The seventh installment of Aggressive Progressives with Jimmy Dore and Steve Oh. This week, Jimmy and Steve discuss their thoughts on Ralph Nader, Al Gore, and voting fraud.
This is pertaining to Jimmy’s assertion that Nader’s voters would have preferred Bush over Gore in the 2000 election if it was just a 2-way race. Once again….Jimmy Dore distorts the truth to laughable extremes. Actually, I’m having a hard time not saying that he is just telling blatant lies here, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that his marijuana addled brain was not functioning correctly, for now.
So Jimmy says that Nader voters would have given more votes to Bush than to Gore, if Nader had not run. On the face of things this just sounded ridiculous to me. There is a shit ton of data to be found online that directly refutes this claim. Let’s start with the New York Times, shall we:
In case you don’t wanna read, let me quote for you:
“Voters leaving polling places in 2000 were asked by Voter News Service, a consortium of television networks and The Associated Press, how they would have voted if George W. Bush and Al Gore had been the only candidates on the ballot. Among Nader voters, 45 percent said they would have voted for Mr. Gore, 27 percent said they would have voted for Mr. Bush, and the rest said they would not have voted.”
But wait a minute! Dore has his own sources for his data, from the non-partisan source of …… the Green Party’s web site. This made me a little leary right off the bat. But the reality of the situation is actually much worse.
The problem here is…..Jimmy Dore is full of shit.
Here is a link to the article that Dore supposedly pulled his revolutionary data from:
In the very first paragraph, the article summarizes the other factors involved in Gore not winning more Democrats votes. To quote the article, these factors are …
“(1) voters who were disenfranchised; (2) voting systems and procedures that failed; (3) the party-line United States Supreme Court vote declaring George W. Bush the winner; and (4) Democrats who voted for Bush or not at all.”
Wait a minute….where is the point that Jimmy made that Nader voters would have voted Republican more than Democrat??? Where that point is, is in Jimmy’s ass, which is where he pulled it from.
There is nothing in that article that says Nader’s voters would have voted more for Bush than Gore if it was just Bush and Gore in the Presidential election, and their are multiple sources all over that say the exact opposite. Jimmy is spouting complete and utter bullshit…..again.
And Steven Oh just sits there and lets him bullshit the audience like this. Oh but he did let out a little cough. I guess the stench got to him a little.
Not sure what’s taking so long, but in one of Jordan Chariton’s recent video’s he said they were just finishing a episode. So I’m assuming it’ll be soon.
This is a great episode. Brings out so many emotions listening and watching on the edge of my seat. This stuff matters! I will share info learned as much as I can. Thank you Jimmy and Steve for representing the voice of aggressive progressives. Thank you for your honesty and your research; both of your passion and insight very much appreciated. You are a lovely duo for this show! I want more-more-more. Possible? (TYT Network can you give us more aggressive progressives?)
I just want to say how much I revere and appreciate the courageous content you put out every week. It’s so important to look back on history and to try and learn from the mistakes and crimes our nation has committed if we are ever gong to fix things. I know you are taking a lot of misguided anger from ignorant uninformed people who have been bombarded with lies and perhaps even from within TYT. So i just wanted to say keep up the great work and again, Thank you.
Oh snap! The Jimmy Dore Show has dropped a MUSIC VIDEO which frankly I think you will enjoy:
If you tear up (possibly with anger) at a video comparison between near-orgasmic Bernie rallies and near-comatose Clinton rallies, then this vid well get you bawling.
Another fantastic show! Thanks for providing historical context to the 2000 election. Ralph Nader has been maligned for too long, and the premise that a third party vote is a “spoiler” has been trotted out in every election since. The Democrats have cried wolf for so long that some people are getting tired of it. Now Clinton and the media call attention to all the republicans who have disavowed Trump. These people were “monsters” up until this year. Now- these people are virtuous for standing against their party’s nominee? They actually might be. I’ve heard almost as many Democrats praise Ronald Reagan in the general election as I heard criticize Bernie Sanders in the primary. I’m old enough to remember the Reagan presidency. And I remember Democrats having a problem with his policies and presidency. If Democrats want to champion Reagan now, they lost me. Democrats are probably not crying wolf this time with Trump. He is dangerous. But- the video at the beginning of the show that illustrates the disparity in passion between Sanders supporters and Clinton supporters should be required viewing for the Democratic establishment. Unfortunately, I don’t think it would matter. Yes, Hillary Clinton won the nomination. Now- the Democrats are trying to become the party of Reagan. I don’t see that as progress. And it’s definitely not progressive. It’s a symptom of the rightward drift. In many ways, time has pushed us forward as a society in good, meaningful ways. And to be fair, many of the gains have been pushed forward by Democrats, but usually only after it had been politically expedient to do so. But- where are the virtuous Democrats standing up to their nominee? Where are the Democrats who champion progressive policies over party? “Grab them by the pussy” pushed some republicans over the edge. Why not “fracking” for Democrats? Even if I don’t agree with their principles, it’s a sad day when I can name more Republicans taking a stand on their principles before party than Democrats. Two I can name are Jimmy Dore and Steve Oh. And I thank both of them for that. Aggressive Progressives, five days a week, please.
Welcome to the TYTea Party. WTF! How can you censor an honest tweet? It was a “bad tweet”? So, all your tweets are “good”? Jimmy: “I hope we deleted it”. So YOU can post YOUR crap on Twitter, but others can’t counter? I wonder when I will be blocked from commenting here, because it upsets your viewers. If you don’t want criticism or counter points you should go to InfoWars where you will be greatly appreciated. Woulda, coulda, shoulda….but Bernie isn’t on the ticket so get over it. You truly are the Aggressive Regressives. How many decades back is your limit on complaining about elections past that democrats could have won? As for your shaming of Gore, to me this proves how important the Supreme Court is and YOU are willing to lose the court for decades because you’re angry how that election went. So, Progressive means Anti-union? Really?! Hillary “Fucking” Clinton is worse than Trump? Are you insane? You think George getting egged on inauguration day was bad… THAT will look like nothing compared to what will happen if Trump wins. Lastly, speaking of fairy dust, it is totally dishonest for you to tell people that Stein has a chance to win this election. She doesn’t. You are just voting for Trump and you don’t want to think about the consequences of you flushing your “progressive” vote.
@TokyoViking The possibility of Trump becoming President has proved that you and people like you are willing to flush your morals and democratic beliefs down the toilet as soon as the going gets tough. There’s a reason they say Democracy is tough, and there’s also a reason the US has become an Oligarchy. If that moron becomes President you don’t loose the Supreme Court for decades your hyperbole is exposing your cowardice. Trump will never win, but all you fake left wing voters have exposed the problem with America, it’s citizens don’t love it enough to fight for it, they are willing to allow it to get taken hostage by a self-serving Neo-liberal:
– that has literally voted to send soldiers to die,
-poor people to less than a living wage,
-to literally arm a country that would go on to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians (Saudi Arabia to Yemen).
to name just a few, so I ask you: what has Trump done that is worse than, or caused more harm on, the human condition and moral than Hilary Clinton. When Apple makes iPhones through slave wages in China I don’t expect consumers to be held accountable because Apple is a corporation, but when you vote Hillary in a world where she goes to War with Russia or Iran than voters like you would have caused that and should never be able to look themselves in the mirror ever again. But deep down you will never accept this because you know that there will never be any accountability and you don’t really care about the rest of the World, and that’s a Hillary Supporter- mirroring their candidate..
Anesh, your response was spot on, and probably more tactful than I would ever be … kudos to you!
When Jimmy talks about Stein winning if people who like her policies would actually vote for her, you can say that about $hillary as well. Her enthusiasm gap is HUGE. No one likes Her, unless you are a Neo-lib. So, it works both ways…. HALF the country doesn’t even vote!
So, Neo-lib TokyoViking, can talk about the “dangers of Trump” all he/she wants, but HALF the country won’t be able to get off work to vote, the lines will be too long, they have only ever voted when they are “excited,” they won’t have time, OR they believe that their vote does NOT matter. Because voters lives only get harder, more stressful, more insecure, more shitty, with each passing election cycle. Thank You, Clinton Democrats!
