collapsing. Compilation of Pence lying. Fox & Friends’ hosts on why “men don’t want to vote for Hillary.” Sanders’ new bill to stop income tax loopholes. Racist cops fired over Facebook posts. What is more likely to kill you than a terrorist attack.

“The Stern Review, the U.K. government’s premier report on the economics of climate change, assumed a 0.1-percent risk of human extinction every year. That may sound low, but it adds up when extrapolated to century-scale. Across 100 years, that figure would entail a 9.5 percent chance of human extinction.” (source:
Yet, not even one question on climate change or global warming during either of the Presidential or VP debates to date.
Cenk is afraid to cover the real issues about Hillary, the VP debate is a non-story, bland and who cares.
The cover up of the massive fraud in the DNC and the secrete email server, cover up by FBI, that is what IS news.
Can you fill me in on the fraud in the DNC? There were the leaked emails that showed that several members of DNC staff wanted Clinton to win. TYT covered that extensively at the time of the leaks. Is there other fraud linked to the DNC?
When you say secret email server, are you talking about the private email server that has been covered every day by the mainstream media for over a year? That TYT has covered many times, and Jimmy has yelled about thousands of times. Or is there another email server you don’t think is being covered?
What cover up at the FBI are you referring to? That they didn’t charge her for having a private server, which was covered by TYT also, or is there something else you’re referring to?
I hate Hillary Clinton as much as I hate all the neoliberal politicians, but in order for something to be covered, I think it has to be news. I’m always bored when they cover Donald Trump, but every time they do, it’s some new thing he’s done. Should they cover an old story with Clinton every time Trump does something, or should they just constantly cover the same stories about Clinton no matter what? Or something else?
On Tax credits for others’ losses – wow, this the plot of The Producers (kinda).
But “right hand man” I guess Kaine is labouring the point that the position in general is open to any gender and he happens to be holding it. Not worth a heart attack though.
Is it just me, or did Cenk & John seem to be stretching stories out that are 2nd Hour at best. Glenn Beck story went on F O R E V E R. Was not interesting at all, or very newsworthy, or important. Funny? Yes, it was amusing and therefore more 2nd Hour. At least it would be in the old days.
Trumpzilla’s real estate tax evasion? THAT’s super important! But, the Clinton Foundation story, let alone the election FRAUD (don’t be afraid to say it, Cenk) or a thousand other stories that a more interesting than the bullshit time-filler stories this hour.
This whole hour was a giant waste of time.
To be fair, the tax loophole story is much broader than just Donald Trump and I would classify it as important.
As it happens, Jordan has made a long-form version of that point in his most recent article on Mediaite:
Media Elite Obsess Over Trump’s Taxes But Ignore Real Scam
by Jordan Chariton
From Mitt Romney to Donald Trump, millionaire anchors have a super duper love of all things taxes: how much did he make; how much did he pay; what does it say about humanity?
So when the New York Times got its hands on Trump’s 1995 tax returns, which showed a $915 million dollar loss, and the fact that he potentially could’ve avoided paying income taxes for two decades as a result, the frenzy ensued.
Wall-to-wall coverage of degenerate Donald ensued, rightfully hammering him for running as the self-appointed “greatest jobs president God ever created” while losing close to a billion bucks in a year—and potentially paying no income taxes since.
But since it doesn’t fit into the never-ending horse race, networks, newspapers, and websites didn’t find it of any value to dive into the fact that Trump is just a microcosm of a much bigger problem.
A government that intentionally creates luscious loopholes for its billionaire friends and donors; and crumbs for everybody else.
Is Cenk going to cover Guccifer 2.0 release of Clinton Foundation files? Pay to Play? Barney Frank with list of all the cash Citigroup, Bank of America, etc gave to him (and a slew of others) with TARP money?
Jimmy showed it on his show and, like me, he wasn’t quite sure what he was seeing, but it did NOT look good.
Or is that not important, because everyone knows politicians are corrupt and oh well, let’s get ready to fight the Clintons on Day One. And make NO mistake, BOTH Clintons are being elected as president. I do not believe Bubba will be able to stay in the background while $hillary is “President.”
The way Cenk talks about Day One, it appears it is going to be quite a festive attack!
Because Progressives are not suppose to say or do anything until They take office.
Then …. WATCH OUT! Ha. Ha. Ha.
I would like to see John go over this. He’s good at parsing and interpreting data.
Guccifer is a fake. Nothing serious here. Maybe some bit / chunk of files from true DNC leaks but a lot of fake stuff and doctored stuff. Easily proven. Its a non story.
