Aggressive Progressives with Jimmy Dore and Skype guest, TYT Politic’s Jordan Chariton. This week, Jimmy and Jordan discuss Clinton’s Wikileaks email scandal. See how the White House and the Clinton campaign was scheming against Bernie Sanders. Clinton’s connections with Walmart was also revealed.

Oh Jimmy! Australia has legal bribery too! We just got our single payer health system off the ground before it got really bad and our public health system is now under threat. Guess what’s threatening it.
I just came across a question on Quora from a Canadian asking if the lack of Wikileaks articles on Trump or the GOP shows the Republicans are more ethical than the Democrats.
All the existing answers talked about Assange’s bias against Clinton. Some numbered GOP scandals, but not one informed the questioner of how many articles are actually on Wikileaks about Trump and the GOP until I answered the question myself.
The inability of people to do a simple search of Wikileaks themselves blows me away, as does their ignorance of what Wikileaks actually do and what they are. I shouldn’t be surprised when films like “Wikileaks: we steal secrets” are floating around.
Gary Hirshberg, the man you guys were talking about who was the CEO of an organic yogurt company HAS GOT TO BE the CEO of Stonyfield Organic Yogurt, because his email ends with!
I am glad I don’t eat that brand! Everyone should boycott this brand — GMO’s and CORRUPTION ABOUND! Holy cow literally and figuratively!
Best AP I’ve seen yet! More, please! It’s definitely worth the subscription fee.
I really like the show and have been getting it through the main show podcast download. I got an email this morning saying that we needed to login again because of changes to the membership setup and I figured I’d add this show as a podcast in it’s own right. The problem is, the podcasts on the dedicated AP feed are from last month – not current (and yes, I refreshed). Are they not putting AP on its own feed yet?
This was the best episode of AP yet. Informative stuff here Jimmy, Jordan, and crew. Keep up the great reporting and dialogue!
Thank you for a show which is talking about issues which are not “TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP! SCARY SCARY SCARY!”, like the main show for the last year.
God, I am so tired about Cenk’s massive Trump obsession. And I better cut myself short on what I think about many of the other hosts pants-pissing fear about a possible Trump presidency.
The answer is, they should never had the nose jobs that they did. Okay? Then discussions about should they have shared with members how they got the 100 dollar steak would never have come ip
A case can be made that, in the current media landscape and its dominant culture, nose jobs are sometimes necessary for people to function in their job as a highly visible pundits. That’s not a pleasant observation, and personally I don’t much like the idea of people having surgery in order to be better in their jobs…but the point is that, in this context, a nose job cannot be considered to be a luxury or an extravagant expense for one’s own pleasure. Not at all. And I wouldn’t certainly not reproach anyone for getting a nose job for those reasons (as well as other reasons, which are not relevant here). I just wanted to clarify that.
“I would certainly not reproach anyone”, typo.
Wait, sorry, I think I have misinterpreted your position: you hate the fact that they got plastic surgery, correct? (I hadn’t seen some of your other posts yet). As I wrote below, I think it’s excusable for professional reasons, but I don’t like it either that they felt compelled to have such surgery.
See, this is why we need edit buttons on this board, because now I’ve just written a hugely confusing mess. :)
I was not a happy camper on last Thurs Oct 13th. I couldn’t get aggressive progressives on the membership page at all. Kept trying over the entire hour and all I could get was Cenk’s interview with Jesse Ventura. Did anyone else have the same problem? So I’m watching now, but I’ve never had a problem catching it live before….
I understand you completely.
But .. HOW CAN YOU VOTE FOR JILL STEIN? ???? Really? That’s what your famous movement has come too? She was in the race from the beginning yet why have you started supporting her now????
I do not like Jill Stein, she has proven to be ineffective, more people than her regular base are listening to her for no reason except climate change, she does not really stand for anything progressive, another demagogue, sometimes reflecting on why she has so little support in these circumstances, I think she may be a plant
This show is why I subscribed. Love ya Jimmy
Hello fellow progressives. I want to hear from real progressives = agressive progressive audience.
