Michael Shure, Jimmy Dore, and John Iadarola hosting. Sanders speech at pipeline protest. Trillion dollar cost of war. Trump announces interest in child care policy. Colin Powell emails on Hillary Clinton. More Trump protesters attacked.
Jimmy got a lot of shit on this wall, so I am just going to say that I think Jimmy might be my favorite… yeah, he is extreme and aggressive, but c’mon, people are dying…we are funding wars and killing innocent people, and the Dems nominated a person who voted for the same war that the liberals back in the day loved to give Bush shit about…
but meanwhile we don’t have enough money for poisoned children in Flint, we don’t have enough money to help people get an education, we don’t have the guts to stand up to the fossil fuel industry, big pharm, the banks, etc.???? We had a change to elect a guy with a conscience who was standing up to the corruption, and instead we are continuing with business as usual. Business as usual sucks, and we should all be screaming about… we should all be upset. Jimmy is passionate. Even if he goes a little far, I would rather have someone realize how fucked shit is than shrug it all off. MLK said he was more frustrated with the quiet and side-lining white moderate than the actual opposition.
Also, I do not think Jimmy is resistant to facts or other opinions as some on this wall claim: even on this segment, he really thought about Michael’s comments regarding privacy and it was actually Jayar (spelling?) who stood up to Michael. Jimmy did not change his mind, but he paused and thought about it, for sure.
My only criticism of Jimmy is sometimes the sexist language: today was one of the worst, as he said, “John pussed out.” Jimmy, c’mon. You are liberal and you are progressive. While there is more to being a progressive than just giving LGBT high fives, I think that kind of gendered language is uncool.
that’s a false dichotomy. People criticizing Jimmy aren’t saying they’re ok with people dying and they don’t think there are serious issues. Everybody knows that. We all care. The choice is still between Trump and Clinton. Jill Stein is not going to win. There is no way she’s going to win. Nobody wants Jimmy to be less critical either. He’s been excellent at criticizing Obama for the last 8 years. For some reason, though, when it comes to Hillary Clinton, he doesn’t just criticize. He loses his mind. That’s not because he’s just more passionate. We all care. You don’t measure how much someone cares by how loud they scream or how completely unhinged they become. Some people care in a way where they want to actually fix it, not just indulge themselves in a tantrum.
To fix it, we need Hillary Clinton in there, not because we love her or even like her, not because you can trus her to do anything she says, but because we can push her. We can’t push Trump. It’s either Trump or Clinton, and of those two terrible choices, we have to choose Clinton. She’s ambitious and corrupt, but she’s still beholden to a party system. She’s a regular politician who has built herself up within that apparatus. She has to stay within certain lines even if her only goal is to maximize her own wealth and power. Trump is a big dumb baby who doesn’t have any lines, and none of the spineless politicians will risk anything to stop him. With Trump we lose all of our little levers we can push as activists. With Trump in that office, we aren’t pushing to make things better, we’re fighting twice as hard to stay how shitty it is now with all that serious stuff about people dying you mentioned. Running as fast as we can, to stay in place, and probably losing and making things much worse.
You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton personally or believe anything she says. That’s not what voting is about. It’s not a way to declare how you feel. It’s a simple strategy. We’re charging at a brick wall. Do you push the gas or the breaks. Make car grow wings and fly would be nice, but it’s not an option. If you want a Jill Stein president, you have to start today for the 2020 election. Greens showing up every 4 years to take 2% of the electorate does not work. It’s nice to try and get other issues into the discussion, but it doesn’t win elections. See what Jill Stein does on November 9th, because unless she’s changed since 2012, she’s going to just go away, and we won’t hear from the green party until 2020 outside of a few local elections. That’s never going to work. Jimmy is not more passionate. He doesn’t care more than us. He’s just more loud and obnoxious about it, and that does nothing to fix anything. And I love Jimmy. I certainly wouldn’t want him to leave the show. He just needs to step back and get some perspective.
I feel you are the one making a false dichotomy out of my comments. No where did I say that the criticism of Jimmy means that those same people are accepting of people dying. But I see your point, for sure! I get it. Some folks on here are commenting on his DELIVERY more than the message, well some of them…
All I am saying is that I am OK with his extreme delivery because this is serious shit, and not enough people are as outraged as I would hope. And I get what you are saying: outrage does not have to look the way I think it should look. Agreed.
But again, MLK said he had more contempt for the white moderate than he did the the actual opposition: I am not calling Jimmy’s criticizers the opposition, but it does sound that many of them on here want him to moderate both his delivery AND even some commentators want him to moderate his IDEAS that are just flying off into nowhere… even you are saying he “needs to get some perspective.”
MLK also asked who can put a timeline on someone else’s freedom? that is all I am saying. People are dying. And you are suggesting that people should vote for someone that is going to continue the status quo and MAYBE get pushed to the left. So yes, we can talk strategy, sure, and I respect your strategy: I am not going to weigh in on party voting, because I do think voting for Clinton is a rational choice for the reasons you outline, so I am not going to belittle you, but at the same time, I am NOT going to condescend and say that someone like Jimmy who is a Jill supporter and continues to be critical of both Obama and Clinton “needs to step back and get some perspective” and just wants to “indulge themselves in a tantrum.”
Perhaps now I am cherry picking YOUR statements as you did mine. I respect what you are saying, for the most part, other than insinuating that Jimmy is not going to DO anything and only wants to self indulge. Other than that, I guess I hear what you are saying. I just don’t mind Jimmy’s delivery as I think it is warranted given the number of sheep in this country in both parties.
I didn’t mean to deliberately cherry pick your comment, so I apologize. I was extracting the general tone from the piece as a whole, not going line by line to pick things up out of context.
and I took the general tone of your comment to mean something related to changing those horrible things you mentioned, not just that you’re glad someone is yelling about how bad they are. Yes, I agree. We should all be outraged every day if we’re paying attention. But Jimmy doesn’t just get outraged at the horrible things that are going on. He then goes on to suggest he would prefer to get Trump elected. That’s going beyond outrage and is talking about strategy again, and it is purely from the point of view of a strategy of making things better that I took your comment. In addition, I was only using your comment as more of a jumping off point to discuss a broader view that many share.
I don’t think Jimmy is resistant to facts either. In fact, I know he isn’t. I’ve seen him change his mind over the years that I’ve been a fan of his. I do think that it is wrong to view your vote as some form of test of conscious. It is a tool in our system that really doesn’t matter much at all if you’re an individual, since no major contests are won by a single vote. So, I don’t think Jimmy’s individual vote is going to sway anything, especially since he’s voting in California, so whoever Jimmy feels like voting for is fine with me. My concern is more with the hundreds of thousands of people who might be thinking similarly to Jimmy about the vote and might be listening to his views and getting swayed by them, and I’m just expressing my different viewpoint about why I think that’s the wrong way to view your vote.
In the same “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” that you quote above, King also says:
We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
That entire letter, in fact, is specifically not about voting. It is about how civil disobedience and direct action is required. He’s talking about marches and protests and boycotts and sit-ins and anything else that directly shoves your body in the way of the machine that seeks to ignore you. And I’m fully in support of that. Everything outside of voting strategy is right. Voting is a short, almost meaningless activity that you should be doing as strategically as possible, but the real fight is every other day that is not a voting day. That’s what democracy is. It’s not about voting. It’s about people being in charge, people actually RULING. To do that, you need to be doing democracy every day. As long as Jimmy isn’t talking about electing Trump to start the revolution, I’m with him. I’m with the anger. I’m with the passion. We should all be so angry. We should all be so passionate. If we were, we would immediately have our power back and the so-called “leaders” of our society would be running away from us in fear.
It’s sad to see what happened to Jimmy. His YouTube channel lately is indistinguishable from an alt-right propaganda channel. It’s like watching one of your heroes unravel in front of your very eyes. =(
I love Jimmy but damn, you gotta let them cover the stories. I mean you have your own very expanded platform of which I’ve been a member for years, to use for all your opinions, of which I totally agree with.
So I just think when you’re on someone else’s show you should participate in that show and maybe not make so many rants that they only got to 2 or 3 stories.
