Cenk, Wes Clark Jr., and Michael Shure hosting Wednesday night’s Old School. The trio talk about joke culture, and how no one tells jokes anymore. Has the term “cool” been around forever? What it takes to make it in corporate America. Michael Shure talks about an article he read on the fashion industry. Cenk shares his Alex Jones conspiracy.

WES – what do you think of the scientists that say 100% of the population will be dead by 2050 (35 years) if we don’t remove the carbon from the atmosphere as well as stop putting it up. I think people don’t realize that everyone is going to die, not just some unlucky ones.
Also, why on earth was the jewish guy waving the towel in the first place? Does it symbolize something I don’t understand? I am from Australia.
This is late but, the towel waving part is meaningless; it could be any random act, like playing a flute or jumping up and down. It was just an excuse to get to the meat of the joke that he thinks he made his wife orgasm from really good towel waving when it was actually the other guy banging his wife.
Wes needs to check out Edward Bernays. He’s the one who invented and implemented modern marketing/propaganda first to get America into WWI and then to sell stuff. Lippman and Bernays were colleagues, but Bernays, (who was Freud’s nephew not coincidentally), was the person who invented the PR and marketing industry. Probably the most influential person of the 20th century that people don’t know about (although geobbels certainly did.)
Authentic = cool, at least for me. Someone who actually IS cool doesn’t care whether or not others think they’re cool.
New York Rangers fan? I dig that.
Low Res download is NOT low res — it is exact same size as High Res download — PLEASE FIX
I stopped paying attention for just a moment, next thing I know Wes and Michael and intently listening to Cenk as he talks about a guy waving a towel while having sex and the room shaking. I had to start the video over lmao.
I know you read these, Wes, love you!!
I didn’t understand the waving the towel part, why are they even waving the towel in the first place? does it symbolize something i am not aware of?
one cool – is appearance – the real cool should be temperment
This was one of the best Old Schools. I love all the BIG IDEAS. I loved the advertising discussion.
Shouldn’t watch Wes talk about climate change before bed, probably going to have climate apocalypse nightmars now
loved this episode! paint!
After the discussion on cool, I got this stuck in my head. https://youtu.be/hMMAB3MNCKw
Yeah that might make sense if I hadn’t just explained that tyt youtube channels works just fine. As does Redacted Tonight, David Pakman… the only site I have issues with is this one. But thanks for reading what I actually wrote…
Yeah, the cap is not working for Shure. It also casts a shadow on his face. That, together with spending most of the show with one or both hands either on the camera side of his face or in front of his mouth. Then there is the matter of speaking so low as to be nearly inaudible, and that doesn’t even take into account a general lack of effort to enunciate. Afraid of the camera? The arrogance ices his cake. It’s a shame really. The discussion between Cenk and Wes was great. How about a woman as a 3rd?
As a first generation Polish American, I have never taken offense to polish jokes. I refer to myself as a Pollack all the time. Guess I missed something… OR its because I’m polish and I don’t get it lol
Is Mike wearing the ugliest cap in the world in an attempt to look more down-to-earth and working class? Appreciate the effort but it’s not really working, Mike.
I think it’s just that he’s a Rangers fan.
Please tell me this comment is ironic.
Bystander 1: “We’re crowded up close, and I see this guy, he’s squeezing by, I catch his eye, I say to him, “Where do you think you are trying to go, boy? Whoa, boy!”
Bystander 1: I say, “Listen, you runt, you’re not pulling that stunt. No gentleman pushes his way to the front.” I say, “Move to the back!”, which he does with a grunt-Which is how I saved Roosevelt!
Bystander 2: Then-Well, I’m in my seat, I get up to clap, I feel this tap, I turn-this sap, he says he can’t see, I say, “Find a lap, and go sit on it!” Which is how I saved-
Bystander 3: Then-He started to swear, and he climbed on a chair. He was aiming a gun-I was standing right there-So I pushed it as hard as I could in the air, which is how I saved Roosevelt!
All three: Lucky I was there-
Bystander 1: That’s why he was standing back so far-!
Bystander 3: That’s why when he aimed, He missed the car-!
All three: Just lucky I was there,.. Or we’d have been left bereft of F.D.R.!
How to Get Ahead in Advertising IS a great movie.. boil……
Sometimes Cenk does not think through talking point he likes, so, just as in case with Trump Foundation, he misrepresents it the reality.
The Miss Universe lady whom Trump abused was not “scammed” of her 10% — the contract for such competition winners includes the weight range that the person has agreed to be in. If it is beyond the range, the interest/percent part of the payments is basically non-existent.
It is a valid thing to argue that such conditions are unfair and exploitative, and whole beauty pigeons is a stupid thing of vanity and lust for older sexist gentlemen, but it is not a scam.
Beauty pigeons, indeed.
It is perfectly valid to make an observational judgment that beauty pageants are a scam. It’s not as if Cenk is taking the Miss Universe Organization to court and he’s presenting a legal argument. That fact that anyone would make such an observation is almost certainly inconsequential to the future of the Miss Universe Pageant.
At the same time, it would not be inconceivable that random conversational criticisms somehow inspired the MUO to look at their policies and standards and make certain changes in an effort to evolve.
Yeah, you still have to pay people for the work they’ve done before you fired them.
Anyone know where to find the intro/outro song in its entirety?
This is fucking bullshit. Why is it that I can watch the youtube channel with no problems, but I can’t get anything on this site to play more than 10 seconds without buffering? I try downloading low-res and it takes like two hours. This membership deal is a joke
Might be your ips or you’re too early. Videos here never buffer for me. Just downloaded the 720p version to test it out for you, and it downloaded in 3 min, 646mb.
you might want to check your internet connection. I’ve had no problems with the loading at my house and using my school’s wifi.
The person probably tried to get the video earlier than you, hence the issues.
I always wrote that the page with video should not be made public until the video stream is fully uploaded to the Amazon streaming service, and is checked to be easily accessible.
Yet TYT is unable to make such change to the great frustration of the members.
I never have an issue, even on mobile. Not sure but it might be your internet connection
It’s definitely your internet speed and/or the equipment you’re using, not TYT membership.
I can download all HD clips in 2 minutes or less, every time.