
  1. ANA please know the facts before you starting talking.
    Cows need to drink a shit ton of water and the shit ton of grain the eat per day takes up land and water.
    god this infuriates me.
    Once trump of hillary is elected president im turning off my suscription to you guys. WASTE OF MONEY.

  2. I usually like you guys. But everytime you bring up nutrional stuff u both sound so incredibly ignorant. It makes me not want to support tyt. U dont know all the facts. It really bums me out that you guys claim to report “real news” when a lot of the times, especially when it comes to vegans, nutrition, you DONT.

    Thanks for saying something about us vegans Ana, but try not to talk about stuff u know nothing about.
    Anc CENK especially, you always talk about your weight… maybe you would loose a few pounds if you even attempted to give a shit about those “real Liberals” you make fun of.

    my 10$ a month I spend on you guys pretending to know what your talking about may be better spent on my coffee with ALMOND MILK.

  3. drink fucking pigs milk or horse milk. Are you a baby? you dont need milk if you’re a grown adult. I hate milk, I drink soy vanilla milk on my coffe and thats it. I really dont get why so many people drink milk, its like those who blindly follow everyone else and stand for the flag and shit.

      1. You don’t need either might want one, there are many reasons to avoid milk. The only reason to avoid coffee is if you dislike it.

  4. When y’all mentioned the fact that men are more likely than women to pick food up off the floor, I wish you had pointed out that it’s a result of learned behavior, not biology. After all, babies and toddlers of either sex will happily pick crap up off the ground and shove it into their mouths. It’s only once kids become indoctrinated (around the age of 3 or so) that girls start to believe what they’re told: that to be a girl is to be neat, clean, polite, and well-mannered. Boys meanwhile internalize that a “good” boy is active, messy, adventurous, and assertive. Hence the boy thinking, “heck yeah I’m gonna eat that brownie on the floor; who’s gonna stop me?” Whereas the girl thinks, “Oh no, I shouldn’t do that; it’s wrong!”

  5. Perhaps men live as long as we do because we don’t rely on doctors as much, not in spite of it?
    At 53, I’ve had medical treatments twice since 2003: Once for a black widow spider bite the night before flying to Ireland (uninsured, two visits, antibiotics & painkillers, 110 euro total) and an ER in the States when my cat punctured my vein with his claw (also uninsured, one shot, an hour in a room and take home antibiotics, $5K+).
    Anecdotal, I know, but I reckon taking care of myself with what I consume (never ever fast food) and exercising regularly is far better for me than placing myself in the hands of the Medical Industrial Complex unless absolutely unavoidable.

    1. Just get off wheat, gluten, Cenk! No almond milk needed. Can’t wait until you do, you will be amazed! So much easier now than 7yrs ago when I finally realized’ “it’s the GLUTEN, stupid”! I won’t shut up about this until you give this a 30 day try. I’ll donate an extra $100 to TYT at the end of 30 days, win, loose or draw! but you can’t cheat, you won’t want to when you see and feel the differences! One can even find a decent gluten free beer these days and you won’t believe the gf snacks now being inspired for case of the munchies!

      Wheat has been hybridized out of it’s usefulness to the human body. It’s a Frankenfood and given the added toxicity of gluten, many, i said a whole flippin lot of us, are made ill. “Grain Brain” and “Brain Maker” are 2 of the many books written about this important issue by David Perlmutter, MD. Cutting edge research here. A good topic for you to discuss, Sweet Anna. Getting shuck of gluten saved me life. It took me 60yrs to realize what was making me so sick. I just want you guys around for a very long time, feelin’ frisky and keepin’ it real!

    2. Couldn’t agree more, surf2die4! Western medicine hasn’t had a clue about the dangers of gluten, wheat, (and many other conditions). When i mentioned gluten to me doc 7yrs ago, he said, “I don’t know much about that”, and did nothing to learn more. So i set out healing meself. There is no $$ to be made by BIG PHARMA with stopping the consumption of gluten. But Big Pharma knows the toxic effects of gluten consumption and is lurking about in the shadows waiting for us to succumb to it’s ravages which are many!

      There is no Big Pharma better than our Mother Earth and Big Pharma knows this too as approx. 75% of their drugs are plant based. Then they add their toxins. MOTHER knows best!

  6. Also, milk has a recommended limit for the amount of pus it can contain. Yes, the gross yellow fluid that comes from infected areas.

