TYT Hour 2 October 6, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan22 Comments

Bees endangered. Champion chess player boycotts championship in Iran over hijab ban. Teen arrested over milk carton. Meteorologist blames deforestation in Haiti on children eating trees. Authorities banning clown costumes. Joseph Buck’s hair loss.


  1. Missed pun opportunity at ~38:00, should have said “tick tock tick tock, and it isn’t the clowns that will get the last laugh.”

  2. You guys are totally wrong about the bees. Bee populations are actually fine, many bees die off every year before the winter, and this is only 7 species that are endangered. Bee populations are actually increasing right now, and it is also important to remember that beekeeper’s bees and wild bee populations experience different things. It is unsurprising when beekeepers lose their bees, and usually it is because the bees leave, not because they die.

    Here is a link explaining the science.

  3. @ePharmacist: I think there is another layer to it. The hijab might be intended to “privatize a woman’s sexuality”, as you say, but if it isn’t her choice to do so, it is being done for another’s benefit. It is not by accident that girls only start wearing a headdress from a certain age on and that often the level of “disguise” increases once the woman is married. Therefore, it is for the benefit of the husband. This means that a man’s wishes and interests are put before the woman’s (of course the man’s interest can co-incide with the woman’s, but if at odds, the man’s opinion will count). And this makes forcing woman by law to wear hijabs oppressive.

    @Ana: I am surprised that you say you would NEVER wear a hijab. As a reporter who has still a lot of potential in their career, you may find yourself in a position where you do reporting in a strict Muslim country and where you cannot conduct your business unless you comply. I cannot image that you would easily say you would rather not do your job than cover up your head.

    Actually, I think for me as an atheist, it would mean so much less to cover myself for a couple of days because it has no religious or cultural meaning to me whatsoever. I would feel like I was wearing a costume. The real fight is carried out by the woman who act against their culture, laws, upbringing, instincts,… I feel like it would not be very valuable for me to make a stand against the hijab because I don’t really have any skin in the game… Therefore, I don’t know how valuable the chess player’s stand really is…

    1. I agree with you, but let me assure you that Ana will never find herself in that position. but you’re absolutely right. As a reporter, or a visiting chess champion, you should respect local customs. And ALL cultures have bizarre habits and rituals, even the ones you grew up with and are therefor used to. Most of the globe’s societies throughout time have been patriarchal, so most have dress codes for women written by men.

      I think if a woman chooses to wear a hijab or even a burka, it’s her choice. We don’t have a right to psychoanalyze her and tell her that she’s only thinking she likes it because she’s oppressed. You could turn right around and do the same thing for a woman in the “free” west about why she chooses to wear what she wears. All of Ana’s clothes weren’t made by some independent thought free from cultural and patriarchal influences.

      Women can wear whatever they want, and part of that is that they’re still going to like things that have a rich tradition of power struggle in patriarchy. Not to mention cultural appropriation and race considerations. Black women can’t wear their hair in a natural afro without being considered “radical” in most office places even today. That’s changing now. But there are lots of rules that are unwritten into societies that people follow, and nobody has the “default” culture that is the correct one.

      1. I say the hijab is never OK and no one should wear it. It isn’t about God, it is all about oppressing woman. Hair is sexy, you can’t have men thinking about sex, so shame and cover up the women. Even if its “by choice” still not OK. If a woman has been shamed and brainwashed to hide her sin, I will never say “she can do that if she wants”. No

  4. Can you guys please just talk about the oil industry and how they are resisting adressing climate change, because they want to make the rest of their money off of fossil fuels and petroluem which is in, EVERY SINGLE PLASTIC THAT CAN NEVER RETURN TO MOTHER EARTH!; every pesticide, every rubber, every motorized machine, EVERY PESTICIDE!. Look at a oil companies veritcal business structure! We’ve reached PEAK OIL and the oil barons are not done getting the second half of their investment (thats why they are trying to drill in Alaska and the melting ice caps). The evidence is clear as to who has control and won’t allow us a future into sustainable practices.

  5. The woman who is outraged that her daughter is learning about the world and its history, which includes Islam is so ridiculous I want to laugh at her.

    I went to a private Catholic high school, and we had an entire semester dedicated to learning about different religions and their histories—and that was just Theology class. I also remember learning about different religions in World History. (How could you leave it out?)

  6. Every second on Kelly and Hannity is a wasted second. No one cares. Except other journos, apparently?

    Clinton Foundation paid Warren Buffet for shoddy shelters with noxious fumes after the Haiti earthquake. How about some reporting around how Haiti has fared since that time and follow all that sort of “donated” money?

