The fifth installment of Aggressive Progressives with Jimmy Dore and Malcolm Fleschner. Jimmy and Malcolm respond to tweets, discuss the history of debate moderators, and all things progressive.
It wasn’t fighter jets, but Tupolev nuclear bombers. The model that hasn’t been converted to conventional weapons.
And the passengers on civilian jet planes sufflering deliberate near-collissions with russian jets probably arent part of a huge anti-russian conspiracy.
I can’t say enough good things about this new segment you have, Jimmy. I especially like this show with Malcolm, because it appears your guys’ personalities dovetail each other. Keep up the great work, guys! And don’t freak out!
I agree with all the others: every show should have a brief “Hope You Have The Shittiest Birthday Ever, You Giant Douche” segment. God I hope that both Hillary’s and Trump’s birthdays are in October (probably not though).
Shame Malcolm’s stories got bumped, but those are just growing pains of the show, I suppose.
I love Jimmy’s analysis, but I hope he gets a little more conscientious of the flow of the show and not get sidetracked as easily and for that long. And I (as a daily weed smoker), certainly know that the weed probably doesn’t help!
I just want to see this show thrive. I’m a big Aggressive Progressive fan.
Yes! Having a reoccurring Unhappy Birthday segment would be Amazing! When Antonin Scalia passed I told my friends “Finally”. Which I was then promptly told that I was bad person for talking bad about someone who was dead and could not defend them self. (Which I then countered with all the Unarmed Black Men who are shot and killed by the Police then the Corporate Media vilifies them on the evening news. It was an eventful debate.) But if we talked about all the Horrible things they have done on their Birthday, then problem solved! Please make this a regular segment!!!
Lol its actually hilarious to hear cenk , John , Ana . Ben talk about nato, foreign relations with Russia etc . Like wow u would think they are all neoliberals apologists not nuanced at all. They Don’t present the other side at all just fear monger it’s funny when trump is more nuanced in his take on Russia than TYT main hosts .
Good for jimmy tho for actually providing the other side of the story , he’s really coming out as the only critical/ independent thinker of the whole tyt hosts ( Malcom, Steve don’t host )
Cenk , , Ana , John theoretically do this for a living so u would think they are constantly reading , gaining knowledge,becoming more informed about socio economic / political topics in US as well around the world . But the moment a right wing populist shows up they all coward in fear .Study history! Read what the leading intellectuals of our time and past are saying ! It’s sad to see the main hosts of the lefts biggest news outlet be such anti intellectuals .
Like Hedges so correctly articulates : Trump is not the phenomena he is only a product of the phenomena . This is why he has risen . As long as the putrid economic conditions comtinue for the everyday man trump and Bernie will only be the beginning of the populist movements . It’s a question of whether the right or left populism will work . But one thing is for sure HRC will only make this worse .
Trump is not the phenomena he is only a product of the phenomena . This is why he has risen . As long as the putrid economic conditions comtinue for the everyday man trump and Bernie will only be the beginning of the populist movements . It’s a question of whether the right or left populism will work . But one thing is for sure HRC will only make this worse .
That’s still the best analysis anyone’s has ever given about where we are in history and the one that I have subscribed to for at least 10 years. Long before Trump, rightwing populists have been showing up everywhere for those reasons.
Cent,Ana and Ben all have a knee jerk non nuanced view of Soviets enflamed be the ‘strongman’ Putin who gives them douche chills remembering what Stalin did to relatives in the ‘old country’ while John is just a corn -fed neo-lib on foreign affairs. They are all slaves to their upbringing which is why their willing to throw in with Killery and are shaking in their boots over Herr Drumph.
Excellent show, guys! Informative, insightful, inspiring. From HRC’s horrible Union “outreach?” :-/ to the League of Women’s voters, really strong work. I can’t wait to see what you didn’t have time to do this week on the next show.
I hope you do something on Nancy Pelosi saying EW doesn’t speak for the party on Wall Street ( yeah, I’m still unhappy with Warren, but what Pelosi said was jaw dropping especially the part about better by sure Wall Street thought we were rough enough on them!). And, I’d love to see you thoughts on Bernie ‘s reference to a Sanders-Warren coalition to influence HRC’s political appointments.
Granted, we probably wouldn’t have needed to if she’d come out for Bernie early in the primary, but here we are. It would go a little way to heal start the healing and regain a little cred – for me anyway.
Keep fighting the good fight.
“Queen Serene”
I am very sorry to say this. But Jimmy should stop spouting off about shit he doesn’t know anything about, such as the NATO troops in the Baltic states.
The reason they are there is,
1) A belligerent Russia, including statement made by russian diplomats in the countries
2) Actual Russian cyber attacks against the Estonian infrastructure
3) The long history of Russian hegemony, empire-building and colonialism (just to use words Jimmy likes) towards the Baltic states.
4) The fact that there are more than TEN TIMES THE AMOUNT OF RUSSIAN SOLDIERS PERMANENTLY STATIONED ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BORDERS, a looooong time before the NATO response.
This, again, happened before ANY NATO mobilization towards the Baltics.
SO please Jimmy – don’t go off on rants about things you know absolutely nothing about. It’s clear from your points that you really don’t know anything about how Russia is treating European countries – or foreign policy with regards to Europe. Stick to domestic policy, please. It’s sad to see a guy that I really liked go off on a bad tangent like you have for a while. Don’t spread misinformation like you did in this video. It’s not what The Young Turks are supposed to do.
Dave, I’m sorry, but you sound like someone spreading anti-Russian propaganda, reading your words, “belligerent Russia,” “Russian hegemony” and “intercept Russian nuclear bombers doing practice runs of nuclear-bombing our capital.” These are all propaganda; especially the last one, do you know that there’s no way you can tell if fighter jets are “practice” carrying nuclear bombs it was clearly added there to strike fear into the reader’s mind. I hate Russias response to Crimea, but I also know what the US would do if they lost control of one of their puppet countries to a Russian Government. Historically: Cuban Missile crisis and all the drug trade in South America is a testament to what the US will do to keep power to themselves. They would throw the whole of South America into a drug war so that they are too busy fighting drug-lords to do anything to help their people and evolve their economies.
Very pleasantly surprised to learn Jimmy doesn’t share the anti-Russian bigotry of Cenk, John, and seemingly everyone else on the show. I hope this is because Cenk is willing to let opposing viewpoints on the network, and not because he didn’t know Jimmy would go on spouting a bunch of even-handed, rational talking points about how Russia has a right to feel threatened by American aggression.
I was about to quit this network and had gone so far as asking for the balance of my money back, which was agreed upon. Then came Aggressive Progressives. Thank goodness for this show.
I can’t accept Cenk’s argument about voting for Hillary and challenging her later on. I simply can’t agree. I don’t understand why there aren’t more people even talking about the election fraud which took place and how they can accept Clinton as a legitimate candidate. That is a huge problem for our democracy, far greater than anything Trump can bungle through. I can’t support election fraud with my vote. I’m voting Stein in the absence of the true Democratic nominee, Bernie Sanders. I might have been able to put aside all of my objections about Clinton, held my nose and voted for her had she not cheated in the primary. Since she did, there’s nothing she can do to earn my vote.
To be clear: I enjoyed Malcolm on the show, he was not the reason I listened to the show only half way through. In case I did not write in clearly enough.
Thank you TYT for all your hard good work. I very much appreciate it. I even click on your YouTube videos – even though I’ve already watched as a member through the site, to keep your numbers. I regularly refer people to your coverage, most recently the shooting in Oklahoma and EWarren
Yeah, incidentally, remember to click and upvote the Aggressive Progressives clips on TYT’s Youtube channel. That’s actually very important to the continuation of this series.
