Ben Mankiewicz, Michael Shure, Jimmy Dore, and Brett Erlich hosting Friday’s Power Panel. TYT Politic’s Jordan Chariton interviews Trump supporter outside Trump rally. Trump’s late night HRC tweets. Bush not voting for Trump nor Clinton. DHS inspector accidentally grants citizenship to deportees. Alabama Supreme Court judge, Roy Moore, suspended.

Jeb probably doesn’t mind his son endorsing Trump, he knows how the game of politics work. Jeb as a former Governor that will probably never run for President again has reached the end of his political career, but his son is just starting up and donors matter a whole lot more to him. Trump supporters now have a firm stranglehold on the Texas GOP and have pushed all those Trump hold-outs to endorse him or lose funding. This caused Texas Senator Ted Cruz to endorse him, naturally Texas Agricultural Commissioner, George P. Bush, is going to endorse Trump as well.
1. I want a Power Panel of Aggressive Progressives discussing real issues facing us with ‘Hold their nose’ Hillary voters; like Jimmy had with Michael & Ben earlier in this first hour – that was great. Stories like Jeb isn’t voting & Trump stupid tweet should be 2 minutes long – in order to have more meaningful time for discussion about the real issues we care about that Jimmy was bringing up.
2. Jayar – great point that Congress doesn’t work – who raised money all summer to then work for 3 weeks and then take off to campaign and then try to get their pet projects passed during the lame duck. This is why Congress gets a score of 9% for Americans having ‘good to great confidence’ in them – according to 2016 Gallop.
3. Too much lag time for announcements – put a Chyron (ticker tape running at the bottom of the screen) for those things, rather than reading it/reminding us over and over.
Ticker tape would be great. A little old-fashioned but the utility of it cannot be denied.
The hole in Ben’s perspective on the reasons for Trump is he doesn’t see that the Republican’s march to the far-right and the Democrat’s march to the center-right are part of the same game; the former was done to justify the latter in order to help the wealthy extract wealth from everyone else.
I should add that although I don’t agree with them I think it’s foolish to call Ben and Michael shills; both men seem like moral, decent people who are doing what they think is right but are blinded (as we all are to some degree) by their personal experiences.
Yeah, those are two mutually reinforcing dynamics. Therefore, when HRC says that she’s “in the center” or a “centrist”, what this really means is that she is inside the Moving Vehicle which is being pulled further to the Right by the Republicans. And the worst part of all this is that she is happy to be inside that Moving Vehicle.
“Forgive them, lord, for they know not what they do.” –Luke 23:34
That dude Jordan’s interviewing looks like the leader of a lynch mob.
Fucking love Jordan. “The minutiae meaning whether it works or not?” Lol
What’s wrong with the audio here and there? Sometimes it goes ‘BRRRLRRRBRRR’.
In some places I can only barely make out Ben and Michael’s establishmentarian talking points! :)
You guys need to chill out about ratting on Ben and Michael Shure. Its called multiple perspectives. If you can’t handle them, maybe you should consider how much of an ideologue you are. Liberals and progressives are supposed to be the open-minded ones. I happen to somewhere in the middle of Jimmy and Ben’s perspectives
> If you can’t handle them
If they couldn’t handle them, then they wouldn’t be watching, now would they?
Establishment perspectives are everywhere; all of us are inundated with an avalanche of them by the media and the internet on a daily basis. Two more such perspectives are just a tiny drop into one big, filthy, despoiled ocean. Par for the course and just a tiny bit more of the same.
> Liberals and progressives are supposed to be the open-minded ones.
I think that this notion is mostly just arrogance and condescension, and not rooted in much of any evidence. Yes, it’s certainly true that the Right tends to do more violence to objectivity and to scientific and empirical evidence, but too easy to claim someone else’s inherent weak point as your own inherent strength (in the same way that, for example, Hillary having a small lead in the polls over Trump is not due to her own inherent strengths – because she is highly unpopular and disliked – but more due to Trump’s inherent weaknesses and negatives.)