So don’t scream & cry & stomp your feet that Greens or Libertarians or Independents will be guilty of tragedies beyond compare if Trumpzilla, in a long-shot, wins.
And btw, TokyoViking, as a Neo-Lib, you may not be at fault either! Because until we have SOMEONE in office who actual cares about the citizens, and not their Corporate Overlords & cocktail-party Establishment friends, we will NEVER have a government that works FOR the people instead of AGAINST them.
“If that moron becomes President you don’t loose the Supreme Court for decades your hyperbole is exposing your cowardice.” I fail to see how that progressives don’t loose the court. If Trump wins there is also a good chance that he will have both the House and the Senate so rarifying any joker he wants to put on the court should be pretty easy. Citizen’s United will remain for decades. Abortion is lost. Gay rights will also be lost as well. Trump will agree with whatever Pence advises.
“it’s citizens don’t love it enough to fight for it, they are willing to allow it to get taken hostage by a self-serving Neo-liberal” We are choosing to fight a winnable war with a pseudo-progressive democrat that at least listens and can be persuaded to change her mind verses an ignorant, egotistical, thin-skinned dictator that doubles down even when it is painfully obvious that he is wrong. As some who have worked closely with him have said any fight with him will be bloody. I don’t think risking civil war is heroic.
“that has literally voted to send soldiers to die” Along with many others.
“poor people to less than a living wage”. You act like she had the power ever raise the minimum wage, its in the platform.
“-to literally arm a country that would go on to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians” Saudi definitely was armed before Hillary became Sec. of State. When have most of the murders happened? I suspect most were under Kerry’s watch.
“so I ask you: what has Trump done” Yes, Trump has done nothing and has never been given the power to do anything. This is to our great benefit. His character totally disqualifies him from being given too much power. Let him govern a state for a few years and show us what he can do and how he plays with others.
“when you vote Hillary in a world where she goes to War with Russia or Iran”. Why do you think she would start a war with either. She was instrumental in achieving historical agreements with both states. She is a strong leader and knows how to move players that she needs into place to keep relations in a safe zone. Trump could start such wars because he thinks he knows more than his generals or advisors and he can’t keep his hands to himself. He could get caught screwing Putin’s girlfriend or sister and start a war that way.
“there will never be any accountability and you don’t really care about the rest of the World”. I’m for holding people accountable for things they actually do, not outrageous fiction that right-wingers want to push until everyone believes it whether its true or not. So many people think they are lawyers and know more about the situation than experts that actually look into the issue. As for the rest of the world, I actually live in Tokyo, Japan and I care a great deal what people think about our nation abroad. Thank God for the great job that Hillary did of picking up the pieces of our destroyed reputation and foreign relations after 8 disastrous, shameful, years under the Bush & Cheney presidency. Years full of extraordinary rendition, torture, black sights, and wars of convenience for personal financial benefit.
Quote: “You are just voting for Trump and you don’t want to think about the consequences”
No. Voting for another candidate other than Trump is by definition, not casting a ballot for Trump. You can’t bully people into voting for Hillary, that’s not how democracy works and is illogical. If all you Hillary supporters are really worried about Trump becoming president then vote for Jill Stein because lots of people are voting for her as she is nearer to them on the issues. If you really care and think Trump must be stopped, you know you won’t get people to support Clinton so join them and vote third party…see how stupid and illogical that is.
@TokyoViking, This isn’t a case of censorship. That was somebody posting with the main TYT handle, which represents TYT as a whole. Jimmy doesn’t post stuff from his perspective using TYT’s account. He would use his own account. Similarly, that person should have used his/her own account. There’s lots of debate happening on Twitter and I’m sure Jimmy engages in that debate, but the TYT account shouldn’t literally be debating itself.
Jimmy also never said that he’s against unions. He was just speculating that the police would empathize with the rest of the population if right-wingers started going after their unions.
It’s silly to suppose even for a second that Jimmy could be “anti-union”. I could point to two dozen videos where he is either defending unions from rightwing assaults, or talking about the necessity of having as many unions as possible.
Agreed! I think the unpolished nature of this show feels like natural conversation, and is more engaging than rehearsed talk shows that are over-produced. Don’t apologize for it, guys. Every time Jimmy says, ” what’s it called? Progressive, no wait, aggressive progressives,” I bust out laughing (with you, not at you!)
It’s a pretty enjoyable, useful message board (and one that has more posting features than this more primitive board right here does, I can honestly say), BUT it is often besieged by Alt Right guys, Alex Jones fans, and assorted varieties of rightwing trolls.
I would highly appreciate it if any of the aggressively progressive TYT Members here could sign up with the Official TYT Subreddit. You don’t even have to do any commenting, necessarily, but just boosting our numbers there would be a big help. Thank you in advance, my brothers and sisters.
He only ever agrees with progressive ideas “in theory.” All the years I’ve been watching, he has been like that. He had a friendly, laid-back delivery which I use to enjoy.
But this election he has been unbearable & completely naked in his disdain for Progressives. I usually switch to ‘Murder with Friends” when I see he is on.
We need more than an hour a week of this! TYT management, are you listening? Your members are looking for something they can’t get from the rest of the media.
Temper your Trump-bashing, and spend your time digging into the causes of our “malaise” or “morass,” whatever you want to call it. Help us understand what brought us to the brink, and more importantly, how to turn it around. Our answers don’t lie within either party–they both lead to more of the same, or worse. Jimmy and Steve (and also Jordan) seem to get this; the rest of you I’m not so sure about.
Cenk is so afraid of Trump, he’s encouraging people to vote against their own interests for the Democrats, who have ceased to be the party for the people. They will say anything you want to hear to get elected, then turn their backs on you again! When will you realize they don’t care about you?
All you have to offer is four or eight years of TYT “fighting her from day one, holding her feet to the fire” against TPP, more deregulation of Wall Street, failure to offer a public option, more war, no effective environmental policy, more money in politics, more racial discord, and more militarization of policing.
Oh, and good luck with that whole free college for middle class families thing–I bet she’ll work on that from day one, hahahahaha.
Also, don’t cry about it when she is the one who finally privatizes Social Security. That’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that Wall Street is panting over, and I have no doubt she would love to be the one who delivers it to them.
I can hardly wait to hear you screaming and teeth-gnashing about how awful it all is, night after night after night. Or, you could give us more of Jimmy and Steve and Jordan, who have already taken off the rose-colored glasses!
The false allegations of the past against the Clintons are what they are; but the pervasive corruption that is at the heart of our political system is furthered by their quest for wealth and power. Drumpfster being bad doesn’t make HRC acceptable. PNAC will be realized when she is inaugurated and begins her more robust foreign policy plans that will, in turn, draw resources and attention away from fixing ourselves.
Thanks again to Steve and Jimmy! You’ll be happy to know that the Majority Report Hilbots are in full attack mode whenever your name is mentioned.
Sammy thinks he won something. He has not.
Once more Aggressive Progressives are the best truth- tellers on TYT. The Bernie/ Clinton rallies were funny and heartbreaking. The Gore/Nader story was amazing. We need Aggressive progressives EVERY DAY PLEASE!
(Please fire the person who sent the Nation tweet. Maybe they can go to MSNBC or CNN).
Agressive Progressives is an absolutely essential TYT program. Isn’t it amazing how serene and rational actual progressivism can be? Turns out, Cenk is quite the moderate and TYT’s fan base can easily support this kind of necessary commentary.
Absolutely ADORE aggressive progressives…cannot think of a better name for this ‘show.’ Pardon my computer doofus question, but: How can I send a link to the first 15-20 minutes that are live streamed so I can share this wonderfulness AND get people to sign up to watch your show show? Is that possible? Or where else can it be found, on one of Jimmy’s sites??
I don’t believe that there is currently any way to do that, at least not in the manner that you suggest.
The free segment of AP is just one thing that gets dumped into TYT’s overall Livestream. So the only thing you can do is go to the TYT Youtube channel, copy the link to the Live Stream, and send this. But that idea comes wih several caveats:
1) There isn’t always a livestream, so there is not always a link there for you to copy.
2) IIRC, the link changes. So the link to yesterday’s livestream will be different from the link to tomorrow’s livestream (although, again, I’m not certain about this part).