I don’t know, guys, I understand passions are heated with this election and these candidates, but do you think Jimmy can really handle having his own show on TYT? You want a daily AP show but he hardly seemed prepared for the weekly thing. Can you imagine Cenk or John or Ana going, and for the next the way I am not sure if I already covered it here….Come on, Malcolm seemed more prepared. His calling the show AggressivE ProgressivE , his saying -twice already, to join go to tyt dot com slash join? It seems like he’s almost mocking the membership thing and hence the network (which I doubt are his intentions). Well, if he cares about his cause he should remember that stuff at least, it’s important for new members to join and listen to only to himself. (Well, it could be a tactic but not sure about this theory )
Since I joined few months ago this is the first time I did not finish watching a show on TYT. Thanks to Malcolm who kept me listening to about half way through.
Sorry Jimmy but being not prepared for this show’s audience is kinda not serious and hence hard for me to take your points seriously enough myself.
No, that’s just not realistic. Right now, Jimmy does the JD Show + standup + weekly appearance on the Main Show + weekly Aggressive Progressives. And the frequency of the JD Show is actually going up (that’s why they did the Indiegogo fundraiser which was a success).
Yeah no. You don’t have to be a non-Jew to promote policies that hurt Jews in general & Israelis. You don’t have to be Jewish to spew rhetoric that helps magnify judgement & suspicion.
Two of my comments have not been posted & are “awaiting moderation”, making my 3rd & 4th comment make less sense & seem out of the blue. I started by saying great show, by the way.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it were just another system problem with the site. But it could be someone having a political problem with what I said that didn’t get posted. I wonder if they will ever post.
I live TYT but this would be very unprofessional. Rogue employees, I assume. But could be a bug. That’s never happened to me before though.
Jimmy is a political comedian who is used to off the cuff phaser blasts of Stream of Consciousness commentary. He is neither Lawrence Odonnell nor Chris Hayes….he is his own man!!!
Love the show and the aggressiveness. Malcolm was fantastically creative with the unbirthday and all that.
My one critique is that Jimmy makes great points but sidetracks himself with more thoughts mid sentence. Of course this is a human nature phenomenon but I feel like it doesn’t play so well to the audience and the pace of the show. The passion is great but I’d like to see a little more cohesiveness with the rants (I.e. Keep them simpler). I like the rants but after a point of going a little too far in they tend to be counterproductive.
I’d love to see more Malcolm, and I’d love to see Steve Oh get more fired up – though he’s generally a clam guy so I understand why that may not happen.
All in all great show and it just keeps getting better each week!
This is the kind of high-quality members only content TYT needs to sell memberships. I love this show. Great work guys. One small suggestion: Instead of always bashing fake-progressives, spend a little time promoting state-level real progressives (perhaps some who have voted for a 28th Amendment).
The main show isn’t bad, but I feel likes its becoming more of a gossip show than what whats really going on sometimes. Aggressive progressives seems more to deal with the overall issues which to me is better, plus jimmy is funny as hell.
This show is the only reason I’m still a member. I’ve been a fan of TYT since 2005. It breaks my heart to see what the main show has turned into. I’m so over hearing hosts complain about viewer’s critiques. I’m a member because I want access to substantive, factual information. If I could have Aggressive Progressives every day for 3 hours, I’d gladly pay 3x my current membership fee.
“You should vote for the person who reflects your political views” THANK YOU. This has been my argument from day one. But you know, I support Trump by voting Stein….in a reliably red state
This is a preliminary study just to get conversation going, in a culture where talking about Jew hate is often more politically incorrect than the Jew hate itself. No one studied it till now, because it’s just Jews, right?
Stein is ok on a lot but because of those reasons, which are not minor I have to be #NeverStein. Bernie was even-handed & wants defense spending decreased overall, in reasonable amounts, not just away from Israel.
Bernie’s stance didn’t attract Jew haters but in the past few weeks, among many awesome Stein supporters, 4 Jew-haters who were entirely pro Stein & extremely positive not vile in any other way with pro Stein profiles & being reasonable in other ways & not insulting to anyone, upon my saying something even-handed like Bernie does, told me Hitler was right (2 of them) & “all Zionist Jews should die” & “all Jews must die”.
More & more Jew hate rises on the left & right but it’s often more politically incorrect to talk about it than to say the things I’m saying. Boycotts against Jewish business were an International reality in the 1930’s as they are becoming again. Stein & Baraka support that & a lot more, not educating about the conditions Palistinians are dealing with, urging their safety & security as a needed beginning for the safety & security of Israel but rather an attempt to force compliance with our will, with boycotts sanctions & International court, putting Israel, & unintentionally random Jews in global crosshairs.
To do that as would-be leaders or even candidates for leaders of the world’s most influential superpower, when one’s VP has gone on Holocaust denier radio shows more than once, & only a year ago dog-whistled against the evil controllers who “have an interest in keeping us all stupid” & who control Bernie, servant of “settlers”, saying what seems right out of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (Russian forged pogrom propaganda to rally against Jews) & saying exactly things that David Duke says, when he bothers to dog-whistle, is irresponsible, unconscionable, & insanely dangerous. So is claiming Jew hate isn’t rising anywhere & is only being more visible on the right, as if it didn’t exist on the left, as Wesley Clark Jr. & The Old School panel were implying. Stating it’s only 30% antisemitic Neo-Nazi types in every country equally as if there’s none on the left & lesser forms of Jew hate are not to be considered when Cenk says all the time, culture matters is irresponsible. It’s not just on the right because of Drumpf, & only showing more, but that is a part of it.
You know that Dr.Jill Stein is Jewish right? Just wondering if you realize that. It’s not Jewish hate to say that what they are doing to the Palestinian people is not just messed up, but it’s in violation of international law and human rights violations. I’m not saying that Israel can’t defend themselves, but do it following international law, which means not targeting critical infrastructure like water, hospitals, schools, etc. It means not killing and wounding 10,000 people in response to less than 40 Jewish people dying. It means not killing children and then referring to it as mowing the grass. The US is also guilty of breaking International Law when it comes to warfare, and retaliatory strikes, and human rights violations for example when during the Bush years they were committing torture to manufacture evidence to go to war against Iraq. These are just some things to think about, and I’m also not saying that there is not anti-semitism in the world because there is. Just like there anti-Islam\Muslim hate in the world, and hate against minorites such as African-Americans and Latinos here in the US.
I love Malcolm’s final salvo about Neal Cavuto. That would be a great idea for the final segment of the show each week. The unhappy birthday segment. I don’t know much about licensing songs but you could precede the segment with a clip from The Smith’s song “Unhappy Birthday.” Just the less than 20 seconds of the song’s lyrics “I’ve come to wish you an unhappy birthday because you’re evil and you lie and if you should die, I may be slightly sad, but I won’t cry.” Just a thought. Great show!
I was looking forward to this show because I really wanted to hear what SteveO had to say about this election.
Jimmy I already get alot of here, youtube, podcast and premium. But we never get to hear Steve. But so far this is not what has happened cause Jimmy rants thru just about 80% of the show. And the rants are the same cause he ain’t doin any prep cause these are the same stories on his youtube/podcast/and/or premium pretty much.
Jimmy, you don’t have to do a 10min rant of every story along with sidetracking and ranting there. Besides you are starting to be monotonous as your rants circle around a set of 3 or 4 subjects.
You barely give Steve or this guy a chance to even quip a bit.