Its CRAZY. You can’t have it both way. So everybody is rightfully mad a Trump for his childish behavior, his unability to learn or to have consistent policies. Everybody’s mad because he made the first debate a train wreck and a reality show. But now the talking point is : VP Debate : BOOOORING ! So that’s it ? Now the media can’t go the other way anymore ? Everything must be at Trump’s level of crazy to get interested in politics ? come on !
Also I HATE those guys saying : Yeah Mike Pence lied on almost everything but he was calm and Kaine was annoying so Pence won. WTF ? So not only now politics must be crazy entertaining but the performances are not judged on facts anymore ? So you mean Kaine should have let him lie, stay calm and when asked about Hillary server he could have said : What server ? She never had one I don’t see what you’re talking about. DRAW !
> he made the first debate a train wreck and a reality show.
Which is excellent and welcome. It cuts through the polite BS, the formal motions and the Kabuki theatre, and more fully demonstrates what a circus politics has become. It’s a debate-form, outward realization of how things already were.
Cenk is positing a false dichotomy at three minutes in:
“I get a little annoyed at progressives sometimes, when they think Hillary Clinton is more corrupt [than all other politicians] because then you fall into the trap of thinking it’s about the person, like, “Oh, Clinton is so evil, that’s why she’s corrupt”. No, the system is wrong: the system is corrupt and rewards the corrupted. … So they’re all corrupt.”
Those are not the only two positions, Cenk. Yes, the system is causing every politician to be corrupt, true, but there is an obvious middle position inbetween “it’s all because Hillary is the most evil person in the world” and “It’s the whole system, so you can’t even consider or blame individual politicians individually.” (Which are two highly simplistic positions, obviously, devoid of nuance).
Firstly, the baseline reality of the system being corrupt does not remove all individual agency. Secondly, you can analyse HRC as a individual agent who may be determined by the system but still occupies a special place within that system, to such an extent that she has arguably become virtually synonymous with it….WITHOUT getting distracted by her personality, her flaws as an individual, her unique career path, etc. In other words, it’s perfectly fine to focus on HRC as a special – and especially significant – individual corrupted politician, as you long as you don’t bring simplistic morality like “evil” or personality-based and character-based criticisms into it.
Anyway, it’s always a good idea to properly distinguish “the politician as a political agent” from “the politician as an individual and as a human being”. If you do that then, for instance, the Monica Lewinsky affair looks like one long silly distraction from actual politics because it is really only relevant to Bill Clinton as a human being, not as a political actor (or “agent of history”, or public figure, etc.).
I don’t think Cenk thinks Clinton is particularly corrupt. She’s just part of a corrupt system, and to rise in that system, you play the game. I tend to agree. I don’t see her as uniquely corrupt. She just had the misfortune of running against someone in the primaries who was uniquely un-corrupt, and the two side by side made her look much worse. I think if Obama had run against Sanders, he would have come off looking more corrupt than he did.
He was smart though, and ran to the left of Clinton, even though he wasn’t actually at all to the left of her. In a way, Obama is worse, because he didn’t have a national spotlight on him until very soon before he started running, and he is really good at seeming sincere. People were so happy to be rid of Bush and just like this year, they wanted someone to come along and just fix everything for them. So Obama got this halo around him that protected him from criticism for far far too long. She doesn’t have that. People can tell immediately she’s not being sincere, and it will be much harder on her to not be perceived as corrupt.
The point is that Cenk mischaracterized all critique of Clinton’s corruption, when he divided that critique between two facile positions (either focusing on her as an “evil person”, as rightwing rhetoric also does, or using a systemic critique in such a blanket manner that it becomes a cheap excuse for the corruption). Like I said, a false dichotomy.
> I don’t see her as uniquely corrupt.
There are arguments both for and against it. It can be argued that the Clinton Foundation is a unique expression/embodiment of the system’s corruption, in terms of its vast scope, depth, subtle yet ruthless efficiency, and the vast web of relations it has painstakingly built up over such a long period of time.
The common expression by a man is, “right hand man.” This would be especially true for a man. The use of ‘person’ by Kaine has significance here. It could show deference to his ticket leader Clinton. Perhaps a recognition that he has indeed lost something during his life. :-)
Has TYT considered if people who support Donald Trump have the DTs?
Something broke in the Extra Member Content archives (like All Star Tuesday etc.): all you get is an “Unlock Content” button. Everyone else seeing that?
On anti-Trump with Pence quotes:
Not sure whether Putin is “stronger” leader is not, this question is complicated and has no simple answer, but Russia did not “invade” Crimea, it is just a fact.
