Post Game: September 29, 2016

In Membership, Post Game - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan18 Comments

Cenk, Hasan, and Francis talk about how they pick up the ladies. Hasan shares how Cenk used to give him advice on how to talk to girls, essentially giving him the confidence he has now. Cenk and Hasan call out Francis for using his Scottish accent to get girls.


  1. Has, try some modesty , humility, and gratitude along with that new confidence of yours. Your inside is more important than your outside. I think you’re funny, though. You and Grace are awesome together. Bring her on hour two with you!

  2. *Pleeeeeaaaassse*,
    can someone tell Hasan to shut up just for 1 second?! he asks the others questions, then interrupts and answers them himself. it’s like: ”enough about me, what do You think of me?”
    i love hearing the others’ full opinions. it’s more of a discussion that way, and less of a takeover.
    also Hasan, FYI, not every woman likes extroverted men…
    and please Hasan, don’t call Cenk an ‘old man’ on the show! believe me, in his middle age, he’s FAR more attractive with his wisdom, thoughtfulness and great attitude, than any younger overbearing pipsqueak..

  3. You are wrong. most women do not like to be approached and they normally feel like they can’t walk away or leave.

  4. !!! This will not do. Official member complaint: Love Aggressive Progressive, but I don’t want the new shows cutting off post-games! Nonono.

  5. Maybe it’s cuz they live in LA…but most girls are JUST as insecure and scared. Most girls will be flattered to be talked to.

    The only important thing is to not be creepy and overbearing.

  6. Just got a Membership in order to watch Kshama Sawant on Aggressive Progressives – excellent show! Then watched my very first Post Game – just what I needed – a pep talk about being more confident! Plus I’m Indian American, but I can totally do a Australian or a British accent! This membership is paying off already. Lol! :)

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