TYT Hour 1 October 19, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan28 Comments

Politico coordinating with Clinton campaign. Near Tanden’s comments about Lawrence Lessig. Ecuador cuts off Julian Assange’s internet access. Domestic terrorist attempt against Muslims. Mark Cuban says two friends victims of Trump.


  1. Cenk HAS been mentioned in Wikileaks. It was released around the convention (DNC Leak) and his name was mistranscribed as “check” from an audio file, making it hard to locate in search. The file has a woman complaining about Cornel West being placed on the Platform Committee after telling Cenk that he may not vote for Hillary. https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/16460 So there you go, TYT wikileak shout out.

    1. Vote Jill Stein for Freedom of Speech.

      It is your constitutional right to vote.

      Jill Stein was arrested for trying to assert her constitutional right of freedom of speech during the 2012 debates controlled and run by the Democrats and Republicans. The same parties that decided this would be the end of open debates after Jesse Ventura rose from 9% in the polls on labor day, to be the governor of Minnesota 60 days later, thank you tyt interviews.

      If Jill Stein were to have access to determine how we spend our military budget I guarantee we wouldn’t have had 2.8 trillion dollars lost in accounting errors during one quarter of the 2015 military budget. Since 1996, the first year congress required a military audit 8.5 trillion dollars has gone unaccounted for. This is why I am supporting Jill Stein who calls for an immediate end to all non essential military spending. She says climate change is a world war 3 level threat and between 97 and 99% of our scientists agree. During this past Summer over 100 people died from heat exhaustion in one month in the middle east, all because the temperature didn’t fall below 100degrees and the poor don’t have access to air conditioning. And India admitted all but the end of its preventative measures towards climate change when they decided to triple oil and coal production. We need to worry more about the issues Collin Kapernick was protesting.

      It’s the pointless killing of innocent civilians that he is protesting, not the flag itself and the veterans who faught for it. It’s the innocent killings of Philando Castile, Tamir Rice, and the other, (reportedly, probably higher) 102 unarmed black people that were killed by police in 2015, at 5 times the rate of whites. It’s a fact that over a third of all unarmed people who were killed in 2015 were black(37%) and yet they comprise only 13% of the population. It’s a fact that in 2008 the United States had 12000 gun related homicides where as Japan had 11 total, not eleven thousand, 11. In 2015 we had 375 mass shootings and 41 police officers lost their lives defending our flag that is supposed to represent our country and our independence.We have a problem in the United States and it isn’t someone kneeling for a song or not thinking highly enough of a flag. It’s people not thinking highly enough about people or there lives.And for the record he didn’t get to be the starting quarterback because he protested this way, but at least he got people talking about it. That part was my opinion btw, I think he is a very talented athlete. And if anyone disagrees that we have a problem with police shootings, I urge you to consider that hundreds of unarmed Americans of every race and ethnicity that were killed by police outnumber the number of police officers killed in the line of duty by over ten fold. The number of invaluable lives lost in the line of duty by police officers during 2015 was 130. If that is unclear the number of police fatalities in 2015 were 130 and 42 of those from gun shot. My neighbor and longtime police chief from my hometown past away in a similar manner as those 42, when he tragically decided to take his own life. I hope people can understand that life is more important than any one moment, so why in one split second, one moment, can it be so easy for someone to say I give up and one moment later, one loud gunshot later, it’s all over. It’s too hard to make the right decision every second of every day, and that’s why I urge people to think about that before they make a decision they can never take back.

      This is why I support Jill Stein, free speech, and the constitution. 10 years ago the ruling party of Greece was polling at 4%, for the green party to remain a party, they are required by law to run a candidate.It is a crime that is being committed by our political system and our founding fathers said it so when they said no two party political system could be successful and everlasting. In Minnesota, when Jesse Ventura was allowed in the debates after labor day, polling at about 9% he was able to be elected governor 60 days later. This is why Jill Stein is not allowed in the debates that are controlled by the Democrats and Republicans who decided you need to be more popular, polling at 15%, to get in the debates. Now tell me this, would Jesse Ventura ever have been elected if he hadn’t been in the debates.

      Stein had it right when she said, I’m paraphrasing, Hillary is possibly worse for the country than any one else because she says we have to maintain our no fly zone in syria, which means were going to war with Russia, according to crooked Hillary.

      Hillary was corrupted and is corrupted by money and hasn’t provided me enough evidence that she serves Christ above the God of money, for which she sold her life away to try and serve. However, Trump doesn’t understand why we can’t use nukes and why we can’t default on our debts. This is a grey area for me, I just know that what I heard from Trump, he says we need to kill the families of terrorists and torture even if it doesn’t work. We need an intelligent leader who has the heart I believe trump has deep down.