I dunno, I just think that unlike most times you’re on, today you hoarded the air time to push your opinion and it’s not your show. It was too much today
Just going to add, i came to the comments just to see if i am the only one that seems to take issue with jimmy and it seems i’m not.
I am all for calm rational debate with good counter points and interjections even if the opinions vary wildly but jimmy just brings crazy to the table with name calling, wild conspiricy theory and trying to debunk anyone who isnt open to his maniac theory’s.
I agree with your comments on Jimmy Dore. He’ starting to sound like a Trump surrogate.
He’s got a huge hard-on for MSNBC as O’Donnel has been covering the pipeline story for the last month.
Extremism, be it progressive, conservative, or religious extremism, is bad thing in my perspective. I’ve always held a ton of respect for Jimmy, even when I disagree with him. However, he seems to be crossing more and more over the extremist line as this election progresses. Not only him, many people I hold much respect for too.
“Love with your heart. Use your head for everything else.”
Captain Disillusion
yeah, that MLK with his extreme opinions about equal rights, and about both race and class issues, and about his contempt for white moderates, yeah, that kind of extreme opinion is a bad thing…
John clearly states that these emails were hacked and leaked and from my understanding this was a private server. I am a huge proponent of transparency in government but (you knew it was coming) I feel stronger about an individuals right to privacy. Hacked means the email were stolen via electronic means from a private individuals server, this is equivalent to “Bob” down the street walking into your house and then reading your mail on youtube.
I am happy that TYT had the integrity to not air the email.
No problem with speculating about her health, something is clearly going on that we haven’t been told, but do it analytically, not in a way that clearly damages his credibility. I liked Jimmy because he was smart and insightful and passionate. Now it appears that only passionate dominates.
I’m listening to the debate between Jayar and Michael while I sit here reading other people’s emails to decide which ones to turn over to the government who might choose to make them public. That’s a job lawyers do quite often.
Jimmy mentioning fixing the lead pipes in Flint … I live in a suburb of Flint, they have done dick-all here. Gov. Snyder is currently trying to figure out how to get PUBLIC funding for his legal team…cute trick, huh?
Building schools in Afghanistan, etc…. Take a look at Detroit Schools FIRST. There are elementary schools in Detroit, not abandoned, actually working classrooms filled with students, that have MUSHROOMS growing on walls, and that’s the best part.
Hey Michael, keep propping up this Corrupt system …keep pushing that war-monger $hillary. I bet $he’ll help those little kids, I be $he’ll fix those lead pipes …. oh wait … $he doesn’t give a shit.
thanks for this powerful thought… to act on anything from a fear-filled stance is suicidal. When i hear Cenk drone on about his fear of Trump, shoving more toxicity down our throats $hilling for HER, well, it goes against the grain of our best human qualities, taints our efforts to get at real solutions. The Humanist Report, Michael Figueredo is worth a watch as he stays on task reporting the facts about important issues we are faced with. Waiting for Cenk to see the folly here and see that WE do have other choices!!
Jimmy talks about the PBS/Facebook shenans w/Jill & TPP comments, and they act like, “PBS? Really? I find that hard to believe.” Instead of being interested in why Facebook is playing Corporate censor, John literally says , “Huh, I didn’t know that.” and that’s it. Nothing to see here. Move along, next story.
I have a job, kids, dogs, a husband, a regular life … have little time to scour the internet for obscure videos and I saw this story!
Love me some Jimmy!
Michael ALWAYS prefaces everything he says with phrases like, “I’m not excusing it….but.”
John is backing up Michael’s smugness at every chance. Best thing about Michael is that he’s NOT Ben.
At lease when Michael does his “tut-tut-tut … you don’t understand” shtick, he’s not screeching & flailing his arms like a Muppet, ala Ben.
Best reason to watch TYT Main Show now …. JIMMY.
If I see Ben is a co-host, I stick it out for a few minutes till His inner-Muppet shows up and then I’m out.
For all the people demanding to see the private emails and endorsing the hack, everyone has taken cash from the government at some point in their lives….
James is incorrect on the claim “Putin jails dissidents”.
The ones that were jailed like Khodorkovsky are corrupt criminal oligarchs that pose as “dissidents” to make West protect the money they stole from people (otherwise the assets would be confiscated, arrested, et cetera). Others critique Putin for years 24/7 freely. In fact, opposition media in Russia has much wider presence than opposition media in the USA (Democracy Now, The Intercept, et cetera).
The reason that James believes in the myth is that the “free” Western media, being the usual StateDep tool, create this Orwellian narrative which is as truthful as what the same media did with “reporting” that Saddam had WMDs and was tied to 9/11.
There are real reasons to critique Putin though: cementing a regime of record-breaking income inequality and crony capitalism and pandering to the conservatives and main religions on LGBT issues, signing ridiculous laws that allowed to ban porn sites (notice that unlike “great ally” Turkey, Russia never banned Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia all of which are full of Putin critiques).
Michael shouldnt sell himself short like that. TYT can always use more Dore, but Old Turk Michael always brings amazing historical perspective and interesting prompts to the panel. The convention coverage was a great example of that. TYT should never let him go.
Still though….that letter…
1: Both courts and common opinion have ruled that emails are not a reasonable expectation of privacy, and people should watch what they say. This applies to non commoners as well.
2: Unlike John’s fanfics, the material in emails like that directly affect the lives of BILLIONS of people. America has a political culture of compulsive lying, and insider politics/interactions are the best method of determining the truth. When you don the mantle of power and immerse yourself in the world of false presentation politics, you forfeit any pleas for sanctuary, because you participated in building the “Empire of Lies” that Snowden eloquently referred to.
3: These people built up and continue to endorse the NSA for spying on all of us in the name of protecting us from international threats. Hillary herself has conspired/collaborated with foreign powers against the interests of the country, resulting in the loss of American lives and assets to further her own personal agenda. That’s way beyond the standard that NSA would hold to us for terrorism. That’s a case for high treason. Matters regarding Hillary need LESS privacy than the rest of us, not more.
As punishment for not doing the story, Michael must read John’s fanfics on camera, with Justice Jayar refereeing to ensure that Michael emotes and does proper voices for the characters.
The concept of public interest that limits the privacy of public figure. For this reason, exempli gratia, celebrities have less privacy rights according to the judiciary system, comparing to private persons. So yes, those electronic mails that have direct relation to the public, that are not about Power’s grandmother, are legitimate to cover in media.
By the way, the MSM nowadays says every hacking is done by Russians, be it the DNC hack (even though James Clapper admitted that there is no evidence it was Russians) or this “DCLeaks” group. Real evidence? No. But the military industrial complex totally loves the fearmongering: https://twitter.com/theintercept/status/766729076417634304: “U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great For Business”, “When the Cold War ended, “all defense budgets went south,” says one contractor hoping to turn that around”, “The Pentagon already has more than enough money to address any actual threat to the United States.”
I agree with northernick, Jimmy is the only one at TYT keeping it progressive. Jimmy has a right to yell about everything he is, in fact everyone should be yelling about this election. I enjoy the Jimmy Dore show because of the raw visciral truth. It is refreshing.
Jimmy is amazing. Usually I have a hard time listening to people who can hijack a conversation. However, he always brings up the most relevant thing that is not normally given attention.
Pleased to see Jimmy on the panel.
Even when you don’t agree with him, he’s entertaining.
Also, I never think he’s being simple-mindedly provocative, always genuine.
Emotional and thoughtful at the same time.
Undortunately, Jimmy is doi g the “Lots of People are saying it’s Parkinson’s”. Please man, I used to like your stuff. But the last two weeks, the conspiracy shit has gone crazy. Get a grip.
I was so disappointed when I saw that video earlier. He should know better than to go out on the crazy limb about things he appears to not know much about. Parkinson patients will get asp pne. When they get to the point where they can’t swallow, and you should see her gagging on water rather than using it to help with the cough. Goes on about why doesn’t she remove her jacket, and I can think of a lot reasons she doesn’t with body shaming being one of them, as well as what she considers proper decorum.. If she had an infection, and the docs are saying her BP is down around 100/65-ish, she is going to feel warm and dizzy if she has to stand for any period of time.
