TYT Hour 1 October 4, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan38 Comments

Trump calls soldiers with ptsd weak. Joe Biden’s emotional response. Trump’s connection to Chinese manufacturers. Kelly Ayotte calls Trump “role model.” Bill Clinton criticizes Obamacare.


  1. There is a point that may have been overlooked. Here’s the thing. Intelligent people want to engage issues; not keep lobbing granades over the fence. Is there any way that there could be a “normal” exchange of ideas?? Or are you saying that this cannot happen.

    1. “Intelligent people want to engage issues…”

      Disagree and think if we polled and researched this approach we would find the bulk are made up of average, or less than intelligent. Of course there are so many facets of intelligence so it could just be a minefield.

  2. When a Caucasian Trump supporter punched an African American Trump protester it was not called racist or a hate crime.

    When an African American Trump support punched a Caucasian Trump protester it was not called racist or a hate crime.

    When a Caucasian senior citizen woman Trump protester was punched by a Caucasian Trump supporter nobody called it a hate crime.

    Brian Ogle’s mom posted on FB thanking people for their support so I asked her how she could call it a hate crime before any evidence for any motive has been discovered. I also asked her why she said it was racist since she already declared the motive was based on political views and not race. Finally, I asked her if she appreciated the fallout from making inflammatory claims that have yet to be supported by any facts.

    Ive not received a response.

    All these people using the brutal beating to criminalize BlackLM are just drowning in hypocrisy, and almost as much as Trumpary supporters.

    I dont support the Blue or BlackLM groups because the approaches and philosophies of both groups are undermining progress rather than address root causes of poverty, education, and healthcare.

    Do you know why no aliens have not actually come to Earth? It’s because they read the plaque on the moon. The one that declares people from Earth were there in Peace for all mankind. Realizing some other aliens destroyed all mankind on Earth and instituted barbaric solutions for conflict, they run like hell only hoping they were not spotted.

  3. Trump can relate to PTSD and Veterans. I am sure he went through hell with that painful heal spur that kept him out of Vietnam.

  4. So a bit of conflict I noticed, why is Trump buying American Steel if he doesn’t build any structures, as has been stated by Cenk in the past (more specifically, it was stated that trump sells his name and owns properties, but doesn’t build anything himself). Which is it? It sounds like TYT needs to address this contraction.

  5. I seem to remember a very smart anchor telling us – many times – that capitalism has no conscience, that maximization of profits is the one and only directive, and that companies are not “patriotic.”

    And yet Cenk and Anna just spent a big chunk of this hour criticising Donald Trump for not being “patriotic” as a businessman.

    Now – I am making assumptions here. I am assuming, for instance, that the Chinese steel was cheaper than US steel. And I am assuming that there was a competitive environment to obtain the lowest costs for the building materials.

    So why do Cenk and Anna now believe that an American CEO should make a decision to make LESS profit so that he can employ more Americans? That seems to go against what they have always said before.

    It also goes against what Trump has said. Trump has never claimed that he did not buy Chinese steel, or that he does not make his clothing in China. He has, however strongly and consistently criticised “disastrous trade deals” like the PNTR that incentivise American companies to buy from China. In this way I feel trump is being consistent. He criticises the LAWS and the TRADE PACTS that force him to buy from China and elsewhere in order to be competitive.

    In other words, Trump is saying “hate the Game, don’t hate the Player”.

    1. > I seem to remember a very smart anchor telling us – many times – that capitalism has no conscience, that maximization of profits is the one and only directive, and that companies are not “patriotic.” And yet Cenk and Anna just spent a big chunk of this hour criticising Donald Trump for not being “patriotic” as a businessman.

      Yeah, any way you look at it, those two things do not sit well together.

    2. So yes Chinese steel is less expensive than American steel but the quality of the steel coming from China is generally much less than what this country makes.

    3. But shouldn’t that bring to question Trump’s commitment to “ending” free trade as we know it?

      Only an idiot will kill the goose that lays golden eggs and what is even more idiotic is trusting a guy who was, is and will always profit from the system he currently attacks to “fix it”.