3) Needless to say, in order to see the Aggressive Progressives segment, the recipients of your email would have to tune into the livestream at the correct time.
In short, people are unlikely to make use of what you send them. Which is pretty frustrating.
Steve-Oh is a bit low energy tbh. I don’t like that overly laid back personae. I know he’s passionate about the issues, but wish she would be a more bit straight-up and drop the laid-back stoner approach.
They are a perfect team: I love how well Jimmy’s passion plays with Steve’s calm thoughtfulness.
Plus Steve offers the occasional corrective when Jimmy veers off-course, such as when Jimmy suggested that more people didn’t vote for Gore because of Clinton’s devastating policies. Remember, at the time people didn’t yet realize the full impact of all that Clinton had done.
As Steve points out, Clinton was quite popular at the end of his second term. It’s only in the fullness of time that we have come to understand how much damage Clinton’s policies have done to our country. And finally, don’t lose sight of the fact that Gore did win the election!
Jimmy should let Steve butt in more.. Jimmy is great but 5,10 minutes recurring monologues is a bit too much.
I saw that he wanted to a couple of times but he got shut out.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
And I remember reading that Al Gore told the senate not to join the CBC, If I had more time I’d find it. I think it was Senator Wyden that talked about it.
The bible isnt perfect, the Khuran ist right , Buddha was prolly wrong a few times and the Torah also has few fables.
your U.S constitution is OLD, OUTDATED, and just simply STUPID,
You dont have the same threats anymore.
You cant see that than youre really an IDIOT, sorry for pointing it out but you are.
Your medicine is changed, your slaves are free(kind of), the british dont want you anymore, (white isnt the only right), America is America no more, your disgusting class race is obvious to everyone except to yourself, you are not right in your bs.
Im as white as snow and european all the way through, but just please join our time.
And stop your hate of Muslims for loving their religion porn, when your bible is as hot free disgusting religion porn for you as the Kuran is to them.
You are both pornographers, (for both sex and death)
I like porn and am not ashamed so I see what you both want, and let me tell you that they are both wrong:, incest, rape and murder porn are all kinda wrong, if you call it Muhammed, Mary Magda, Sarah, Shiva. Rakel……….. they are all wrong.
if you like it then ok, just do it safe. but stop judging. cause you also got 1 too
we kinda miss you
First off hell of a rant , As an white American woman I can say this Our country was never great our constitution was never perfect that’s why there are so many amendments, some of them made by the very people who created it. Our government is out of control and they wipe their ass with of constitution. with that said all three of the religions chri, jew, mus are all the same Buddhism is a different category, its mostly a life style and there is no god or deity I know a am one as well as an atheist, I keep trying to tell everyone around me Christians and Muslims come from the same exact place all the religion begins Abrahams god. But I mean really what did u expect from a country who started because we didn’t want to give up slavery(which is still going on there just called prisons instead). we were born a racist and unequal nation and we remain that way to this day only now we’ve put a pretty bow on ourselves as if that covers up how ignorant and uneducated most of my fellow Americans are. but what to do you saw what happened with Bernie sanders. its sad but this is now and has always been the way we are. Although we don’t have the same issues as our fore fathers but they did write our constitution n a way that is time less so to say catch up with the world is simply wrong , our constitution is not the problem its the people who don’t follow the laws laid out in the constitution ……just saying
Jimmy Dore is a smart comedian and is doing a lot to try to wake you people up, I think he is right abt many things but he is not talking abt anything even close to our freedoms or our standard of living, (Im Scandinavian so I know how government, for and by the people actually works, and how a government should at least try to help their people).
But your Reps. are no better than your leaders, as they just bow down and look up as corps. while they: unzip, out whip, and piss. So you will always have a drizzle going on over there.
Just hope our (sometimes) sane European leaders will start reading history and that they will see how unbelievably flawed your GREAT system, (which is abt to suck the last life from U.S citizens) is, and they see that you are totally in the shitter as a nation, before they also step into the same pile of shit that you currently have your foot so firmly planted in, cause we also got idiots here that want to copy your political Cancer.
But I know that is childish thinking and Cancer spreads so………………………………..
And by the way: being a comedian in U.S……….. WOW FREE MONEY every 4 years, (would be every 2 years, if U.S public cared abt government at all).
I voted for Ralph because he was the person the best represented me. I would of never supported Al one BIG reason the fucking PMRC! I’m a musician. two Ralph is awesome i still fallow Ralph. Sanders/Nader ticket :) I would love to see that election. flash back for gen x FUCKTHEPMRC (had that sticker on my base drum) :)
Hi folks, Steve Oh here! Thanks for watching and thank you SO MUCH for being members. I love you guys!
I want to clarify my point about Bernie. I am NOT saying that he’s a sell out. I’m NOT saying that he’s a bad person. I love Bernie and he is by far my favorite politician of my lifetime. I also liked and still like Al Gore. He is really smart and had great ideas for the country.
My point is that both Bernie and Al got screwed by the Establishment and when the Establishment beat them, they stopped fighting the Establishment.
In Al’s case, he stopped fighting for the presidency in order to maintain decorum and not upset the status quo. He didn’t want to be the “sore loser” and be seen as the bad guy.
In Bernie’s case, he is so concerned about the issues he cares about the most (income inequality) that he’s willing to set aside his fight against the Establishment b/c he sees Trump as a bigger threat to those issues he cares about. I don’t judge Bernie for that. I disagree, but he is totally entitled to decide how/when to best fight. I still love and admire him. I just wish he had gone a different route. That said, I don’t have a crystal ball so maybe Bernie’s way is better (though I don’t think so).
I am not into discussions on nitty-gritty who betrayed whom and I did not track the politics during Albert Gore’s misfortunate foray into attempted presidency, so my comment is off-topic:
1. TYT has a stash of post game video from before the autumn of 2011, and they are still not accessible on this site. Ever since it was renovated back in 2012, all of older content has disappeared and never reappeared since.
I wish someone at TYT would at least announce a road map when older post games will be uploaded — and there are a lot of them (2005-2011), as well as TYT’s purely-audio archive (2002-2005).
TYT usually has interns so I do not think that it is impossible to give an intern an access to this site so he or she would upload those video and audio files. You do not need David Koller for that (and he will never do it anyway as I guess he does not have time).
2. TYT needs a person to pre-emptively fact-check both the story and main hosts’ arguments, let alone the source material. The most of critiques that TYT get on the issues with accuracy are easily avoidable. Cenk and Ana have to go through dozens of stories to eventually select the few to report on, so they alone is not enough for fact-checking.
There has to be a separate person that would work under certain procedure to carry out multi-sourcing and fact-checking both the story itself as well as hosts arguments — importantly, this person should get most hosts’ arguments before the show independently of each other, so the process would not kill the quality of discussion which is about a live conversation.
Cenk’s international coverage is often inaccurate since he single-sources it from the establishment media that almost never tell anything but StateDep narrative on anything, and Cenk does not have time to fact-check anything or look at alternative sources. This is why his coverage of Libya back in 2011 was so horrible (and, to his credit, Cenk admitted that) — as well as his support of other “regime change” operations that he calls “revolutions” (not admitted still). Cenk usually is open-minded enough to (eventually) admit information that does not fit into his preconceived notions, but without fact-checking and alternative sources all he gets is reinforcement of the narrative that sometimes is not accurate even on basic facts.
Motive is always tough to determine. Its even harder because of just how difficult it is to imagine the exhaustion from going through an uphill election process and win, but lose anyway.
If you’re getting a lot of social media backlash, its probably because of just how repulsive that Al Gore video was, and how Bernie’s fate thus far seems similar. That was A LOT of disillusionment in one dose. Its easy for emotional responses to happen.
Maybe Gore banged that gavel oppressively because of exhaustion and wanted the whole situation to go away so he could forget about it. Maybe he had to fall in line because some insiders had a conversation with him about the consequences of challenging the establishment too much and losing. Its easy for imaginations to run wild with speculation when you see such a flip. As beloved as Bernie was/is, its tougher still to imagine him in those conditions now.