I’m not convinced we have the full story, but I’m really sad to see Jimmy go over the top Alex Jones here :-(
Exactly. I went to medical school. Aspiration pneumonia is a feature of Parkinsons so severe that you aren’t able to speak properly (another of the primary features of Parkinsons) due to loss of control of the breathing and voice control muscles.
Plus, her movements in general lack the signs of PD. PD doesn’t manifest as near-fainting over 10 seconds. Instead, it’s a continuous disease.
So seriously, Jimmy, you need to get your act together. It’s not cool to do the “I’m just saying…” and “Lots of people are saying”, “Progressives are saying”, because honestly, it’s bullshit.
I despise HRC and her policies. But you don’t have to do the fucking conspiracy game. It’s beneath you, man. So disappointed. There are so many good (and sane) arguments why HRC sucks. Parkinsons Disease is NOT one of them by any stretch.
ooof. that’s so disappointing. i feel like I could try and rebut every dumb point he makes but from what I’ve seen it would make literally no difference. He’s gone so far into this ideology, offering him facts or even different perspectives will make him tighten up that grip on his own version events, understanding of the world etc. I’m sure someone on TYT (or msnbc? someone) has brought up that psych/sociology study about people with strongly held opinions being less likely to listen to reason and change their mind based on evidence. Usually it’s discussed in terms of silly doofs on the far right and I’m just sad to see it being so clearly evidenced with Jimmy Dore these days.
James admits that he is speculating; unlike others, he is not asserting it, he understands that it is opinion of someone who is not a doctor and not treated Clinton.
And yes, it is possible that she suffers from Parkinson’s decease (and no, I do not watch Alex Jobs), considering all of the episodes. The amount of lies she, her husband and her campaign have build up around her health is sky-rocketing, and this is what, as James said, gives observers the right to speculate about her health.
Those edited videos don’t even resemble the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease (which aren’t transient), nor the side effects of the medicine used succesfully to treat this (Levodopa+Carbidopa and other dopamine-alikes). Even if she had PD, it would be almost impossible for her to speak at all. PD doesn’t cause coughing, it causes saliva to seep down into the lungs precisely because you aren’t able to cough properly. If she had that severe PD, she would be nearly unable to speak at all—and would grimace with an open mouth and wide eyes (which she doesn’t). And no, it isn’t like you can speak for 5 minutes and then you can’t. PD symptoms are constant.
So saying “it’s possible” is classic conspiracist sh*t.
And what lies are there, really, about her health? A non-disclosure of the pneumonia? Isn’t that pretty much it? The “allergy” explanation was previous to the diagnosis of pneumonia. Also, there are plenty of pneumonia agents (mostly bacteria) that aren’t very contagious.
All in all, everything fits much better with a recent diagnosis of pneumonia, than anything else.
Again, I despise HRC and her policies. But let’s actually argue on a PROPER background instead of this conspiratorial and completely objectively false basis. Jimmy Dore is always haranguing the MSM for not being objective, but he certainly isn’t listening to facts here either. And that’s god damn sad, as I, like I said, used to love when he was on the show.
Saying it is “possible” is quite cautious as it is possible, indeed. Notice that it is not asserted, though, what means that she may not have Parkinson’s decease.
Saying opposite, that it is impossible, is a more of a conspiracy theory on how Hillary, her husband, he colleagues have the weirdest set of circumstances surrounding her multiple health incidents can never be anything but isolated fatigue issues or something.
Hillary doctor said she has aspiration-(al) pneumonia that has nothing to do with bacterial infection, hence her meetings with children and others before and after the diagnosis.
In Parkinson’s decease the issue is not with coughing, but with swallowing. So the symptoms she has do not contradict the theory about Parkinson’s decease.
I did not notice much of an editing. She fainted, not stumbled as the campaign/media lie. And it happens regularly as both hers and William’s interview expose, despite attempts to cover it up.
Again, James does assert she has Parkinson’s decease, he says it is a speculation. Arguing that it is impossible as you are trying is not rational.
He was also laughing and joking through most of those two parkinson’s segments he did. Seemed he was just milking it for jokes and he had the other guy on there adamantly disagreeing with him. It was funny. Jimmy is a comedian, afterall. He doesn’t have a degree in journalism and doesn’t claim to.
Since TYT pussed out and wouldn’t read any excerpts from that war criminal Powell’s emails, here’s a sample.
RE: Hillary Clinton
“A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home (according to the NYP).”
“Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”
“Benghazi is a stupid witch hunt. Basic fault falls on a courageous ambassador who thoughts Libyans now love me and I am ok in this very vulnerable place,”
Politicians in this country never tell you anything, even when they should – when legally, by all rights, the american people SHOULD have that information. Because they don’t do that, because they’ll hide information when it’s embarrassing, and because the overwhelming majority of our politicians are corrupt, i will happily take any information we can get through any underhanded means anyone might use. I only apply this change in my standard for politicians. I don’t feel that way about celebrities – i don’t even feel that way about sleazy super rich businessmen. But because our government is corrupt and has decided to withhold information from us that we rightfully should have, then i feel justified in taking any and all information from them. Don’t want me to have your legit personal information? Then alter the government so that we don’t HAVE to steal information from you to get the information we RIGHTFULLY should have.
Great show today! I’m definitely more in Jimmy’s camp about the election but is nice to have John and Michael’s voice of reason. I live in Colorado, puff puff, so my vote sorta matters, cough cough. I’m definitely more angry then Jimmy which is hard to believe but because I live in a state up for grabs I can’t let my emotions having the only say.
As for Colin Powell, nice argument Michael, compelling even. The thing is I don’t give a fuck about his privacy as he’s been a part of the rigged government which is actively selling out to corporate interest one of them being the Military Complex and he’s a former general. For folks outside the corrupted government, I absolutely care about privacy. Not for corrupt officials who were payed by our tax dollars. READ THE FUCKIN’ EMAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jimmy is the best and the only reason I continue to subscribe to TYT.
If Hillary wins the presidency, unless we have another 911 or a world war……….which is very very likely, she will be a one term president considering she could barely beat the buffoon Trump. The Reps will sweep midterms because neo-cons will be even more pissed and progressives feel disenfranchised. Hillary will destroy the Dem party, or what’s left of it.
If Trump wins, progressive Dems will gain huge during midterms. Considering he will def be a one term president, in four years there will be even less boomers and more millennials thus more likely a progressive wins the primary. We will likely see our first female president, Elizabeth Warren.
I live in a very Democratic/Liberal district in a very liberal state. Almost everyone I know is planning on voting third party, including this lifelong Democrat. In fact, I’ll be voting third party up and down the ballot, until we the people take back the Democratic party.
The MSM is lying about the polls. I think Killary is getting crushed by the idiot, narcissist, corrupt business man, Trump.
Go ahead all you establishment Democrats, use the MSM talking point on me ‘Conspiracy Theorists’. Calling something a Conspiracy theory is simply saying the MSM isn’t reporting it, so I take it as a compliment.
Also, let’s be clear, yelling ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ at staunch progressives all the time is devaluing and undermining the term ‘conspiracy theorist’, for when we need it to take down genuine nutters like Alex Jones.
It’s just as bad as saying that Bernie Sanders was ‘sexist’ on that shaky basis “how dare he run against a woman, espeically when that woman is the frontrunner…”
Jimmy, the difference between “deplorables” and “war criminals” is one performs the “atrocity” personally while the other performs the “atrocity” through surrogates. The revulsion occurs because we literally see blood dripping from the “deplorable’s” hand. With the war crime, it seems our revulsion diminishes as we follow the path of responsibility from the crime, up through the ranks, and to the person who ordered the act/policy. Remember, in our justice system anyway, by “justice” I mean the laws that affect you and me, the people who rob the bank are guilty of the crime, the get-away driver is guilty of a crime, and the person who masterminded the caper is guilty of a crime. After the fact, anyone who has knowledge of the crime and does not report it is also guilty of a crime.
I’m not calling the Iraq War criminal because I have not performed the research. I do know that Hillary voted for the war. A war that was unnecessary. A war that killed many Iraqi civilians. A war that disabled hundreds of thousands of American military personnel. A war that has cost taxpayers trillions of dollars. Hillary said she made a mistake. It would be a mistake to make her president.
