Post Game: October 6, 2016

In Membership, Post Game - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan22 Comments

Cenk and Ana debate over whether or not ignorance is bliss. Both share real life experiences that have shaped their perspectives.


  1. Anna you get angry because stupidity mixed with ignorance and stubbornness annoys you. It annoys me too when I am talking to that type of person. I’ve noticed throughout my life when I have an argument it’s usually because they are either stupid or ignorant, and are stubborn about it. Just remove those types out of your life. Some people will never change their minds so why try, but I do enjoy telling them “I told you so” when the truth smacks them in the face. That’s why I love Cenk’s “I told you so” videos!

  2. Anna is like the Greek Prophet Cassandra who was given the power of prophecy but also cursed so that nobody would believe her. It a fun little parallel that I saw.

  3. you should get angry. you should care. because the world is awful and being emotional about oppression is not a flaw it is okay. if people are ignorant they should educate themselves. yes it helps others more if you are calm and they do not feel defensive that quickly, but they should see how terrific their ignorance is. if you explain very calmly to a Nazi that genocide is bad, it does two things. maybe the Nazi will talk to you and see some of the errors of their thinking, but also the Nazi thinks that is a purely rational topic, which you can discuss in a polite dinner conversation.
    should we exterminate all jews? what are the pros, what are the cons? reality still is if you are talking of killing millions of people, if you are talking of killing and brutalizing and raping millions, you can be rational about it, but it is not a rational topic, it is not rational to think that way. If the reason for thinking that way is ignorance, then emotion can show the person that ignorance is not appropriate in that matter.
    if a person says to me okay all Jews are bankers and steal your money and all blacks are criminals and sell you weed, the calmest reaction you would get is me leaving… I would get enraged.

  4. Cenk, you’ve said it at least twice now, so I feel compelled to point out the problem with “and their wives” when referring to, well, anyone really, but in this case, slaves. Slaves were largely women and children also, so the lives (and the dignity and humanity) to which you are referring that were stolen, were not just those of the males.

  5. THEY ARE NOT IGNORANT THEY ARE FUCKING ASSHOLES. Stop hanging out with these people. Or like my people say dont talk about politics or religion when it comes to friends.

  6. THEY ARE NOT IGNORANRT THEY ARE FUCKING ASSHOLES. Stop hanging out with these people. Or like my people say dont talk about politics or religion when it comes to friends.

  7. “Culturally defiant” and “Inherently inferior”!!!!????????????

    I hope the people who say that don’t listen to ANY American music made after 1880 (or so). I hope they don’t watch any professional sports. I could go on and on. My point is, if you have lived in this country at any time in the last couple centuries, you have benefitted from the rich cultural amalgamation that resulted from the slave trade.

    The anti-intellectual attitude, sadly all too pervasive, considers anything it does not understand as inferior or false. Conscientious intellectual people learn about others cultures. Ideally from the perspective of that other culture, which takes time. Keep an open mind and the world will never cease to amaze you every second of every day.

    [SouthPark joke]
    (In the voice of Mr Mackey) “Can we get rid of all the racist people?”

    1. i love to learn about other cultures through their food. i grew up on russian-jewish-american cooking with a little italian mixed in. of course i added oriental, and the other “usuals,” but i am currently on a wild ride into Turkey, Armenia, Morocco, Lebanon, Greece, the Mediterranean at large, … well, North Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East. i’m also dipping into Cuba, and have made major forays into Mexico, Tex-Mex, and even vegetarian. there are so many cuisines to experience! and so many people who regard them as family fare. behind the dishes are stories, traditions, and explanations that teach a lot about the cultures that consume them.

      just the other day, i made the most incredible Moroccan Fish Tagine with onions, raisins, and saffron. i have learned that Moroccan food has jewish influences, and i saw some in this dish — the mixing of savory (onions) and sweet (raisins), for instance. it was one of the most delicious meals i’ve ever had!

      i’m a big fan of harissa, za’atar, and labneh and preserved lemons — i make my own l. and p.l. — and am learning breads from around the world, too. i used to be pretty good at challah, and intend to be again. when i was younger, i’d barter loaves of fresh bread for karate lessons — a good deal on both sides, American and Okinawan. i do a lot of cake and muffin baking, too, and instead of the boring “pumpkin-pie lpices,” i like to use the Persian spice mix Advieh, which contains both black pepper and dried rose petals. how can you hate a culture that eats roses???

      world peace can come about through whirled peas :) and the elimination of wilful ignorance.

  8. “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.”

    -Bertrand Russell

    “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.”


  9. Let’s be clear: this post game isn’t about whether ignorance is bliss. This PG, like every other PG Ana is on, is about Ana. Just rename the show to Ana’s Therapy Session and be done with it.

  10. The most logical argument for dealing with people who are racist out of ignorance, not out of malice, is to explain the fact that average black household worth is literally order of magnitude less than worth of whites, and this is a consequence of slavery, Jim Crow laws, let alone countless ways subconscious discrimination works against blacks during nearly every step in their way, including things such as not being hired for having a black-sounding name while having exactly the same credentials as white applicants that get the job.

    The causes way higher rate of criminal among blacks, not their race or anything else about them per se. Cenk’s example he once gave about Turks that either considered to be a well-established and respected community as the USA or either as a criminal tribe in Germany should also help people to understand that social conditions define things like crime rate communities, not something that is “inherent” within certain ethnicity or race.

    1. I often critique Cenk, and I try to do it constructively, and I do not complement him for things that are obvious and well known about him, but I also have to complement him in cases where it might not be even on the surface too much.

      In this case, I am glad that Cenk has carried the conversation with jokes and fun stories since Ana is apparently in quite fragile, volatile emotional state this year that is stressful for her, and making her laugh and smile is a good doze of therapy that she needs too to avoid dark place. (Let alone it is fun for viewers.)

  11. having lived in many handball nations, and having spent a lot of time in Spain, I kinda gotta write that people actually play very much handball in Spain, thay are one of the best nations in the sport, (former world-,euro- and olympic champions) and they do play it outside alot too so it could have been handball goals also.
    For once Cenk might have been wrong

  12. In my experience people who say ‘you can’t get angry JUST because people disagree with you’ are ignoring ‘what about the the facts i just presented you’ part….

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