Thank you Steve. Thank you also for giving up your Thursday basketball to host the show – it wouldn’t be the same without you! I’m going to gift my mother and sisters with a subscription to TYT, mainly so they can hear what you and Jimmy have to say. It was painful today to watch the Senate hearing on the 2000 election; it took me back but not in a good way. I was so depressed when it happened; I couldn’t believe what was happening in my country. I now realize that we were far more entrenched that I had guessed. The horror that followed with Bush’s presidency we are still living today. I’m old so it doesn’t matter so much for me but I fear for my grandkids (and other people’s kids and grandkids) just starting out their adult lives and for the great-grandchildren I look forward to. I want them to be able to have hope for the future. When I think of the people whose lives we are ending and ruining with our bombs, it is truly painful. I love Bernie too and I know he hasn’t sold out, he just has a different perspective on the best way forward. I have admired him for years and hoped he would run for president while he was able and I was still around to vote for him! What a missed opportunity! If only half our politicians had his integrity! I am heartened to see more progressives running and winning and hope that Nina Turner will run for a national office. So, just wanted to let you and Jimmy know how much I love the show and appreciate what you are doing!
Thank you for your kind words and thank you for gifting TYT membership to others. That’s a wonderful gesture. I met Nina in person and she’s a force to be reckoned with. Love her!
You are most welcome Steve! BTW, my mother is 97 and follows politics avidly. She has been progressive all her adult life and I was very lucky to draw the parents I did. They taught us to care for others and to value all life. I know she will enjoy you and Jimmy!
We can’t watch old content on youtube because it won’t let us watch from the beginning. If you try you’ll realize why it’s impossible after a few hundred clips.
Thanks for doing this show Steve. Like everyone has been saying, it is the show to watch on the TYT network and quite frankly, the highlight of my political content streaming. These messages can definitely resonate with the general audience and I’m hoping it gets there one day, soon. You should know that you’ve making a difference–Even though I’m pretty liberal, I wasn’t against (kinda neutral almost) the death penalty but this episode has convinced me that it should be banned. I’ll make sure to vote on the props.
Also, how do I slide into Johnny Pie’s DMs. I love him.
When they talk about anti-death-penalty arguments, they forgot the fact that capital punishment is a huge cost to taxpayers in those states. The court costs can be millions of dollars and it all falls on the public.
You guys are right on – Al Gore lost that election because he wouldn’t fight for himself or for the people of this country. He was more worried about “appearances” than he was about making sure that all voices are heard. I used to be among those that blamed Nader. I no longer feel that way. The Dems fielded a weak candidate in Al Gore and the way he bowed down in the end proved it.
As to the death penalty – right on guys! Do we want ours to be a government that takes the chance that we may be killing someone innocent? Is the government “pure” enough or “good” enough to make that determination? That somehow the government and the people within it have the ability to decide that a person is “evil” and should be killed. I don’t believe that is a role for our government. We need to get out of the business of killing our citizens.
And the death penalty really isn’t about the criminal. It’s about us and about what kind of government we want to have. I absolutely feel repulsed by serial killers and the like. I would guess we all do, but there’s no reason we should sink to their level. To torture them as they tortured their victims. We’re better than that. Or we should be. I don’t want to compartmentalize death. Pretend it’s out there somewhere. Death is a part of life and to live fully, we must face it. We also must own it. If the state kills in our name, and they do, then we need to either accept responsibility or protest. I vote for protest. End the death penalty now.
Jimmy Dore is full of shit. It is complete and utter nonsense that more Nader voters in Florida would have voted for Bush than Gore if it were a 2-way race. Nader spoiled the election…..period.
I watched TYT a lot during the democratic Primary. After Bernie had the election pulled out from under him I stopped watching TYT for a little while. I came back to see Cenk and the gang seemingly toeing the Clinton line. I hear them say. “Clinton is bad, Trump is worse. We will hit both of them.” Then I see a whole bunch of anti-trump stories.
I was going to cancel my subscription, then I saw that Jimmy and Steve Oh were doing this show.
I’m gonna be honest. I don’t buy when Steve Oh tried to downplay that tweet. That tweet undoubtedly lost subscribers from all social media platforms, and this website directly, which results in a loss of capital for the network, which is UNACCEPTABLE for this burgeoning new media outlet. I watched one of the Old School episodes where Cenk wearily pined for the “it’s over” party, where you guys can take a second to breathe and celebrate whatever level of success is the benchmark for that. This action undeniably set Cenk, and everyone else in the organization back in that toilsome march.
Regardless of intent, that is a critical error. I would certainly get fired from my job if I made a mistake of that nature. I don’t think this guy should, but don’t tell me it’s not a big deal. I’m a serious member. I go to bat for TYT all day long in the comments section of y’alls videos. I can’t remember how many times I’ve defended the main show for not being Hillary shills (I know it likely doesn’t make half a lick of difference, but I fucking do it anyway). Shit like that not only makes TYT wobble on the precarious tightrope they’re walking with the obssessive, alienating volume of anti trump content. It discredits members like myself who advocate for you.
Also it clearly is a big deal because you took access to the corporate twitter away from all of your staff except for two people. This post is too long. I’m gonna go take a chill pill.
> That tweet undoubtedly lost subscribers from all social media platforms
It probably did, but honestly, realistically, anything at all that TYT does is “win some, lose some”. The very existence of Aggressive Progressives probably lost it some Hillary Supporters, but those are minor, perfectly acceptable losses.
You can’t rationalize everything that way, though. Cenk built up his audience by being genuine and speaking from the heart, but this year he’s been veering away from those principles. Since the end of the primaries, he’s fear-mongered tirelessly on Trump and largely kept shtum on Hillary. It literally hurts me to hear him minimize the Podesta emails coverage because, hey, it was probably cooked up by those wily Russians, so let’s now move on to Trump’s pussygrabbing.
So if he’s rationalizing it like you suggest, going “meh, it’s a win-some -lose-some proposition either way”, he’s making a huge mistake – I’m convinced TYT viewers are perceptive enough to get that he’s being manipulative and untrustworthy in his coverage.
The mere fact that he’s allowing Jordan Chariton and Aggressive Progressives to present the alternate view is not a good excuse – even less so if he hides some of those views behind a fucking paywall.
I know! I’ve been telling everyone about AP! I’ve been a member a long time and it seems like forever since a new show got me this excited. MORE AP!!! They need to have Kshama Sawant on again. Or Michael Moore. I would freak out if they had Nina Turner on!
11:54 Complete bullshit.
You don’t actually think that Wikipedia is a valid source… do you?
This is pertaining to Jimmy’s assertion that Nader’s voters would have preferred Bush over Gore in the 2000 election if it was just a 2-way race. Once again….Jimmy Dore distorts the truth to laughable extremes. Actually, I’m having a hard time not saying that he is just telling blatant lies here, but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that his marijuana addled brain was not functioning correctly, for now.
So Jimmy says that Nader voters would have given more votes to Bush than to Gore, if Nader had not run. On the face of things this just sounded ridiculous to me. There is a shit ton of data to be found online that directly refutes this claim. Let’s start with the New York Times, shall we:
In case you don’t wanna read, let me quote for you:
“Voters leaving polling places in 2000 were asked by Voter News Service, a consortium of television networks and The Associated Press, how they would have voted if George W. Bush and Al Gore had been the only candidates on the ballot. Among Nader voters, 45 percent said they would have voted for Mr. Gore, 27 percent said they would have voted for Mr. Bush, and the rest said they would not have voted.”
But wait a minute! Dore has his own sources for his data, from the non-partisan source of …… the Green Party’s web site. This made me a little leary right off the bat. But the reality of the situation is actually much worse.
The problem here is…..Jimmy Dore is full of shit.
Here is a link to the article that Dore supposedly pulled his revolutionary data from:
In the very first paragraph, the article summarizes the other factors involved in Gore not winning more Democrats votes. To quote the article, these factors are …
“(1) voters who were disenfranchised; (2) voting systems and procedures that failed; (3) the party-line United States Supreme Court vote declaring George W. Bush the winner; and (4) Democrats who voted for Bush or not at all.”
Wait a minute….where is the point that Jimmy made that Nader voters would have voted Republican more than Democrat??? Where that point is, is in Jimmy’s ass, which is where he pulled it from.
