TYT Hour 2 October 5, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan30 Comments

Legalize abortion protests in Poland. College students forced to do transvaginal ultrasounds on each other. Kid Cudi checked himself into rehab. Christian mom’s viral emotional video on inappropriate rap lyrics.


  1. The Poland story made my day when I had first heard about it. Honestly it gave me a lot of hope. In Ireland we’re fighting to relax our extremely restrictive abortion laws, and I actually think it’s going to finally happen. I’d love for TYT to cover this, especially when we get our referendum after this useless citizen’s assembly. The establishment politicians (Fianna Fail and Fine Gael) can pretend like this isn’t happening all they want, eventually we’ll have our say!

  2. hahaha funniest second hour in a while!!! Cenk’s news inflection at the end re the rap song read in court! Died laughing….

  3. Should talk not just about Poland, but Ireland, where they are also fighting for a constitutional amendment regarding women’s reproductive rights.

  4. The conservative mother married mother that’s a we thing while reading a low down hip-hop song. Is just priceless. They’re so fragile. It’s time to wake up all the lights are on. Couple quick points; she started to move her head and I way that was really funny in the beginning. Finally, did anyone notice the banging that ensued about 30 seconds in the clip that Ana showed. She even look back to be disturbed by it I think it was her husband smashing the radio of which sad song was played out of. Crazy. This definitely hurt Jesus’ ears.

  5. TYT should have focussed on PiS party in Poland, who are they and why did they propose such a law in Poland.

    This is what you get when you demand for “populists” and “anti-establishment” politicians, and by the way they already killed abortion in large swathes of Poland through “honour” pacts where no licenced doctor or hospital will perform legal procedures that are disapproved because of “culture” or Catholicism.

    This same party overtook the state media, stuffed the Supreme Court with naked partisans, started judicial investigations into people opposing them (all within a single year of getting elected) and western intelligentsia still call Erdogan, who looks like an amateur compared with them, a “dictator”.

    Need to guess why?

    1. By the way, PiS is one of those rare occasions where the acronym is quite appropriate in describing the organisation using it and the people who are members of it.

  6. Forcing students to do vaginal probing would be like taking a figure drawing class (where the models pose nude), and forcing each student to take a turn posing nude for the class. Absolutely not!

    1. I think there’s definitely parts of medical school education where you need to use live human subjects, where cadavers won’t provide the right example for a student to learn, but it should work just like art class in that they pay people to come in and offer their bodies up for that, not something they force the students to do.

    2. When some rogue guy with authority does it in some countries certain segments start yelling “it’s their brutal culture, we told you so” . When these guys do it…… Crickets.

  7. One last Ogle comment. A Toronto Sun reporter wrote a piece claiming Ogle was beaten for supporting the police. I emailed the reporter inquiring about his source or evidence for that claim and here is what he said in response:

    “Thanks for your email. We were quoting his mother, the story first appeared in the NY Daily News and elsewhere.”

    That is just way too much like Ivanka being used as a reliable and objective source on her lover….mean dad running for POTUS.

  8. Brandi Allen, mother of beating victim Brian Ogle seems completely unaware the bulk of supporters do not care about her son at all. There is an unavoidable overlap of hypocrisy because many of the same factions who pretend to care about Ogle were the same people calling Cindy Sheehan a whore after she buried her son. If Brandi had been critical of BluLM like Sheehan criticized our government her son would not have received anywhere near the attention he has received.

    It is also sad she is repeating patterns that only lead to further violence by wrongly calling this a hate crime when the evidence currently available does not support the primary charge of racism. In all the years of going to that school he was never the victim of a racist attack. It is also possible this has nothing to do with social media on police brutality. Unfortunately, when you have the proper demographics in place evidence is meaningless. Just like San Bernardino, Orlando, Boston, NY, dont wait for evidence of a motive. Simply assign it based on race and religion while screaming how much you love facts and equality.

    It has become such a norm people do not even realize there has never been an attack in the US where Islam itself was the stated motive.

  9. The rap lyric issue really helped illuminate the shells and pockets of a society and shows that a lot of what appears to be racism is simply ignorance and one side world views. A lot of people are truly unaware of the police brutality and discrimination in every facet of life.

    On the Ogle attack, people are assigning concrete motives without any evidence. I called out a WVTM reporter on this by highlighting his article had no evidence for claiming it was racism and here is what he said in response:

    “I have several sources, actually. I have spoken with teens who witnessed the attack and many others on both sides who say the assault stemmed from Ogle’s comments about law enforcement and the Black Lives Matter movement. The police told us the whole issue was based on racial tensions at the school. Ogle’s mother claimed her son was beaten up in response to comments had made about BLM.”

    Here is my response to him:

    “Witnesses say it stemmed from his political views by being pro police. There is nothing about race in that claim.

    The police say it was based on racial tensions at the school but the attackers are not students and since they have not interrogated suspects and have no actual evidence, it means their speculation is meaningless.

    Along with the witnesses, his mom says it stemmed from his political views on Blu/Bla tensions.

    Obviously all parties involved have a long history of living in the same neighborhoods attending the same schools. In all those years he was never the victim of a racist attack. As his mom and witnesses stated, it stemmed from his political positions. You cannot throw in racism just to stir the pot.

    When a Caucasian Trump supporter attacked an African American Trump protester did you say that was race based? A hate crime?”

    Final thought shifts to POTUS run and how so many people have said this election was strange. Could not piece together events. Could not find any quality of strategy in Trump’s campaign. Could not understand how the widespread abuse of Primary elections rolled with no accountability.

