Ana shows a picture of Charlie in a Halloween costume she bought for him. Ana swears that Charlie loves it. Cenk talks about the inspirational advice he gave Hasan.
That embarrassment about the apartment, is relatable to many of us. I’m embarrassed to negotiate for a smaller price when buying anything, while my wife has no compunction at all.
It’s that fear that people will think you’re poor, or lower class, or want something for nothing, or you’re just cheap.
Not sure where this comes from, but almost certainly, it’s an American thing.
Ana – love you kid, even while knowing your salary at TYT doesn’t compare well to salaries in other organizations.
I am SO glad, that I held back, about injecting a joke comment about that hot dog outfit.
Ana knows that some of her fans adore her, that I’m one of them, and we don’t go around trying to hurt her feelings. But clearly SOMEONE is toooooo sensitive, lately.
The long hours and stress of the upcoming wedding is too much for our Ana.
Cenk, please give her a few months off, to take care of things. Thank you.
It’s alr8gut Ana. That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You don’t own a dog. You belong to it. And it belongs to you. It’s a partnership. Not an ownership
Who ever said having a pet is wrong is out of their mind. Thinking only a human animal is worthy of being family would be wrong. Its just the law that says we “own” our pets. Those of us who have them know, they are family. I have a 3 species family and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Most of us that share the modern thinking of Cenk & Ana know she’s not deserving of such a desemation of character. The ones that are awake and love TYT know that this crew does this for the truth-seeking not the money and I can’t wait till they arrive at a place where TYT remains in the fiscal positive and The Team gets a big bump in salary but what you guys do is so much bigger than all that. Ana -block that negative shit out and get excited to be the better half of a happy couple.
Ana, you are such a great role model and all i have to say is fuck the haters. You are not the worst person in the world by miles! I love and appreciate all your hard work and dedication. I have no idea what a day is like in your shoes, but you come off prepared, smart, and classy as far as I can see. I enjoy your opinion! I love when you get fiery! I tune in to get an informed opinion from YOU! Let that light shine, girl! You’re the fucking shit! Charlie is the cutest hot dog ever!!
Charlie’s adorable.
But news for you Ana, Charlie appears to like wearing it because he is judging your positive emotional vibe. The outfit is probably not too uncomfortable and he figures, “What the hell, if it makes her happy, and I’m happy when she’s happy. Win-win!” Dogs have emotional radar that is off the fucking charts. He’s a schmoopy-pa-poopy puppy who loves his mum-mum! Revel in it.
So to everyone giving you grief for your puppy love, they can all eat a bag of dicks … or wieners.
Awesome Post Game as usual. I just became a member and I couldn’t be happier to officially be a part of the TYT army and support you guys. Ana, please don’t let all of those negative people with their hateful/negative energies bring you down. I want you to know that YOU were one of the main reasons that I have been such an avid viewer/supporter of TYT over the years. You have and continue to be such a role model and inspiration to me each and everyday. Thank you TYT for all that you do. I really mean it! It’s because of online independent media like you that we all can educate ourselves and maintain our sanity in this insane political climate. So a heartfelt thank you to you! :)
The picture of Ana in the Post Game graphic is one of my favorite things that exists. I feel like shes about to burn the shit outta somebody and Cenk’s smile reinforces it, he laughs so hard when she gets heated.
Jeez! With all the horrible stuff that’s going on in the world! Ana is targeted for showing some fun snaps on intragam! Really?! Fuck them Ana! You keep doing you!
I love the vid you’ve of Charlie running for the ball. He falls & rolls over then gets up and looks like he done with that game! I showed my friends at work, we were all in stitches laughing! Charlie just not a great ball catcher! LOL
Look forward to seeing your wedding snaps! :)
Hassan takes himself so seriously! God loving him! Lol
That embarrassment about the apartment, is relatable to many of us. I’m embarrassed to negotiate for a smaller price when buying anything, while my wife has no compunction at all.
It’s that fear that people will think you’re poor, or lower class, or want something for nothing, or you’re just cheap.
Not sure where this comes from, but almost certainly, it’s an American thing.