There is nothing in that article that says Nader’s voters would have voted more for Bush than Gore if it was just Bush and Gore in the Presidential election, and their are multiple sources all over that say the exact opposite. Jimmy is spouting complete and utter bullshit…..again.
And Steven Oh just sits there and lets him bullshit the audience like this. Oh but he did let out a little cough. I guess the stench got to him a little.
Nice going TYT.
where is the new episode ? :-( this show is a lifeline @ this point
Wondering the same! I can’t watch these live unfortunately but was hoping to see a new episode up today.
Wasn’t there supposed to be another show Thurs, Oct 13th?
Not sure what’s taking so long, but in one of Jordan Chariton’s recent video’s he said they were just finishing a episode. So I’m assuming it’ll be soon.
This is a great episode. Brings out so many emotions listening and watching on the edge of my seat. This stuff matters! I will share info learned as much as I can. Thank you Jimmy and Steve for representing the voice of aggressive progressives. Thank you for your honesty and your research; both of your passion and insight very much appreciated. You are a lovely duo for this show! I want more-more-more. Possible? (TYT Network can you give us more aggressive progressives?)
I just want to say how much I revere and appreciate the courageous content you put out every week. It’s so important to look back on history and to try and learn from the mistakes and crimes our nation has committed if we are ever gong to fix things. I know you are taking a lot of misguided anger from ignorant uninformed people who have been bombarded with lies and perhaps even from within TYT. So i just wanted to say keep up the great work and again, Thank you.
either michael schure (sp?) or ben posted that crap on twitter.
Oh snap! The Jimmy Dore Show has dropped a MUSIC VIDEO which frankly I think you will enjoy:
If you tear up (possibly with anger) at a video comparison between near-orgasmic Bernie rallies and near-comatose Clinton rallies, then this vid well get you bawling.
Another fantastic show! Thanks for providing historical context to the 2000 election. Ralph Nader has been maligned for too long, and the premise that a third party vote is a “spoiler” has been trotted out in every election since. The Democrats have cried wolf for so long that some people are getting tired of it. Now Clinton and the media call attention to all the republicans who have disavowed Trump. These people were “monsters” up until this year. Now- these people are virtuous for standing against their party’s nominee? They actually might be. I’ve heard almost as many Democrats praise Ronald Reagan in the general election as I heard criticize Bernie Sanders in the primary. I’m old enough to remember the Reagan presidency. And I remember Democrats having a problem with his policies and presidency. If Democrats want to champion Reagan now, they lost me. Democrats are probably not crying wolf this time with Trump. He is dangerous. But- the video at the beginning of the show that illustrates the disparity in passion between Sanders supporters and Clinton supporters should be required viewing for the Democratic establishment. Unfortunately, I don’t think it would matter. Yes, Hillary Clinton won the nomination. Now- the Democrats are trying to become the party of Reagan. I don’t see that as progress. And it’s definitely not progressive. It’s a symptom of the rightward drift. In many ways, time has pushed us forward as a society in good, meaningful ways. And to be fair, many of the gains have been pushed forward by Democrats, but usually only after it had been politically expedient to do so. But- where are the virtuous Democrats standing up to their nominee? Where are the Democrats who champion progressive policies over party? “Grab them by the pussy” pushed some republicans over the edge. Why not “fracking” for Democrats? Even if I don’t agree with their principles, it’s a sad day when I can name more Republicans taking a stand on their principles before party than Democrats. Two I can name are Jimmy Dore and Steve Oh. And I thank both of them for that. Aggressive Progressives, five days a week, please.
Jimmy Dore is full of shit.
This is the most important message Tyt as to offer and somehow it is behind a pay wall. Cenk seriously needs to get his head out of his assistant.
Steve might have just gotten Cory fired.
Welcome to the TYTea Party. WTF! How can you censor an honest tweet? It was a “bad tweet”? So, all your tweets are “good”? Jimmy: “I hope we deleted it”. So YOU can post YOUR crap on Twitter, but others can’t counter? I wonder when I will be blocked from commenting here, because it upsets your viewers. If you don’t want criticism or counter points you should go to InfoWars where you will be greatly appreciated. Woulda, coulda, shoulda….but Bernie isn’t on the ticket so get over it. You truly are the Aggressive Regressives. How many decades back is your limit on complaining about elections past that democrats could have won? As for your shaming of Gore, to me this proves how important the Supreme Court is and YOU are willing to lose the court for decades because you’re angry how that election went. So, Progressive means Anti-union? Really?! Hillary “Fucking” Clinton is worse than Trump? Are you insane? You think George getting egged on inauguration day was bad… THAT will look like nothing compared to what will happen if Trump wins. Lastly, speaking of fairy dust, it is totally dishonest for you to tell people that Stein has a chance to win this election. She doesn’t. You are just voting for Trump and you don’t want to think about the consequences of you flushing your “progressive” vote.
@TokyoViking The possibility of Trump becoming President has proved that you and people like you are willing to flush your morals and democratic beliefs down the toilet as soon as the going gets tough. There’s a reason they say Democracy is tough, and there’s also a reason the US has become an Oligarchy. If that moron becomes President you don’t loose the Supreme Court for decades your hyperbole is exposing your cowardice. Trump will never win, but all you fake left wing voters have exposed the problem with America, it’s citizens don’t love it enough to fight for it, they are willing to allow it to get taken hostage by a self-serving Neo-liberal:
– that has literally voted to send soldiers to die,
-poor people to less than a living wage,
-to literally arm a country that would go on to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians (Saudi Arabia to Yemen).
to name just a few, so I ask you: what has Trump done that is worse than, or caused more harm on, the human condition and moral than Hilary Clinton. When Apple makes iPhones through slave wages in China I don’t expect consumers to be held accountable because Apple is a corporation, but when you vote Hillary in a world where she goes to War with Russia or Iran than voters like you would have caused that and should never be able to look themselves in the mirror ever again. But deep down you will never accept this because you know that there will never be any accountability and you don’t really care about the rest of the World, and that’s a Hillary Supporter- mirroring their candidate..
Anesh, your response was spot on, and probably more tactful than I would ever be … kudos to you!
When Jimmy talks about Stein winning if people who like her policies would actually vote for her, you can say that about $hillary as well. Her enthusiasm gap is HUGE. No one likes Her, unless you are a Neo-lib. So, it works both ways…. HALF the country doesn’t even vote!
So, Neo-lib TokyoViking, can talk about the “dangers of Trump” all he/she wants, but HALF the country won’t be able to get off work to vote, the lines will be too long, they have only ever voted when they are “excited,” they won’t have time, OR they believe that their vote does NOT matter. Because voters lives only get harder, more stressful, more insecure, more shitty, with each passing election cycle. Thank You, Clinton Democrats!
So don’t scream & cry & stomp your feet that Greens or Libertarians or Independents will be guilty of tragedies beyond compare if Trumpzilla, in a long-shot, wins.
And btw, TokyoViking, as a Neo-Lib, you may not be at fault either! Because until we have SOMEONE in office who actual cares about the citizens, and not their Corporate Overlords & cocktail-party Establishment friends, we will NEVER have a government that works FOR the people instead of AGAINST them.
“If that moron becomes President you don’t loose the Supreme Court for decades your hyperbole is exposing your cowardice.” I fail to see how that progressives don’t loose the court. If Trump wins there is also a good chance that he will have both the House and the Senate so rarifying any joker he wants to put on the court should be pretty easy. Citizen’s United will remain for decades. Abortion is lost. Gay rights will also be lost as well. Trump will agree with whatever Pence advises.
“it’s citizens don’t love it enough to fight for it, they are willing to allow it to get taken hostage by a self-serving Neo-liberal” We are choosing to fight a winnable war with a pseudo-progressive democrat that at least listens and can be persuaded to change her mind verses an ignorant, egotistical, thin-skinned dictator that doubles down even when it is painfully obvious that he is wrong. As some who have worked closely with him have said any fight with him will be bloody. I don’t think risking civil war is heroic.
“that has literally voted to send soldiers to die” Along with many others.
“poor people to less than a living wage”. You act like she had the power ever raise the minimum wage, its in the platform.
