TYT Hour 2 September 23, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan28 Comments

Pope Francis’ speech for journalists. Phoenix police officers resign after forcing teen to eat marijuana. Dashcam of police officer pepper spraying 15 year old girl. “white face.” Cat-scratch disease.


  1. The bottom line on ALL this police brutality is: police in other countries don’t act this way (except in Stalanist Soviet Union and Nazi Germany). This is a symptom of the fascist nature of present day America and unless we destroy the Corporate State this Fucking God Damned Bullshit from the PIGS will continue!

  2. Remember Cenk, the purpose of terrorism is to terrorise. One can also terrorise with words; isn’t this Fox’s schtik..?

  3. Ironically my cat decided to come snuggle up in my lap during the cat scratch story. When Cenk made his “paws” joke, and Jimmy started laughing, I started laughing and wheezing so hard my cat had to get up and move back to the other side of the couch lol Successful story in my book.

    p.s. Bless you, Sam, for being such a good cat mama! Mine’s a former street cat, too. They ask for so little from us. Just some food, a place to sleep, and a lap to snuggle in :)

  4. A thought occurred to me as I was watching Cenk speak about whether the police chief in Phoenix was right to name the cops involved. Since they resigned before they could face punishment within the department and its possible that any criminal charges may still get acquitted/appealed and perhaps even struck from their records, a public record of news stories covering the incidents complete with their names will come up any time any other agency googles their names or checks for public exposure and liability during a background check. At minimum, any future employer savvy enough to check how their applicants appear in the news will have serious questions for them. At anything more than minimum, these three officers will be passed over for less risky and more… ‘professional’ candidates.

  5. I’m not saying those cops aren’t fucked up, but if they had wanted they could have charged that kid with a felony… and he could have ended up getting 4 months to two years in prison, with $150,000 fine.

    Instead they made him eat the weed. If I was a kid I would take eating the nug over a felony every single time.

  6. PLEASE use conventional flea meds on your pets. If there is an allergic issue, discuss it with your vet. Natural remedies using vinegar and garlic often don’t completely eliminate fleas, and over time the animal can die of blood loss. Also, whenever a pet had fleas, vaccuum/wash/steam clean all fabrics in your house.

    Sam, I know you truly love animals so make sure you do the right thing, even if it means using harsher chemicals sometimes.

  7. I remember hearing of a punishment when I was a young man in the mid 70s.
    If you got caught smoking a cigarette you would be forced to eat the whole pack.
    The cops might be emulating this as punishment although I think the odds are against this.

  8. OMG … it has been a looong time since I’ve agreed with Ben on anything!

    I call cat-scratch unnecessary hysteria bull shit.

    If cats were riddled with this traveling plague, why are there so many very old cat ladies? You know what else cats have a higher incidence of? Tapeworms. Mice have fleas … cats catch/eat mice & their fleas … cats get tapeworms. You can get tapeworms. But if you keep your cats flea-free & keep them indoors a lot of these issues go away.

    I’m in general a dog person, I have two.
    I also have a cat, and he’s great. The best part about him is that he acts like a dog.

    1. My cat is an efficient flea killer / eater. She’s an inside only cat and as soon as I detect fleas I slather on the Advantage. She’s 11 years old now and has had tapeworms multiple times. Number of times I’ve had tapeworms: 0 lol Yep, agree with Ben.

  9. I’m Canadian and even I know they have in and out in phoenix, they don’t even exist (at least in my Alberta) in Canada

  10. Cat scratch is a type of Bartonella infection also transmitted by ticks, it probably killed my dog. The veterinary lab at Ncsu is one of the top research institutions wrt Bartonella.

  11. Cat scratch fever has been around for ever. Fear, fear, fear, scare, scare, scare! It’s all a bunch of shit! My pediatrician warned me of it, I have always had a cat, my kids are 9 and 11 and there is no problem to freak about. Yes, it could happen. You could also get hit by a fucking bus. You can get fleas from your yard in FL. If you have fleas, spread Borax on your floor and wait a day a vacuum it the hell up! It’s natural and won’t harm your kids or pets from having it down.
    Good Lord people!