What are ur thoughts on :
Ana , John In their roles as the main co-hosts. ??
I will hold back and say I think they are less than ideal to move forward a real progressive movement . Especially considering how centrist cenk can be at times . I love what tyt stand for but in my opinion weak hosts like them hold TYT back . I’m not just pulling this out of thin air I could elaborate but the main reason I wrote this is because I would love to hear what other members feel .
Now, let’s be fair to Ana and John: that is not their job. And I mean that in two separate, precise ways:
1) Literally, it’s not their job. Ana and John are show runners, by which I mean that they lead in the stories of the day and then allow for others (mainly Cenk obviously) to comment on those stories. That was their original job. They may have gradually grown in their role as commentators themselves and now as pundits they are approaching the stature and authority of Cenk, but technically they are still in that officially subservient position to Cenk, so in a sense they are still in that original job.
2) No one is under any obligation to move forward the movement. There are many indications that Ana and John both strongly identify with that movement and are willing to contribute, but this does not confer any obligations on them as pundits. It’s great that Jimmy, Steve and Jordan feel called upon to do that, and they do this based on conviction and sacrifice (in Steve’s case, sacrificing his basket ball training), but you can’t expect everyone at TYT to go above and beyond to such lengths – in part because of what I said previously about being in subserving positions.
Sounds like you just want an echo chamber of your own views
If someone like Cenk wants to vote Clinton cause they believe that Trump is extra special dangerous, fine, but only as long as that same person has the ability to objectively view Clinton for what she is and take her to task on it. I love Jordan and Jimmy not for how they are going to vote, but that they have the integrity to call it like it is on Clinton and Trump rather than just shit their Trump pants like everyone else 98% of the time.
What I got from the emails is that Hillary is really empty, she has a few positions she’d like to take and stand for and then makes her staff make it happen for her. Like when she said she wanted to be pro-fracking and her team came up with a slimy dodge on regulations and “clean” energy to legitimize fracking. Even the Clinton Foundation is run by people that want to screw up the process so that they can benefit economically. The Democratic Party is like a cult, the emails show that they wanted their “leader” to win and they were all good “soldiers” that “served” HRC (all the words in quotes were used in the emails).
Best show on the entire TYT network.
Jimmy Dore and Jordan are giving the most needed voices and commentary.
This basically goes without saying, but I’ll say it for good measure: you can get much more commentary on the Wikileaks emails by going to the Jimmy Dore Show. Here’s a rundown of the most recent Jimmy Dore Show clips that fall into this category:
Leaked Emails Show Hillary’s Bullsh*t Rationale For TPP
Clinton Aides Fought ‘Spoiled Brat’ Chelsea Over Exposing Corruption
Leaked Emails Show Chelsea Tried To Stop Clinton Foundation
Establishment Press Struggling To Discredit WikiLeaks
Hillary Lied About Women’s Groups & The Bankruptcy Bill, Wikileaks Emails Show
Emails Show Hillary Turned Her Back On The Environment Before Lying About TPP
Leaked Emails Reveal Hillary’s TPP Stance Leaves Out The Environment
WikiLeaks Reveal Hillary Clinton Policies Need “A Scrub”
WikiLeaks Show Hillary Clinton & Jeb Bush Have Same Economics
WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary Clinton Selling Out American Workers & Lots More
This show is a tiny island of sanity surrounded by an ocean of ignorance and craven crazy propaganda.
As someone said, civilizations don’t fall because people are evil. They fall because people are spineless.
Germany did not succumb to the Nazi’s because most Germans were evil, but because most Germans were too spineless to stand up to the evil.
All it took to make Democrats cave in and support a warmongering neoliberal lying sociopathic criminal corrupt Wall Street Corporate Oligarchy shill was to point to an orange clown.