Ana – love you kid, even while knowing your salary at TYT doesn’t compare well to salaries in other organizations.
Screw the money and the house. You’re the best.
I am SO glad, that I held back, about injecting a joke comment about that hot dog outfit.
Ana knows that some of her fans adore her, that I’m one of them, and we don’t go around trying to hurt her feelings. But clearly SOMEONE is toooooo sensitive, lately.
The long hours and stress of the upcoming wedding is too much for our Ana.
Cenk, please give her a few months off, to take care of things. Thank you.
It’s alr8gut Ana. That guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You don’t own a dog. You belong to it. And it belongs to you. It’s a partnership. Not an ownership
700 sq feet? I’m overpaying for 200 sq feet in Seattle. The apartment doesn’t make the person. You do you, boo.
Who ever said having a pet is wrong is out of their mind. Thinking only a human animal is worthy of being family would be wrong. Its just the law that says we “own” our pets. Those of us who have them know, they are family. I have a 3 species family and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Just so you know, for every stupid comment you get online there are 10 of us who watch and love the show who never comment on anything.
Most of us that share the modern thinking of Cenk & Ana know she’s not deserving of such a desemation of character. The ones that are awake and love TYT know that this crew does this for the truth-seeking not the money and I can’t wait till they arrive at a place where TYT remains in the fiscal positive and The Team gets a big bump in salary but what you guys do is so much bigger than all that. Ana -block that negative shit out and get excited to be the better half of a happy couple.
You are great, Charlie knows that, listen to the dog. Room for improvement, stop bad mouthing beet juice, embrace and enjoy. ????
Ana, you are such a great role model and all i have to say is fuck the haters. You are not the worst person in the world by miles! I love and appreciate all your hard work and dedication. I have no idea what a day is like in your shoes, but you come off prepared, smart, and classy as far as I can see. I enjoy your opinion! I love when you get fiery! I tune in to get an informed opinion from YOU! Let that light shine, girl! You’re the fucking shit! Charlie is the cutest hot dog ever!!
Hass will eventually do well, at something other than on air talent, please god let eventually be short
Charlie’s adorable.
But news for you Ana, Charlie appears to like wearing it because he is judging your positive emotional vibe. The outfit is probably not too uncomfortable and he figures, “What the hell, if it makes her happy, and I’m happy when she’s happy. Win-win!” Dogs have emotional radar that is off the fucking charts. He’s a schmoopy-pa-poopy puppy who loves his mum-mum! Revel in it.
So to everyone giving you grief for your puppy love, they can all eat a bag of dicks … or wieners.
Has will figure it out and I think he will be great 5-6 years from now.
taking wagers?
OMG the fancy cabinet handles part was so fucking funny!!!!!!!11
Awesome Post Game as usual. I just became a member and I couldn’t be happier to officially be a part of the TYT army and support you guys. Ana, please don’t let all of those negative people with their hateful/negative energies bring you down. I want you to know that YOU were one of the main reasons that I have been such an avid viewer/supporter of TYT over the years. You have and continue to be such a role model and inspiration to me each and everyday. Thank you TYT for all that you do. I really mean it! It’s because of online independent media like you that we all can educate ourselves and maintain our sanity in this insane political climate. So a heartfelt thank you to you! :)
The picture of Ana in the Post Game graphic is one of my favorite things that exists. I feel like shes about to burn the shit outta somebody and Cenk’s smile reinforces it, he laughs so hard when she gets heated.
Jeez! With all the horrible stuff that’s going on in the world! Ana is targeted for showing some fun snaps on intragam! Really?! Fuck them Ana! You keep doing you!
I love the vid you’ve of Charlie running for the ball. He falls & rolls over then gets up and looks like he done with that game! I showed my friends at work, we were all in stitches laughing! Charlie just not a great ball catcher! LOL
Look forward to seeing your wedding snaps! :)
Hassan takes himself so seriously! God loving him! Lol
Edit ‘God love him!’
Why can’t we’ve Edit & Delete for comments!!
stuck with our words
Ana you are awesome! The main reason I became a member. Really enjoy your views.