  7. Can we just pay attention to these stats:

    One hamburger is equal to TWO MONTHS OF NOT SHOWERING DAILY in terms of water use.

    milk takes 122 gallons of water per lb

    Eggs take 395 gallons per lb

    Cheese and butter? 381 gal/lb and 665 gal/lb

    Ok maybe gallons per pound is unfair. Let’s look at gallons per gram of protein

    Beans, lentils and peas: 5 gal per gram of protein

    Milk? 8.2 gal/gram

    Beef? 29.6 gallons per gram

    I won’t even get into the enviornmental damage and the resource vacuum caused by the dairy and meat industries. I wil say that this doesn’t take into account the food and resources used to farm the animals for milk.

  8. If you are Christian, you do hold the idea that the sons are responsible for the sins of the father. In fact one of the ten commandments specifically says God is jealous and will punish 3 to 4 generations of those who hate Him.

  9. Great story, Ana; but if you’re talking about children (people), it’s not “three of WHICH”, it is “three of WHOM.” May seem nitpickety, but proper grammar is important.

    1. …grammar, enunciation and pronunciation. Squirm a bit when hearing an unfamiliar sounding names being butchered because someone didn’t care to take the time to know correct pronunciations. The time it takes to look up the correct pronunciation would take no longer than the very clumsy apologies made for the mispronunciations…a waste of journalistic capital. And Anna is hardly the only one. You’ve got star producers…nuff said.

      I love and support your shows, listen or watch a lot. Thanks for all yous do! ALL of you!

  10. Oh my god, the fucking retardation of TYT.

    You don’t know SHIT about nutrition..:

    Where do you think the cows milk comes from? Did you factor int he water they drink + water for the FOOD they eat over years nad years?

    Fucking retards.

      1. With just a dash of basic logic and reasoning, they bring up the water used for producing almond milk yet do not consider compare it to “normal milk” then they mention “there are barely any almonds in it” and continue to try and claim milk is helthier because “it has more protein”.

        Just such obvious biased reporting it’s embarassing.

        1. Except they didn’t claim it was healthier. Ana said you should know the nutritional value of what you’re drinking. They bring up the water only in the context of percentage of the finished product. If they did that for milk it would be 0 because water is not added to milk cartons before it is sold. They talk about the additives that companies use in pre packaged almond milk and Cenk says it’s not better for you. And it is not provably “better” for you than cow’s milk. It’s a premixed, mass produced, overly sweetened beverage and they are saying not to believe the hype that it is somehow better without getting all your facts.

          Your bias seems to have muffled your hearing since you missed so many obvious things.

          1. “Ana said you should know the nutritional value of what you’re drinking.”

            Yes, you should;

            Not to mention the myriad of other health issues that milk has, CHOLESTEROL being one. Adult mammals do not need to drink milk.

            “They bring up the water only in the context of percentage of the finished product.”

            a) No they’re not watch it again fool, they mention how water heavy growing almonds is THEN add that the beverage is watered down.

            b) “f they did that for milk it would be 0 because water is not added to milk cartons before it is sold.” milk is what, 80% water?! Do you have no concept of chemistry works? Biology?

            Ok, so you know cows have to eat to stay alive. Growing that food costs water, cows need to dRINK to stay alive and produce that costs water. THEN you need to sanitize their living conditions on a regular basis.

            You are saying this is 0 water?! Are you as retarded as Ana kasparian?! -.-

            “They talk about the additives that companies use in pre packaged almond milk and Cenk says it’s not better for you. And it is not provably “better” for you than cow’s milk. ”

            THEY DON’T KNOW ALL THEIR FACTS. They made stupid blanket statements, false equivalancies and just had a bunch of feelings.

            a) additivies in milk
            b) naturally occurring unhealthy cholesterol
            c) Linked to weak bones.

            So, yeah, maybe they shoulnd’t encourage people to drink milk since they do not know their facts and do not back them up and SPECULATE as if it were fact…YEah! alot of these companies add sugar! THat’s bad!

            As if milk doesn’t contain any *facepalm* RETARDS!

            1. Holy shit, you are too stupid to deal with. Pull your head out of your ass and rewatch it without your preconceived bias. Or don’t and continue to feel smug and happy and superior and angry. Do you, boo.

  11. ana idiot sometimes e.g. “it’s not the end of the day” (sic….. end of the world) does she understand the meaning of the expression?

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