The one good news from Hillary’s growing lead is that now there is NO EXCUSE for progressives living in safe Blue states not to vote Third Party. If we can give the Greens 5% at the polls in November, it will dramatically enhance that party’s ability to field great candidates in the future.
OMG I loved this show with Jordan and Jimmy! I have been getting so much flack about my posting of articles that go against Hillary. Friends have decided not to read the leaks because of Julian and they are convinced the Russians are behind this. Oy it’s just crazy. No matter that I constantly say I don’t like Trump and am not voting for him, I’m apparently creating a problem by questioning HRC. Watching Jimmy on any show and following Jordan’s reporting, along with some other reporters that I follow, I feel so much better because you guys are saying the very things I’m saying and questioning the things I’m questioning. Thank you so much TYT for Aggressive Progressives and for TYTPolitics. Great shows, great people!
Farmers really don’t care about GMO labeling, it’s the corporate food conglomerates like Kraft and Coca Cola.
Farmers are stuck in the middle of a corrupt system and they’re often on the side of progressives when it comes to GMO’s and Monsanto.
Fucking great show guys, love seeing Jordan join in. A REAL TYT power panel would be Stevo, Jimmy and Jordan…..every fucking day.
Jimmy, Jordan, and Steve Oh. PROGRESSIVES!!
As a subscriber, I am super happy with this show. In the last couple of months Jimmy has been touching on issues that are vitally important to understanding the nature of the political system in the United States. Too often members of the media are dazzled by the process and miss the structure. Jimmy has been hitting the notes that deep thinkers like Sheldon Woolin and Chris Hedges play and digging that shit is vital to being an informed person.
Also I love how much this show has showcased Jordan, he is a true asset to the TYT organization. I have rarely seen a reporter so gifted at drawing out earnest reactions from interview subjects.
Keep taking out the corporate garbage Jimmy, us working people are right there with you!
All you’ve gathered from the emails is that Hillary is a centrist and the TPP isn’t that bad? It must feel good to be that blissfully ignorant. Goddamn, my fucking head hurts trying to figure out the mental gymnastics that a literate, aware human being must play to come to those conclusions.
“TPP isn’t that bad,” is it? If extreme forms of neoliberal ideology, corporate greed, and attacks on the working class don’t offend you, then I guess not. But that’s the same as saying that “Trump is only a little bit of a pervert”.
What do you think a “centrist” really is, in the context of a political elite that has been continually shifting towards the Right and which keeps shifting towards the Right? The Republicans have officially degenerated into a Far Right, proto-fascist spectacle, and the Democratic response has been to promise that “we’ll be slightly more moderate than those extremists over there. So come join us, Jeb Bush donors and corporate interests, because we’re open for business…”
Nothing could be more convenient for a Democratic party leadership that basically wants to become a less “Alt Right” version of establishment Republicans. A democracy has zero hope of being functional and sustainable, if and when it becomes limited to a binary choice between the Far Right and the Somewhat More Moderate Right.
Damn, I watched and waited patiently to hear what J n J had to say about Trump’s latest pussy scandal and they didn’t bring it up. The main show only talked about it for 2 hours. I need my Trump Pussy fix!
best show!!!!
