders’ ideas. It was Bernie who made me pay attention to the primaries like I’ve never done before.
But. ..
I think you guys are starting to idealise the guy, and I m not sure he merits it. I complement him for gathering the courage to stand up to Hillary and the establishment, but at the same time, he – I feel – has done it blindly, without much strategy, without any money. Hillary gave up her Secretary of State post to campaign for the election, Bernie on the other hand had insisted to his staff he continue to work in the Senate at the same time.
Like Cenk said recently in another story, if you go after Big Papa Bear, you better be prepared. If you go after the Democratic Party establishment and want to seriously beat them, you better be more than prepared.
Bernie was not prepared enough. Even his top advisor was apologetic to DNC after the primaries.
You are so desperate for change you idolise Bernie and Jill Stein , mostly without merit I think. Bernie is an honest hard working guy but he is ineffective. You keep repeating, he’s fought for this for 40 years. Who can be proud of fighting for something for 40 years that did not quite changed much.
Hillary on the other hand has been very much productive, has managed to get involved in almost all aspects of public life. She is corrupt? Sure. But do you really beleive that JStein and BSanders can be your POTUS? I think if even Steve Oh waking up to hear on the radio President Stein doing this and that would be freaked out.
And Jimmy will post videos about her stupid speeches and screw ups every 10 minutes. The woman was unbearable to listen to, I forced myself to listen to the whole TH , she los
write2katia, sounds like the Trump-supporter method of choosing a president: he’s a business man, knows how the economy works, and he speaks his mind; never mind allegations of fraud, assault and racism. How does a corrupt Hillary make a better president? One thing that does not seem to carry the weight that it should is that Hillary voted for the Iraq war! No politician who voted for that war should still be in office!
You’re not looking at Bernie’s political career in any detail. He has accomplished things! Please, do not forget that he is one of the few progressives in a legislative body that consists mostly of far-right and center-right corporatist politicians!
Bernie is a failed presidential candidate. Yes, that is true. He did not follow LBJ’s cardinal rule: If you do everything that can be done, you will win! (In LBJ’s case that meant withholding ballot boxes until after his opponent turned in totals so that he would know how many votes to stuff in those withheld boxes to win.) But Bernie energized millions of voters and changed the political dialog. Even though he lost the primary to Hillary, he transcended that loss and his own candidacy to become a symbol for progressive ideas.
I can imagine a Stein presidency that would be much like Carter’s: “…use that enormous power and prestige and military strength of the US to preserve the peace. We’ve not only kept peace for our own country, but we’ve been able to extend the benefits of peace to others. In the Middle East, we’ve worked for a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, successfully, and have tied ourselves together with Israel and Egypt in a common defense capability. This is a very good step forward for our Nation’s security,…” (See, The Reagan-Carter Presidential Debate , Oct 28, 1980 quoted at http://www.ontheissues.org/Celeb/Jimmy_Carter_War_+_Peace.htm.) Note: even Bush Junior became better at speeches after a few years as president.
My feeling is that Progressives and the coalition that supported Bernie are too fractured to have any coordinated and meaningful impact on Hillary.
Most people that are willing to be active and travel and protest are furious about Bernie’s support of Clinton. This is largely why Our Revolution was doomed to failure from its birth.
Because Hillary is such a shitty candidate, the 55 or 56 senator majority the Dems werw supposed to have has whittled down to a 50-50 split with many people now predicting that the Republicans may actually keep the Senate majority.
That means any promises Bernie extracted from Hillary or Chuck Schumer to place him on key senate committees just got flushed down the toilet.
As far as I know, Quantitative Easing is not something states in the Euro can do, but in the UK they have their own currency. Austerity has been an big issue in Euro states like Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal…etc.
It’s not like you’re an original thinker, either, Jimmy.
You’ve travelled far, troll.
Agree! 2 hour show please!