And you are surprised when the show ends and you find you have only done like 2 maybe 3 stories each including a 20min rant on how:
1. People criticize you for bashing hillary and tell you a vote 4 Jill Stein is a vote 4 trump.
2. How you don’t fear trump
3. Hillary’s a worse war monger/trump won’t get anything done
4. Hillary is a terrible politician/candidate – has parkinson’s.
and 5. Sen. Dems can filibuster a supreme court nominee. Are these the same corportist, sell out dems? Yeah I think they are. They are paid lkto be the Washington Generals to the Republican Globetrotter. They are paid to put on a show of losing. They will never filibuster anything. So this rant is a waste of time.
Please have a conversation about the stories instead of going into a selfish and time consuming rant that you just did on youtube which is in the podcast and has about a 60% chance of making it into the premium.
You must have watched a different show than I did, or just watched the fifteen minute freebie, or you are a hillbot. This show gets better every week and I for one, learned quite a bit from the clip featuring the League of Women Voters. You might want to stay tuned in for the WHOLE show next time.
Another amazing show. I live for Thursdays . Aggressive Progressives is the only reason I’m still a TYT member.
We need Jimmy every day. Malcolm…you’re great!
Jimmy and Steve alluded in a past episode there are some FAR leftists in TYT thier voice is just marginalized . I hope AP can start airing more than once a week , give them more of a voice
I always had my suspicions about Malcolm. What a childish person, being all progressive like that. What an unreasonable man, what an irrational animal (all of this is sarcasm, just in case a Hillary supporter couldn’t tell).
You’re still calling the show “aggressive progressive”, singular, Jimmy my man. I’m starting to think that it’s less about your tendency to swallow some consonants as a permanent feature of your regular and natural speech, and more about forgetting. The old Twitter-based Bernie slogan goes “NOT ME, US”, so let’s dispense with the singular nouns, okay? :)
Another great AP episode. This is the first time I’ve seen the calm side of Jimmy. IMO Jimmy should try to keep that up (though freaking out every so often sure feels good) as it is a more convincing argument for the “matures” to understand.
Malcolm is a good co host that I’d like to see more of on these shows. Malcolm, Jimmy & Steve would definitely require a longer time frame per episode That said, I’d bet that there are quite a few AP’s in the TYT organisation & it appears the viewers like the show so WHEN will we see this extended. A 3rd hour daily of AP would probably be a good membership drive campaign.
It’s an interesting question about Trump vs Hillary on military foreign policy. The irony here is, Trump may be more of a pacifist (note that you have to compare this to his, possibly empty possibly not, promise to carpet bomb ISIS and torture the families of terrorists, and his obsession with nuclear weapons) than Hillary.
That being said, yes, Hillary’s Syrian no-fly zone, her accusing the Russians of acts of war, and so on… This shit is dangerous. The UN does need to act against Russian aggression in the Slavic states, like Ukraine and so forth, but negotiation needs to be done first and tried many times. Hillary does not inspire confidence with me on this issue. And that’s pretty fucking terrifying. So yeah, here we are. For me, it’s mostly a wash on military foreign policy between the two, because you have one candidate literally threatening a second Cold War and another candidate literally threatening that he’ll bring back nukes. It’s (possibly? probably? maybe?) less dangerous with Clinton because at least she has some experience and won’t make a rookie mistake, so it’s road rage Trump vs bad judgment Hillary here.
Like I’ve said before, I’ll be voting for Hillary because I live in a swing state, but it’s a real clothespin vote. And if you live in a blue or red state, please vote Stein. We can sort out our differences after November 9th and march forward with Bernie in OurRevolution and Canova in Progress For All, Robert Reich in Public Citizen, Cenk with WolfPAC, and so on.
I love this show, can’t get enough of it! One thing. Spending almost the entire run time of each episode going after the establishment style voting of people who are acting rationally in the prescribed two party system and belittling them back is very counterproductive. Y’all have great points but seem very butt hurt and it all just becomes this noise about 3 minutes in. So my suggestion, lay in with your great points and facts; continue to make the argument that we shouldn’t lose to win and that fight will continue no matter who is POTUS.
Love you guys, just feeling like this show needs a counterpoint position before it just becomes a straw man fire fiesta. It’s fun to burn them but that’s not a discussion of ideas. Maybe I’m wrong and this show is more about venting that setting a path down to move forward.
I really enjoyed this episode. I went though a mild withdrawal this morning until it was posted. Can we figure out a way to get these uploaded faster? Anyway, such a relief to know I’m not insane in these insane times. Thank you Jimmy for standing strong and taking the torch on this. Malcolm, I enjoyed your comments as well — American exceptionalism, good one. You must come back!!!!
I hate that my generation is too lazy to vote…… I voted, donated, and volunteered for Bernie’s campaign. I am physics graduate student that teaches about 70 undergraduate physics majors each semester. Last semester on election day I asked all 70 students if they voted or were going to vote and only 1 out of 70 said yes… If we can’t get highly motivated, informed, and energetic students to vote, how can we expect poor, uneducated, working class people to join the movement?
A great article on PewResearch(DOT)org says that Millennials now have the same percentage of the electorate as the Baby Boomer generation. However, they were the smallest demographic in the primary and are expected to be the smallest again in November. When I read these stats it makes me embarrassed to be a member of this generation.
It’s pretty typical for young people, unfortunately. Our generation actually had the power to stop the Clinton nomination madness, but we didn’t show up to the polls (and in some cases, particularly for young African-Americans, were kept out of the polls), so Hillary won. But if we had voted consistently or anywhere near even gen X or boomers or the silent gen? We would have locked up the primary against Hillary.
Yeah, Chomsky voted for Stein in 2012, and he’ll probably vote for her again 2016, but note that Chomsky gave the same caveats as Kyle Kulinski when you all discussed this the night of the NY primary: Vote Green in Red and Blue States, vote Hillary in swing states. In other words, keep the countries’ momentum to the Left.
Personally, I’d fucking love to vote Stein, but I’m in a swing state. So I’m voting for Hillary. Jimmy lives in California, Kyle lives in NY –they have the luxury of voting Green, and they should. Let’s get the Green party the numbers to get public financing, and let’s come back to the Democrats in 2020 and see what happens. If we can’t primary Hillary, then I’m in the tank for the Green party all of the way.
I live in Florida a swing state and I’m voting for Dr.Jill Stein. I don’t care just because I live in a swing state doesn’t mean that I can’t vote my conscience. I’ve had it with the Democratic Establishment and I can not give my vote to Clinton because Trump. Because Trump is just not a good enough reason for me. I follow and and listen to Chris Hedges and I believe he is right when he says that if we are not willing to take a walk into the political wilderness then nothing is going to change. I feel that we need more people voting 3rd party in swing states as way to put pressure on the Democratic establishment to end this madness of A. them feeling entitled to our voted, but doing nothing to come and get it, and B. to pull them back to the center or better yet pull them back to center left because if they want to win they will have recognize and address this new reality and electorate that has had it with maintaining the status quo and who have had it with corporatist Democrats. Hopefully they will get the message. I’m not scared of Trump or Pence they are 2 incompetent morons and I do believe that if Trump wins the GOP will disintegrate and no longer be the major party that it is now, and this will coalesce\galvanize the left against them. Again we have to be willing to take a walk into the political wilderness to get the real change that we need.
golfmd900 — I hear you. There’s a few issues here though, which I think merit saying: If you absolutely cannot vote for Hillary, trust me, no one understands better than me. I’m not Cenk or Kyle or Chomsky, who have the luxury of not needing to vote the way they don’t want to (Although Cenk says he never lets that affect his decision making, so he’ll be voting for Hillary like the voters he’s encouraging.), so I know personally how hard pulling the lever is going to be for her. If you can’t do it, I get the reasoning, even if I disagree.