Russia was always there legally as per military base agreement, never topped the maximum limit for the number of troops during the events, and the during the peaceful reunification of the peninsula with its homeland — decades after illegal under USSR laws transfer to Ukraine — the troops were used for street-patrolling. The disarming of Ukrainian military bases was carried out by local militias, what was widely video documented during the time.
As per the West-beloved Kosovo precedent, Crimea has declared independence as per UN Charter that guarantees people’s right to self-determination, citing threats (videodocumented) that were coming from the neo-Nazis that were initially trained in Poland by the CIA (as per Der Spiegel magazine revelations), used to carry out the Western-backed bloody coup against the government of Ukraine.
And Crimeans were right to afraid as those neo-Nazis were later sent to Eastern Ukraine to subjugate and kill those who did not accept the coup, who were still aligned with the legal government. Now those neo-Nazis are officially employed by the new Ukrainian regime (google exempli gratia Azov and Aidar regiments’ Waffen SS insignia), and Ukrainian parliament is currently headed by a co-founder of Ukrainian neo-Nazi party.
With over 3000 media and observers from over 100 countries presents, Crimeans have voted to rejoin Russia. No one seen any “gun points”, and even Western pollster organizations confirm that this was an act of true direct democracy as people overwhelmingly supported the move (and support today). So no, it was not an “annexation” (just as no one calls the reunification of Eastern and Western Germany that, even though people were not even allowed to vote in that case): Crimea and Russia signed the treaty of unification as independent states and as per UN Charter.
TYT, OF COURSE, NEVER REPORTED ANY OF THIS as Cenk only gets his “news” from the same media that told people that Saddam had WMDs and was tied to 9/11. And, sadly, Cenk and John do not have issues with spreading neo-MacCarthyist lies about Russia — mostly because they are mostly oblivious of the reality, and they are fine with fearmongering, xenophobia and bigotry, if this all is against a nationality instead of a religion.
As I was writing since very beginning, allowing Crimea to return to Russia was and is a controversial move, even though it is legal, because, just as in case of the Kosovo precedent, every event of unilateral borders change can be potentially dangerous in terms of future developments.
> Not sure whether Putin is “stronger” leader is not, this question is complicated and has no simple answer, but Russia did not “invade” Crimea, it is just a fact.
“Strong leader” is just nationalist rhetoric, anyway, it doesn’t cover any objective content. Such a question should not even be asked, at least not in those terms.
he’s mostly a thief and a thug
Not sure how does this relates to my point? Which is that questions such as “Is leader X stronger than leader Y” or “Is leader X a strong leader?” are loaded with nationalistic sentiments and predispositions in a way that just makes them terrible questions with a prejudiced framing (regardless of what answers they might receive).
I am.
You’re 20 times more likely to die from an astroid than a terrorist attack, so why in the hell aren’t they spending more time at the debates talking about the dangers of asteroids. Idiots.
TYT should do a story on how Wells Fargo and other TBTF banks are trying to steal Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s business.
W/out Fannie and Freddie, the cost of the 30 year mortgage goes way up and even less people can afford homes. America’s middle class has nearly 50% of their accumulative wealth n real estate.
This is the biggest swipe on Americas middle class currently going on and no media is covering.
Progressive media should cover it.
Disclosure. I own Fannie Mae stock.
I’m very selective when I invest and only put my money where my heart is. As a ‘radical’ Progressive, I truly believe in these companies and the purpose they serve.
I just never understood the point of it being traded on the stock market at all? The whole purpose is to serve the public interest so it might as well be a state-owned institution.
I agree, but unfortunately that’s not possible because the UST can’t afford to have the liabilities on their books. USA credit rating would plummet.
Also, they’re not trying to nationalize them, TBTF banks are trying to take the business for themselves and that would be drastic for not just community banks, but communities all across our country.
My core motivation to save the GSE’s is not as an investor but as a middle class advocate. We need another new deal, but that doesn’t mean we should dismantle the old one.
Yeah, I see what you’re saying. Personally I would prefer to be part of things like non-profit housing cooperatives, but the latter only really work in certain areas and circumstances, so it’s a limited option.
Caught Jordan interview a lady who was supporting her family after her partner lost mobility due to damage to his back (he’s a tree climber guy). They survive on her $280 a week job. Have 4 kids! Looking back on years previously when they were both bringing home a paycheck, like middle class people did.
Personally, I have a dream: a dream of a news channel where Celebrity Garbage like the Kardashians etc. is forever ignored and only decent people such these get a mention in the “social” or “lifestyle” sections.
The TYT intro music needs more cowbell.
Just a suggestion.