Awww man this really cheered me up. I love Jimmy and Steve. I’ve been hearing nothing but trash talk about how me and mine aren’t serious about the progressive issues we care about because we don’t support the false voting dichotomy. It’s refreshing to hear Jimmy and Steve talk about how that framing is horse shit. I ask sometimes if the “progressives” who say we don’t have a choice in this national vote would support banning third parties altogether. I ask this because I’m constantly told that third parties are spoilers or not an option. If those people believe this to be true then why not just ban them. My family income is a little more than $40k a year, and my wife has been looking for a job for over a year and is overqualified for most every one she applies for. The environment is on the brink of collapse. I take these issues as a matter of survival and I am at times so angry that my eyes water, yet I’m lectured by the wealthy that I just don’t understand.
Sorry for the rant but my point is that this show is a good focus for me and helps me not to feel so helpless. It also helps to provide me with some of our history that I was unaware of and I will admit it’s nice to see others who also reject conventional wisdom and are willing to weather the harassment that we get for trying to find a way to change our terrible and declining living standards. Thanks for the show Jimmy, Steve, and everyone helping produce it. It means a lot to me!
onecoldnight, do not believe the “spoiler” canard. About 55% of eligible people vote. That leaves millions of people who don’t vote and are ripe for the picking! Vote your conscience. It’s Hillary’s job to win your vote, not to automatically have your vote. If she can’t win your vote, then she’s just going to have to inspire someone else to get off his or her ass and vote! If she loses, it’s her fault, not yours!
I love that Jimmy still doesn’t know the name of his own show that he’s been hosting for the last 2 and a half months lol. Great stuff though. Hands down my favourite show on TYT at the moment.
Just been to Hilary Clintons fact check site and seen the shows only been on just over a month so I apologise for previous comment. I would also like to apologise for replying to my own comment :-/
Sorry for some of the typos in my previous post. Hey, it’s almost 2 am and you got me all riled up!
Bit, Don’t stop. Please. We need your voices to help keep folks fired up.
Wow! Another great show; full of passion and information. The Social Security piece, the Syrian Pipeline, etc., very enlightening.
I’d like to hear your take on Bernie’s plan to make Hillary feel the bern by holding her feet to the fire? Jordan did a nice clip on that. I don’t know What he’ll be able to accomplish, but I’m sure he can do more if he has an army behind him. He kept saying thus wasn’t about a candidate and that he couldn’t make change alone, that the real strength, the real power has to come from us. We saw that power in those stadiums, in those faces. The establishment thinks we will give in to American Amnesia and go back to their daily lives for the next two years, but I think they are wrong. I think, Susan Sarandon was right: we are awake.
Even though he didn’t win the nomination, he isn’t stopping. We still have someone in Washington fighting for us. If we can elect enough “agressive progressives” to the House and Senate to help him, he could stack a pile of truly progressive policies on her desk before the chair gets warm from her tush, maybe, just maybe he can force her hand on – at least – some things.
I know some of us (including me)are disappointed in Warren, but from Wiki,eats it looks like they are worried about here. Imagine, if she and Bernie lean in her with the threat of a primary challenge by Warren with Bernie at her side. Just imagine it.
I hope you do something on #DAPL. Emma V. On TYT Politics did a horrifying update on it this evening. She also pointed out the discrepancy between what the Protectors are reporting and what MSM like CNN are rooting. Or, AT&T least how they are reporting it.
The depth and breadth of the manipulation and corruption is to the level of an over-the-top Hollywood epic. I know we suspected it, but KNOWING it takes a little to absorb.
And, YES, I would love a 2 hour pre-election special!
Keep fighting the good fight, guys.
A few months ago, ClanTrogdon, a nattily-dressed man of Middle Eastern ethnicity approached me in a bookstore cafe. He saw the stack of history books I was perusing for possible purchase. When our conversation touched on Hillary’s use of a private e-mail server, he said that the server was a distraction and Syria was more important. He asked, with ISIS being only 30,000 strong, why is it taking so long to defeat them? I couldn’t hazard a guess at the time because I did not know much about Syria. The mystery man had an appointment and left without any answers or additional clues. Over the past two or three weeks, the Syrian pipeline appears to provide motivation for our military entanglements in the area. There is also another aspect to the Syrian oil motive: off-shore oil! I believe the State Department has a website that summarizes each countries natural resources. For Syria, it stated that adjacent countries had found off-shore oil, but Syria has not, yet, because of their ongoing civil war. Humm.
1hr a week is too little guys, please sort it out