As for the statement that we need to take a walk in the political wilderness, I agree, but I’m just not convinced that voting Green when we know for a fact Jill won’t break 5% of the vote is really a meaningful walk in the wilderness. Campaigning for a Bernie was a walk in the wilderness, and that could have lead somewhere. So for me, I’m hoping that people will galvanize again behind Bernie in 2020 or Tulsi in 2024, and progressive movements. I like a lot of what Chris Hedges says, but I just can’t agree with him on this (nor am I fond of the horse piss he said against Bernie). We do need to take a walk in the wilderness, but when it risks putting a neofascist in office… There’s just too much pause for me. I grew up during the Bush years, I haven’t forgotten what putting a stunningly incompetent fucking asshole and imbecile into the Oval Office did to my generation, and that’s the most positive outcome for a Trump presidency. So I just can’t do it. I just can’t fucking do it.
But there are reasons to vote for Hillary, there’s chance if elected that we could get free community college for a huge number of kids. That’s a lot of college debt that’d disappear, that’d be a lot of options for kids who’re pretty soon going to be facing astronomical loans (I mean they’re insane, I just talked to someone who’s going to pay like 54,000 dollars to get an associates degree –fucking madness). She won’t put in Trump-level SCOTUS justices (and Jimmy’s wrong here, Dems won’t fight the Republicans, so if Trump wins we get another 50 years of a far Right, possibly even authoritarian SCOTUS).
So I don’t know, the system has got to change, but the path to getting that is murkier now than it’s ever been. For me, primary’ing Hillary in 2020 seems likes the best of all options.
Getting 5% of the vote for Dr.Jill Stein is the goal as that means they qualify for matching of funds from the federal government, which is what we need. We have to build a party for the 99% and that is the Green Party.. Having that money will greatly help them be a much stronger and better funded party to build the infrastructure that they need to have a real chance of winning in 2020. It will also send a message to the Democratic establishment that the free ride is over in terms of their base just voting for them blindly and loyally. It’s an
excellent way to pull them from their center right position back to the left. It would be great if we could get them back to center left, but at this point I would just be happy with them being center, and to stop being Republican Lite. Why do you think Democrats aren’t capable of fighting the incompetent Donald Trump over his SCOTUS nominations? You don’t think if Trump gets elected that it won’t galvanize the Democrats and the left against him and what few Republicans he has because remember most Republicans aren’t going to go along with anything that Trump wants. Maybe you are right, and maybe Jimmy is. Personally either way we are going to end up with pro-corporate judges like Merrick Garland. It’s ok to bow to
fear I get it. It’s not as if I don’t understand that rationale. However, there are those of us who aren’t going to give into fear, and fear of the unknown. As FDR said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Fact is we don’t know what we will get with Trump, but we do know what we will get with Clinton and we know it’s not going to be good. You can naively think that she will fight for free public tuition, but I think all she is going to do is make the proposal and not fight tooth and nail for it. I don’t think she is going to fight tooth and nail for any progressive proposals that she is going to put forth. I think she will say hey I made the proposal and I fought as hard as I could(not really),
and so what more do you want from me is what I think we are going to get with HRC. However, when it comes to what her donors want which will hurt the middle class and working poor even more I’m sure she will fight tooth and nail for those things. Like the TPP and TIPP if Obama doesn’t get them passed in the lame duck session as just an example. I think Trump will do the same thing so on that front there is no difference. She doesn’t accept the science on fracking and won’t ban it because her donors don’t want that, and she’s taken a lot of money from fossil fuel companies and fracking companies. She’s just going to pay lip service to anything that is actually
progressive and do nothing to make it into reality. She’s going to also be the military industrial complex best friend as well, and I assure you even if she is only president for 4 years that not only will she create huge problems with Russia and Iran, but she will definitely get us involved in more quagmires and interventions that are good for no one, but the pockets of the military industrial complex. Again I’m not voting for Stein because I think she can win, and neither does Chris Hedges, and he wasn’t knocking Bernie just saying that it would have been better if he had run outside the Democratic party, which can be debated, but he was right they did everything in their power to rob, and steal the nomination from him.
When FDR said that there’s nothing to fear but fear itself, he wasn’t advocating sticking your shit into a blender to see what happens. Hillary isn’t terribly progressive, in the sense that she’s wildly right-wing on certain things, centrist on a whole slew of things, corporatist on huge number of things, and very left-wing on an even smaller number of things. But Donald Trump is a raving lunatic who literally harkens back to the corporate white collar, white man’s world of the 1950’s and 60’s.
Trying to equate the judges that Hillary would put in with judges that Trump would put in isn’t a serious comparison. Even if we got Garland, that’s objectively far better than a Scalia-wing judge. Again, no rational human being could even begin to conflate those two things. Again, same thing with climate change –you cannot legitimately equate someone who believes in climate change and someone who says it’s a hoax. Hillary may be bad on this issue, but Trump is, again, unimpeachably worse.
No, I don’t think it will galvanize the Left, and frankly I think that’s the least compelling argument that’s ever been presented by Jimmy. The best outcome from this “galvanization” of the Left is that they stop Trump from implementing the worst of his policies –which is a terribly uninformed assumption, as Sam Seder tried to explain to him. If Trump wins in 2016, there’s no logical outcome where Democrats take back the Senate. So they will have the whole goddamn branches of legislature, with a whole slew of seats to fill, and no one to check their SCOTUS seats. That means they will control the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. In 2018, twice as many Democratic will be up for re-election as Republicans in the Senate, plus it’ll be a mid-term. That means all things being equal, the Republicans will continue to keep the Senate, and the House will still be fucked because of the massive, fucked up gerrymandering they did back in 2010. All of this is to say that it’s just a fact that Trump will have essentially unmitigated power during his first term, and there will literally be effectively nothing that Democrats can do, EVEN IF they wanted to get galvanized. My second point of contention on this issue is: And so what even if it were reasonable to assume that we could stop Trump? We’ll still have to fucking fight the DNC Loyalists in 2020, and “galvanizing” the Left won’t do a goddamn thing to change these people’s minds. They’re still going to back whatever corrupt DNC asswipe they find, and by-the-way, it’s not like the Green Party is suddenly going to gain massive amounts of ground. I think a much more reasonable argument is that center-right and center-left anti-establishment Trump voters need to learn that they have to support anti-establishment candidates on the Left. Or there are other possible strategies, but no functioning strategy includes hoping that DNC Loyalists are suddenly going to become Bernie-style voters just because Trump won. I literally have no idea how that’s supposed to follow.
I wasn’t equating them. I was saying that the compromise for SCOTUS judges will be pro-corporate judges like Merrick Garland. Ahh FDR I think was pretty clear in saying that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In other words being so afraid that we do nothing and just continue the status quo is not going to get us anywhere. Look I hope HRC wins the election, but I’m not voting for her. That said I’m doing voter registration and phone banking for her. Who cares if HRC believes in climate change as she is not going to do anything meaningful to address it, and she does NOT accept the science about fracking and fracking is much worse for the environment than burning coal. Look obviously we are going to agree to disagree, which is fine because on the left we don’t have to agree on everything and debating is healthy. Neither one of us can look into the future, so we shall see what happens and hey I hope you prove myself and Jimmy wrong. That said there is a very good chance that Jimmy and the progressives that agree with him and myself will be right. We will just have to wait and see what happens.
It wasn’t fighter jets, but Tupolev nuclear bombers. The model that hasn’t been converted to conventional weapons.
And the passengers on civilian jet planes sufflering deliberate near-collissions with russian jets probably arent part of a huge anti-russian conspiracy.
I can’t say enough good things about this new segment you have, Jimmy. I especially like this show with Malcolm, because it appears your guys’ personalities dovetail each other. Keep up the great work, guys! And don’t freak out!
I agree with all the others: every show should have a brief “Hope You Have The Shittiest Birthday Ever, You Giant Douche” segment. God I hope that both Hillary’s and Trump’s birthdays are in October (probably not though).