      A vote for Stein is a vote for the people, for freedom, and everything our constitution and country stand for. It’s what our founding fathers said, no two system political party would ever be successful and everlasting. That’s why we can get an amendment through wolfpac to get money out of politics through state conventions and petition signatures. If Hillary is elected, we lose our constitutional rights.

      A study was done that showed a presidential candidate could win the presidency with as little as between 19 and 23% of the popular vote in the electoral college.

      The Obamas’ still, reportedly, refer to Hillary as, “that woman,” and said he would impeach the American voters for negligence if they elect Trump. Lets prove we can have an informed and educated republic. Vote Dr. Jill Stein on November 8th.

      Did you know the United States institutionalized militant Islam to fight communism after JIMMY Carter left office. He was the last president to advocate nothing but peace for our country. He did not launch one missile on the middle east. Read about the camp David accords and how he just kept to fighting for the leaders in Iran Iran, and Syria, to cooperate and make peace. I know I didn’t get all the countries right, but I am tired of fact checking myself. This little section I remembered from my 3rd grade presidential presentation in school, and an interview he gave on Letterman, so cut me some slack on not fact checking every line.

      Ignorance is bliss and ignorance is demonstrated by participating in our broken two-party political system.

      So please; if you agree, or not, like and share this post, for me or for the benefit it might bring to the victims of these atrocities. And please; if you read this, please understand, we’re all the victims.

  2. Hello Cenk, Ana, John, Jimmy, and Ben and the Wonderful Off Camera Staff and Guests,

    What can I say! You ALL saved my sanity in this 16 Months of sheer Mind Bending Hell! I joined as a TYT Member several Months ago when I found TYT on YouTube. I wrote this below Joke lately that expresses my Political Viewpoint in all this. It may now fit some of you too!

    I actually went to school with Donald Trump at the Wharton School (Undergraduate) of the University of Pennsylvania back in the 60’s. I sat eight feet behind him for 15 weeks in a class in “Corporate Brand Marketing” and observed him very closely. If you watch the now infamous July 2015 “Funny or Die” “Donald Trump P.O.W. Prisoner of Wharton” Video and stop it around the 1:01 mark, I am the guy in the far back with the most “Bleed Over Spotlight” on him sitting directly behind him. They have “Photo Shopped” him a bit here to make him stand out in the video, but that was him.

    I have some profound observations on him at the age of 21 that might throw some light on where this is all now going to go after he gets his head handed to him on November 8th, 2016 that might interest you! I may be the ONLY person on Earth that ever sat behind him for 15 Straight Weeks in silence observing him. The dynamics of how he was in that class are very telling. My reaction to him day after day was psychic and it was very disturbing. I will start to post some observations on your Show Member Threads here as we now go along to tell you more! He was the greatest “Johnny-One-Note” I had ever met in life up until then!

    Three Kittens

    Three Kittens were in a very nice Animal Shelter hoping for their Forever Homes!

    The 1st Kitten said “This place has a great Web Site with High Speed Broadband. Our Photos are up. We will be out of here in no time!” The 2nd Kitten said “I think you are right!” Then paused for a moment of deep reflection and said “What kind of Forever Home are you hoping for?”

    The 1st Kitten thought for a bit and replied “I am hoping for a Home of Bernie Supporters. They are really smart and know the entire World Financial System is a con by the .01% going back to the Bank of England in 1694. They know total collapse will eventually come. They will have gotten out of the Stock Market and will have six months food and some small silver coins on hand to buy food at a local Farmer’s Market when it all hits the fan. I will have cat food! Meanwhile, they will keep trying for eventual tipping point Political Organization in the Internet Age. I will be good. How about you?”

    The 2nd Kitten replied “I am hoping for a Home of Hillary Supporters. Sure she was having marital sex with just another Ivy League Educated President of the United States who didn’t know dick about how the Criminal Financial System actually works or the sordid Financial History of the United States when the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 was passed. And don’t even get me started on NAFTA. But maybe she will get out on the Internet at Night in the White House and start Googling and start learning stuff like everyone else? Maybe she will then have a Revelation and start changing things? She is smart and she is Presidential and maybe she will invoke a “Do Over”? She is Middle of the Road and maybe that is better? Plus Women are better at everything then Men. Just look at the train wreck of the last 3,000 years. I’ll take my chances. I think I will have cat food! I will be good!” The 2nd Kitten then turned to the 3rd Kitten and said “How about you?”

    The 3rd Kitten became very animated and said “I am so excited! I am hoping for a Home of Trump Supporters! When one says “Grab a Pussy!” someone will pick me up and shower me with affection! It will be so great! And I am sure they will have the best cat food!”