I know who Henry Kissinger is, and he is a war criminal, but not the biggest one this country has ever known. Every US president since FDR has committed war crimes according to the criteria set out at Nuremberg. Every president has committed at least one war crime that got Nazi leaders hung. Remember, that according to the Nuremberg definitions, and the geneva conventions, wars of aggression (including the nonsense term “preemption”) are war crimes. Obama commits war crimes every Tuesday of every week with his kill lists. Bush committed many many war crimes. Clinton killed anywhere from 100,000 to maybe a million Iraqis in his term with the no-fly-zone and sanctions. Bush before that in Iraq and Panama. Reagan all over central and south america. Carter in Zaire, Guatemala, East Timor. Nixon back to Eisenhower on Vietnam alone. But Ike was responsible for some of the most growth and destruction coming out of the CIA. The US was still all powerful in the world for about a decade and a half after world war II, and the CIA (the president’s hit squad) killed thousands, overthrew and assassinated leaders in sovereign nations.
I really hate Hillary Clinton myself. All neoliberals are a cancer on our world, but what is uniquely dangerous about her? What makes her so much worse than an Obama? Lots of people have been friends to Henry Kissinger. Since about 1980, he’s been part of polite company in the inner circles of power. Even freaking Stephen Colbert is friends with Henry Kissinger. I’m not saying he isn’t terrible. He is terrible. But when you make broad sweeping generalizations like “worst in history” I’d like to know if you actually know the history.
oy vey. she didn’t vote FOR the war. She voted on a non-binding resolution to the 1973 war powers act which would give Bush the power to go to war only after sanctions and diplomacy efforts had been attempted and failed and then there were more boring rules he didnt adhere to in relation to congressional approval after the fact. she didnt vote to go to iraq!! AAARGH you guys live in a bubble of self selected information sometimes/some issues and it drives me insane. I’m a leftie Aussie and maybe because i’m not ‘in it’ i can see different perspectives on issues, I can be less emotional perhaps – but for shits sake, this is factual information that no one on TYT ever seems to correct. /rant
In the political context of the time, everyone knew that passing “the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002”, enacted in October 2002, would be by far the most essential stepping stone towards the invasion. Everyone also knew that the neoconservatives in and around the administration just wanted to remove Saddam, period. We all knew that. Hillary – if she has even just half a brain – knew that.
Further evidence of this is that in early 2003, the Iraq Resolution was challenged in court to stop the invasion from happening. The plaintifs understood perfectly well, as did everyone else, that the whole war hinged on that resolution.
29 Democratic senators vote in favor of that resolution, including Hillary.
If you’re concerned about your personal emails then don’t be a public figure & even put yourself in the spotlight. Average Americans don’t get their personal emails put in the public.
Another item: e-mail is not secure. At least average people’s e-mail is not secure. The e-mail does not move over the internet from one e-mail server to another in encrypted form.
All of the this funding is done in a vacuum. There seems to be an inability to make decisions on a macro level. It seems that we cannot think or plan beyond the next election cycle. This has been true as long as people have come together in groups. In order to accommodate the group, thought becomes constricted. Anyway…
what great chemistry on this panel! even when they disagreed on details, they carried on a respectful and always intelligent conversation. more more more please! thanks you guys!
Although I think he does raise good points, I don’t agree with Michael Shur. Colin Powell is a political figure, and the leaked emails that are being discussed don’t have to do with his family, with his personal life, with his marriage, or with anything that has a separate reason to remain hidden or anything that has no legitimate interest to governance or public policy.
But they were talking about emails where he expresses his opinions on the news and on politics. This isn’t about his favorite hooker, his wife, which son he likes the most, or his favorite movie. This is just, plain and simple, his opinions about matters of legitimate public interest. And I do not care if we have access to that information, and I don’t see how privacy relates to this issue. To take another example, the DNC had every expectation of privacy when they violated their own charter and tried help subvert an election, and all of the emails leaked had an expectation of privacy and just being between the two correspondents. But I don’t give a single shit about that, because there was a legitimate public interest in the emails, then that immediately overrides expectations of privacy.
(Contrarily, if there are emails about family matters, I do not believe that those emails should be leaked and they certainly shouldn’t be talked about publicly.)
Jimmy is the best ever. He’s an advocate for social and economic justice and does it while being the funniest ever. Of course ,Michel’s first comment (about Jill Stein) was super snarky. Trying to convince him to go to MSNBC with the other Clinton shills. (And of course Clinton has Parkinson’s. She has very possible symptom.)
I have been a huge fan of Jimmy Dore for years. I have loved him since his first album and the marijuana logs. I will never come out against him. However, a year ago, I would have jumped at the chance to see him have a new show like Aggressive Progressive. But I have yet to listen to a single one of those, because over the last four months or so, Jimmy has started to become truly unhinged. He’s not there yet, not by a long shot, but he’s starting to feel to me like he’s begun the path that a year from now becomes an Alex Jones or Glenn Beck of the left.
I mean, seriously, I fucking hate Hillary Clinton too. I love Bernie, but c’mon man. We have to live in the real world. She’s not the devil. She’s not a fascist. She’s a horrible, corrupt, neoliberal. She’s not that much different than Obama, who Jimmy was somehow able to criticize without losing his fucking mind. She’s going to do a lot of terrible shit that will put this country more in the hands of billionaires and corporations, and we have to fight her everywhere we can. But it’s fucking nuts to say that Trump would be better, or that Trump would start a revolution against him or that people would stand up and fight him. No they wouldn’t. This idea that Congress is going to stand up to Trump and block him has no basis in reality. They are bought and paid for puppets in congress. They’re not going to stand up to Trump. And the fucking democrats? The same democrats Jimmy has been railing against his entire life for having no spine? They’re not going to stand up against anything either. They’ll be too afraid of looking like they’re doing nothing. Some right-wing pundit will say they’re standing in the way of getting things done, and they’ll fucking cave in like fucking always.
The president picks a lot of people, not just supreme court justices, but judges all the way down the hierarchy of the court system. The president picks the cabinet, and fills the executive branch. We have already approved TPA, so that means that even if we manage to not pass TPP by some miracle, the president has 6 years to negotiate any new trade deals and get an up or down/no amendment vote, and all they have to do is vote to re-up the TPA again, and he gets another 6 years. We are barely holding on to Net Neutrality that keeps TYT alive (among a million other necessary issues) and Comcast tries new shit all the time to defeat that. You want President Trump and his FCC deciding that for us? Dealing with the mass incarceration, black lives matter, criminal justice reform. You want Trump’s attorney general working on that? You want Trump in office as we try and unschedule marijuana? You want Trump’s Labor secretary? Head of FEMA? Sending negotiators to climate summits? Nuclear negotiations with Iran? I know you’re pissed, but be serious, man.
Our election system is rigged. It is set up to block a lot of people from voting, but it was not rigged for or by Hillary Clinton. It was rigged over decades for anyone like a Hillary Clinton, for the elite, for the establishment. Anyone paying attention knew this before the primary even began. It was not new information. Bernie most of all. Bernie never expected to win the election when he began. In about January, I think, he came to realize he could win, and adjusted accordingly. If he had thought he could win from the beginning, he would have had outreach to local activists and movements and coalitions all across the country a year before he announced. Because Bernie isn’t new to this. Because he’s been in politics his entire life, he knows how rigged it is. He didn’t come out of nowhere, as Jimmy has said a thousand times. He’s been around. He worked from the small local level to become the independent senator from Vermont for decades. They built that independent party from the ground up in Vermont over decades. That’s how you do that. He didn’t sell anybody out by supporting Clinton, and neither did Elizabeth Warren. They are being a mother fucking adult who knows how you actually get things done. Screaming like a maniac doesn’t do anything except make you feel better. It’s not how real change happens.