So much on those Emails… There’s just nothing there ! Really… I mean even you seem underwhelmed. Its private mails of course you’ll have people gossiping. But the funny thing is : You have this AHA moment on TPP. WTF ? So they write that they’d support TPP if it create more jobs, help the middle class and help national security and your reaction is : GOTCHA ! ?? You mean she has to be against TPP even if it creates jobs etc ? Its stupid ! I’m from europe, and in europe TPP is seen as an agreement that favors the US. The main reason we’re fighting TPP is because it gives too much power to the US markets and we think its “tailor made” for helping the USA’s economy. But now you’re telling us that not only she has to be against TPP but she cannot even think about leverage to pass it ? LIke : no more agreement, even if its good for jobs and the middle class ? Its crazy. Really after ALL those Email released if you still think she’s “corrupt” then you really have something against her and her character or just against any establishment politicians. What those Email shows is that actually they know their jobs, they have a well functioning campaign operation and they have center left / center right policies. They sound and read like any other politician working in a big social democracy. There’s nothing shocking, at best it shows self awareness and too much time spent on marketing and optics but its the same problem in every big democracies
> I’m from europe, and in europe TPP is seen as an agreement that favors the US. The main reason we’re fighting TPP is because it gives too much power to the US markets and we think its “tailor made” for helping the USA’s economy.
Err…you’re talking about fighting TTIP and CETA, which are totally separate treaties. For obvious reasons, Europe has nothing whatsoever to do with the Trans Pacific Partnership. All those treaties are being negotiated separately and by different people.
However, all three of those treaties are neoliberal in design and therefore they do have many points of similaritiy. They would all hurt the working class and the middle class on both sides of the Atlantic; they would all be giveaways to corporate power, exactly as Jimmy says. It is imperative that Europeans defeat the neoliberal monstrosities that are TTIP and CETA, just as Americans have to slay the TPP monster, at any cost.
I don’t think you really understand the true scope and depth of such treaties and how dangerous they are. See this excellent German site:
Love this show!! Wish it was daily, Jimmy great job man, you and Jordan play well off of each other. He would make an excellent regular, would love to see you two interview President Stein.
That NDAA thing is very scary. Going to prison for protesting, which we have the constitutional right to do? I don’t like it. This isn’t a free country anymore.
Another awesome show guys! Keep it up!
Great show! Love the APs!
Whoa. Jimmy and Jordan together. My two favorite (by far) TYTers and the reason I subscribe.
But don’t know how I’ll handle a whole hour with no stories about Trump groping a woman in 1985.
I mean this social, economic and environmental justice stuff will not get Hillary elected.
when did this air? i tuned in for it and Cenk was interviewing Jesse Ventura.Interesting interview, but don’t disrupt the regular schedule for a special interview. Show the interview LATER!!!! AP is my favorite show and it ticks me off that it was bumped. Jesse Ventura wasn’t breaking news. No one died. So show the interview LATER. And can I say – show the interview LATER!
You guys rock! Keeping in real! Truth rules!
Love Jimmy and Jordan!
Greatest show of all time! Thanks guys!
Indeed it is!
Until the Election season dies down, and cooler heads prevail, I can no longer support the main team at TYT. They are engaging in a clear tactic of mixing verifiable stories with mere accusations, to shortcut to the conclusions that they want us to believe. And some of them are taking it a step further, and trying to shame people who don’t agree with those conclusions.
Jimmy, I’m sticking with you, Emma and Jordan; and for the time being will watch only segments with Jayar, on the main show.
Ugh. She’s threatening another Cold War? I feel so much safer, now.
I always wait to hear from you Jimmy. Jordan, I earlier connected you too much to the main show. Now, I love and appreciate your autonomy. Main show needs to get over Trump. Hillary is going to win no matter what so they could slow down that coverage and concentrate on what we are in for with a Clinton Presidency.
Good strategy. Accept the inevitable, brace for it, and decide how to deal with it. Anything else is a waste of time.
Jordan should be on every episode!
Hopefully in person, sooner or later, because this on-air video conferencing gets the job done and everything, but you do start to long for having everyone in the same room after a while.
Is this very quiet or am I getting old and need a hearing aid. Please say I am not an old Young Turk. I am? oh crap.
You are correct. The volume level on this show is very low.
…I like to say that I’m a Young Old Young Turk, but when I do, people just give me a weird look. :) Not enough appreciation for Hegelian dialectics.
But yes, you don’t want to flip straight from this video to, say, a Youtube video. Because of how loud you’ve been turning up the system’s volume, doing so will flip out your poor ear tubes something flippity.
