TYT Hour 1 September 23, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan33 Comments

Video shows moment Charlotte police shot Keith Scott. Tulsa Police Officer Betty Shelby charged with manslaughter in shooting death of Terence Crutcher. Gary Johnson’s views about climate change. HRC proposes significant new tax increase. New HRC campaign ad shows misogynist Trump comments.


  1. “Cops are like an occupying force…”
    Not really: our soldiers have rules of engagement and shoot less readily than cops.

  2. At 43:30 Ben M. talks about never having a meaningful third party due to the nonsensical way we elect a president but that’s in the Constitution. I’m not sure of Ben’s point but there is NOTHING in the Constitution about having a two-party system. In fact, John Adams said in 1780 that “There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.” Because of the narrow and extreme positions of the two current parties giving us such a marvelous pair to choose from for president, we need one or more parties that will represent the growing number of independents. Makes me want to ask if we are still a democracy or have become a billionaire oligarchy which is controlling the election to the point that voters are being snookered into feeling they are still living in a democracy.

    1. His point is not that the Constitution literally mandates “we shall have two parties”, but that the electoral college and first past the post tallying system create conditions which limit competition to two main parties. It doesn’t matter whether it was by design or by accident, the end result is the same.

      1. Thank you, loworigins, I hadn’t thought about how the electoral college promotes a two-party system since it requires one candidate to get a clear majority. If there are more than two viable parties than there would be many more times the Twelfth Amendment would be invoked throwing the decision to the House. Will go look up whether that happened before the Twelfth Amendment was added to the Constitution. So is it time for the Electoral College to go away, but then does it lessen states rights to do so? The Twelfth Amendment does not seem well conceived at least for our time and should probably be replaced as well… And, while we’re at it go to the fairer scheme of ranked voting.

  3. I hate to be sexist but I must say that my view is that men may be generally “greedy little fuckers (probably literally), women are not “greedy little fuckers”. They can’t be because they need to stand for their children. When someone means more to you than you do (or your husband or whomever does) life is very differently informed.

    1. Carrie Tolstedt was the wells fargo exec that lead the cross-sales practice. If that isn’t an example of a female “greedy little fucker” I don’t know who would be.

    2. I know many men (including myself) who are doting fathers that would do anything for their kid, and I know many women who don’t give a shit bout their kids.

  4. Enjoyed the show. Nice to enjoy jimmy again too. I don’t watch AP, can’t take it, but love him when he’s able to contribute to the group without going off the deep end. Loved the discussion about how our foreign policy is related to the police violence we are seeing.

  5. As far as the shootings, thank god we have a African American President that will do something to get police training to stop the massacres and murders of innocent people, and make kill the last option… oh wait.. its Obama.. never mind.. keep the status quo.

    Damn Obama is so worthless… except for doing things like TPP.

  6. Hillary, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

    Why now a 65% tax hike.. oh yeah, that is like, hey guys, wink wink I am a real progressive.. winky winky..

    laughable Clintonian classic triangulation to attempt to fool people to vote for her who have been screaming about the income inequality due to a economy that screws most people and rewards the richest 1%.

    I only wonder, who stupid does she think we are? And why only 65%, why not 666%?

  7. First, I have to say that I love it when Brett presents. He’s great. He also adds great thoughts to conversations, and is self-aware enough to know when he’s even slightly wrong. Hope to see much more of him on the show.

    Gary Johnson isn’t a smart man, but he certainly isn’t as idiotic and buffoonish as Trump. No reason not to have him in the debates.

    I agree with Ben’s point on the general kookiness of 3rd (and 4th) party candidates. They’re never normal, informed people. If someone is running for president, I expect them to know more about current affairs and U.S. history than I do. I’m slightly more informed than the average person, but by no means am I a news junky.

  8. Ben, how is Jill Stein kooky?
    You can say you think some of her policies are unworkable & make no sense, but kooky?

    PLEASE have Kshama Sawant on! Is Jimmy the only one here who has mentioned her? She makes a powerful argument for a third party that can actually work!

    Even though Bernie ran as a Dem, technically he is an Independent.
    Anyone remember John B. Anderson from the 1980 election? My Mom & Dad had horrific arguments, because he she was voting for Anderson (Independent who was socially/foreign policy liberal, and more conservative fiscally) and he was voting for Carter. My Dad said that any vote for Anderson was a vote for Reagan, who he despised.

    As we now all know, my Mom voted for Anderson, and this was the primary reason Reagan won and sped up the destruction of the middle class and ushered in the “Greed is Good” era. So I guess if I plan to vote for Jill Stein, I will be ushering another horrific era? Or cementing Reagan & Bubba’s world-wide Corporate Oligarchy?