“-to literally arm a country that would go on to murder hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians” Saudi definitely was armed before Hillary became Sec. of State. When have most of the murders happened? I suspect most were under Kerry’s watch.
“so I ask you: what has Trump done” Yes, Trump has done nothing and has never been given the power to do anything. This is to our great benefit. His character totally disqualifies him from being given too much power. Let him govern a state for a few years and show us what he can do and how he plays with others.
“when you vote Hillary in a world where she goes to War with Russia or Iran”. Why do you think she would start a war with either. She was instrumental in achieving historical agreements with both states. She is a strong leader and knows how to move players that she needs into place to keep relations in a safe zone. Trump could start such wars because he thinks he knows more than his generals or advisors and he can’t keep his hands to himself. He could get caught screwing Putin’s girlfriend or sister and start a war that way.
“there will never be any accountability and you don’t really care about the rest of the World”. I’m for holding people accountable for things they actually do, not outrageous fiction that right-wingers want to push until everyone believes it whether its true or not. So many people think they are lawyers and know more about the situation than experts that actually look into the issue. As for the rest of the world, I actually live in Tokyo, Japan and I care a great deal what people think about our nation abroad. Thank God for the great job that Hillary did of picking up the pieces of our destroyed reputation and foreign relations after 8 disastrous, shameful, years under the Bush & Cheney presidency. Years full of extraordinary rendition, torture, black sights, and wars of convenience for personal financial benefit.
Quote: “You are just voting for Trump and you don’t want to think about the consequences”
No. Voting for another candidate other than Trump is by definition, not casting a ballot for Trump. You can’t bully people into voting for Hillary, that’s not how democracy works and is illogical. If all you Hillary supporters are really worried about Trump becoming president then vote for Jill Stein because lots of people are voting for her as she is nearer to them on the issues. If you really care and think Trump must be stopped, you know you won’t get people to support Clinton so join them and vote third party…see how stupid and illogical that is.
@TokyoViking, This isn’t a case of censorship. That was somebody posting with the main TYT handle, which represents TYT as a whole. Jimmy doesn’t post stuff from his perspective using TYT’s account. He would use his own account. Similarly, that person should have used his/her own account. There’s lots of debate happening on Twitter and I’m sure Jimmy engages in that debate, but the TYT account shouldn’t literally be debating itself.
Jimmy also never said that he’s against unions. He was just speculating that the police would empathize with the rest of the population if right-wingers started going after their unions.
It’s silly to suppose even for a second that Jimmy could be “anti-union”. I could point to two dozen videos where he is either defending unions from rightwing assaults, or talking about the necessity of having as many unions as possible.
Agreed! I think the unpolished nature of this show feels like natural conversation, and is more engaging than rehearsed talk shows that are over-produced. Don’t apologize for it, guys. Every time Jimmy says, ” what’s it called? Progressive, no wait, aggressive progressives,” I bust out laughing (with you, not at you!)
Keep up the great work, everyone.
A Small Public Service Announcement, if I may:
The Young Turks have an official board on Reddit, it’s called the Official TYT Subreddit. Link:
It’s a pretty enjoyable, useful message board (and one that has more posting features than this more primitive board right here does, I can honestly say), BUT it is often besieged by Alt Right guys, Alex Jones fans, and assorted varieties of rightwing trolls.
I would highly appreciate it if any of the aggressively progressive TYT Members here could sign up with the Official TYT Subreddit. You don’t even have to do any commenting, necessarily, but just boosting our numbers there would be a big help. Thank you in advance, my brothers and sisters.
bet it was michael shure that sent out the hilary tweet
HAHA That was my first thought too.
Michael tweeted it and then Ben Mank retweeted it, being the only one to do so with any kind of enthusiasm. HA!
Michael is a Number One Establishment $hill.
He only ever agrees with progressive ideas “in theory.” All the years I’ve been watching, he has been like that. He had a friendly, laid-back delivery which I use to enjoy.
But this election he has been unbearable & completely naked in his disdain for Progressives. I usually switch to ‘Murder with Friends” when I see he is on.
Big fan of the show, favorite hour each week. Don’t worry about small stuff like transitions you guys are doing great
We need more than an hour a week of this! TYT management, are you listening? Your members are looking for something they can’t get from the rest of the media.
Temper your Trump-bashing, and spend your time digging into the causes of our “malaise” or “morass,” whatever you want to call it. Help us understand what brought us to the brink, and more importantly, how to turn it around. Our answers don’t lie within either party–they both lead to more of the same, or worse. Jimmy and Steve (and also Jordan) seem to get this; the rest of you I’m not so sure about.
Cenk is so afraid of Trump, he’s encouraging people to vote against their own interests for the Democrats, who have ceased to be the party for the people. They will say anything you want to hear to get elected, then turn their backs on you again! When will you realize they don’t care about you?
All you have to offer is four or eight years of TYT “fighting her from day one, holding her feet to the fire” against TPP, more deregulation of Wall Street, failure to offer a public option, more war, no effective environmental policy, more money in politics, more racial discord, and more militarization of policing.
Oh, and good luck with that whole free college for middle class families thing–I bet she’ll work on that from day one, hahahahaha.
Also, don’t cry about it when she is the one who finally privatizes Social Security. That’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that Wall Street is panting over, and I have no doubt she would love to be the one who delivers it to them.
I can hardly wait to hear you screaming and teeth-gnashing about how awful it all is, night after night after night. Or, you could give us more of Jimmy and Steve and Jordan, who have already taken off the rose-colored glasses!
AL gore didn’t sign.
Wasn’t Bernie around to sign it?
No, he was in the House of Representatives at that time.
What about ELizabeth Warren?
She became a senator in 2012.
I also thought about that, but he was just a representative then, was not a senator until 2007!
I believe the vice president is only eligible to vote in the senate in the case of a tie, but hey what do I know, I’m Canadian.
The false allegations of the past against the Clintons are what they are; but the pervasive corruption that is at the heart of our political system is furthered by their quest for wealth and power. Drumpfster being bad doesn’t make HRC acceptable. PNAC will be realized when she is inaugurated and begins her more robust foreign policy plans that will, in turn, draw resources and attention away from fixing ourselves.
Thanks again to Steve and Jimmy! You’ll be happy to know that the Majority Report Hilbots are in full attack mode whenever your name is mentioned.
Sammy thinks he won something. He has not.
Great job, Love to see the Truth being told in this country.
Aggressive Progressive needs to be for everybody. It’s too good of a show not to reach a larger audience.
Once more Aggressive Progressives are the best truth- tellers on TYT. The Bernie/ Clinton rallies were funny and heartbreaking. The Gore/Nader story was amazing. We need Aggressive progressives EVERY DAY PLEASE!
(Please fire the person who sent the Nation tweet. Maybe they can go to MSNBC or CNN).
Agressive Progressives is an absolutely essential TYT program. Isn’t it amazing how serene and rational actual progressivism can be? Turns out, Cenk is quite the moderate and TYT’s fan base can easily support this kind of necessary commentary.
Oh, Cenk is a centrist in many ways. But he’s a lovable centrist, who’s being pushed further and further Left…by us…
Absolutely ADORE aggressive progressives…cannot think of a better name for this ‘show.’ Pardon my computer doofus question, but: How can I send a link to the first 15-20 minutes that are live streamed so I can share this wonderfulness AND get people to sign up to watch your show show? Is that possible? Or where else can it be found, on one of Jimmy’s sites??
Good question!
I don’t believe that there is currently any way to do that, at least not in the manner that you suggest.
The free segment of AP is just one thing that gets dumped into TYT’s overall Livestream. So the only thing you can do is go to the TYT Youtube channel, copy the link to the Live Stream, and send this. But that idea comes wih several caveats:
1) There isn’t always a livestream, so there is not always a link there for you to copy.
2) IIRC, the link changes. So the link to yesterday’s livestream will be different from the link to tomorrow’s livestream (although, again, I’m not certain about this part).
3) Needless to say, in order to see the Aggressive Progressives segment, the recipients of your email would have to tune into the livestream at the correct time.
In short, people are unlikely to make use of what you send them. Which is pretty frustrating.
To bad Bernie Sanders wasn’t in the senate at the time he would have signed.