Once again Great show!
Love the Double-J (Jimmy and Jordan), would be great if Jordan’s reporting could be a corner of show. I always wondered why the Main show doesn’t utilize more of his reporting & clips.
Here’s my confusion & why I question the integrity of these emails….
Wasn’t there a bi-partisan decision that she DIDN’T do anything terribly illegal???
We KNOW the Republicans wanted to hang her by her ovaries – so if they had all of these incriminating emails – why didn’t they go after her????
It just doesn’t make sense. If they had all of this ammunition – why didn’t the Republicans SHOOT?!
Very questionable, indeed.
These e-mails aren’t from Hillary’s private server. They are from her campaign and the DNC. These aren’t the ones that were investigated by Congress and the FBI.
Aside from the fact that the emails are news and worth looking into regardless of the source(which I agree with) I am inclined to believe its the russians because of assange’s baseless and irresponsible hinting at seth rich being the source of info he had no way of having, just to take heat off of people saying its coming from russia. And stuff like the twitter account tweeting the earpiece email in response to nonsense debate conspiracy theories. Really hurting their credibility playing into conspiracy theories just to hurt hillary. Theres plenty of bad stuff in there by itself.
The most logical reason to question the content of a leak is if the source has a motive. So we can’t realistically trust the content of the leaks if Russia is the source. Would they have motive to recreate thousands of emails? Um, yeah.
That said, the content that you guys are covering seems pretty realistic in its content. But F, man. I seriously can’t trust something that is a direct part of the new cyber warfare. I want to believe every word, it all seems too obvious, but this particular batch can’t really be trusted.
Otherwise, keep up the great work!
But have you ever wondered why its like NAH MAN IT’S FROM RUSSIA, instead of just disproving that they are real by questioning metadata, or even the emails themselves. The last time they put out things they did say they were real emails, but oh no its from Russia don’t look at it.
These are nothing we didn’t really think was happening anyways, it comes at no surprise to me, but the truth is rather damning, but instead of just denying the emails, they just tarnish where they came from, what does that really say about it?
If facts come, I don’t care who they come from, I can analyze the contents and decide what i think about it, but this is stuff I suspected anyways.
Love the Double-J (Jimmy and Jordan), would be great if Jordan’s reporting could be a corner of show. I always wondered why the Main show doesn’t utilize more of his reporting & clips.
However the source it, the electronic mails are verifiable due to the presence of electronic signatures. Besides, no one really reasonably argues that the leaks are real.
“Russian” issue is two-fold: the leaks could be coming from Russians or through Russian government. There is a “six degrees of separation” evidence that Russians might have hacked it (after all, the hacking community in Russia is giant, it is very strong indeed, and everyone sees himself/herself as a proud fighter in cyberspace that wants to have as much achievements as possible, especially it is against corporate oligarchy such as Clintons), if you believe “security firms” through which Clinton campaigns spreads their ideas, but there is literally zero evidence that Russian government is involved. Hence the DNI report contains phrases like “we believe”, “consistent with”, etc which are code words “we do not know but we really want to support Clinton’s neo-MacCarthyist propaganda”.
*Whoever the source is …
(Sorry; I am too tired)
> The most logical reason to question the content of a leak is if the source has a motive.
At the most basic and ideological level, Wikileaks’ motive is total transparancy. That is why they leak on everyone including the Russian government.
Stayed up late reading emails including ‘cc’s and looking up related firms.
This stuff is bad. Really bad. The Clintons have ruined every vestige of social responsibility that was once the core of the Democratic Party.
While claiming the ‘high road’ they have reached such a cynical depth that it can only be described as depravity.
Thanks, Jimmy and Jordan, for putting these truths out for those who just don’t have time (or the stomach) to wade through the cesspit that is world of Hillary Clinton.
from me to all.
The best show on TYT hands down.