Cenk, Malcolm, and Wes Clark Jr. hosting Wednesday night’s Old School. They discuss the crazy Conservative right. Cenk admits that he does not care much for recycling. Wes serenades Cenk with “Humpty Dance.”
Right? Have you read his book Dread Not? Dude, that book, and his recommendations are so amazing! He’s my doorway to environmental awareness, which is cold, sobering and disheartening on the one hand, but Sci-fi Lit. whether It is light hearted (if any Sci-fi can be said to be light hearted) or heavy and way too real… Just gives you hops or at the very least the is an idea that there is a fight worth having. Like say firefly, Yeah the good guys lost the war, but they are still a small band fighting for what little freedom they have left….any who I loved His Song! and OLd School, and Aggressive Progressives Are My two favorite aspects Of TYt, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it Again More WES CLARKE!!!!!!!!! Hes needs a show comparable to A.G. And don’t get me wrong its Not just a men’s Only thing I think the Women who’ve been doing the friday post games need a show as well, this is in NOOO way meant to be condescending, but I think they are cute as hell, yeah I’m a man, and I love hearing what they have to say! Shit they are doing great! and I love watching the interaction between them, especially when they egg each other on, yeah girl don’t be nervous! Most of us TYT love you! Remember you don’t get a lot of love from internet comments, just bs complaints and trolls. But We really do love you!
You guys should read some books on Mormons, maybe watch Mr. Diety, take a look at some of the escape stories from fundamentalist Mormon groups, a few things like that. They absolutely do some pretty awful things just like any other religious cult. They would trade wives like people used to trade farm animals and make rules about sex. It’s pretty interesting and horrible stuff.
I’ve been really enjoying watching these TYT Old Schools. I think they have become some of my favorite videos to watch. I enjoy hearing Wes’s opinion on things… and his signing was adorable. :)
Tim Pawlenty was terrible in Minnesota. He cut taxes and then when bills were due he borrowed from money that was supposed to go to schools leaving them in financial trouble. Then when he left the state was in massive debt now with a democrat as governor there is a surplus and business is improving.
Is one of those “macro changes” instituting a new food pyramid backed by science and not big agribusiness? We’re not all going to be vegan, but it would allow us to have a healthier population, curb climate change by limiting deforestation that would be used for cattle ranches, and by upping composting programs cities would have a steady supply of material for composted natural gas (which could also cut into oil and gas energy and plastic products). Macro-changes… you shift the system by small changes, and create supporting programs.
re: NY, DC, LA, SF
Listen to this interview from today on Democracy Now and see if it informs your discussion about Ohio (or elsewhere) golf pros and misc deplorables… What Drives Trump Supporters?: Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild on Anger & Mourning of the Right https://goo.gl/4LzwZ2
I’m glad someone wrote this lol. This is almost exactly the same set up as in Ohio. The Christmas Tree Store doesn’t even really have anything related to holidays. It’s like a larger dollar store. I’ve gotten some nice cedar pots for my front yard, there, though. :D
Just want to say big props to Wes for doing his song. It was funny and his voice isn’t bad even though he inferred it was. Good song and brave to put yourself out there. I liked the song.
Pawlenty was a northern bore. Huntsman was a telegenic and relatively reasonable guy (for a republican) with super hot daughters. His problem was that the R base had no interest – would’ve been trouble for Obama in a general
Nothing but Trouble is the movie. They get caught in some crazy jail with a crazy small town judge (Akroid) and deformed/deranged family members. The song Wes plays is Humpty Dance. Humpty Hump was the alter ego of Shock G, the emcee of Digital Underground. Kiss Me and I’ll Kiss You Back was their other hit. Freaks of the Industry was a great song too (I saw it live at Summer Jam at the Gorge Amphitheater. 2Pac was a backup dancer (how he met Treach), and his big break was Same Song by Digital Underground, from the Nothing but Trouble soundtrack, and in the video, he is carried in on a throne!
Great song Wes, I know the lyrics are from humpty dumpty but is the tune original? I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere before and would love if someone could tell me where it’s from.
I have often wondered about the Christmas Tree Shops too. So I looked it up. They sell all sorts of stuff, not just Christmas stuff. They should change their name.
I do not accept Wesley’s and Cenk’s compaints about xenophobia since they shown to be totally fine with neo-Nazis elsewhere.
Remember that the Western backed coup in Ukraine was done with the help of CIA/StateDep that went as far as arranging neo-Nazis’s training in Poland, as it was revealed by Der Spiegel. They then were used during the coup, then sent to the Eastern Ukraine to subjugate/kill those who did not accept the coup, who were still aligned with the legal government. And now they are officially employed by the regime (google, exempli gratia, Azov and Aidar Waffen SS insignia).
Cenk continues to call all of this “revolution” and smear Russia for protecting the people of Eastern Ukraine against the neo-Nazi onslaught.
Washington’s neocon/neolib maniacs from the StateDep as well as from Congress (like MacCain) go rounds making gleeful photo sessions with the founder of Ukrainian neo-Nazi party Svoboda Parubiy, who is also main culprit in the deaths of protesters on Maindan Sqaure in the February of 2014. Parubiy now is the head of Ukrainian parliament (!).