Even if the above were not the case,the use of this as an actual argument inevitably makes one look pompous, aristocratic-like and superior, which actually has the effect of hurting all one’s other arguments.
In the end, both liberalism and progressivism are ideologies, period, in the same way that conservatism, neoliberalism and neoconservatism are ideologies. You can deny this as much as you like but that won’t make it any less true.
Upgraded my membership to deal with that guy from the first section. Cheers from Canada, thank you for what you do
What do you mean by “that guy from the first section”? It’s not really clear to me, is all.
Haha, it was kind of vague. I upgraded my membership because of Jordan’s professionalism, but also because that fucking hoser was trying to use TYT as a platform to launch his own garbage. Upgraded to support “real” new media
Well done. Welcome aboard.
I have specialized animated gifs to celebrate these occasions, but unfortunately the TYT boards no longer support the display of such images.
Jimmy is the only person on that panel that GETS IT. The democrat party is a DISGRACEFUL organization that has been converted to a front scam to the poor and minorities. That Trump guy was wrong on the tax cuts, but right about the revolution.
everybody gets that. It’s just not new information to most of us, like it seems to be for some. Both parties are terrible. They both don’t represent the people. That doesn’t mean they are exactly the same.
Just remember everyone, Hillary is not our candidate. And bonus: Video of Frank Mankiewicz in the C-Span video insert showing what happened before…
So I’m guessing there’s a reason – but what’s with the black guy on the bench who gets a minute here and there?
That’s Jayar, the producer. Arguably he’s the most important person in that room. He’s an unusual producer in that he also chimes in like a host here and there.
Cheers Robert – get it now.
And hey, the first time, I didn’t get that either. The first time I saw Jayar, for a minute I thought that a complete stranger had somehow wandered into the studio and was now giving everybody the bizness (albeit in a more polite way than gatecrasher Alex Jones does).
Ahh see I didn’t think that as JD didn’t spit at him ; ) No as a new member it was like but this looks like token guy, but the teams body language wasn’t like that at all so – EH?
Should get a credit I think somewhere on this page!
Way to keep the announcements gallon Brett. with these comments & interruptions flying all around you. Give the guy a break. And give them a word in Jesus guys. Great talks love you all 4 of you.
The hosts are all jokingly picking on Brett as a way of keeping the tension down in the room, since they’re expecting many heated disagreements. It’s pretty obvious.
The only good reason to have Michael Shure on is he makes Ben seem slightly less like a $hillbot. You know it will be a great show when Michael opens with his condescending tone & smug comments about how establishment & $hilly he is. Ha ha ha … it’s funny because it’s true.
However, I anticipate Ben’s inner-Muppet may make an appearance.
Michael Shure calling Bernie supporters “myopic” is both hilarious & infuriating. Bernie supporters know what $hillbots are whining about, they know older voters believe only what’s on TV, and they know a majority of Trump supporters are racist kooks. See, there’s this thing with a “series of tubes…”
We are not “myopic,” we are “awake.” The Dem party is over.
Ben, the Democratic party is NOT “standing up” for everyday Americans. Wow. Talk about myopic!
You know what’s myopic? Michael arguing that the Clintons & the Democratic party are doing what people really want or need. Open YOUR eyes, Michael.
Michael is also wrong on Tim Kaine … Kaine thinks the banks need to be DE-regulated MORE. He’s PRO-fracking, he’s PRO-TPP, etc. Hey Michael, if Kaine is so misunderstood & so much more progressive than We the Bernie Sheeple believe, WHERE IS HE? Why is he not out there defending himself! I’ve heard more from Pence than from Kaine.
Oh I know why, because he would HURT $hillary more than help. Because Progressives will look up his record and we will know he’s another pseuodo-Dem, even further right than $hillary.