    That last one pretty much sealed it. Keeping in mind I am sober and not under any mental drug influence, it is far more likely than not that the POTUS run was designed to ensure a Clinton victory. Before chopping my head, please take a slow step and look at how that theory answers all the questions and explains all the bizarre actions throughout the campaigns. Hitting on the primaries again, it was hard to fathom how Clinton’s team reached so many places and rolled over so many people to sham the election. The only way that could have happened was through promises, favors, switches, deals, and betrayals and if her team could not deliver the White House they would all come crashing down.

    The reason Clinton took so many risks in manipulating the primaries is because she knew Sanders was her only POTUS opponent. If you can think of any area of the campaigns that is not justified by this theory please speak up.

  10. Not poking fun, but in the Kid Cudi segment you really missed the shot on the backdrop: it should have been “Pursuit of Happiness”

  11. Your hyena laughing re the (c)rap song is so twisted. Cenk is so mindless. Very low.
    The music is shit and so are your collective comments.
    Then Jayar, so cool, puts it on her. Then whines all sensitive.
    Ha, ha….so funny. You all remind me of Trump making fun of the reporter with fucked up body movement
    You aren’t Alternate media, just stunned assholes. You too Ana.
    “she’s sweet….”….too late. Cruel
    Cenk is a true loser. Forget Donald.No wonder he’s shilling for Hillary. Fast mouth, no backbone.
    If it weren’t for Jimmy and AP, I’ld ask for my money back.
    There’s so much “National Enquirer” in your front 2 hours, it’s now useless. Humanist Report looks like Nobel Prize material…..miles ahead of your flippant crap. I’m done with the waste you pedal.
    This was coming and your crying woman performance capped it.

    1. HAHAHAHAHA, haven’t seen the (c)rap line used since my 75 year old HS teacher tossed it out in the early 2000s. You and this lady are so hilariously butthurt it’s impossible to respond with anything but laughter. You and this woman are both ridiculous human beings and your outrage is pure comedy gold to anyone with an ounce of perspective and anything resembling a sense of humor. Thanks for the laughs and the HS reminder. Stay gold, Ponyboy.

    2. see ya. Do you need any help getting out of here? You’re not going to talk all tough and then come back every day to still complain are you? Go seek out comforting nonsense somewhere else on the internet. There’s plenty.

    3. Redgreen, do you really think Jimmy Dore wouldn’t mock this woman? He’d be twice as vicious as Cenk.

      That said, I agree with the kernel of what you’re trying to say. I found it utterly gut-wrenching to watch and listen to them laughing at someone else’s pain. Ana talks about empathy all the time, but just like the conservatives she criticises, her empathy only extends to people she can personally relate to. I don’t care whether that woman is horribly naïve and sheltered (which she is), her pain and distress is as real as anyone’s, and laughing at it demonstrates a severe lack of that much sought-after empathy. I simply cannot imagine laughing at someone’s tears. I wanted to hug that poor woman.

      1. ANA has established her self as a self righteous glorified googler with a liberal leaning . look at her interactions on twitter and with her detractors ( many who are not trolls) she is constantly telling people she is better than them and provides nothing to back such an asinine assertion . i know plenty of conservative people who are twice the person in humility, sacrifice and love for the poor , etc etc than my self. just because i don’t agree with some of their social views all of the sudden I am better?

        thats the way ana makes it seem. constantly lacking empathy for the trump voters many who aren’t at his rallies but are a 50 year old factory worker who life has beat them up so severely that anyone but status quo would be better . Ana is vicious against such individuals the poorest of the poor , no empathy ana insists that they are the scum earth. then on a next segment she will pout and whine why people lack empathy with her. I could never vilify the poorest/ weakest of society which there are plenty of those individuals supporting trump. It is not their fault they were born in these circumstances . its really shows a lack of empathy first and foremost but a lack of intelligence to realize that the poorest people in society are the easiest to manipulate by people in power.

        this lady crying about the lyrics really does have a point even though she articulated her self in an ignorant/ hypocritical way but she does have a point about the current state of affairs of mainstream hip hop . but it was so sad to see 3 adults laughing , proclaiming this is the story of the year at this ladies misery .

    4. sorry. could you repeat that. all i heard was waa waa waa waa. here’s a tip. take that rod out of your arse and then i may be able to take you more seriously

  12. My radio has a channel selector, volume adjustments & a power button. Any of these would have eased the lady’s suffering.

  13. Anna wore plaid!!! I love it. Not only does it look comfy, but all i can think about is the Monty Python skit.

  14. Ana, your forced smile looked more like a reaction to unexpected butt love.

    Cenk, you have given the best human simulation of implosion that I have ever seen!

    The offended mother took offense at the obvious expressions that transcended cultures. There may have been other “code” in the lyrics that described more explicit content. Unless you are from that time, that place and that culture or unless it’s explained to you, you won’t fully understand the content. As an example, I thought “Jelly Roll” Morton (1890-1941), who was a black, ragtime/early jazz pianist and overweight at the time, got his nickname because he liked pastries! Boy did subsequent research prove me wrong!

    Regardless, most people latch onto songs because of the portion of the song that speaks to them. It may be the melody, it may be the chorus, it may be only one verse, it may be specifically for the cussing, but it is hardly ever for the entire lyrical content. Besides, what makes the offended mother think that her child, growing up in her household, is going to understand the lyrics any better than she did? I can guarantee the child won’t bother to look up the lyrics she can’t decipher. I think it is considerate to offer someone who is thirsty a Sprint. What a nice song.

      1. >Also known as the saying: “Nobody expects the Swedish imposition.”

        As a Swedish anal fan Ima start using this.

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