Real change is hard, and it takes actual work, boring work that fails 20 times before it succeeds. The bad guys win all the fucking time. They have rigged things so that they do. You care about politics for an election year. They have armies of lobbyists and lawyers who get paid millions of dollars to care about it every minute of every day. They don’t get dispirited or scream when they lose, they show up again the next day and find a new angle. They have the luxury of getting rewarded for this work and we have to do it for free. It’s totally unfair. It sucks. It’s hard. But I’m sorry. That’s the fucking world we live in. It doesn’t get better just because we say it’s unfair. So, please, Jimmy, pull back from the edge. Take a break from all your political shows. Go on a vacation. Get some distance, smoke some good weed. Make those omelettes I know you love. Sit on a beach and think about E=MC squared until your head explodes. Come back relaxed and refreshed and with a clear head. We need you out there.
Tossing in my two-cents, I would say that I think Jimmy has become very bothered by this election, and I can understand why. I don’t know that he’s becoming bothered to the point of being like Jones or the other slime balls, but he’s definitely been bothered to the point where he can’t be rational sometimes. Again, I fully understand why –I can’t stand Hillary Clinton. The primary has forever sealed an intense rage towards her, and the explanation –not necessarily the justification, but at least the explanation– of why I think that is for him is because Hillary brutally savaged liberals during the 2016 primary. When she and Obama were up against each other, neither of them really had to punch “lefties” (as Jimmy likes to call them) down so hard. But Hillary Clinton took 14 months to express to us, carefully through her mouth pieces, just how much she can’t stand the left, just how much she can’t stand women who don’t fall in line, just how much she can’t stand policies that aren’t neoliberalism, and she’s done it in many, many different ways. That has inspired very little but intense bitterness, frustration, angry, and sadness in the Progressive Left. So even though I think he’s gone overboard with the Hillary hatred, I can’t pretend like I don’t understand it, either. The only people who don’t understand why Hillary is a polarizing figure are the people who haven’t even been a supporter of a candidate that wasn’t her –because she’s not just coming for the candidate, she’s coming for their supporters with brass knuckles and a blow torch. Obama never came after us, so it’s hard for him to elicit the same kind of visceral reaction, even if I do feel betrayed by Obama’s hope campaign.
As for you commentary about having to fight again and again, it’s true. In the end I think it’s also true that (agree or disagree, I’m not sure where I stand yet) we’re sort of just losing. So I’m not as bothered by people rejecting Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate. Like you, I’m pretty sure it’s not a wise decision, but the flip side is that I also recognize that someone at least needs to publicly state the concerns that we may just be on a path to total implosion and it may be that it feels like we’re constantly losing because we are just constantly losing.
So overall, I’m bothered by how Jimmy is starting to see a little unhinged (or rather, he sometimes just can’t express his issues calmly or rationally), but I still like Jimmy. I still think he’s usually making great points, I just wish he could let go a little bit and be a little more impartial and rational in stating his case, which I think Steve Oh and Jordan Chariton have done rather well. So, again, I think that he makes great points, he just needs to calm down, go on vacation for a little bit, and hopefully take a step back to get his full objectivity back.
From someone who is far from unhinged myself, I couldn’t disagree with you more. Jimmy is the only one who is making TYT somewhat progressive.
We’ve tried it your way and look what’s happened. We have a ruling Democratic party that’s pro war, pro wall St, pro pharmaceuticals, pro private prisons, pro NSA, anti Glas Steigal and anti Snowdan/WikiWeaks.
It’s pathetic and uncomfortable to see Michael cringe at everything Jimmy says, while John sits idly in the middle.
Are you a boomer? If so, time to step aside and allow millennials to fix this mess were in. They have the most knowledge and the most to lose, so please don’t try to hinder them. The meaning of progressive is more than just pro marijuana.
Well said. I’m a fan of Jimmy and I quite like the new show but he’s in his own bubble. As I’m writing this I’m watching his Youtube channel and he’s saying Hilary definitively has Parkinson’s.
More jimmy dore!
I understand totally what he says.
When trump decided to destroy Native American land and build coal mines, I will have the entire progressive side and all my family and friends and maybe even Hilary on my side to stop him.
He’ll probably be impeached.
The point is as a young person we cannot vote for fracking and Wall Street. Their interest are completely opposed to progressives.
If everyone that told me to grow up just had some respect for the fact that by 2050 9 feet of sea level rise will change the map forever. Quit defending the democrats.
Watch democracy now! They only halted part of the pipeline.
I like John but he is constantly defending the corrupt democrats these days in fear of trump!
Discuss green policies!
Vote green!
Yeah – I’ve begun to skip over any Jimmy segments. Which is sad because I used to love hearing his opinions and his sarcasm but daaaaamn he has gone a tad batty. It’s hard to express how much anxiety I have over this election, because I’m australian and I have no one here to talk to about it… so imma rant a bit on here now that i’m a member. WOO!
so basically I just wish everyone in USA could think about the fact that if they’re going to insist that USA is a global leader, a world power, influencer of nations (i think that’s not a real world, but you get it), then maybe not just it’s politicians but also it’s people could try and get some global perspectives as to who you elect to lead said global, leading country. The outcome of this election will affect many more lives than just those who live in USA and it is such a time wasting exercise to get all worked up about how much you hate Hillary. It is beginning to come off as childish. Run for local government instead if you’re so passionate about it.
In Australia we have a parliamentary system so it’s a bit different, but the factions remain pretty similar – we have 2 major parties, centre left, centre right with wingnuts on (mostly the right) both sides who sit on the outer edges + a (becoming major) Greens party + independents and some smaller minor parties. I understand how annoying the system is – we have one senator who got elected this year, with 70 votes (SEVENTY) because of how the voting rules have been changed, and this doofus of a human thinks NASA corrupts climate change data to dupe us all – he literally argued with Brian Cox on our national broadcaster a few weeks ago and refused to hear anything Cox said because he wanted ’empirical data’ (which was being provided to him, LIVE on tv, yet he’s so dumb he doesn’t know what empirical means). The woman who runs this idiots party also got re-elected 20 years after saying ‘Aus is being swamped by Asians’, now it’s ‘Aus is being swamped by muslims’. I’m not even paraphrasing – those are the words she used. She dropped out of high school at 15 and is a federal senator now. so I GET IT. Lots of politicians are the wooooooorst. Hillary just is not one of them. Perspective guys, it’s all about perspective. Everything USA does trickles down in some way to other countries – it’s not all about you guys anymore!
100% agree on all points. Had to stop watching his YT channel bc of his off the rails claims. It’s annoying because there are actual things to criticize HRC for and plenty of them but when he goes on his unhinged rants he discredits true criticism. As much as I VEHEMENTLY disagree with Michael Shure I feel like he is coming from a logical place and is open to outside thought in a way that Jimmy just is not.
This is a very interesting and insightful comment. I don’t fully agree that the difference between what would happen in a Trump presidency as opposed to a Clinton presidency would be as distinct as you suggest, however I think you raise some important points. My feeling is Trump would undoubtedly be worse, but I doubt he would be worse enough to make putting a closet conservative like Clinton in power to push a conservative/neo-lib agenda in the name of the progressive cause. As with Blair or Obama when the conservative/neo-lib policies fail the blame is bestowed on progressive ideas because of the false public narrative than the conservative/neo-lib leader is a progressive. To me this damages the progressive cause far more than anything an unashamed conservative leader could do.
As regards Jimmy I can see threads of logic in his position on Clinton and agree with him in certain aspects, but him pushing the idea she has Parkinson’s is troubling. In doing so Jimmy is hurting his own credibility and as you suggest flirting with the territory of political kooks. I hope he takes your advice and steps away for a rethink.
They just gave him his own segment on TYT, there’s no way he’s going anywhere which is unfortunate.
TYT should remove the looney Jimmy and bring in Michael & Ben to even out the panel. TYT’s best content is usually a debate between Cenk and Ben, arguing the progressive vs center left viewpoints on their merits. Jimmy going off on a rant adds nothing to the discussion.
> Jimmy going off on a rant adds nothing to the discussion.
Not everything has to be a debate with Ben and Michael’s establishment views. You can’t be a progressive network if you don’t do a sufficient amount of progressive monologues. Cenk does those monologues (especially when he’s hosting by himself, which is very often) and Jimmy does them too.
Jimmy and HRC sitting in a tree — boy if you want Jimmy to get a minor stroke mention Hillary and he’ll go off. Holy crap every minute, every second, we get it bro you’re a progressive. So is everyone else here, but helping Trump win is unacceptable.