    The 1st and 2nd Kittens buried their faces in their paws in stunned disbelief and started Praying. As Pure Beings their prayers reached through many Worlds Beyond. Suddenly Jesus Himself appeared summoned to Earth shaking His bowed head low in the Shelter and said “Jesus Fucking Christ”!

  3. Yeah, that’s the part that I agree with you on. The part that I agree with Husky is that TYT should acknowledge that Sanders did it as well, and make plain the distinction, to avoid criticisms of Bernie worship or Shillaryism :-)

  4. The reason all the Trump accusers are coming out now is they sense he’s vulnerable. Everything he does is public, so he can’t intimidate them behind the scenes. If fairly simple really. If he’d done it to me, I would wait until he can’t retaliate, like now.

    1. Who would listen to them and take them seriously when it actually happened? Almost no one. Now is their chance to tell their story, when people are actually open to hearing about it.

  5. Oh, so you would like to “kick the shit out of Larry Lessig”, would you, Neera Tanden? (On Twitter.)

    Well, good, because this certainly helps to explain why we would like to kick the shit out of establishment operatives like yourself. (On Twitter.)

  6. By the by, what has happened to the membership drive graphic on the front page? (The thermometer that listed the total and which was updated at least three times). At the risk of erroneous speculation, does this mean that the drive is going worse than expected?

    1. Perhaps people aren’t happy with the way TYT has given Hillary a free pass this election. Maybe people aren’t happy with the way TYT subscribes to the lesser of the two evil theory. There are plenty of other REAL progressive shows out there that hold EVERYONE’S feet to the fire.

      1. In general and as a political position, I agree with that.

        But as a theory to explain this particular case, it doesn’t hold up: this is what TYT coverage has been like for at least two months, and membership kept growing slowly during all this time. Whenever the graphic was updated during the past few weeks, it showed a gradual increase of roughly 500 members per update, inching towards the final goal of 50,000 members.

  7. New hit single flooding the airways, Naughty By Nature featuring Hillary Clinton – You Duplicitous with T.P.P. (Yeah you know me)

    1. To be followed up by another Dodgy Duet with Donny “Tiny Hands” Trump and his Potbellied Posse from New Joisey…it’s Hilarious “Yeah you know her “Hillary accompanied by her Moneymen of Many Millions!

  8. So just to be clear, if Sanders alters the tone of his campaign in response to the entrance of another candidate it’s all good because he’s “responding to the voices of the people,” but when Clinton does the same thing you immediately cast it as dishonest and cynical posturing? Gotta say Cenk, for all the critical thinking skills you display so much of the time I cannot for the life of me understand how you don’t see the blatant bias-informed double standard in those back to back statements.

    1. You must be joking. Sanders rarely changes anything at all, whereas Clinton has been selling a different ideological line to individual audiences depending on which audience she’s talking to at the time, for at least 24 years…how is that remotely comparable?

      1. I think that tenesseehusky has a point, Lessig drove M in P to the top of Sanders’s platform when it was lower priority before, so Sanders DID change, but you’re also right that M in P was already a priority, Sanders just re-prioritized, whereas Clinton was like “Lessig is against what? It’s popular?? GET A POLICY NOW!!!” So I think it’s worth mentioning that politicians, even principled ones, will change somewhat in response to popular stances (FDR conglomerated the best ideas from the socialist party, technocrats and others, according to a bio I read on RA Heinlein), but HRC built a new platform in response to a thing she hadn’t even thought about while Sanders had already understood that it was an issue, though him being old school and M in P being relatively recently talked about, I can understand why it took him a while to get on board, especially once someone like Lessig coalesced the issue so clearly.

        1. Indeed, I would hope that any principled politician gradually changes parts of their thinking over time, after much consideration, and that they keep evolving at a studied and organic pace.

          But we’re talking about two vastly different, uncomparable levels of “adaptability”. Clinton says one thing in private and another thing in public and so she’s “adapting” almost from one minute to the next, while continually switching back and forth on some positions (like the TPP).

  9. So weird to see two infamous TYT trolls responding to each other like either was a real person with sincere opinions LOL. It’s like seeing 2 video game NPCs having a casual conversation.

  10. John is wrong: Wikileaks account has publicly plead, for example, for Trump’s tax returns many times.

    Also, Cenk’s concerns about the timing is weird. He personally was outraged how, for example, the NYT withheld information about Bush until later Bush re-election in 2004 so it would have the least impact, and now he questions why the information is released when it could have the biggest impact.

    Also, John is right mentioning Trump tape and the accusers. Strange how Cenk was never bothered by the timing of the release of the tape and of accusers coming out.

    Also, Cenk is amazing at all of sudden blindly believing that government’s claims (and of its private contactors) that it was Russian government who hacked everything. And Cenk uses another layer of speculation on Russia supposedly lending money to Trump, even though there is no evidence of that (at best there is speculation that Trump once got German money with help of one of Russian banks, but even if so it is a small since it is just brokerage/subscription operation), and now talks about hurting the reputation of Wikileaks.