Steve Oh’s insight is awesome, I wish he was more present on camera in the TYT Network, this show alone is worth the membership, thanks guys!
Absolutely agree! I pay $10/month just so I can get AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVES!
I love Bernie clips, HE IS A F*ING ROCK STAR! Love him, LOVE you guys!
Steve-Oh is a bit low energy tbh. I don’t like that overly laid back personae. I know he’s passionate about the issues, but wish she would be a more bit straight-up and drop the laid-back stoner approach.
It’s cultural I offer unconditional acceptance
I have a criticism of personal I’ll leave it in the hands of management
I like it as a foil to Jimmy’s gusto.
They are a perfect team: I love how well Jimmy’s passion plays with Steve’s calm thoughtfulness.
Plus Steve offers the occasional corrective when Jimmy veers off-course, such as when Jimmy suggested that more people didn’t vote for Gore because of Clinton’s devastating policies. Remember, at the time people didn’t yet realize the full impact of all that Clinton had done.
As Steve points out, Clinton was quite popular at the end of his second term. It’s only in the fullness of time that we have come to understand how much damage Clinton’s policies have done to our country. And finally, don’t lose sight of the fact that Gore did win the election!
Jimmy should let Steve butt in more.. Jimmy is great but 5,10 minutes recurring monologues is a bit too much.
I saw that he wanted to a couple of times but he got shut out.
I agree. I enjoy Jimmy, but I want to hear more from Steve on the show.
Jimmy what are you doing with that TINY plastic bottle! Get a water bottle, glass, or at least buy a bigger bottle, less waste :)
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
And I remember reading that Al Gore told the senate not to join the CBC, If I had more time I’d find it. I think it was Senator Wyden that talked about it.
The bible isnt perfect, the Khuran ist right , Buddha was prolly wrong a few times and the Torah also has few fables.
your U.S constitution is OLD, OUTDATED, and just simply STUPID,
You dont have the same threats anymore.
You cant see that than youre really an IDIOT, sorry for pointing it out but you are.
Your medicine is changed, your slaves are free(kind of), the british dont want you anymore, (white isnt the only right), America is America no more, your disgusting class race is obvious to everyone except to yourself, you are not right in your bs.
Im as white as snow and european all the way through, but just please join our time.
And stop your hate of Muslims for loving their religion porn, when your bible is as hot free disgusting religion porn for you as the Kuran is to them.
You are both pornographers, (for both sex and death)
I like porn and am not ashamed so I see what you both want, and let me tell you that they are both wrong:, incest, rape and murder porn are all kinda wrong, if you call it Muhammed, Mary Magda, Sarah, Shiva. Rakel……….. they are all wrong.
if you like it then ok, just do it safe. but stop judging. cause you also got 1 too
we kinda miss you
First off hell of a rant , As an white American woman I can say this Our country was never great our constitution was never perfect that’s why there are so many amendments, some of them made by the very people who created it. Our government is out of control and they wipe their ass with of constitution. with that said all three of the religions chri, jew, mus are all the same Buddhism is a different category, its mostly a life style and there is no god or deity I know a am one as well as an atheist, I keep trying to tell everyone around me Christians and Muslims come from the same exact place all the religion begins Abrahams god. But I mean really what did u expect from a country who started because we didn’t want to give up slavery(which is still going on there just called prisons instead). we were born a racist and unequal nation and we remain that way to this day only now we’ve put a pretty bow on ourselves as if that covers up how ignorant and uneducated most of my fellow Americans are. but what to do you saw what happened with Bernie sanders. its sad but this is now and has always been the way we are. Although we don’t have the same issues as our fore fathers but they did write our constitution n a way that is time less so to say catch up with the world is simply wrong , our constitution is not the problem its the people who don’t follow the laws laid out in the constitution ……just saying
Thank you, I appreciate the laugh for the day !
Bernie’s story is far from over.
Take heart, folks.
Jimmy Dore is a smart comedian and is doing a lot to try to wake you people up, I think he is right abt many things but he is not talking abt anything even close to our freedoms or our standard of living, (Im Scandinavian so I know how government, for and by the people actually works, and how a government should at least try to help their people).
But your Reps. are no better than your leaders, as they just bow down and look up as corps. while they: unzip, out whip, and piss. So you will always have a drizzle going on over there.
Just hope our (sometimes) sane European leaders will start reading history and that they will see how unbelievably flawed your GREAT system, (which is abt to suck the last life from U.S citizens) is, and they see that you are totally in the shitter as a nation, before they also step into the same pile of shit that you currently have your foot so firmly planted in, cause we also got idiots here that want to copy your political Cancer.
But I know that is childish thinking and Cancer spreads so………………………………..
And by the way: being a comedian in U.S……….. WOW FREE MONEY every 4 years, (would be every 2 years, if U.S public cared abt government at all).
I voted for Ralph because he was the person the best represented me. I would of never supported Al one BIG reason the fucking PMRC! I’m a musician. two Ralph is awesome i still fallow Ralph. Sanders/Nader ticket :) I would love to see that election. flash back for gen x FUCKTHEPMRC (had that sticker on my base drum) :)
This is a very painful “Aggressive Progressive.” I thought this was all behind us.
Totally agree with Steve Oh re Al Gore and Bernie. I feel like someone threatened the man’s family. Bernie is no coward and yet he stopped fighting.
You guys are great!
This may sound pathetic and it probably is, but when they showed the Bernie/Hillary crowd comparison… I started crying like a family member died.
Hi folks, Steve Oh here! Thanks for watching and thank you SO MUCH for being members. I love you guys!
I want to clarify my point about Bernie. I am NOT saying that he’s a sell out. I’m NOT saying that he’s a bad person. I love Bernie and he is by far my favorite politician of my lifetime. I also liked and still like Al Gore. He is really smart and had great ideas for the country.
My point is that both Bernie and Al got screwed by the Establishment and when the Establishment beat them, they stopped fighting the Establishment.
In Al’s case, he stopped fighting for the presidency in order to maintain decorum and not upset the status quo. He didn’t want to be the “sore loser” and be seen as the bad guy.
In Bernie’s case, he is so concerned about the issues he cares about the most (income inequality) that he’s willing to set aside his fight against the Establishment b/c he sees Trump as a bigger threat to those issues he cares about. I don’t judge Bernie for that. I disagree, but he is totally entitled to decide how/when to best fight. I still love and admire him. I just wish he had gone a different route. That said, I don’t have a crystal ball so maybe Bernie’s way is better (though I don’t think so).
Thanks to you guys, too.
I am not into discussions on nitty-gritty who betrayed whom and I did not track the politics during Albert Gore’s misfortunate foray into attempted presidency, so my comment is off-topic:
1. TYT has a stash of post game video from before the autumn of 2011, and they are still not accessible on this site. Ever since it was renovated back in 2012, all of older content has disappeared and never reappeared since.
I wish someone at TYT would at least announce a road map when older post games will be uploaded — and there are a lot of them (2005-2011), as well as TYT’s purely-audio archive (2002-2005).
TYT usually has interns so I do not think that it is impossible to give an intern an access to this site so he or she would upload those video and audio files. You do not need David Koller for that (and he will never do it anyway as I guess he does not have time).
2. TYT needs a person to pre-emptively fact-check both the story and main hosts’ arguments, let alone the source material. The most of critiques that TYT get on the issues with accuracy are easily avoidable. Cenk and Ana have to go through dozens of stories to eventually select the few to report on, so they alone is not enough for fact-checking.
There has to be a separate person that would work under certain procedure to carry out multi-sourcing and fact-checking both the story itself as well as hosts arguments — importantly, this person should get most hosts’ arguments before the show independently of each other, so the process would not kill the quality of discussion which is about a live conversation.
Cenk’s international coverage is often inaccurate since he single-sources it from the establishment media that almost never tell anything but StateDep narrative on anything, and Cenk does not have time to fact-check anything or look at alternative sources. This is why his coverage of Libya back in 2011 was so horrible (and, to his credit, Cenk admitted that) — as well as his support of other “regime change” operations that he calls “revolutions” (not admitted still). Cenk usually is open-minded enough to (eventually) admit information that does not fit into his preconceived notions, but without fact-checking and alternative sources all he gets is reinforcement of the narrative that sometimes is not accurate even on basic facts.