Did Cenk ever report that?
NEVER, as he lives in the establishment media bubble and is totally blind to every and all evils if he thinks they are useful against “evil Russia” that he indoctrinates to hate even his little son in his fairy tales for him.
Cold War mentality is a prison that both Cenk and Wesley live in; they are well-intended in their mind, but the result is pretty bad: you can not be claim to be against fearmongering, xenophobia and bigotry when you engage in it yourself with the difference that you chose different target for it.
Cenk, the like/dislike on that video could be people disliking the video because they “dislike” David Duke, and people normally only go down to the comments if they’re mad. You made David Duke look bad, so his supporters run to the comments.
Nice job on the song Wes! I think that Old School might be my favorite TYT content; I hope you guys get back to doing it more regularly. :)
…also, the climate issue is terrifying. I had some hope considering how seriously Bernie was taking it…if Hillary can fail to lose this election I hope we can still force action on it soon enough, but I have a feeling we’re another 4 years behind with Hillary or moving backwards with Trump, and I don’t think we can afford either.
Cenk, Dre didn’t do Tupac. He produced TWO songs for Tupac off his All Eyez on Me Album…. back in ’96. Tupac was already established, and had a number 1 album already under his belt.
Glad Old School is back! I really missed the show. West Clark Jr. actually has a good singing voice and can play the guitar well too. Really surprised. Old School kicks naked ass.
Probably just a side-effect of typing really fast. I regularly wind up typing the “more common” word when I’m in a hurry, as opposed to what I really meant. (On a side note, I really wish they weren’t so rushed when posting to the site — I’ve lost count of how many times the wrong video gets uploaded on the main show.)
aslkdljkalskdljk wes is beautiful I hope he comes back <3
Wes Clark’s song was worth the entire monthly membership fee.
Right? Have you read his book Dread Not? Dude, that book, and his recommendations are so amazing! He’s my doorway to environmental awareness, which is cold, sobering and disheartening on the one hand, but Sci-fi Lit. whether It is light hearted (if any Sci-fi can be said to be light hearted) or heavy and way too real… Just gives you hops or at the very least the is an idea that there is a fight worth having. Like say firefly, Yeah the good guys lost the war, but they are still a small band fighting for what little freedom they have left….any who I loved His Song! and OLd School, and Aggressive Progressives Are My two favorite aspects Of TYt, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it Again More WES CLARKE!!!!!!!!! Hes needs a show comparable to A.G. And don’t get me wrong its Not just a men’s Only thing I think the Women who’ve been doing the friday post games need a show as well, this is in NOOO way meant to be condescending, but I think they are cute as hell, yeah I’m a man, and I love hearing what they have to say! Shit they are doing great! and I love watching the interaction between them, especially when they egg each other on, yeah girl don’t be nervous! Most of us TYT love you! Remember you don’t get a lot of love from internet comments, just bs complaints and trolls. But We really do love you!
Oops Sorry, meant to post a Wes Clark love fest and then I went on a tirade..my bad.
You guys should read some books on Mormons, maybe watch Mr. Diety, take a look at some of the escape stories from fundamentalist Mormon groups, a few things like that. They absolutely do some pretty awful things just like any other religious cult. They would trade wives like people used to trade farm animals and make rules about sex. It’s pretty interesting and horrible stuff.
I’ve been really enjoying watching these TYT Old Schools. I think they have become some of my favorite videos to watch. I enjoy hearing Wes’s opinion on things… and his signing was adorable. :)
Tim Pawlenty was terrible in Minnesota. He cut taxes and then when bills were due he borrowed from money that was supposed to go to schools leaving them in financial trouble. Then when he left the state was in massive debt now with a democrat as governor there is a surplus and business is improving.
Is one of those “macro changes” instituting a new food pyramid backed by science and not big agribusiness? We’re not all going to be vegan, but it would allow us to have a healthier population, curb climate change by limiting deforestation that would be used for cattle ranches, and by upping composting programs cities would have a steady supply of material for composted natural gas (which could also cut into oil and gas energy and plastic products). Macro-changes… you shift the system by small changes, and create supporting programs.
Just a thought.
Love your remix Wes!
re: NY, DC, LA, SF
Listen to this interview from today on Democracy Now and see if it informs your discussion about Ohio (or elsewhere) golf pros and misc deplorables… What Drives Trump Supporters?: Sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild on Anger & Mourning of the Right https://goo.gl/4LzwZ2
I’m from CT, the Christmas tree shop sells more than Christmas trees lol, it’s like a department store
I’m glad someone wrote this lol. This is almost exactly the same set up as in Ohio. The Christmas Tree Store doesn’t even really have anything related to holidays. It’s like a larger dollar store. I’ve gotten some nice cedar pots for my front yard, there, though. :D
Good job Wes! The way you sang that song kinda reminded me of a band that my wife used to like that sang “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” in the 90’s.
Wes’ hotness level went from 1,000 to 1,000,000,000 with that performance.