Hey, TYT, have Kshama Sawant on a panel with Michael Shure.
She would crush his passive-aggressive $hillbot arguments.
I have to hand it to you, buddy: all of your hard work paid off when TYT dropped #LoserDonald from the main show. It wasn’t “just” your work, obviously, since there were many other people involved…but still, you were probably the most persistent one of the whole lot, also on Twitter.
As far as I’m concerned, this just goes to show that the most passionate TYT members are the ones who drive everything.
oh, did they REALLY drop #LoserDonald from the show? that’s a relief. i hated that segment. it’s great how TYT listens and responds to its loyal members. now, if loyal Trump supporters would only wake up and smell the tax returns, they’d see, not a businessman, but a BAD businessman. i don’t want no tenderfoot herding my cats!
Yeah, Cenk made the announcement during the Hour One of the 29th, somewhere around the 20 minute mark if I remember correctly.
Favorite line up
That’s funny, because Jimmy is the only reason I watch TYT…
Jimmy is my least favorite Young Turk. I cringe every time he does that loud ass “HAHA”
I am from Ohio and despise Kasich but one of the very few things (along with actually being principled enough to not be Trump’s VP, and not endorsing Trump) was to accept the Medicaid expansion from AHA or Obamacare. BTW it is Medicaid that gives health care to the poor and disabled, it is Medicare that is for the elderly that they still pay premiums and copays. I understand there is a lot of people that just accidentally mix these up, but there are also a lot of people that have no idea the difference between the two. Please make sure to state it a little more clearly next time so it does not Confuse more people. Medicaid = aid for poor and disabled, medicare = care for elderly.
Hillary and others need to use a different example of Trump’s woman hating. I must admit, I don’t care about a Miss Universe contestant. Women who enter those contest, parade around in bathing suits so men can “judge” them, do more harm to women than Trump. She wanted to be “Miss Piece of Ass” don’t cry about it when she is treated like a piece of ass. Beauty contests are sexist and they need to stop.
OK, so you believe she should deal with the sexism since she participated in a sexist contest. How about the racism? Is “Little Miss Housekeeper” acceptable? How about not getting paid for her work? If you are parading around in a bathing suit in exchange for pay, shouldn’t you at least get paid?
I am all for listening to different perspectives even though I might not agree with it like Ben’s perspective but why on earth is Michael Shure here? The guy has zero integrity and if it weren’t for his boring personality, he would be on MSNBC. He is the Chris Matthews of TYT. Nobody shills harder for Neoliberals than this guy.
one adult per panel
Totally agree’ Change that shit
TYT should have a contest to see who’s worse at reading from a piece of paper: Ana or Brett. Brett’s a real contender, might unseat the champ! But keep your eyes on Grace, she’s an up-and-comer in the world of competitive bad news reading.
That’s not a fair comparison. Brett was reading an incoherent rambling Trump tweet.
I wasn’t even referring to that. He couldn’t make it through any of the TYT plugs without starting over and messing up the info, and at the start of one of the stories when he was just trying to read the introduction – which we literally saw him doing as he held up a piece of paper before it cut to the screen image – he had to keep pausing and stalling to figure out what he was reading. I’ve seriously heard 4th graders with better speaking skills. Brett is funny and charismatic as a commentator, but I don’t think he should be in the anchor chair.
OK, that’s fair and I hear you. I feel compelled to mention that the other panel members were interrupting him CONSTANTLY though. It would be hard for anyone to work through that. I think without the interruptions and with maybe 10% of the experience Ana has, he’d be a good anchor. I think he’s done pretty well on the power panels so far.
“Alabama, you’ve got the weight on your shoulders, it’s breaking your back. Your Cadillac has got a wheel in the ditch, and a wheel off the tracks” Neil Young
Love the panel guys! Good to hear a diverse range of opinions.
Pay no attention to the haters, they need to learn that people have different opinions on the way forward and at the end of the day none of us really know how it will all play out.
