All-Star Tuesday: October 18, 2016

In [DEAD] All Star Tuesdays, Membership by Gigi Manukyan22 Comments

Jason Rubin, Kenny Hamilton, Jacorey Palmer, and Wes Clark Jr. on this week’s All-Star Tuesday. They discuss topics on mental health awareness, Colin Kaepernick, and the possibilities of World War III.


  1. I think it was Ken Hamilton who kept confusing Muslims with Arabs. Anti Arab discrimination can be racism, anti-Muslim discrimination can’t because it is a religion, not a race. It is bigotry and religious discrimination but not racism.

  2. Be careful of saying it’s “Hollywood’s” fault that people have screwed up morals or an inability to differentiate reality and fantasy. I am pretty sure none of you would say that it is a video game’s fault that Columbine happened, nor would you say a movie which depicts rape or torture to tell a story is at fault for someone’s rape or torture. It is not an artists fault, nor the fault of the art, that someone decides to commit a crime or speak about committing heinous acts of violence toward another individual. That person would have been just as screwed up if TV never existed because it is their beliefs, lack of education and possibly mentally handicapped brain which has caused them to lack empathy.

  3. Normally All Star Tuesdays is not my favorite show but I’ll follow Wes Clark anywhere. This one was wonderful. I love Kenny Hamilton and Jacorey Palmer and they had great topics tonight. I also enjoyed Jason Rubin. :-) Never seen him before as I don’t really watch the sports channel. This one was really great. Thank you so much TYT!

  4. Jacorey, I have also fallen through the cracks of the system, having been in dire need of a psychologist for years, having been clinically dead twice of what kills 99.9% of victims, and having the strict religion I was raised in completely disproven by my experience. Even worse is having family who have not once asked about any of it or how its affected me, many who either dont even take medicine or chronic health probs seriously, or think “just get over it, its all in your head!” ????

  5. Fuck yes, now this is a proper All-star panel! So happy that Wes is back on. I’m sorry, but as far as I’m concerned this show should have Wes on every single All-star show. I think this show should be his to lead and to shine.

  6. A lot of people in Buffalo kneeled too. NYC is liberal but so is Buffalo. It’s just that all the counties *around* Buffalo are right wing. It’s funny because you’ll listen to these people and they’ll complain about unions… but Buffalo was built on unions and damn, they’d love a union job and they know so-and-so and they have one and they’re doing great but because they don’t have one, they’re killing jobs somehow. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

  7. Wesley is wrong on the most things in his “WWIII” segment (though mostly because he gets the news from the same MSM that told people that Saddam had WMDs and was tied to 9/11):

    1) the WWIII talk started not with Russia, but with neolib Clinton pushing for “no fly zone” in Syria as per bidding by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (which is coincidentally Clinton Foundation’s top sponsor; Clinton Foundation is an umbrella organization that besides good deeds that gets Clinton operatives/campaign staff paid in between elections) with the goal to protect their Wahhabi/Salafi Al-Qaeda and its clones in Syria, to carry out the regime change and install a heads-chopping tyranny there;

    2) the “dismantling of Ukraine” has started with NATO-backed coup in Ukraine with the use of neo-Nazis that CIA has trained in Poland under educational exchange program cover up. Those neo-Nazis were later sent to the Eastern Ukraine to subjugate/kill those who did not accept the coup, who were still aligned with the legal government. Now those neo-Nazis are officially employed (Google, exampli gratia, Azov and Aidar regiments’ Waffen SS insignia). Co-founder of Ukrainian neo-Nazi party now heads Ukrainian parliament;

    Massive torch marches are regularly held through out the country, where people scream Ukrainian copycat versions of “Deutschland uber alles” and “Heil Hitler! — Hitler Heil!” slogans. The communist party offices and books were burnt, the party is banned. Thousands of people are jailed for thought crimes, including for thinking that negotiations would be better than sending the troops to the Eastern Ukraine;