Jimmy turned into such a nut.. very disappointing and exhausting to listen to.
How about a like button for comments?
Jimmy got a lot of shit on this wall, so I am just going to say that I think Jimmy might be my favorite… yeah, he is extreme and aggressive, but c’mon, people are dying…we are funding wars and killing innocent people, and the Dems nominated a person who voted for the same war that the liberals back in the day loved to give Bush shit about…
but meanwhile we don’t have enough money for poisoned children in Flint, we don’t have enough money to help people get an education, we don’t have the guts to stand up to the fossil fuel industry, big pharm, the banks, etc.???? We had a change to elect a guy with a conscience who was standing up to the corruption, and instead we are continuing with business as usual. Business as usual sucks, and we should all be screaming about… we should all be upset. Jimmy is passionate. Even if he goes a little far, I would rather have someone realize how fucked shit is than shrug it all off. MLK said he was more frustrated with the quiet and side-lining white moderate than the actual opposition.
Also, I do not think Jimmy is resistant to facts or other opinions as some on this wall claim: even on this segment, he really thought about Michael’s comments regarding privacy and it was actually Jayar (spelling?) who stood up to Michael. Jimmy did not change his mind, but he paused and thought about it, for sure.
My only criticism of Jimmy is sometimes the sexist language: today was one of the worst, as he said, “John pussed out.” Jimmy, c’mon. You are liberal and you are progressive. While there is more to being a progressive than just giving LGBT high fives, I think that kind of gendered language is uncool.
that’s a false dichotomy. People criticizing Jimmy aren’t saying they’re ok with people dying and they don’t think there are serious issues. Everybody knows that. We all care. The choice is still between Trump and Clinton. Jill Stein is not going to win. There is no way she’s going to win. Nobody wants Jimmy to be less critical either. He’s been excellent at criticizing Obama for the last 8 years. For some reason, though, when it comes to Hillary Clinton, he doesn’t just criticize. He loses his mind. That’s not because he’s just more passionate. We all care. You don’t measure how much someone cares by how loud they scream or how completely unhinged they become. Some people care in a way where they want to actually fix it, not just indulge themselves in a tantrum.
To fix it, we need Hillary Clinton in there, not because we love her or even like her, not because you can trus her to do anything she says, but because we can push her. We can’t push Trump. It’s either Trump or Clinton, and of those two terrible choices, we have to choose Clinton. She’s ambitious and corrupt, but she’s still beholden to a party system. She’s a regular politician who has built herself up within that apparatus. She has to stay within certain lines even if her only goal is to maximize her own wealth and power. Trump is a big dumb baby who doesn’t have any lines, and none of the spineless politicians will risk anything to stop him. With Trump we lose all of our little levers we can push as activists. With Trump in that office, we aren’t pushing to make things better, we’re fighting twice as hard to stay how shitty it is now with all that serious stuff about people dying you mentioned. Running as fast as we can, to stay in place, and probably losing and making things much worse.
You don’t have to like Hillary Clinton personally or believe anything she says. That’s not what voting is about. It’s not a way to declare how you feel. It’s a simple strategy. We’re charging at a brick wall. Do you push the gas or the breaks. Make car grow wings and fly would be nice, but it’s not an option. If you want a Jill Stein president, you have to start today for the 2020 election. Greens showing up every 4 years to take 2% of the electorate does not work. It’s nice to try and get other issues into the discussion, but it doesn’t win elections. See what Jill Stein does on November 9th, because unless she’s changed since 2012, she’s going to just go away, and we won’t hear from the green party until 2020 outside of a few local elections. That’s never going to work. Jimmy is not more passionate. He doesn’t care more than us. He’s just more loud and obnoxious about it, and that does nothing to fix anything. And I love Jimmy. I certainly wouldn’t want him to leave the show. He just needs to step back and get some perspective.
Thanks for your comments.
I feel you are the one making a false dichotomy out of my comments. No where did I say that the criticism of Jimmy means that those same people are accepting of people dying. But I see your point, for sure! I get it. Some folks on here are commenting on his DELIVERY more than the message, well some of them…
All I am saying is that I am OK with his extreme delivery because this is serious shit, and not enough people are as outraged as I would hope. And I get what you are saying: outrage does not have to look the way I think it should look. Agreed.
But again, MLK said he had more contempt for the white moderate than he did the the actual opposition: I am not calling Jimmy’s criticizers the opposition, but it does sound that many of them on here want him to moderate both his delivery AND even some commentators want him to moderate his IDEAS that are just flying off into nowhere… even you are saying he “needs to get some perspective.”
MLK also asked who can put a timeline on someone else’s freedom? that is all I am saying. People are dying. And you are suggesting that people should vote for someone that is going to continue the status quo and MAYBE get pushed to the left. So yes, we can talk strategy, sure, and I respect your strategy: I am not going to weigh in on party voting, because I do think voting for Clinton is a rational choice for the reasons you outline, so I am not going to belittle you, but at the same time, I am NOT going to condescend and say that someone like Jimmy who is a Jill supporter and continues to be critical of both Obama and Clinton “needs to step back and get some perspective” and just wants to “indulge themselves in a tantrum.”
Perhaps now I am cherry picking YOUR statements as you did mine. I respect what you are saying, for the most part, other than insinuating that Jimmy is not going to DO anything and only wants to self indulge. Other than that, I guess I hear what you are saying. I just don’t mind Jimmy’s delivery as I think it is warranted given the number of sheep in this country in both parties.
I didn’t mean to deliberately cherry pick your comment, so I apologize. I was extracting the general tone from the piece as a whole, not going line by line to pick things up out of context.
and I took the general tone of your comment to mean something related to changing those horrible things you mentioned, not just that you’re glad someone is yelling about how bad they are. Yes, I agree. We should all be outraged every day if we’re paying attention. But Jimmy doesn’t just get outraged at the horrible things that are going on. He then goes on to suggest he would prefer to get Trump elected. That’s going beyond outrage and is talking about strategy again, and it is purely from the point of view of a strategy of making things better that I took your comment. In addition, I was only using your comment as more of a jumping off point to discuss a broader view that many share.
I don’t think Jimmy is resistant to facts either. In fact, I know he isn’t. I’ve seen him change his mind over the years that I’ve been a fan of his. I do think that it is wrong to view your vote as some form of test of conscious. It is a tool in our system that really doesn’t matter much at all if you’re an individual, since no major contests are won by a single vote. So, I don’t think Jimmy’s individual vote is going to sway anything, especially since he’s voting in California, so whoever Jimmy feels like voting for is fine with me. My concern is more with the hundreds of thousands of people who might be thinking similarly to Jimmy about the vote and might be listening to his views and getting swayed by them, and I’m just expressing my different viewpoint about why I think that’s the wrong way to view your vote.
In the same “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” that you quote above, King also says:
We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.
That entire letter, in fact, is specifically not about voting. It is about how civil disobedience and direct action is required. He’s talking about marches and protests and boycotts and sit-ins and anything else that directly shoves your body in the way of the machine that seeks to ignore you. And I’m fully in support of that. Everything outside of voting strategy is right. Voting is a short, almost meaningless activity that you should be doing as strategically as possible, but the real fight is every other day that is not a voting day. That’s what democracy is. It’s not about voting. It’s about people being in charge, people actually RULING. To do that, you need to be doing democracy every day. As long as Jimmy isn’t talking about electing Trump to start the revolution, I’m with him. I’m with the anger. I’m with the passion. We should all be so angry. We should all be so passionate. If we were, we would immediately have our power back and the so-called “leaders” of our society would be running away from us in fear.
It’s sad to see what happened to Jimmy. His YouTube channel lately is indistinguishable from an alt-right propaganda channel. It’s like watching one of your heroes unravel in front of your very eyes. =(
I love Jimmy but damn, you gotta let them cover the stories. I mean you have your own very expanded platform of which I’ve been a member for years, to use for all your opinions, of which I totally agree with.
So I just think when you’re on someone else’s show you should participate in that show and maybe not make so many rants that they only got to 2 or 3 stories.
I dunno, I just think that unlike most times you’re on, today you hoarded the air time to push your opinion and it’s not your show. It was too much today
Great points. I feel like this happened the last time he was on Hour 1 as well.
