The third episode of All-Star Tuesday features weekly news stories from TYT Network hosts & special guests: Jason Rubin, Wes Clark Jr., Aida Rodriguez, and Brandon Rey Ramirez. This week’s stories include police brutality, Dakota pipeline, and the death of Jose Fernandez.

It’s getting really frustrating watching some of these shows because of audio problems. Hopefully you guys can fix them because it’s difficult watching at times and I end up just giving up and not finishing certain shows. The volume keeps dipping or is distorted at times. Regardless, Aida and Wes fucking rock! The two other hosts were good too but Aida and Wes were on fire. Loved it.
It’s not “terrorism” if it doesn’t further the establishment’s aim of hating muslims so they can continue their insane wars against those people. sickening. I’m not afraid of ISIS – the unhinged guy next door with the arsenal of guns however…….
I like this show, but it really needs a new name. Wes is an all star who would be known only by old members, one of them does sports only, and who are the other two?
Wes Clark Jr. might be the smartest person in the news. Him and Dan Carlin are right there.
I love All-Starts (my favorite new show), but I have to admit this panel was a bit of a snooze fest ;)
thanks for a great show! good conversations throughout, interesting stories, intriguing points of view. i guess rich people don’t pollute as much as poor people since the rich can afford top-of-the-line clothing, while we poor folk have to resort to microfibers :(
Aida, really dangerous jewelry, but it brought back some good memories — the necklace did knock on the mic. it reminded me of a scene from SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN when the mic caught every sound on the set. classic.
Love the show, but Aida, your necklace keeps slamming the mic how come nobody else heard that? I might have SuperHuman hearing though.
Love all-star tuesdays-everyone always has great stories and educational opinions and points to make-
Wes is a hero and we love his stories and in-depth, clear explanation of critical issues!
rock on Wes–your reporting is worth the membership alone!
Those studies on neonics actually came back and showed they weren’t to blame for colony collapse debris
Wes thank you! This pipeline story should be Youtubed. Every show try this as a bonus, take one story AFTER the free 15 minutes, when the right things are said get posted for EVERYONE!! Aida is right too. Good work on every hosts comments. Thank you again.
I love this show. The constant rotations are great and refreshing hearing from different voices. Wes is also perennially excellent at breaking things down in his explanations. Thank you to whoever came up with this show idea and all the people behind the scenes who work to put it together. As a long time member this is quickly becoming my favorite members only content! (I love old school so that’s really saying something haha)
Wes Clark Jr. is a very talented host! I also appreciate the commentary from Aida Rodriguez!
I agree with others~Wes needs to be on more, or have his own show!! I learn so much from his commentary. I would LOVE to share his explanation of TPP with friends on FB who just don’t think it’s ‘that bad’!!
Agreed. I know it was part of the members-only segment, but it would be great if TYT put out Wes’s TPP soliloquy on their main channel for the wider audience to see.
Love All Star Tuesdays.
It would be nice if they started putting the show in the Members Feed (like they did for Aggressive Progressives).
Who Cares about the ‘correctness’ of the name of the show. I’m loving the extra content!!
PS Wes should be the mandatory All Star Guest
YES! Wes needs a permanent on here or his own show.
Cenk make this happen!
Great panel; great show! All were excellent; Ida and Wes were particular standouts! I have gotten my money’s worth and more already with this and the other sows I’ve watched! Thanks!
Realize I misspelled your name – I’m sorry Aida!
Also typo’d “show”
Yeah, sow some respect!
(J/k obviously)
More Aida, yes absolutely.
How long has it been since someone explained the full scope and disastrous consequences of the to-be-fasttracked TPP treaty on the Main Show? It’s been ages. But here it is, in all its glory.
How come it’s called the all-star show and the only one I recognize is Wes? They should change the name to The People You Have never Seen or Heard of Before Show.
Apparently, the name should be understood as ironic.
Though I am displeased with a different thing: sound quality is a loose cannon at TYT, it is a hit and miss. In this video various hosts speak either normally or too quiet, so you have to change volume up to hear some of then, and then make it down again so others would not be too loud.
The other day even the main show had one of the microphones not working on one of the hosts, which is amazing to me since people use double microphones since forever for such cases, and they do not even start the show without checking if hosts have the microphones turned on.
It is time to do something about the audio department so none of this would even happen, as it never happens on a professional television.
The real “stars” of this show are the stories themselves. (Not to take anything away from the hosts, but that seems to be the best way to think about it.)
Loved Miss Ida on the Main Show, love her as an All Star. More Ida!