  6. I thought we were done with tedious, boring Trumpzilla stories. Well, that was a short-lived moratorium.

    Only watchable segment was at 27:03 when Jordan comes on. The whole TYT Politics segment is great.
    Hey Cenk, how about doing a story on the election fraud segments Jordan has done?
    How about an interview with Greg Palast?

    I asked the other day, and I will reiterate … How will “fighting” $hillary be anymore effective than “fighting” Obama? Cenk’s big thing is, “We hold our nose for Hillary and we start fighting her on day one!”

    Once they are in power I wonder how you are going to stop them from doing ANYTHING that the Clintons & the Oligarchy want to do? By primarying Her in 4 years? Gee, how well did that turn out this time around?
    Did you listen to what Greg Palast said? Apparently not, because there were over a million votes in California alone, that the DNC did not count! Don’t sugar-coat it. Don’t jabber on about No Proof and No Real Evidence …..
    The DNC STOLE the primary election!!! Keeping it real, Cenk? By your silence on the subject, you are in effect supporting it.

    Question Cenk …. Since Progressives gave the DNC the sniffles this election, do you think we will be a head cold to them in 4 years? The only cure for the cold is to wait it out. You think they won’t be stronger & more blatant in their corruption 4 years from now? The MSM doesn’t cover any of this shit now, you think it will be covered 4 years from now? Laugh along with me!

    Also, Cenk, once the Clintons are president again, do you think changing or stopping any of their policies (TPP, Big&Better Wars, more Bank fraud, more Fracking….) is going to be easier? There will be new layers, new tricky-padicky loop-holes, new scams on the American people.

    Since you all but dismiss Jimmy as over-the-top, why don’t you listen to Steve Oh (who doesn’t appear to be an unhinged lefty)!!! Progressives should be going full-throttle with the Greens.
    We know Jill Stein won’t become president, it will be $hillary. But it will help grow the party so that we CAN make a serious challenge to Dems in 4 years, and sooner threw local elections and down-ticket.

    When $hillary & Bill are elected (make no mistake, Bubba is aching for a third term) we have already lost.
    So why not vote Green now, so we can build & grow to win in the future?
    STFU about Trump. He’s not going anywhere but to a fantastic, big, I mean BIG, HUGE Reality Show gig.

  7. The parable about envy Cenk told is not only about the Russians, it is by Russians. Weird how Cenk needed to go that far, though, as he has USA’s/UK’s own saying on the issue: “Happiness is not when your cow calves, but when neighbour’s caw died”. Cold War era mentality must be speaking.

    And the parable is not unique to Russians, it actually comes from the middle ages and is common to the most of Christian nations. For example, this is how it goes in English-speaking countries, which are more business-oriented:

    Two shopkeepers were bitter rivals. Their stores were directly across the street from each other, and they would spend each day keeping track of each other’s business. If one got a customer, he would smile in triumph at his rival. One night an angel appeared to one of the shopkeepers in a dream and said, “I will give you anything you ask, but whatever you receive, your competitor will receive twice as much. Would you be rich? You can be very rich, but he will be twice as wealthy. Do you wish to live a long and healthy life? You can, but his life will be longer and healthier. What is your desire?” The man frowned, thought for a moment, and then said, “Here is my request: Strike me blind in one eye!”

    1. By the way, the saying about the eye is not exclusive to Christianity either. There is a Tamil saying: “I am ready to be stricken blind in both eyes, if a neighbour would be struck in at least one”.

    2. The Slovenian Marxist philosopher Slavoj Zizek, who has written extensively about “envy”, often uses this version of the anecdote:

      “A Slovene peasant is given a choice by a good witch: she will either give him one cow, and to his neighbor two cows, or take from him one cow, and from his neighbor two cows – the peasant immediately chooses the second option. In a more morbid version, the witch tells him: “I will do to you whatever you want, but I warn you, I will do it to your neighbor twice!” The peasant, with a cunning smile, asks her: “Take one of my eyes!”