    3) yes, the group of paramilitaries that consisted of about 50 people did come to the Eastern Ukraine. But two thirds of were Ukrainian citizens. Others were Russian citizens, indeed, and they said they would not want the lands that their fathers protected from the Nazis to fall under the new regime, so they wanted to help people of the Eastern Ukraine to withstand the assault. More importantly, the local population did not want the new illegal Kiev’s regime to have power over them. Same with Moldova, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Locals were always the majority in all of those cases. Unlike Syria, in Ukraine there was no testing of any new weapon systems. The rebels has fought with old weaponry that they partly took from Ukrainian military bases and, in bigger part, from Russians (of course, Russia officially denies that);

    5) yes, Russia does have issues with the budget, comparing to the fat years of sky high oil prices. The problems are not of a strategic calibre, though: the giant weaponry modernization program that was meant to be executed by 2020 is now stretched up to 2022-2023, but it will completed in full. Other than that Russia’s economics issues due to the falling oil prices were mostly 3.7% downfall of the GDP last year. Already this year the downfall has stopped, and next year there will be moderate growth. Russia has a trade surplus, almost no debt, about $450 billion in international reserves. Also, there will be no “30% budget cut”, this is erroneous information (this figure could only come from currency exchange that is different from couple of years ago, but measuring GDP in nominal USDs is meaningless);

    6) Russia did not impose sanctions “on themselves”: they have mostly banned European foods, which has greatly helped Russian economy, and causes multi-billion losses for the EU. This year Russian agriculture has broken records, even surpassing USSR-era achievements in some areas;

    7) there is no “WWIII is coming” fearmongering campaign in Russia. Yes, it is admitted that probable Clinton’s presidency poses such risks, considering her “no fly zone” ideas for Syria, but there is no hysteria about it. People are not engaged in the talks about it, people are not scared of it;

    8) there was no “40 million-strong” safety/emergency trainings in Russia, this figure is just a theoretical maximum of how many people could have been participating in it. In reality Ministry of Emergency Situations held its training with 200 thousand of its staff, and well as engaged local authorities. At no point anyone connected to the trainings has mentioned the USA, nuclear threats, or Hillary Clinton;

    9) ironically, real fearmongering campaign goes on in the USA, and it is pushed by the Clinton camp and the oligarchic media. They went into full neo-MacCarthyism already months ago to scare Americans into voting for Hillary. “Trump and Jill Stein are Russian spie!”, “Russian government have hacked everything” (though the evidence on that is dubious, hence “we believe” phrases in the DNI report; there is literally nothing to tie it to the Russian government).

    On who is threatening whom hear a few minutes from Putin himself: — it is hard to argue with it, you we will be honest about the reality of how things have been unfolding.

    1. The missing part:
      4) Putin does not need fearmongering campaigns in Russia as despite the issues with the economy — indeed, the quality of life has worsened, comparing to two years ago (though it had nothing to do with Putin’s decisions since he does not control global oil prices) — he still has very high ratings;

      But yes, Wesley is right that Russians mostly do understand the system that is built is corrupt. And, just as in the USA, there is nothing much that can be done about it.

    2. Are you from Russia dderss? What media sources do you use for all this information you always have? Not challenging you, I’m genuinely curious.

      1. 1. How is this relevant? I already had a discussion here just recently with someone who has said he lives in Russia, hence he knows better that “Putin is a dictator”. No different from Americans that swear that Obama is a tyrant that kill judges, Wikileaks sources and journalists. The fact that there is no evidence to back such claims against Obama does not make any difference to them, they just “know”, they “live” in the USA.

        2. There is no shortcut list of sources. I use the Western establishment media as well as any others as I get the news through Twitter. This helps to not to be the bubble on the issues. I also use primary sources such as YouTube videos of events; in such cases no journalistic filter from either side influences it.

        3. It is totally fine to challenge me as well as anyone else here, as this is what discussions are for. The only thing I care if the responses are counter arguments, not just regular neo-MacCarthysist/NSA troll army “You paid by Kremlin” paranoia.

  8. Perfect examples of the double standard in Hollywood Roman Polanski charged with raping a child, critical acclaim for the Pianist. Woody Allen married his adopted daughter still seen as a legend. smh Justice is only for certain victims and criminal only look a certain way.

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