Eh cancelling my membership after this mth, Jimmy Dore is a leftist nut job and we are seeing less and less of Cenk.
Just going to add, i came to the comments just to see if i am the only one that seems to take issue with jimmy and it seems i’m not.
I am all for calm rational debate with good counter points and interjections even if the opinions vary wildly but jimmy just brings crazy to the table with name calling, wild conspiricy theory and trying to debunk anyone who isnt open to his maniac theory’s.
Please don’t! We’re already low on sane people in the member comments. I might be the only one left if you go. =(
I’m still here!
I agree with your comments on Jimmy Dore. He’ starting to sound like a Trump surrogate.
He’s got a huge hard-on for MSNBC as O’Donnel has been covering the pipeline story for the last month.
Extremism, be it progressive, conservative, or religious extremism, is bad thing in my perspective. I’ve always held a ton of respect for Jimmy, even when I disagree with him. However, he seems to be crossing more and more over the extremist line as this election progresses. Not only him, many people I hold much respect for too.
“Love with your heart. Use your head for everything else.”
Captain Disillusion
Well said xann009.
+1 million.
yeah, that MLK with his extreme opinions about equal rights, and about both race and class issues, and about his contempt for white moderates, yeah, that kind of extreme opinion is a bad thing…
Good job Michael Shure!
John clearly states that these emails were hacked and leaked and from my understanding this was a private server. I am a huge proponent of transparency in government but (you knew it was coming) I feel stronger about an individuals right to privacy. Hacked means the email were stolen via electronic means from a private individuals server, this is equivalent to “Bob” down the street walking into your house and then reading your mail on youtube.
I am happy that TYT had the integrity to not air the email.
Oops, I meant to post this in the thread below….
From a listener’s perspective, I’m real tired of Jimmy haranguing everyone who’s not in his camp 1000%.
did you hear how he responded to Michael’s comments about the email privacy story? He not only listened, but really thought about Michael’s point.
No problem with speculating about her health, something is clearly going on that we haven’t been told, but do it analytically, not in a way that clearly damages his credibility. I liked Jimmy because he was smart and insightful and passionate. Now it appears that only passionate dominates.
So technically a lot of Powell’s emails about Hillary weren’t favorable? And Michael didn’t want them read on the air? Shocking.
Hold on, earthlink.net still exists? Damn Jimmy you just dated yourself :)
I still have an sbcglobal.net email address lol!
I’m listening to the debate between Jayar and Michael while I sit here reading other people’s emails to decide which ones to turn over to the government who might choose to make them public. That’s a job lawyers do quite often.
Jimmy mentioning fixing the lead pipes in Flint … I live in a suburb of Flint, they have done dick-all here. Gov. Snyder is currently trying to figure out how to get PUBLIC funding for his legal team…cute trick, huh?
Building schools in Afghanistan, etc…. Take a look at Detroit Schools FIRST. There are elementary schools in Detroit, not abandoned, actually working classrooms filled with students, that have MUSHROOMS growing on walls, and that’s the best part.
Hey Michael, keep propping up this Corrupt system …keep pushing that war-monger $hillary. I bet $he’ll help those little kids, I be $he’ll fix those lead pipes …. oh wait … $he doesn’t give a shit.
so true, the more I hear vote for Hillary out of fear, the more I turn back into Bernie or Bust.
thanks for this powerful thought… to act on anything from a fear-filled stance is suicidal. When i hear Cenk drone on about his fear of Trump, shoving more toxicity down our throats $hilling for HER, well, it goes against the grain of our best human qualities, taints our efforts to get at real solutions. The Humanist Report, Michael Figueredo is worth a watch as he stays on task reporting the facts about important issues we are faced with. Waiting for Cenk to see the folly here and see that WE do have other choices!!
Why the shock John & Michael?
Jimmy talks about the PBS/Facebook shenans w/Jill & TPP comments, and they act like, “PBS? Really? I find that hard to believe.” Instead of being interested in why Facebook is playing Corporate censor, John literally says , “Huh, I didn’t know that.” and that’s it. Nothing to see here. Move along, next story.
I have a job, kids, dogs, a husband, a regular life … have little time to scour the internet for obscure videos and I saw this story!
Love me some Jimmy!
Michael ALWAYS prefaces everything he says with phrases like, “I’m not excusing it….but.”
John is backing up Michael’s smugness at every chance. Best thing about Michael is that he’s NOT Ben.
At lease when Michael does his “tut-tut-tut … you don’t understand” shtick, he’s not screeching & flailing his arms like a Muppet, ala Ben.
Best reason to watch TYT Main Show now …. JIMMY.
If I see Ben is a co-host, I stick it out for a few minutes till His inner-Muppet shows up and then I’m out.
I want to make a large Euro donation with paypal to TYT… No one ever replies in the contact section… What do I do?…
Isn’t the donate button working? Seems to be okay to me, it takes me to Paypal’s website and everything.
For all the people demanding to see the private emails and endorsing the hack, everyone has taken cash from the government at some point in their lives….
James is incorrect on the claim “Putin jails dissidents”.
The ones that were jailed like Khodorkovsky are corrupt criminal oligarchs that pose as “dissidents” to make West protect the money they stole from people (otherwise the assets would be confiscated, arrested, et cetera). Others critique Putin for years 24/7 freely. In fact, opposition media in Russia has much wider presence than opposition media in the USA (Democracy Now, The Intercept, et cetera).
The reason that James believes in the myth is that the “free” Western media, being the usual StateDep tool, create this Orwellian narrative which is as truthful as what the same media did with “reporting” that Saddam had WMDs and was tied to 9/11.
There are real reasons to critique Putin though: cementing a regime of record-breaking income inequality and crony capitalism and pandering to the conservatives and main religions on LGBT issues, signing ridiculous laws that allowed to ban porn sites (notice that unlike “great ally” Turkey, Russia never banned Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Wikipedia all of which are full of Putin critiques).
Sorry, I misposted the comment.
Word!!! Every show Jimmy is on is better with him on the show.
Michael shouldnt sell himself short like that. TYT can always use more Dore, but Old Turk Michael always brings amazing historical perspective and interesting prompts to the panel. The convention coverage was a great example of that. TYT should never let him go.
Still though….that letter…
1: Both courts and common opinion have ruled that emails are not a reasonable expectation of privacy, and people should watch what they say. This applies to non commoners as well.
2: Unlike John’s fanfics, the material in emails like that directly affect the lives of BILLIONS of people. America has a political culture of compulsive lying, and insider politics/interactions are the best method of determining the truth. When you don the mantle of power and immerse yourself in the world of false presentation politics, you forfeit any pleas for sanctuary, because you participated in building the “Empire of Lies” that Snowden eloquently referred to.
3: These people built up and continue to endorse the NSA for spying on all of us in the name of protecting us from international threats. Hillary herself has conspired/collaborated with foreign powers against the interests of the country, resulting in the loss of American lives and assets to further her own personal agenda. That’s way beyond the standard that NSA would hold to us for terrorism. That’s a case for high treason. Matters regarding Hillary need LESS privacy than the rest of us, not more.
As punishment for not doing the story, Michael must read John’s fanfics on camera, with Justice Jayar refereeing to ensure that Michael emotes and does proper voices for the characters.
Well said.
Don’t agree with Michael’s opinions, but it’s undeniable that he brings useful assets to the show.
The concept of public interest that limits the privacy of public figure. For this reason, exempli gratia, celebrities have less privacy rights according to the judiciary system, comparing to private persons. So yes, those electronic mails that have direct relation to the public, that are not about Power’s grandmother, are legitimate to cover in media.
By the way, the MSM nowadays says every hacking is done by Russians, be it the DNC hack (even though James Clapper admitted that there is no evidence it was Russians) or this “DCLeaks” group. Real evidence? No. But the military industrial complex totally loves the fearmongering: https://twitter.com/theintercept/status/766729076417634304: “U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great For Business”, “When the Cold War ended, “all defense budgets went south,” says one contractor hoping to turn that around”, “The Pentagon already has more than enough money to address any actual threat to the United States.”