  12. There is nothing better than to try and just talk to her, doesn’t matter how long that would take, they will get there if given that chance. Police needs a great deal of training .

    1. Hard to imagine someone connected with journalism not knowing that. Yes, she is more of a light journalist (“Pop Trigger”). But she is presenting a story about serious journalism.

  13. As someone who has studied cats (big and small) for decades, and tries to educate people about cats, I find the story and the alarmist tone of the news about the statistical survey from the CDC to be outrageous and abhorrent. This is the worst kind of “scary clickbait” that msm uses to create panic views and clicks, especially since most people don’t actually click the link to read the article, and they only skim the first part of the article if they do actually click. Most just read the headline, and sometimes the description. So they get this idea that if anyone pets a cat, they’re going to die, which is ridiculous, and people like me are left trying to explain the reality.

    Cat scratch disease is exceedingly rare. This does a disservice to cats and people who might now shy away from helping cats in need. It’s reckless, and it WILL cost kittens and cats their lives because some people will think it’s a common danger. It isn’t.

    It isn’t a cat problem, it’s a flea and hygiene problem. Spiders are also carriers of the bacteria that causes CSD, and they may be responsible for up to 40% of all the cases of CSD. And most cases of CSD don’t even require a trip to the doctor. The exceptions are children under 5 and people with weakened immune systems.

  14. Great when there’s no god damn Princess Doesn’t-Even-Know-Who-Pol-Pot-Is Ana and the 2nd hour doesn’t have to be 45 minutes long!

    1. I agree on the Ana comment . She has progressed very little in her analysis and articulation of the news for a few years now . She is a glorified googler who has a liberal leaning . Seriously ask ur self which informed , critically thinking individual couldn’t do the same job she is doing at the same mediocre level after years at a news outlet?

      It’s almost like cenk doesn’t push ana to become a better journalist/pundit or she doesn’t push her self . It just doesn’t seem like this is her calling , she does it with such a crappy attitude like she was put in this position against her will . All journalists get hate, negativity , etc but that’s what separates the greats from the frauds . Ana constantly talking about her detractors exposes that it clearly affects her even if she puts on a straight face . If she was driven and had a goal no way in hell Twitter detractors would bother her . The fact is many detractors have actual reasons to criticize someone who acts like she knows it all but don’t demand greatness from themselves .

      Pulitzer Prize winning journalists don’t cowar at negative Twitter comments . They go out and cover untold stories . And if Ana’s goal isn’t to become the most influential/ respected : host/ pundit/ journos then why is she in this ?

      Why doesn’t she go out and investigate act like a real journalist? Heck atleast in an important event go cover it instead of staying in studio covering Chris brown stories . Amy Goodwin went all the way to the Dakotas , self fun me ur self if TYT can’t afford , it would give u credibility because in all honesty she has none . She has shown that she lacks a drive to become a major part of a progressive change in our system , even though she has the platform too.

      Instead it seems she focuses on the shallow negatives aspects of her job which is what people do when they lack a love and passion for thier work .

      I say this solely because I know and feel there are so many driven men/women who would take Ana’s position and make 10000 times more progress to the progressive cause. Who instead of focusing on negative would use the platform to make a difference for the everyday man . look at Eric ,Emma and mostly Jordan in a year they have broken more stories than Ana has in her whole career and yes she’s only a host but anyone with a strong enough will can go out and report and investigate something if they feel like there is a need .

        1. some people don’t find a few paragraphs beyond our ability to comprehend. Some things cannot be adequately responded to in single sentences.

      1. Okay, well, the the second poster clearly has an axe to grind with Ana, but I will agree about one particular point: Ana’s negativity about the job in general has been seriously grating on me. She never misses a chance to snipe at the other staff, or complain about how much she gets paid, or say that she hates a particular story (which proves another point I’ve made: that she doesn’t read and choose the stories ahead of time…does she just show up to work with no prep?). I wouldn’t say anything if it wasn’t a persistent pattern of behavior for months now. I wonder if Cenk doesn’t notice or doesn’t care?

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