Shame Malcolm’s stories got bumped, but those are just growing pains of the show, I suppose.
I love Jimmy’s analysis, but I hope he gets a little more conscientious of the flow of the show and not get sidetracked as easily and for that long. And I (as a daily weed smoker), certainly know that the weed probably doesn’t help!
I just want to see this show thrive. I’m a big Aggressive Progressive fan.
Yes! Having a reoccurring Unhappy Birthday segment would be Amazing! When Antonin Scalia passed I told my friends “Finally”. Which I was then promptly told that I was bad person for talking bad about someone who was dead and could not defend them self. (Which I then countered with all the Unarmed Black Men who are shot and killed by the Police then the Corporate Media vilifies them on the evening news. It was an eventful debate.) But if we talked about all the Horrible things they have done on their Birthday, then problem solved! Please make this a regular segment!!!
Lol its actually hilarious to hear cenk , John , Ana . Ben talk about nato, foreign relations with Russia etc . Like wow u would think they are all neoliberals apologists not nuanced at all. They Don’t present the other side at all just fear monger it’s funny when trump is more nuanced in his take on Russia than TYT main hosts .
Good for jimmy tho for actually providing the other side of the story , he’s really coming out as the only critical/ independent thinker of the whole tyt hosts ( Malcom, Steve don’t host )
Cenk , , Ana , John theoretically do this for a living so u would think they are constantly reading , gaining knowledge,becoming more informed about socio economic / political topics in US as well around the world . But the moment a right wing populist shows up they all coward in fear .Study history! Read what the leading intellectuals of our time and past are saying ! It’s sad to see the main hosts of the lefts biggest news outlet be such anti intellectuals .
Like Hedges so correctly articulates : Trump is not the phenomena he is only a product of the phenomena . This is why he has risen . As long as the putrid economic conditions comtinue for the everyday man trump and Bernie will only be the beginning of the populist movements . It’s a question of whether the right or left populism will work . But one thing is for sure HRC will only make this worse .
That’s still the best analysis anyone’s has ever given about where we are in history and the one that I have subscribed to for at least 10 years. Long before Trump, rightwing populists have been showing up everywhere for those reasons.
Lol nato has been the aggressor read a neutral news source
Cent,Ana and Ben all have a knee jerk non nuanced view of Soviets enflamed be the ‘strongman’ Putin who gives them douche chills remembering what Stalin did to relatives in the ‘old country’ while John is just a corn -fed neo-lib on foreign affairs. They are all slaves to their upbringing which is why their willing to throw in with Killery and are shaking in their boots over Herr Drumph.
Cenk, damn dirty spellcheck!!!
In their defense, they’re a little afraid of being Cent to Siberia.
(and I may be have to be sent there just for that pun :) )
I fucking. LOVE. Aggressive Progressives. FUCKING LOVE EM.
Excellent show, guys! Informative, insightful, inspiring. From HRC’s horrible Union “outreach?” :-/ to the League of Women’s voters, really strong work. I can’t wait to see what you didn’t have time to do this week on the next show.
I hope you do something on Nancy Pelosi saying EW doesn’t speak for the party on Wall Street ( yeah, I’m still unhappy with Warren, but what Pelosi said was jaw dropping especially the part about better by sure Wall Street thought we were rough enough on them!). And, I’d love to see you thoughts on Bernie ‘s reference to a Sanders-Warren coalition to influence HRC’s political appointments.
Granted, we probably wouldn’t have needed to if she’d come out for Bernie early in the primary, but here we are. It would go a little way to heal start the healing and regain a little cred – for me anyway.
Keep fighting the good fight.
“Queen Serene”
I am very sorry to say this. But Jimmy should stop spouting off about shit he doesn’t know anything about, such as the NATO troops in the Baltic states.
The reason they are there is,
1) A belligerent Russia, including statement made by russian diplomats in the countries
2) Actual Russian cyber attacks against the Estonian infrastructure
3) The long history of Russian hegemony, empire-building and colonialism (just to use words Jimmy likes) towards the Baltic states.
4) The fact that there are more than TEN TIMES THE AMOUNT OF RUSSIAN SOLDIERS PERMANENTLY STATIONED ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BORDERS, a looooong time before the NATO response.
I live in Denmark. Every few years recently, our fighter jets have to intercept Russian nuclear bombers doing practice runs of nuclear-bombing our capital and other areas:
This, again, happened before ANY NATO mobilization towards the Baltics.
SO please Jimmy – don’t go off on rants about things you know absolutely nothing about. It’s clear from your points that you really don’t know anything about how Russia is treating European countries – or foreign policy with regards to Europe. Stick to domestic policy, please. It’s sad to see a guy that I really liked go off on a bad tangent like you have for a while. Don’t spread misinformation like you did in this video. It’s not what The Young Turks are supposed to do.
Dave, I’m sorry, but you sound like someone spreading anti-Russian propaganda, reading your words, “belligerent Russia,” “Russian hegemony” and “intercept Russian nuclear bombers doing practice runs of nuclear-bombing our capital.” These are all propaganda; especially the last one, do you know that there’s no way you can tell if fighter jets are “practice” carrying nuclear bombs it was clearly added there to strike fear into the reader’s mind. I hate Russias response to Crimea, but I also know what the US would do if they lost control of one of their puppet countries to a Russian Government. Historically: Cuban Missile crisis and all the drug trade in South America is a testament to what the US will do to keep power to themselves. They would throw the whole of South America into a drug war so that they are too busy fighting drug-lords to do anything to help their people and evolve their economies.
Very pleasantly surprised to learn Jimmy doesn’t share the anti-Russian bigotry of Cenk, John, and seemingly everyone else on the show. I hope this is because Cenk is willing to let opposing viewpoints on the network, and not because he didn’t know Jimmy would go on spouting a bunch of even-handed, rational talking points about how Russia has a right to feel threatened by American aggression.
I was about to quit this network and had gone so far as asking for the balance of my money back, which was agreed upon. Then came Aggressive Progressives. Thank goodness for this show.
I can’t accept Cenk’s argument about voting for Hillary and challenging her later on. I simply can’t agree. I don’t understand why there aren’t more people even talking about the election fraud which took place and how they can accept Clinton as a legitimate candidate. That is a huge problem for our democracy, far greater than anything Trump can bungle through. I can’t support election fraud with my vote. I’m voting Stein in the absence of the true Democratic nominee, Bernie Sanders. I might have been able to put aside all of my objections about Clinton, held my nose and voted for her had she not cheated in the primary. Since she did, there’s nothing she can do to earn my vote.
To be clear: I enjoyed Malcolm on the show, he was not the reason I listened to the show only half way through. In case I did not write in clearly enough.
Thank you TYT for all your hard good work. I very much appreciate it. I even click on your YouTube videos – even though I’ve already watched as a member through the site, to keep your numbers. I regularly refer people to your coverage, most recently the shooting in Oklahoma and EWarren
> I even click on your YouTube videos
Yeah, incidentally, remember to click and upvote the Aggressive Progressives clips on TYT’s Youtube channel. That’s actually very important to the continuation of this series.
I don’t know, guys, I understand passions are heated with this election and these candidates, but do you think Jimmy can really handle having his own show on TYT? You want a daily AP show but he hardly seemed prepared for the weekly thing. Can you imagine Cenk or John or Ana going, and for the next the way I am not sure if I already covered it here….Come on, Malcolm seemed more prepared. His calling the show AggressivE ProgressivE , his saying -twice already, to join go to tyt dot com slash join? It seems like he’s almost mocking the membership thing and hence the network (which I doubt are his intentions). Well, if he cares about his cause he should remember that stuff at least, it’s important for new members to join and listen to only to himself. (Well, it could be a tactic but not sure about this theory )
Since I joined few months ago this is the first time I did not finish watching a show on TYT. Thanks to Malcolm who kept me listening to about half way through.