  7. My question:

    How much tax payer money was squandered in the processing of the [horribly egregious] 65 cent crime? Maybe we should fine the officer the pay he would have earned while being a racist pig towards school children…….smh

    Also, Ana, your shirt (or dress, I can’t tell) is stylin’! (Just saying). Congratulations on your recent wedding!

  8. HAWAIIAN Bees. This means they are native to Hawaii, which is along the equator, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Global warming actually has a bigger effect with extreme weather events closer to the poles and inland. If they are dying off its most likely due to pesticides, disease or habitat lost (its actually a small island). Or maybe specific flowers or their food sources might be dying out. Or maybe the volcano is emitting gas that is killing them off, thats the risk of living on a volcanic island in the middle of the ocean.

    1. some times I just read facts that seem a little off, so I google them, it’s OCD I’m sure

      Distance from Honolulu

      North Pole: 4,750 mi
      Equator: 1,465 mi
      South Pole: 7,680 mi

      nice weather how ever it happens anyway

  9. Ana, if you’re going to judge where you should vacation based on whether you have to wear a head scarf or not, (Dubai as far as I know) UAE and Oman don’t require you wear it. You seemed judgy. Just don’t tell people where they should vacation, ok?

  10. On chess master and Iran: to be fair, culture norms and laws about them are arbitrary. For example, there is no rational reason why naked female nipples are banned in “the land of the free”, and yet to show it would be a public indecency violation. The most of Iranians think the same about female hair-dress. So before we critique Iran on this issue, we have to admit that in principle there is no difference between us and them.

  11. Oppression means taking away someone’s power. The purpose of hijab (according to Islam) is to privatize a woman’s sexuality. If a woman who wears hijab means she’s oppressed, then what does that say about the source of her power? By this logic, we’re saying a woman is only powerful if her sexuality is public, right?

    1. I totally agree with you on this. People from one culture who find another culture’s habits to be some kind of bizarre unnatural thing worthy of mockery, but their own culture’s habits to be totally normal are just fucking ridiculous. In the west we used to think breeches and stockings and cravats were normal, and now you’re laughed at if you wear that. It’s the same thing with American women covering their breasts. That’s not handed down from some clothing god. That’s just arbitrary nonsense culture, just like the hijab. Step the fuck outside of your cultural context just fucking once, America.

      Hey dDErss, be honest, was this you?

  12. Do a Google search on “eating the inner bark of trees”. One quick capture was “The bark section of choice for food is the cambium layer, which lies right next to the wood. Plenty of our ancestors used this edible inner layer of tree bark as both food and medicine. Many Native American cultures included the inner bark of pines and other trees as an important staple of their diet”. I recall reading histories where starving people use this as a temporary food source. That is the part of the tree that beavers eat. It is also the location of water flow in trees. Stripping the bark entirely around a tree will kill it (it is called girdling the tree). I don’t know whether this is happening in Haiti.

  13. Do a Google search on “eating the inner bark of trees”. On quick capture was “The bark section of choice for food is the cambium layer, which lies right next to the wood. Plenty of our ancestors used this edible inner layer of tree bark as both food and medicine. Many Native American cultures included the inner bark of pines and other trees as an important staple of their diet”

  14. The honey bee issue was happening in Europe the same as here. They banned neonicotinoids, because this poison is in the entire structure of the plant including its pollen. It’s not a GMO it is poison placed with the seed of the plant or coated on them. All of Europe’s bee populations have rebounded since they created the regulations ban it, and now they are back to dealing with the pests that the poison was created to kill from the beginning.

  15. Regarding the weather reporter’s comment about children being so hungry they sometimes eat trees (wood, bark) in Haiti. While it was bizarre that she seemed to attribute the deforestation of Haiti to the children, the fact is that they are starving and in some cases may resort to eating wood in order to have something in their stomachs. What struck me is that instead of exploring the very real tragedy of the people of Haiti, you just made fun of the reporter. There is so much corruption in Haiti that the billions of dollars invested there to rebuild after the last huge storm has largely gone to corporations, including US corporations that have not provided any kind of relief or help to the people of Haiti. I believe that the Clinton Foundation may have been involved in this also and would love to see some real reporting on that. It’s certainly all over the internet; if not true, it would be instructive to know, and, if true, would be very instructive to know. At the very least, a mention of the plight of the people of Haiti would have been in order and perhaps a reference to where people might go to get more information or to donate would have been helpful. Heifer International is a highly rated charity that is currently providing relief to Haiti. The Haitian people have once again suffered a devastating blow from a hurricane (Matthew). They deserve our respect and our help.

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