  8. Apparently some part – possibly a subconscious part – of Bill Clinton wants to throw his wife’s career under the bus. Maybe he’s finally tired of being in politics. I would enthusiastically encourage that part of him. As I always say to him: you’ve done enough damage to the Left already and you have served the establishment enough already, Bill; just leave us alone now and go permanently retire to an upper class bordello in Florida.

  9. > Trump calls soldiers with ptsd weak.

    Sorry but this should really have gone into a #LoserDonald segment, off-show. Reasons are:

    1) As a gropu, he has already offended veterans (or veteran families) with a comment before, most notably of course the Khan incident and McCain. This is just another addition to that series. It’s repetitive and it’s nothing that we weren’t already expecting Trump to say at some point in time.

    2) It has no direct political relevance. He’ not proposing to take their healthcare away or anything like that, he’s not proposing anything in political terms regarding veterans. It’s a serial offense and a serial provocation but it’s still not a policy proposal nor even an element of one.

    On the other hand, I totally agree that Trump’s connection to Chinese manufacturers belongs inside the show. This has political relevance, it may amount to a violation of the law or of the rules, it ties into the totality of his foreign policy positions and it is relevant where he places himself and his candidacy vis-à-vis China.

      1. “Gropu” is an anime-style way to say the word, so it is not really wrong.

        Trump’s comments on how everything is either weak or strong is nothing new, indeed, as even Cenk and Ana admit this time, it is not intentionally evil. The fact that Trump as well as Clinton are sociopaths (in various ways, though) is nothing new, indeed, you are right; not sure how show’s audience is not aware of that.

  10. Trump’s explanations are filled with words like very, big, great, winner and strong. His disciples believe in him as though he was the second coming in the flesh. The primary reason his disciples love him is that he blames America’s problems on minorities of color and non-European immigrants and illegals. In addition, to the fact that all his followers have an overwhelming dislike of Obama and Muslims. Make American Great again can only be achieved when white Americans take back the control of the country from being governed by minorities of color and liberal socialists. Trump supported the Democratic party for years and he has been campaigning for POTUS since the 1980’s. No one gave him any attention until he began promoting the Birthers and he capitalized on the birther movement to get the media attention he needed to do another presidential campaign. If Mitt had won, then he would not be in this race. I believe he needs the POTUS to keep solvent and to cover over his felonies.

  11. OMG!!! Why can’t you guys stop with the media echo chamber! I can see this crap on other crap outlets. What about something on the Philippine Pres; Thailand detaining Hong Kong Teen activist; Flint’s new health crisis; there’s so many more stories you could devote your time too. Make a seperate hour for Trump talk; but I need real news back in the 1st hour. Please!!! I’m already not voting for Trump. I’m sick of hearing about him. Talk about anything else.

  12. OMG!!! Why can’t you guys stop with the media echo chamber! I can see this crap on other crap outlets. What about something on the Philippine Pres; Thailand detaining Hong Kong Teen activists; Flint’s new health crisis; there’s so many more stories you could devote your time too. Make a seperate hour for Trump talk; but I need real news back in the 1st hour. Please!!! I’m already not voting for Trump. I’m sick of hearing about him. Talk about anything else.

  13. Cenk’s and Ana’s criticism about Trump on the steel buying is not a “truth-telling”, because Trump always talked about setting the rules for business, not about not using the system that is already set up. Yet TYT misrepresents his position as hypocritical, which is just a false reporting. Trump has a lot of real issues to be critiqued for, there is no need to go to beyond that.

    1. One of the issues being that he is not vocal enough in his support for Russia and its Great Leader and his ideology of Sovereign “Democracy”?

      1. Who is “not vocal enough”?

        Also, the idea of “sovereign democracy” is nothing new; classic American conservatives has the same policy for like couple of hundred of years, which is about taking care of your own country, not about globalist neoimperialist policies that neoconservatives and neoliberals push for.