Sorry Jimmy but being not prepared for this show’s audience is kinda not serious and hence hard for me to take your points seriously enough myself.
> You want a daily AP show
No, that’s just not realistic. Right now, Jimmy does the JD Show + standup + weekly appearance on the Main Show + weekly Aggressive Progressives. And the frequency of the JD Show is actually going up (that’s why they did the Indiegogo fundraiser which was a success).
Sorry, I meant to say “yes, that’s not realistic”. Agreeing with you, obviously.
Yeah no. You don’t have to be a non-Jew to promote policies that hurt Jews in general & Israelis. You don’t have to be Jewish to spew rhetoric that helps magnify judgement & suspicion.
Two of my comments have not been posted & are “awaiting moderation”, making my 3rd & 4th comment make less sense & seem out of the blue. I started by saying great show, by the way.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it were just another system problem with the site. But it could be someone having a political problem with what I said that didn’t get posted. I wonder if they will ever post.
I live TYT but this would be very unprofessional. Rogue employees, I assume. But could be a bug. That’s never happened to me before though.
Jimmy is a political comedian who is used to off the cuff phaser blasts of Stream of Consciousness commentary. He is neither Lawrence Odonnell nor Chris Hayes….he is his own man!!!
Steve is a calm guy – not a clam haha
Love the show and the aggressiveness. Malcolm was fantastically creative with the unbirthday and all that.
My one critique is that Jimmy makes great points but sidetracks himself with more thoughts mid sentence. Of course this is a human nature phenomenon but I feel like it doesn’t play so well to the audience and the pace of the show. The passion is great but I’d like to see a little more cohesiveness with the rants (I.e. Keep them simpler). I like the rants but after a point of going a little too far in they tend to be counterproductive.
I’d love to see more Malcolm, and I’d love to see Steve Oh get more fired up – though he’s generally a clam guy so I understand why that may not happen.
All in all great show and it just keeps getting better each week!
This is the kind of high-quality members only content TYT needs to sell memberships. I love this show. Great work guys. One small suggestion: Instead of always bashing fake-progressives, spend a little time promoting state-level real progressives (perhaps some who have voted for a 28th Amendment).
The main show isn’t bad, but I feel likes its becoming more of a gossip show than what whats really going on sometimes. Aggressive progressives seems more to deal with the overall issues which to me is better, plus jimmy is funny as hell.
This show is the only reason I’m still a member. I’ve been a fan of TYT since 2005. It breaks my heart to see what the main show has turned into. I’m so over hearing hosts complain about viewer’s critiques. I’m a member because I want access to substantive, factual information. If I could have Aggressive Progressives every day for 3 hours, I’d gladly pay 3x my current membership fee.
Jimmy stop saying Aggressive Progressive. The name of the show is Aggressive Progressives.
I give this episode 5 bags of popcorn.
For some reason, this episode felt like a youtube comment that wouldn’t stop
Have to agree with juicyloo2 … I’m 51yo and I had never heard the League of Women Voters speech. I thought this was a great show!
“You should vote for the person who reflects your political views” THANK YOU. This has been my argument from day one. But you know, I support Trump by voting Stein….in a reliably red state
This is a preliminary study just to get conversation going, in a culture where talking about Jew hate is often more politically incorrect than the Jew hate itself. No one studied it till now, because it’s just Jews, right?
Stein is ok on a lot but because of those reasons, which are not minor I have to be #NeverStein. Bernie was even-handed & wants defense spending decreased overall, in reasonable amounts, not just away from Israel.
Bernie’s stance didn’t attract Jew haters but in the past few weeks, among many awesome Stein supporters, 4 Jew-haters who were entirely pro Stein & extremely positive not vile in any other way with pro Stein profiles & being reasonable in other ways & not insulting to anyone, upon my saying something even-handed like Bernie does, told me Hitler was right (2 of them) & “all Zionist Jews should die” & “all Jews must die”.
More & more Jew hate rises on the left & right but it’s often more politically incorrect to talk about it than to say the things I’m saying. Boycotts against Jewish business were an International reality in the 1930’s as they are becoming again. Stein & Baraka support that & a lot more, not educating about the conditions Palistinians are dealing with, urging their safety & security as a needed beginning for the safety & security of Israel but rather an attempt to force compliance with our will, with boycotts sanctions & International court, putting Israel, & unintentionally random Jews in global crosshairs.
To do that as would-be leaders or even candidates for leaders of the world’s most influential superpower, when one’s VP has gone on Holocaust denier radio shows more than once, & only a year ago dog-whistled against the evil controllers who “have an interest in keeping us all stupid” & who control Bernie, servant of “settlers”, saying what seems right out of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” (Russian forged pogrom propaganda to rally against Jews) & saying exactly things that David Duke says, when he bothers to dog-whistle, is irresponsible, unconscionable, & insanely dangerous. So is claiming Jew hate isn’t rising anywhere & is only being more visible on the right, as if it didn’t exist on the left, as Wesley Clark Jr. & The Old School panel were implying. Stating it’s only 30% antisemitic Neo-Nazi types in every country equally as if there’s none on the left & lesser forms of Jew hate are not to be considered when Cenk says all the time, culture matters is irresponsible. It’s not just on the right because of Drumpf, & only showing more, but that is a part of it.
You know that Dr.Jill Stein is Jewish right? Just wondering if you realize that. It’s not Jewish hate to say that what they are doing to the Palestinian people is not just messed up, but it’s in violation of international law and human rights violations. I’m not saying that Israel can’t defend themselves, but do it following international law, which means not targeting critical infrastructure like water, hospitals, schools, etc. It means not killing and wounding 10,000 people in response to less than 40 Jewish people dying. It means not killing children and then referring to it as mowing the grass. The US is also guilty of breaking International Law when it comes to warfare, and retaliatory strikes, and human rights violations for example when during the Bush years they were committing torture to manufacture evidence to go to war against Iraq. These are just some things to think about, and I’m also not saying that there is not anti-semitism in the world because there is. Just like there anti-Islam\Muslim hate in the world, and hate against minorites such as African-Americans and Latinos here in the US.
I love Malcolm’s final salvo about Neal Cavuto. That would be a great idea for the final segment of the show each week. The unhappy birthday segment. I don’t know much about licensing songs but you could precede the segment with a clip from The Smith’s song “Unhappy Birthday.” Just the less than 20 seconds of the song’s lyrics “I’ve come to wish you an unhappy birthday because you’re evil and you lie and if you should die, I may be slightly sad, but I won’t cry.” Just a thought. Great show!
Great idea for a recurring bit!
I think it’s the same introduction song but I like this ‘clip’ of it as the intro better than the other clips.
franklin roosevelt really said it best – the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I was looking forward to this show because I really wanted to hear what SteveO had to say about this election.
Jimmy I already get alot of here, youtube, podcast and premium. But we never get to hear Steve. But so far this is not what has happened cause Jimmy rants thru just about 80% of the show. And the rants are the same cause he ain’t doin any prep cause these are the same stories on his youtube/podcast/and/or premium pretty much.
Jimmy, you don’t have to do a 10min rant of every story along with sidetracking and ranting there. Besides you are starting to be monotonous as your rants circle around a set of 3 or 4 subjects.
You barely give Steve or this guy a chance to even quip a bit.