You would get more votes if it was “AAA The Young Turks”. Hey, it worked for my plumber, “AAA Plumbing”.
Michael Shure comparing Trump supporters to Bernie’s supporters was pathetic.
Trump had the largest rallies during the Rep primaries and won. Bernie had the largest Rallies during the Dem primaries and lost.
Anyone with decent critical thinking skills would come to the conclusion that something very undemocratic happened with the Democratic primaries. But guess what Micheal, you don’t have to come to your own conclusions because leaked emails proved this. So stop spinning it by comparing us to Trump supporters.
ps that tweet you read at the beginning was awesome. Good thing Jimmy was there or I would’ve skipped todays show and watched MSNBC instead. Same thing.
JImmy, you’re the man. Jordan, you’re the man too.
I wanted to watch. I really did. Jimmy Dore is a brilliant aggressive progressive and the funniest ever. But Michael and Ben? I’ll just watch Chris Matthews and Wolf Blitzer and hear the same lame talking points.
Michael Shure doesn’t seem to understand what money out of politics means. It doesn’t mean repealing citizens united. It means money out of politics. He should try watching TYT sometimes. Cenk goes back to Buckley V. Valeo in 1976 which ruled that campaign funding limits were a violation of free speech, linking money to speech. You can go back to Santa Clara County v Southern Pacific Railroad in 1886 which first gave corporations rights under the 14th amendment for equal protection. Corporations have been giving themselves human rights since the slaves were freed. We mean to undo all of that. Nancy Pelosi won’t be rewarding the house members who raise the most money for the DCCC, because they will not be allowed to raise any money, meaning no money, not some money, but zero money. ALL elections will be federally funded, and thus everyone will have access to exactly the same amount of money, and every citizen will get one vote and one vote only, no matter how fucking rich they are. This is so outside of Michael Shure’s experience in the current corrupt system that he can’t even imagine it.
THIS is our goal Michael. Not some absurdly limited and do nothing action like repealing citizens united. Citizens United isn’t even as bad as those other laws. It just made an existing problem worse. Yes, it seems crazy to someone like you, but so has every great progressive action we’ve ever taken as a country. But you know what’s crazy, and with this I totally agree with Cenk the other night, NONE of these progressive actions was ever begun by any elected official. NOT ONE. The people make these things happen, and there will always be politicians to run out in front of the parade and claim credit, but it has never been them.
When the initial agitation for an end to child labor first began, the coal companies fought and screamed and cried about how this was an end to capitalism. The first action was just requesting that children under 9 years old not work in coal mines. No other limits were being asked for. The politicians fought it. The very idea that 9 year olds couldn’t work was a violation of the right of contract. Ten years later it was a policy of the democratic party. It takes time. We lose a lot. Entrenched power will always have a hundred thousand advantages, but in the end, if we keep at it, we always win. And we will win this too, and the michael shure’s of the world will wipe that fucking smirk off their face.
More or less came to say this. Michael’s point is basically, “well you can take money out of politics, but money will still control politics”…. He is not able to conceive of it not being the case that Nancy Pelosi’s fundraising overrides all other concerns. As though he has never really seriously entertained the idea of money not controlling politics
stwhy do you guys have the website set up with full volume when the music comes on? it blasts my household everytime…getting tired of that music too…love everything cenk and ana does on the show. others not so much, tend to stammer with alot of uhhs and vulgarity…..if i wanted to hear insane laughter and inside jokes i can listen to the howard stern show of something similar, give jimmy dorr is own show and take him off tyt..
Oh god people cursing. Grow up people are angry and tired of the same thing and we are all adults so its fine. Also Jimmy already has his own show. They need more of him so it’s not just Hilary apologists.
stwhy do you guys have the website set up with full volume when the music comes on? it blasts my household everytime…getting tired of that music too…love everything cenk and ana does on the show. others not so much, tend to stammer with alot of uhhs and vulgarity…..