    1. I find it strange that Mark Cuban has forgot that one of his friends got supposedly assaulted by Trump and had to be “reminded” about it after the scandal with Trump’s tape. Why he has never mentioned this before the scandal? Is there evidence that anyone has contacted Cuban on anything at all? How a corporate oligarch Cuban (a vulture by definition), who has personal drudge and animosity towards Trump, is all of sudden portrayed as an example of honesty, a person whose claims should be never questioned?

      My point is that there are women who directly make the claims against Trump, and it definitely deserves the coverage (validity/veracity issues aside), but this story as it stands now is just a Clinton PR campaign move, not real news, and yet Cenk takes away time of the show on this, instead of covering real news such Podesta’s mails.

      1. On Lawrence Lessig argument: it is impossible to make valid argument that Wikileaks should not have dumped those 50 thousand’s Podesta mails as all of their previous experience indicated that media censor much more than supposedly irrelevant parts. Besides, Wikileaks does not have staff to check every of those mails before publication; also, and this is Podesta’s business/work-related mail accounts, so we are not seeing anything really personal anyway.

        Finally, Wikileaks’ goal is to keep the integrity of what they get, so it would be intact and legally used to pursue corruption. For example, this is how, for example Wikileaks got Russia losing billions of USDs in court to a former oil oligarch whose property was nationalized with violations (he has privatized it illegally, but it is different matter) during his criminal trial in Russia.

        Wikileak’s role was never to be censor/editor, and yes, it is a different approach from Lessig/Snowden/Greenwald philosophy on this; both have proper reasons behind.

    2. totally agree with you on this. Americans have their heads so far up their own asses sometimes, they seem to think the whole world is up there. Cenk has been so focused on the American election as if nothing else in the world is happening, he forgets that Wikileaks is a global operation. They’re not playing politics in the American election. Assange does hate Clinton, because Assange hates Clinton and Trump and Obama and Romney and McCain and Bush and Gore and Clinton again. He hates all unaccountable powerful people who get away with murder and abuse all over the world without accountability. The focus is always on the US, because it is the global empire of power right now, but they are global. He’s not trying to get Bernie Sanders or Trump or anyone elected. He’s trying to take down the American empire with nothing more than their own secrets.

      Assange has definitely called for dirt on Trump, but he can only publish what he has to publish. There’s also a well-funded Clinton campaign constantly searching for good dirt to throw at Trump, which the media will happily report on, but when it comes to Clinton they suddenly get skittish. The American people are too fragile to know that elected officials are bought and they make secret deals and trades and they don’t play fair and they have blood on their hands. So, mean ol’ Julian is now reviled all over the establishment press for the last two weeks. And everyone’s screaming “that rapist” and “Russia Russia Russia is coming”. Somehow it wasn’t “influencing” the election when every major news outlet reported on the “grab them by the pussy” comment. That was a leak as well, but that’s all well and good. It’s just such disgusting rank hypocrisy, it makes me want to throw up. It’s not that the corporate media would fall in line with power. Of course they would. They are corporate stooges. It’s how readily, how quickly, how easily the American people go along with it that just utterly disgusts me. They are so ready to pick a person like Hillary Clinton, shake each others hands for how wonderful they all are for beating Trump, and then going back to sleep pretending most things are all good and America runs the world as it should be.

      I have seen no evidence that Russia is behind this leak besides simple assertions from the Clinton team and the US Lie agencies. Putin, existing outside the US propaganda system, is smart enough to know that the foreign policy of the US is largely not determined by the president. There is a giant geopolitical system of alignments that are involved. Things don’t move because we elect a new president. Things move when geopolitical realities make them move, usually. But let’s say there was proof that Russia, or even Putin himself was responsible for these leaks. First, It’s still just information. So, so what? Do we need to be protected from information? If you’re saying it’s some kind of act of war to have the American people know what their American president really thinks behind closed doors, then we have bigger problems than Russia. And that’s how it appears to me now, that Americans are pissed off that they know too much about their candidate, and they can’t pretend she’s great and then just go back to instagram pictures of sunsets and forget about having to do anything. Second, if the US empire starts complaining about people influencing US elections, have them go back and review just say … the history of the CIA since its founding in 1947 and then shut the fuck up. I mean, Jesus. The cognitive dissonance is just off the charts.

      Just one example of Assange looking for Trump details:

      1. Yes, the dirt on Trump does not even need Wikileaks to get out. His tax returns from 1995 were leaked right to the oligarchic media, and not to Wikileaks. The reason for that is if the leaks would be done to Wikileaks, it would make the narrative on how Assange is Putin’s spy less believable.

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