And you are surprised when the show ends and you find you have only done like 2 maybe 3 stories each including a 20min rant on how:
1. People criticize you for bashing hillary and tell you a vote 4 Jill Stein is a vote 4 trump.
2. How you don’t fear trump
3. Hillary’s a worse war monger/trump won’t get anything done
4. Hillary is a terrible politician/candidate – has parkinson’s.
and 5. Sen. Dems can filibuster a supreme court nominee. Are these the same corportist, sell out dems? Yeah I think they are. They are paid lkto be the Washington Generals to the Republican Globetrotter. They are paid to put on a show of losing. They will never filibuster anything. So this rant is a waste of time.
Please have a conversation about the stories instead of going into a selfish and time consuming rant that you just did on youtube which is in the podcast and has about a 60% chance of making it into the premium.
You must have watched a different show than I did, or just watched the fifteen minute freebie, or you are a hillbot. This show gets better every week and I for one, learned quite a bit from the clip featuring the League of Women Voters. You might want to stay tuned in for the WHOLE show next time.
Amen! Thanks to Jimmy, Steve and Malcolm! Thursdays don’t come soon enough. This show saves my sanity!
Aggressive Progressives! Another great show!! Let’s get Seattle Council Member Sawant on AP! Skype even
Another amazing show. I live for Thursdays . Aggressive Progressives is the only reason I’m still a TYT member.
We need Jimmy every day. Malcolm…you’re great!
Great show. Malcom is in lots of the post games good guy.
Jimmy and Steve alluded in a past episode there are some FAR leftists in TYT thier voice is just marginalized . I hope AP can start airing more than once a week , give them more of a voice
I always had my suspicions about Malcolm. What a childish person, being all progressive like that. What an unreasonable man, what an irrational animal (all of this is sarcasm, just in case a Hillary supporter couldn’t tell).
You’re still calling the show “aggressive progressive”, singular, Jimmy my man. I’m starting to think that it’s less about your tendency to swallow some consonants as a permanent feature of your regular and natural speech, and more about forgetting. The old Twitter-based Bernie slogan goes “NOT ME, US”, so let’s dispense with the singular nouns, okay? :)
Another great AP episode. This is the first time I’ve seen the calm side of Jimmy. IMO Jimmy should try to keep that up (though freaking out every so often sure feels good) as it is a more convincing argument for the “matures” to understand.
Malcolm is a good co host that I’d like to see more of on these shows. Malcolm, Jimmy & Steve would definitely require a longer time frame per episode That said, I’d bet that there are quite a few AP’s in the TYT organisation & it appears the viewers like the show so WHEN will we see this extended. A 3rd hour daily of AP would probably be a good membership drive campaign.
It’s an interesting question about Trump vs Hillary on military foreign policy. The irony here is, Trump may be more of a pacifist (note that you have to compare this to his, possibly empty possibly not, promise to carpet bomb ISIS and torture the families of terrorists, and his obsession with nuclear weapons) than Hillary.
That being said, yes, Hillary’s Syrian no-fly zone, her accusing the Russians of acts of war, and so on… This shit is dangerous. The UN does need to act against Russian aggression in the Slavic states, like Ukraine and so forth, but negotiation needs to be done first and tried many times. Hillary does not inspire confidence with me on this issue. And that’s pretty fucking terrifying. So yeah, here we are. For me, it’s mostly a wash on military foreign policy between the two, because you have one candidate literally threatening a second Cold War and another candidate literally threatening that he’ll bring back nukes. It’s (possibly? probably? maybe?) less dangerous with Clinton because at least she has some experience and won’t make a rookie mistake, so it’s road rage Trump vs bad judgment Hillary here.
Like I’ve said before, I’ll be voting for Hillary because I live in a swing state, but it’s a real clothespin vote. And if you live in a blue or red state, please vote Stein. We can sort out our differences after November 9th and march forward with Bernie in OurRevolution and Canova in Progress For All, Robert Reich in Public Citizen, Cenk with WolfPAC, and so on.
I love this show, can’t get enough of it! One thing. Spending almost the entire run time of each episode going after the establishment style voting of people who are acting rationally in the prescribed two party system and belittling them back is very counterproductive. Y’all have great points but seem very butt hurt and it all just becomes this noise about 3 minutes in. So my suggestion, lay in with your great points and facts; continue to make the argument that we shouldn’t lose to win and that fight will continue no matter who is POTUS.
Love you guys, just feeling like this show needs a counterpoint position before it just becomes a straw man fire fiesta. It’s fun to burn them but that’s not a discussion of ideas. Maybe I’m wrong and this show is more about venting that setting a path down to move forward.
I really enjoyed this episode. I went though a mild withdrawal this morning until it was posted. Can we figure out a way to get these uploaded faster? Anyway, such a relief to know I’m not insane in these insane times. Thank you Jimmy for standing strong and taking the torch on this. Malcolm, I enjoyed your comments as well — American exceptionalism, good one. You must come back!!!!
I hate that my generation is too lazy to vote…… I voted, donated, and volunteered for Bernie’s campaign. I am physics graduate student that teaches about 70 undergraduate physics majors each semester. Last semester on election day I asked all 70 students if they voted or were going to vote and only 1 out of 70 said yes… If we can’t get highly motivated, informed, and energetic students to vote, how can we expect poor, uneducated, working class people to join the movement?
A great article on PewResearch(DOT)org says that Millennials now have the same percentage of the electorate as the Baby Boomer generation. However, they were the smallest demographic in the primary and are expected to be the smallest again in November. When I read these stats it makes me embarrassed to be a member of this generation.
It’s pretty typical for young people, unfortunately. Our generation actually had the power to stop the Clinton nomination madness, but we didn’t show up to the polls (and in some cases, particularly for young African-Americans, were kept out of the polls), so Hillary won. But if we had voted consistently or anywhere near even gen X or boomers or the silent gen? We would have locked up the primary against Hillary.
Yeah, Chomsky voted for Stein in 2012, and he’ll probably vote for her again 2016, but note that Chomsky gave the same caveats as Kyle Kulinski when you all discussed this the night of the NY primary: Vote Green in Red and Blue States, vote Hillary in swing states. In other words, keep the countries’ momentum to the Left.
Personally, I’d fucking love to vote Stein, but I’m in a swing state. So I’m voting for Hillary. Jimmy lives in California, Kyle lives in NY –they have the luxury of voting Green, and they should. Let’s get the Green party the numbers to get public financing, and let’s come back to the Democrats in 2020 and see what happens. If we can’t primary Hillary, then I’m in the tank for the Green party all of the way.
A reasonable position (great name btw), I can’t wait to read all the angry comments that will follow…….
I live in Florida a swing state and I’m voting for Dr.Jill Stein. I don’t care just because I live in a swing state doesn’t mean that I can’t vote my conscience. I’ve had it with the Democratic Establishment and I can not give my vote to Clinton because Trump. Because Trump is just not a good enough reason for me. I follow and and listen to Chris Hedges and I believe he is right when he says that if we are not willing to take a walk into the political wilderness then nothing is going to change. I feel that we need more people voting 3rd party in swing states as way to put pressure on the Democratic establishment to end this madness of A. them feeling entitled to our voted, but doing nothing to come and get it, and B. to pull them back to the center or better yet pull them back to center left because if they want to win they will have recognize and address this new reality and electorate that has had it with maintaining the status quo and who have had it with corporatist Democrats. Hopefully they will get the message. I’m not scared of Trump or Pence they are 2 incompetent morons and I do believe that if Trump wins the GOP will disintegrate and no longer be the major party that it is now, and this will coalesce\galvanize the left against them. Again we have to be willing to take a walk into the political wilderness to get the real change that we need.
golfmd900 — I hear you. There’s a few issues here though, which I think merit saying: If you absolutely cannot vote for Hillary, trust me, no one understands better than me. I’m not Cenk or Kyle or Chomsky, who have the luxury of not needing to vote the way they don’t want to (Although Cenk says he never lets that affect his decision making, so he’ll be voting for Hillary like the voters he’s encouraging.), so I know personally how hard pulling the lever is going to be for her. If you can’t do it, I get the reasoning, even if I disagree.
