Cenk and Ana watch an old clip of a woman trying to sue Captain Crunch over “false advertisement.” The woman claims Captain Crunch deceived her into believing that they used real fruit. Ana talks about how much has changed since the clip from over 7 years ago. She tells Cenk how nervous she was presenting around him because of his strong views.

The earbuds on Cenk are more obvious, maybe Ana’s hair distracts from them. Regardless, it’s fun to see episodes a decade’ish ago. Wish I knew about tyt way back. These last two years were awesome, but I would have binged on the show in the old days.
Super cute Ana. Probably my favorite look you’ve had in the classics. Little bit of prep school girl. lol
Super heartwarming end to the video.
This was too short!!
Ana is too damn cute in that clip. Now shes a woo-mans!
This video has the wrong information listed.