Thanks for putting yourself out there Steve.
Motive is always tough to determine. Its even harder because of just how difficult it is to imagine the exhaustion from going through an uphill election process and win, but lose anyway.
If you’re getting a lot of social media backlash, its probably because of just how repulsive that Al Gore video was, and how Bernie’s fate thus far seems similar. That was A LOT of disillusionment in one dose. Its easy for emotional responses to happen.
Maybe Gore banged that gavel oppressively because of exhaustion and wanted the whole situation to go away so he could forget about it. Maybe he had to fall in line because some insiders had a conversation with him about the consequences of challenging the establishment too much and losing. Its easy for imaginations to run wild with speculation when you see such a flip. As beloved as Bernie was/is, its tougher still to imagine him in those conditions now.
No worries, that’s what we assumed you meant (or I certainly did, at any rate).
Thank you Steve. Thank you also for giving up your Thursday basketball to host the show – it wouldn’t be the same without you! I’m going to gift my mother and sisters with a subscription to TYT, mainly so they can hear what you and Jimmy have to say. It was painful today to watch the Senate hearing on the 2000 election; it took me back but not in a good way. I was so depressed when it happened; I couldn’t believe what was happening in my country. I now realize that we were far more entrenched that I had guessed. The horror that followed with Bush’s presidency we are still living today. I’m old so it doesn’t matter so much for me but I fear for my grandkids (and other people’s kids and grandkids) just starting out their adult lives and for the great-grandchildren I look forward to. I want them to be able to have hope for the future. When I think of the people whose lives we are ending and ruining with our bombs, it is truly painful. I love Bernie too and I know he hasn’t sold out, he just has a different perspective on the best way forward. I have admired him for years and hoped he would run for president while he was able and I was still around to vote for him! What a missed opportunity! If only half our politicians had his integrity! I am heartened to see more progressives running and winning and hope that Nina Turner will run for a national office. So, just wanted to let you and Jimmy know how much I love the show and appreciate what you are doing!
Thank you for your kind words and thank you for gifting TYT membership to others. That’s a wonderful gesture. I met Nina in person and she’s a force to be reckoned with. Love her!
You are most welcome Steve! BTW, my mother is 97 and follows politics avidly. She has been progressive all her adult life and I was very lucky to draw the parents I did. They taught us to care for others and to value all life. I know she will enjoy you and Jimmy!
> BTW, my mother is 97 and follows politics avidly.
Holy shit (pardon my French). What a firecracker.
We can’t watch old content on youtube because it won’t let us watch from the beginning. If you try you’ll realize why it’s impossible after a few hundred clips.
Thanks for doing this show Steve. Like everyone has been saying, it is the show to watch on the TYT network and quite frankly, the highlight of my political content streaming. These messages can definitely resonate with the general audience and I’m hoping it gets there one day, soon. You should know that you’ve making a difference–Even though I’m pretty liberal, I wasn’t against (kinda neutral almost) the death penalty but this episode has convinced me that it should be banned. I’ll make sure to vote on the props.
Also, how do I slide into Johnny Pie’s DMs. I love him.
When they talk about anti-death-penalty arguments, they forgot the fact that capital punishment is a huge cost to taxpayers in those states. The court costs can be millions of dollars and it all falls on the public.
huh – well now i know that the TYT comments section doesn’t support emojis, apparently. that ???? was just supposed to be a thumbs up. lol
???? is the internationally recognized Emoji for four Donald Trump impersonators (wigs hanging down the left side of their faces).
haha… nice
Damn, this was a good show, thanks Jimmy and Jesus.
I mean Steve-oh
That’s all right. There is a definite resemblance with “Mozes and Jesus”. Keep on trucking through the desert of Hillary’s world, boys.
You guys are right on – Al Gore lost that election because he wouldn’t fight for himself or for the people of this country. He was more worried about “appearances” than he was about making sure that all voices are heard. I used to be among those that blamed Nader. I no longer feel that way. The Dems fielded a weak candidate in Al Gore and the way he bowed down in the end proved it.
As to the death penalty – right on guys! Do we want ours to be a government that takes the chance that we may be killing someone innocent? Is the government “pure” enough or “good” enough to make that determination? That somehow the government and the people within it have the ability to decide that a person is “evil” and should be killed. I don’t believe that is a role for our government. We need to get out of the business of killing our citizens.
And the death penalty really isn’t about the criminal. It’s about us and about what kind of government we want to have. I absolutely feel repulsed by serial killers and the like. I would guess we all do, but there’s no reason we should sink to their level. To torture them as they tortured their victims. We’re better than that. Or we should be. I don’t want to compartmentalize death. Pretend it’s out there somewhere. Death is a part of life and to live fully, we must face it. We also must own it. If the state kills in our name, and they do, then we need to either accept responsibility or protest. I vote for protest. End the death penalty now.
Jimmy Dore is full of shit. It is complete and utter nonsense that more Nader voters in Florida would have voted for Bush than Gore if it were a 2-way race. Nader spoiled the election…..period.
The best show on TYT network. Keep being aggressively progressive guys.
That Al Gore video is spooky…
I second that
Will someone please tell Jimmy the fucking shows called aggressive progressives not the aggressive progressive?
I watched TYT a lot during the democratic Primary. After Bernie had the election pulled out from under him I stopped watching TYT for a little while. I came back to see Cenk and the gang seemingly toeing the Clinton line. I hear them say. “Clinton is bad, Trump is worse. We will hit both of them.” Then I see a whole bunch of anti-trump stories.
I was going to cancel my subscription, then I saw that Jimmy and Steve Oh were doing this show.
I am in fucking love.
I wish it was on every day.
I’m gonna be honest. I don’t buy when Steve Oh tried to downplay that tweet. That tweet undoubtedly lost subscribers from all social media platforms, and this website directly, which results in a loss of capital for the network, which is UNACCEPTABLE for this burgeoning new media outlet. I watched one of the Old School episodes where Cenk wearily pined for the “it’s over” party, where you guys can take a second to breathe and celebrate whatever level of success is the benchmark for that. This action undeniably set Cenk, and everyone else in the organization back in that toilsome march.
Regardless of intent, that is a critical error. I would certainly get fired from my job if I made a mistake of that nature. I don’t think this guy should, but don’t tell me it’s not a big deal. I’m a serious member. I go to bat for TYT all day long in the comments section of y’alls videos. I can’t remember how many times I’ve defended the main show for not being Hillary shills (I know it likely doesn’t make half a lick of difference, but I fucking do it anyway). Shit like that not only makes TYT wobble on the precarious tightrope they’re walking with the obssessive, alienating volume of anti trump content. It discredits members like myself who advocate for you.
Also it clearly is a big deal because you took access to the corporate twitter away from all of your staff except for two people. This post is too long. I’m gonna go take a chill pill.
> That tweet undoubtedly lost subscribers from all social media platforms
It probably did, but honestly, realistically, anything at all that TYT does is “win some, lose some”. The very existence of Aggressive Progressives probably lost it some Hillary Supporters, but those are minor, perfectly acceptable losses.
> all that TYT does is “win some, lose some”
You can’t rationalize everything that way, though. Cenk built up his audience by being genuine and speaking from the heart, but this year he’s been veering away from those principles. Since the end of the primaries, he’s fear-mongered tirelessly on Trump and largely kept shtum on Hillary. It literally hurts me to hear him minimize the Podesta emails coverage because, hey, it was probably cooked up by those wily Russians, so let’s now move on to Trump’s pussygrabbing.
So if he’s rationalizing it like you suggest, going “meh, it’s a win-some -lose-some proposition either way”, he’s making a huge mistake – I’m convinced TYT viewers are perceptive enough to get that he’s being manipulative and untrustworthy in his coverage.
The mere fact that he’s allowing Jordan Chariton and Aggressive Progressives to present the alternate view is not a good excuse – even less so if he hides some of those views behind a fucking paywall.
I know! I’ve been telling everyone about AP! I’ve been a member a long time and it seems like forever since a new show got me this excited. MORE AP!!! They need to have Kshama Sawant on again. Or Michael Moore. I would freak out if they had Nina Turner on!
Spread the word!