As for the statement that we need to take a walk in the political wilderness, I agree, but I’m just not convinced that voting Green when we know for a fact Jill won’t break 5% of the vote is really a meaningful walk in the wilderness. Campaigning for a Bernie was a walk in the wilderness, and that could have lead somewhere. So for me, I’m hoping that people will galvanize again behind Bernie in 2020 or Tulsi in 2024, and progressive movements. I like a lot of what Chris Hedges says, but I just can’t agree with him on this (nor am I fond of the horse piss he said against Bernie). We do need to take a walk in the wilderness, but when it risks putting a neofascist in office… There’s just too much pause for me. I grew up during the Bush years, I haven’t forgotten what putting a stunningly incompetent fucking asshole and imbecile into the Oval Office did to my generation, and that’s the most positive outcome for a Trump presidency. So I just can’t do it. I just can’t fucking do it.
But there are reasons to vote for Hillary, there’s chance if elected that we could get free community college for a huge number of kids. That’s a lot of college debt that’d disappear, that’d be a lot of options for kids who’re pretty soon going to be facing astronomical loans (I mean they’re insane, I just talked to someone who’s going to pay like 54,000 dollars to get an associates degree –fucking madness). She won’t put in Trump-level SCOTUS justices (and Jimmy’s wrong here, Dems won’t fight the Republicans, so if Trump wins we get another 50 years of a far Right, possibly even authoritarian SCOTUS).
So I don’t know, the system has got to change, but the path to getting that is murkier now than it’s ever been. For me, primary’ing Hillary in 2020 seems likes the best of all options.
Getting 5% of the vote for Dr.Jill Stein is the goal as that means they qualify for matching of funds from the federal government, which is what we need. We have to build a party for the 99% and that is the Green Party.. Having that money will greatly help them be a much stronger and better funded party to build the infrastructure that they need to have a real chance of winning in 2020. It will also send a message to the Democratic establishment that the free ride is over in terms of their base just voting for them blindly and loyally. It’s an
excellent way to pull them from their center right position back to the left. It would be great if we could get them back to center left, but at this point I would just be happy with them being center, and to stop being Republican Lite. Why do you think Democrats aren’t capable of fighting the incompetent Donald Trump over his SCOTUS nominations? You don’t think if Trump gets elected that it won’t galvanize the Democrats and the left against him and what few Republicans he has because remember most Republicans aren’t going to go along with anything that Trump wants. Maybe you are right, and maybe Jimmy is. Personally either way we are going to end up with pro-corporate judges like Merrick Garland. It’s ok to bow to
fear I get it. It’s not as if I don’t understand that rationale. However, there are those of us who aren’t going to give into fear, and fear of the unknown. As FDR said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Fact is we don’t know what we will get with Trump, but we do know what we will get with Clinton and we know it’s not going to be good. You can naively think that she will fight for free public tuition, but I think all she is going to do is make the proposal and not fight tooth and nail for it. I don’t think she is going to fight tooth and nail for any progressive proposals that she is going to put forth. I think she will say hey I made the proposal and I fought as hard as I could(not really),
and so what more do you want from me is what I think we are going to get with HRC. However, when it comes to what her donors want which will hurt the middle class and working poor even more I’m sure she will fight tooth and nail for those things. Like the TPP and TIPP if Obama doesn’t get them passed in the lame duck session as just an example. I think Trump will do the same thing so on that front there is no difference. She doesn’t accept the science on fracking and won’t ban it because her donors don’t want that, and she’s taken a lot of money from fossil fuel companies and fracking companies. She’s just going to pay lip service to anything that is actually
progressive and do nothing to make it into reality. She’s going to also be the military industrial complex best friend as well, and I assure you even if she is only president for 4 years that not only will she create huge problems with Russia and Iran, but she will definitely get us involved in more quagmires and interventions that are good for no one, but the pockets of the military industrial complex. Again I’m not voting for Stein because I think she can win, and neither does Chris Hedges, and he wasn’t knocking Bernie just saying that it would have been better if he had run outside the Democratic party, which can be debated, but he was right they did everything in their power to rob, and steal the nomination from him.
When FDR said that there’s nothing to fear but fear itself, he wasn’t advocating sticking your shit into a blender to see what happens. Hillary isn’t terribly progressive, in the sense that she’s wildly right-wing on certain things, centrist on a whole slew of things, corporatist on huge number of things, and very left-wing on an even smaller number of things. But Donald Trump is a raving lunatic who literally harkens back to the corporate white collar, white man’s world of the 1950’s and 60’s.
Trying to equate the judges that Hillary would put in with judges that Trump would put in isn’t a serious comparison. Even if we got Garland, that’s objectively far better than a Scalia-wing judge. Again, no rational human being could even begin to conflate those two things. Again, same thing with climate change –you cannot legitimately equate someone who believes in climate change and someone who says it’s a hoax. Hillary may be bad on this issue, but Trump is, again, unimpeachably worse.
No, I don’t think it will galvanize the Left, and frankly I think that’s the least compelling argument that’s ever been presented by Jimmy. The best outcome from this “galvanization” of the Left is that they stop Trump from implementing the worst of his policies –which is a terribly uninformed assumption, as Sam Seder tried to explain to him. If Trump wins in 2016, there’s no logical outcome where Democrats take back the Senate. So they will have the whole goddamn branches of legislature, with a whole slew of seats to fill, and no one to check their SCOTUS seats. That means they will control the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. In 2018, twice as many Democratic will be up for re-election as Republicans in the Senate, plus it’ll be a mid-term. That means all things being equal, the Republicans will continue to keep the Senate, and the House will still be fucked because of the massive, fucked up gerrymandering they did back in 2010. All of this is to say that it’s just a fact that Trump will have essentially unmitigated power during his first term, and there will literally be effectively nothing that Democrats can do, EVEN IF they wanted to get galvanized. My second point of contention on this issue is: And so what even if it were reasonable to assume that we could stop Trump? We’ll still have to fucking fight the DNC Loyalists in 2020, and “galvanizing” the Left won’t do a goddamn thing to change these people’s minds. They’re still going to back whatever corrupt DNC asswipe they find, and by-the-way, it’s not like the Green Party is suddenly going to gain massive amounts of ground. I think a much more reasonable argument is that center-right and center-left anti-establishment Trump voters need to learn that they have to support anti-establishment candidates on the Left. Or there are other possible strategies, but no functioning strategy includes hoping that DNC Loyalists are suddenly going to become Bernie-style voters just because Trump won. I literally have no idea how that’s supposed to follow.
I wasn’t equating them. I was saying that the compromise for SCOTUS judges will be pro-corporate judges like Merrick Garland. Ahh FDR I think was pretty clear in saying that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In other words being so afraid that we do nothing and just continue the status quo is not going to get us anywhere. Look I hope HRC wins the election, but I’m not voting for her. That said I’m doing voter registration and phone banking for her. Who cares if HRC believes in climate change as she is not going to do anything meaningful to address it, and she does NOT accept the science about fracking and fracking is much worse for the environment than burning coal. Look obviously we are going to agree to disagree, which is fine because on the left we don’t have to agree on everything and debating is healthy. Neither one of us can look into the future, so we shall see what happens and hey I hope you prove myself and Jimmy wrong. That said there is a very good chance that Jimmy and the progressives that agree with him and myself will be right. We will just have to wait and see what happens.
Wow had no idea that Malcolm was an aggressive progressive lol. Great show Jimmy!!