Just want to say big props to Wes for doing his song. It was funny and his voice isn’t bad even though he inferred it was. Good song and brave to put yourself out there. I liked the song.
Wes = Elvis Costello.
Pawlenty was a northern bore. Huntsman was a telegenic and relatively reasonable guy (for a republican) with super hot daughters. His problem was that the R base had no interest – would’ve been trouble for Obama in a general
*A* shambles. A shambles refers to a bloody butcher shop eg messy. Think *a* mess, not *in* mess
Nothing but Trouble is the movie. They get caught in some crazy jail with a crazy small town judge (Akroid) and deformed/deranged family members. The song Wes plays is Humpty Dance. Humpty Hump was the alter ego of Shock G, the emcee of Digital Underground. Kiss Me and I’ll Kiss You Back was their other hit. Freaks of the Industry was a great song too (I saw it live at Summer Jam at the Gorge Amphitheater. 2Pac was a backup dancer (how he met Treach), and his big break was Same Song by Digital Underground, from the Nothing but Trouble soundtrack, and in the video, he is carried in on a throne!
Things you learn on Old School: Attitude is relatively little. Love Malcolm and Wes. Malcolm fit right it in,”Huntsman’s daughters are hotter.”
For some reason that Uber driver’s story really cracked me up. It was like a soap opera.
after the civil war alot of confederates moved to brazil in order to keep owning slaves
Hey, Hey, Hey…….5 cities. don’t forget Boston.
Great song Wes, I know the lyrics are from humpty dumpty but is the tune original? I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere before and would love if someone could tell me where it’s from.
That song was epic!
I have often wondered about the Christmas Tree Shops too. So I looked it up. They sell all sorts of stuff, not just Christmas stuff. They should change their name.
“Being white hasnt helped me that much”
What a fucking thing to hear on the young turks.
was it wes that said this?
Wes! Digging the voice :)
Great job!
I do not accept Wesley’s and Cenk’s compaints about xenophobia since they shown to be totally fine with neo-Nazis elsewhere.
Remember that the Western backed coup in Ukraine was done with the help of CIA/StateDep that went as far as arranging neo-Nazis’s training in Poland, as it was revealed by Der Spiegel. They then were used during the coup, then sent to the Eastern Ukraine to subjugate/kill those who did not accept the coup, who were still aligned with the legal government. And now they are officially employed by the regime (google, exempli gratia, Azov and Aidar Waffen SS insignia).
Cenk continues to call all of this “revolution” and smear Russia for protecting the people of Eastern Ukraine against the neo-Nazi onslaught.
Washington’s neocon/neolib maniacs from the StateDep as well as from Congress (like MacCain) go rounds making gleeful photo sessions with the founder of Ukrainian neo-Nazi party Svoboda Parubiy, who is also main culprit in the deaths of protesters on Maindan Sqaure in the February of 2014. Parubiy now is the head of Ukrainian parliament (!).
Did Cenk ever report that?
NEVER, as he lives in the establishment media bubble and is totally blind to every and all evils if he thinks they are useful against “evil Russia” that he indoctrinates to hate even his little son in his fairy tales for him.
Cold War mentality is a prison that both Cenk and Wesley live in; they are well-intended in their mind, but the result is pretty bad: you can not be claim to be against fearmongering, xenophobia and bigotry when you engage in it yourself with the difference that you chose different target for it.
Where do the rich think they will live when our planet is used up? seriously, they are smart, where are they buying property?
Cenk, the like/dislike on that video could be people disliking the video because they “dislike” David Duke, and people normally only go down to the comments if they’re mad. You made David Duke look bad, so his supporters run to the comments.
I fucking love when Wes talks truth about climate change. Really informed.
Nice job on the song Wes! I think that Old School might be my favorite TYT content; I hope you guys get back to doing it more regularly. :)
…also, the climate issue is terrifying. I had some hope considering how seriously Bernie was taking it…if Hillary can fail to lose this election I hope we can still force action on it soon enough, but I have a feeling we’re another 4 years behind with Hillary or moving backwards with Trump, and I don’t think we can afford either.
Malcolm and Wes are the best.
Malcolm is great. He’s very well spoken and knowledgable.
I’m glad he broke out of his “Friday post games only” cage.
The guy is engaged in production, but, in reality, he has to be writer and/or journalist.
This was sorely missed and much needed. Thanks Cenk, Malcolm, and Wes. Good discussion.
Cenk, Dre didn’t do Tupac. He produced TWO songs for Tupac off his All Eyez on Me Album…. back in ’96. Tupac was already established, and had a number 1 album already under his belt.
Glad Old School is back! I really missed the show. West Clark Jr. actually has a good singing voice and can play the guitar well too. Really surprised. Old School kicks naked ass.
Does the person who typed up the description for this video (Gigi?) think Wes Clark’s name is “West?”
Probably just a side-effect of typing really fast. I regularly wind up typing the “more common” word when I’m in a hurry, as opposed to what I really meant. (On a side note, I really wish they weren’t so rushed when posting to the site — I’ve lost count of how many times the wrong video gets uploaded on the main show.)
That’s worse than Halls and Oates.