TYT Hour 2 September 19, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan27 Comments

Hasan, Grace Baldridge, and Jason Carter hosting. Corey Feldman’s bizarre performance on Today Show. Students at American University speak out against racism. Police union asks deputies to not escort Dolphins. Triathlete brother picks up other brother after he nearly passes out during race. Miami County Deputy issue ultimatum to old woman with treehouse. Pizza camp.


  1. I’m officially boycotting the show when Hasan is on. I’ve tried and tried to give him a chance, but he offends and irritates me every time. Maybe they’ll notice a down-tick in unique views/clicks if we all do this. Sorry to the other hosts and the no doubt interesting stories they presented (I’m sure Hasan talked all over them and brought up vacuously offensive points anyway).

  2. I agree with hasan on the triathlete thing. You might argue that it would be unsportsmanlike and a dick move, but making sure your team and country place 2nd and 3rd doesn’t qualify as sportsmanship for me. Regardless if the teammate is your brother.

  3. Grace and Alonso had a great convo last week about heavy guys buying clothes. Grace was surprised when she learned finding the right size was as difficult for men as women.

  4. Dear Hasan,
    Talking over someone and interrupting and dominating the conversation is not “winning” the show. Might at least be better if you didn’t intersperse your comments with bizarre (and sometimes creepy) statements and then say “kidding, kidding, that was a joke” as if that made it OK. Not funny. As someone else remarked, not ready for prime time yet.
    A friend who would like to see you succeed.

    PS: Grace is excellent as usual; could use a little more bridging between stories. Also enjoyed Jason Carter, though if I were him, I wouldn’t agree to do the show with Hasan again.

  5. Aaaaand he lost it… of cooooourse! I was bummed to see that Has is on the show again. And then pleased that he was adulting so well for 29 minutes. And of course, it takes one negative tweet and the composure disintegrates instantly *eyeroll* and he goes back to your standard fratboy loudmouth interruptor… I suppose I’ll go glass-half-full and take the 29 minutes as sign of better things to come since it’s unlikely that (despite the constant comments from members every time he’s on the show) he’ll be taken off the main show any time soon….

    1. I didn’t even download the audio until now because Hasan is allowed on the main show. Send him to think tank so John can learn him. Thanks for the 29 minute tip. I’ll wait for it.

  6. Grace is an amazing host. I really enjoy seeing more of her commentary. That being said, please stop pairing her with Hasan. His commentary always waters down any conversation he takes part it. I know it’s popular to throw shade at Hasan, but it’s not unwarranted. These people are not trolls, they are your PAYING audience. If ‘members make the show happen’, perhaps you should listen to them. You might find 50K much easier to reach that way. Shit, i’d upgrade my membership if it meant Hasan would never appear in the main show ever again.

  7. If Ana and Cenk are not hosting hour 2 then there should be NO hour two. It’s like watching three disgruntled graduate students or seniors delivering news. Hasan’s analogies continue to make no sense are are deplorable at best. Protesting police brutality versus protesting in support of the KKK is not the same thing! Seriously dude. Go lift weights and become a personal trainer instead.

  8. I’m older than most of the TYT audience (65) and have been a member for almost 10 years. I have no problem with the young hosts on TYT EXCEPT Hasan. Two things come to mind with regard to Hasan, 1. Cenk talks a lot about crony capitalism, is Hasan supposed to be an object lesson? 2. Hasan should be involved with man-on-the-street interviews. Not as the interviewer, but as one of the people giving their opinion. Hasan may be fine in five or ten years, but, as they say, he’s not yet ready for prime time. (I have to now prepare for Hasan giving me the finger through the internet.)

    That is my opinion, I could be wrong..

    1. I am close to your demographic chall and also have been an avid listener for a decade or more. I concur completely with what you said. My sense lately is that Hasan is trying to be the “new Cenk” by being what he perceives to be provocative. But he’s not.

    2. I’m 21 years old and I agree with everything you’ve just said. I have no problem with TYT trying out new hosts, but Hasan has been tried again and again, and the feedback is OVERWHELMINGLY terrible.

    3. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

      I would like to add that I think the rough edges of the newer hosts is often part of the charm of the show. But after years of listening on a daily basis since the pre-Ana era, Hasan is the only host that makes me cringe and have to fast forward or skip the show. I’m sure he means well, but he needs to accept the input that he must be receiving from every direction. Its getting to the point where he is literally taunting the audience.

  9. Definitely no need to brand you guys as B team, but damn Hasan, you could have made a drinking game out of your hater comments this hour.

  10. Grace, love the dedication and focus you’re bringing. Good delivery and excellent fostering of the conversation with the other hosts! For the live viewers/people who view the show in full on the website, a little chit chat between the stories really helps the flow. Even sometimes just saying that you are preparing or just acknowledging that the transition is happening is all you need. Cenk and Ana are good models of what I’m trying to get at, talks through the awks.

  11. Guys, you obvious do NOT understand how third party politics work. You have to get a particular percentage in a presidential and/or gubernatorial election year in order to actually be recognized as a party. And YES there are a number of people holding office as members of the Green Party. http://www.gp.org/officeholders Also… http://www.gp.org/faq “Presidential campaigns help achieve ballot status necessary for state Green Parties, which helps local candidates get on the ballot. Some states require a presidential candidate on the ballot for a party to receive major-party status.” Q: Is the Green Party running candidates for state and local office too, or only for president? A: Greens are running for public office at every level in 2016. Hundreds of Greens have been elected in previous elections. Local election victories are a top priority for Greens as a grassroots party.

    So PLEASE quit with the misinformation about the Green Party, TYT. Do your research rather than perpetuating lies being spun by the DNC saying Greens ONLY run presidential candidates. The whole point is to become a recognized party. Part of the requirements for doing that are running a presidential candidate so that’s what the party does.

    1. the TYT guys are just in the los angeles bubble on some of these issues. having lived in LA myself and having also lived elsewhere, such as the midwest, the pacific northwest, and san francisco where i presently reside – which is a stark contrast to southern california politically and far less corrupt and more open to third parties in its local area government than southern california is – i can understand why TYT have some of the views that they do. i’m not trying to excuse them, just saying that sometimes their opinions not just on politics and 3rd parties, but on quite a few things, clearly come from a rather los angeles-skewed perspective as opposed to a more nationwide perspective.

      1. If you think Jill Stein can win, it is you who are in a bubble, not TYT. All TYT is saying is that a third party is not going to win the presidency in 2016. That’s a fact. It’s not a bubble. TYT is not anti-third parties, nor is that anything to do with living in LA. If you want to talk about how they talk about spotting celebrities in their gym, THAT is an LA bubble.

        1. No Gathly you are wrong. Grace read a tweet where some viewer made a comment about starting locally and not running in the presidential campaign. Grace said she agreed with that. I gave links explaining why it is necessary for Greens to run in the Presidential campaign – whether they win or NOT. Get a clue. It’s not always about winning – it’s about being in the game so the party can be recognized.It’s also about running locally so our views can be represented. It is called long range planning. I get it – you’re stuck in the binary mindset – well some of us prefer a hexidecimal world.

          1. You’re not living in a hexadecimal world and I’m not living in a binary world. I’m living in a do whatever will work world, not a make myself feel better while actually changing nothing world. I’ve wanted multiple parties for a long time. Tell me how we get there, and I’m happy to listen. Just making references to numerical systems doesn’t seem to help anything. You can just curse people who disagree with you, or you can come up with alternative solutions. I’ve seen the green party run in presidential races my entire life. They never get anywhere, so maybe try a different strategy. That doesn’t seem insane or binary to me.

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