    2. “Yet TYT misrepresents his position as hypocritical, which is just a false reporting.”

      This is missing the point entirely; also the meaning of hypocrisy itself.
      In the present political context, its professing a desired policy while contradicting it in past or present behaviour.

      One cannot escape legitimate charges of hypocrisy if one publicly professes the desire to “bring jobs back from Chain” or get “tough with Chain”, while at once and the same time, is privately engaged in the practice of buying said CCP subsidized, wage suppressed, cheap steel (at artificially lowered prices); which has the corollary and (intended) effect of driving domestic steel producers out of business and laying off thousands of U.S. worker.

      In short, one is enabling the very thing one publicly speaks against (China’s currency manipulation and market rigging) by purchasing from China – inadvertently or otherwise.

      The claim that he talked about “setting the rules for business” while not disavowing use of the present system would not discount him from this charge; it has no bearing on his policy profession. His behavior is still not aligned with his verbal assurances.

      In fact, its self-discrediting to say the least – the concept of Trump forgoing financial benefit for himself for the sake of others (i.e. American workers). Especially in light of the mountains of evidence to suggest that Trump only acts exclusively for his own financial self-interest.

      1. If Trump would go around bashing businesses for using China’s materials and labour force, then it was be a care of hypocrisy. However, Trump usually praises those who use the system, while attacking it.

        For example, Trump has praised China for “playing it smart” in what he sees harmful for USA’s workers, all while advocating for regulations that would supposedly prevent the very things that he has praised China for. And Trump has the same consistent pattern on other matters, where he blames the game, not the players, and even praises the players.

        So on this specific issue there is no hypocrisy. Trump would praise himself for using the system, and it does not contradict to his declared policies to change the system.

        1. *”… then it was be a care of hypocrisy. However, Trump usually praises those who use the system, while attacking it” should read as “… then it would be a case of hypocrisy. However, Trump usually praises those who use the system, while he attacks its principle”

  14. I watched all of that Trump event, and I thought most of his other answers were nonsense and worthy of ridicule. But- focusing on the quote you did seems odd. To be fair, Ana did say she doesn’t think Trump was meaning to insult veterans. The use of the word “strong” is indelicate, but he continues later that we are losing “great people that can be taken care of if they have the proper care.” In the full context of the statement, he is actually advocating for something positive.

    “when you talk about the mental health problems, when people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over and you’re strong and you can handle it. But a lot of people can’t handle it. And they see horror stories. They see events that you couldn’t see in a movie, nobody would believe it.

    Now we need a mental health help and medical. And it’s one of the things that I think is least addressed and is one of the things that — like your question — one of the things that I hear the most about when I go around and talk to the veterans. So we’re going to have a very, very robust, level of performance having to do with mental health. We are losing so many great people that can be taken care of if they have proper care.”

    Like I said, the rest of the event was filled with nonsense answers worthy of mocking. I am no stranger to mental health issues. I know life events that would be speed bumps to most others are Mount Everest to me. And I did not go to war. I can’t imagine that extra horrible level. I think Trump is a moron and he’s dangerous. But- in this instance, he is advocating for better mental health treatment. That’s a good thing. If you want to point out that his policies won’t address these issues or that his tax avoidance wouldn’t fund any increased focus on mental health, those are arguments to be had. But- you are focusing on words out of context. And I think this is a bit disingenuous. Maybe I’m the only one who feels this way. But- the Guiliani quote taken out of context last night plus this makes me a bit worried that my most trusted and admired news source is starting to let the desire to become a liberal version of Fox News creep in. That’s hyperbole, of course. With only two examples in two days, it is hyperbole. I just would hate to see that become the norm.

    1. The fact is he never says anything of substance. Because he’s all talk and bluster, no action. And he doesn’t think before he talks. Wanting “more mental health” for veterans is a no brainer. Trump doesn’t have a brain, so this is pretty easy for him. He’s a buffoon, and deserves after all his dumbass comments and especially because of his comment about McCain

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