    Thanks a lot, Mom.

    1. chetzmom, I enjoyed your family anecdote. My mom and dad never talked politics. I thought Reagan was a joke. Carter was successfully branded by the Republicans as a failed president. I was duped by their propaganda. Had I known more about Carter’s achievements, I would not have voted for Anderson. Had I known what Neoliberalism was and that Reagan was reading-up on Milton Friedman’s ideas, I definitely would not have voted for Anderson. So it seems you and I share the blame for… nothing! That’s right. In 1980, less than 55% of the voting-aged citizens voted. In 1992, 55% voted and from 1952 to 1972 over 55% voted. Even if Carter had all of Anderson’s votes, Carter’s total would not have exceeded Reagan’s 43,903,230 votes. Just looking at a few populous states, like California, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas, adding Anderson’s votes to Carter’s would not have trumped Reagan’s winning percentages. So, I doubt Carter could have won in the Electoral College by my quick estimation. The point I am getting to is there were roughly 73.5 million votes that went unclaimed. None of the candidates brought them to the polls. Perhaps the blame really rests with the candidates and their campaigns.

      (Notes: Wikipedia article on voter turnout totals. Naomi Klein mentions Reagan and Neoliberalism in her book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism. Wikipedia for vote distribution from the article “United States presidential election, 1980”.)

  9. The estate tax should be scrapped period. It is legalised theft.

    Plus rich people will always find a way around it which is why the Rockefellers survived the 75% tax in the 30s.

  10. For me, this video keeps stalling. Opting to download the show. I’m glad there’s an option to do that, but TYT should check why the streaming version isn’t working correctly.

  11. American Libertarianism isn’t middle-class Anarchism and it isn’t even Anarchism; it is an ideology held by a bunch of useful idiots who unwittingly are doing ideological legwork for Neoliberalism in terms of their views on eliminating regulation and disintegrating collective cooperative social fabrics. Anarchism sees hierarchy of any kind as immoral and oppressive and thus seeks to dismantle all human hierarchical structures. American Libertarianism doesn’t see anything inherently wrong with hierarchical structures and it isn’t a blip on their radar. Like Anarchists, they are concerned with the overreach of state power (Anarchism is actually more drastic in that it seeks to abolish the state whereas Libertarianism merely seeks to dial it back), however unlike Anarchism, American Libertarianism has no issue with private interests accumulating obscene amounts of power because they believe that capitalist market forces will serve both as an operational and a moral regulator. Anarchists would find this view preposterous as they are fundamentally anti-capitalist due to the fact that they recognize capitalism itself inherently creates hierarchy (via class) which they seek to dismantle. Since American Libertarianism neither opposes hierarchy nor unaccountable private tyrannies (to use Chomsky’s phrase), that means that it is fundamentally not Anarchism of any sort and it’s not even trying to be such. American Libertarianism is an ideology practiced mainly by a bunch of moderate Republicans who feel squeamish about the party’s social issue agenda, and neck-bearded college Econ majors who are clueless as to how capitalism works in real life vs how it works in their textbooks and lectures. I tip my hat to Gathly for his (or her) excellent comment.

    1. By the way, in the video Cenk said “anarchy” which is different from Anarchism. Whether or not he was referring to Anarchism when he said that is not entirely clear. If so, he was muddling his definitions.

  12. Great show! I just re-watched the Michael A. Wood Jr. interview and it’s scary how relevant it is today. He’s someone I would love to see on the show, especially in the current climate, to discuss police training and what changes can be made to ensure these tragedies end. His stories as a police officer in Baltimore are truly horrifying and show what a hero he is to shine a light on such issues.

  13. I like Cenk’s commentary on what’s going through the heads of corporatists that are destroying the planet in the name of personal greed, but I would go one step further.

    Corporatists believe that it is better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. Thats not hyperbole. They are LITERALLY willing to create a hell on earth if it gives them the assets to own it.

  14. No, it’s not. They like to pretend they are, but anarchism is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism. Capitalism creates inequality, colonialism and empire. You can’t have functioning anarchism in those systems. American Libertarianism was invented by the austrian economists to counter the rise of social democracy. It’s not a coherent world view. It’s confused white college students, baby men who never grew out of it, and corporate fascists who support it because it leads to economic inequality and their rule.

    1. You mean the Austrians who called for minimum basic income, yeah right.

      Libertarians are either rich white teenagers who never worked a day in their lives or businessmen who want to cut corners and want to accountability.

  15. Libertarianism is just middleclass anarchism….and as V Lenin said,…anarchism is an infantile disorder of the left. BTW what commies was Cenk referring to…certainly none on record. Americans need to get over their commie phobia. It’s tired and it’s infantile.

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