I agree with northernick, Jimmy is the only one at TYT keeping it progressive. Jimmy has a right to yell about everything he is, in fact everyone should be yelling about this election. I enjoy the Jimmy Dore show because of the raw visciral truth. It is refreshing.
Jimmy is amazing. Usually I have a hard time listening to people who can hijack a conversation. However, he always brings up the most relevant thing that is not normally given attention.
Pleased to see Jimmy on the panel.
Even when you don’t agree with him, he’s entertaining.
Also, I never think he’s being simple-mindedly provocative, always genuine.
Emotional and thoughtful at the same time.
This is Jimmy these days – https://youtu.be/-gH68X50ajs
Undortunately, Jimmy is doi g the “Lots of People are saying it’s Parkinson’s”. Please man, I used to like your stuff. But the last two weeks, the conspiracy shit has gone crazy. Get a grip.
I was so disappointed when I saw that video earlier. He should know better than to go out on the crazy limb about things he appears to not know much about. Parkinson patients will get asp pne. When they get to the point where they can’t swallow, and you should see her gagging on water rather than using it to help with the cough. Goes on about why doesn’t she remove her jacket, and I can think of a lot reasons she doesn’t with body shaming being one of them, as well as what she considers proper decorum.. If she had an infection, and the docs are saying her BP is down around 100/65-ish, she is going to feel warm and dizzy if she has to stand for any period of time.
I’m not convinced we have the full story, but I’m really sad to see Jimmy go over the top Alex Jones here :-(
Exactly. I went to medical school. Aspiration pneumonia is a feature of Parkinsons so severe that you aren’t able to speak properly (another of the primary features of Parkinsons) due to loss of control of the breathing and voice control muscles.
Plus, her movements in general lack the signs of PD. PD doesn’t manifest as near-fainting over 10 seconds. Instead, it’s a continuous disease.
So seriously, Jimmy, you need to get your act together. It’s not cool to do the “I’m just saying…” and “Lots of people are saying”, “Progressives are saying”, because honestly, it’s bullshit.
I despise HRC and her policies. But you don’t have to do the fucking conspiracy game. It’s beneath you, man. So disappointed. There are so many good (and sane) arguments why HRC sucks. Parkinsons Disease is NOT one of them by any stretch.
ooof. that’s so disappointing. i feel like I could try and rebut every dumb point he makes but from what I’ve seen it would make literally no difference. He’s gone so far into this ideology, offering him facts or even different perspectives will make him tighten up that grip on his own version events, understanding of the world etc. I’m sure someone on TYT (or msnbc? someone) has brought up that psych/sociology study about people with strongly held opinions being less likely to listen to reason and change their mind based on evidence. Usually it’s discussed in terms of silly doofs on the far right and I’m just sad to see it being so clearly evidenced with Jimmy Dore these days.
James admits that he is speculating; unlike others, he is not asserting it, he understands that it is opinion of someone who is not a doctor and not treated Clinton.
And yes, it is possible that she suffers from Parkinson’s decease (and no, I do not watch Alex Jobs), considering all of the episodes. The amount of lies she, her husband and her campaign have build up around her health is sky-rocketing, and this is what, as James said, gives observers the right to speculate about her health.
No, it isn’t.
Those edited videos don’t even resemble the symptoms of Parkinsons Disease (which aren’t transient), nor the side effects of the medicine used succesfully to treat this (Levodopa+Carbidopa and other dopamine-alikes). Even if she had PD, it would be almost impossible for her to speak at all. PD doesn’t cause coughing, it causes saliva to seep down into the lungs precisely because you aren’t able to cough properly. If she had that severe PD, she would be nearly unable to speak at all—and would grimace with an open mouth and wide eyes (which she doesn’t). And no, it isn’t like you can speak for 5 minutes and then you can’t. PD symptoms are constant.
So saying “it’s possible” is classic conspiracist sh*t.
And what lies are there, really, about her health? A non-disclosure of the pneumonia? Isn’t that pretty much it? The “allergy” explanation was previous to the diagnosis of pneumonia. Also, there are plenty of pneumonia agents (mostly bacteria) that aren’t very contagious.
All in all, everything fits much better with a recent diagnosis of pneumonia, than anything else.
Again, I despise HRC and her policies. But let’s actually argue on a PROPER background instead of this conspiratorial and completely objectively false basis. Jimmy Dore is always haranguing the MSM for not being objective, but he certainly isn’t listening to facts here either. And that’s god damn sad, as I, like I said, used to love when he was on the show.
Saying it is “possible” is quite cautious as it is possible, indeed. Notice that it is not asserted, though, what means that she may not have Parkinson’s decease.
Saying opposite, that it is impossible, is a more of a conspiracy theory on how Hillary, her husband, he colleagues have the weirdest set of circumstances surrounding her multiple health incidents can never be anything but isolated fatigue issues or something.
Hillary doctor said she has aspiration-(al) pneumonia that has nothing to do with bacterial infection, hence her meetings with children and others before and after the diagnosis.
In Parkinson’s decease the issue is not with coughing, but with swallowing. So the symptoms she has do not contradict the theory about Parkinson’s decease.
I did not notice much of an editing. She fainted, not stumbled as the campaign/media lie. And it happens regularly as both hers and William’s interview expose, despite attempts to cover it up.
Again, James does assert she has Parkinson’s decease, he says it is a speculation. Arguing that it is impossible as you are trying is not rational.
He was also laughing and joking through most of those two parkinson’s segments he did. Seemed he was just milking it for jokes and he had the other guy on there adamantly disagreeing with him. It was funny. Jimmy is a comedian, afterall. He doesn’t have a degree in journalism and doesn’t claim to.
The videos in which he does the PD false bullshit aren’t even funny. It’s not one of the comedy bits.
Also, the look on his face when he suggested that John should be fired… How charming, man.
The Jimmy Dore show is all comedy bits. Its a comedy show.
The joke Jimmy made about firing John was to break away from their awkward debate and it worked.
Since TYT pussed out and wouldn’t read any excerpts from that war criminal Powell’s emails, here’s a sample.
RE: Hillary Clinton
“A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home (according to the NYP).”
“Everything HRC touches she kind of screws up with hubris.”
“Benghazi is a stupid witch hunt. Basic fault falls on a courageous ambassador who thoughts Libyans now love me and I am ok in this very vulnerable place,”
Politicians in this country never tell you anything, even when they should – when legally, by all rights, the american people SHOULD have that information. Because they don’t do that, because they’ll hide information when it’s embarrassing, and because the overwhelming majority of our politicians are corrupt, i will happily take any information we can get through any underhanded means anyone might use. I only apply this change in my standard for politicians. I don’t feel that way about celebrities – i don’t even feel that way about sleazy super rich businessmen. But because our government is corrupt and has decided to withhold information from us that we rightfully should have, then i feel justified in taking any and all information from them. Don’t want me to have your legit personal information? Then alter the government so that we don’t HAVE to steal information from you to get the information we RIGHTFULLY should have.
Great show today! I’m definitely more in Jimmy’s camp about the election but is nice to have John and Michael’s voice of reason. I live in Colorado, puff puff, so my vote sorta matters, cough cough. I’m definitely more angry then Jimmy which is hard to believe but because I live in a state up for grabs I can’t let my emotions having the only say.
As for Colin Powell, nice argument Michael, compelling even. The thing is I don’t give a fuck about his privacy as he’s been a part of the rigged government which is actively selling out to corporate interest one of them being the Military Complex and he’s a former general. For folks outside the corrupted government, I absolutely care about privacy. Not for corrupt officials who were payed by our tax dollars. READ THE FUCKIN’ EMAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jimmy is the best and the only reason I continue to subscribe to TYT.
If Hillary wins the presidency, unless we have another 911 or a world war……….which is very very likely, she will be a one term president considering she could barely beat the buffoon Trump. The Reps will sweep midterms because neo-cons will be even more pissed and progressives feel disenfranchised. Hillary will destroy the Dem party, or what’s left of it.
If Trump wins, progressive Dems will gain huge during midterms. Considering he will def be a one term president, in four years there will be even less boomers and more millennials thus more likely a progressive wins the primary. We will likely see our first female president, Elizabeth Warren.
I live in a very Democratic/Liberal district in a very liberal state. Almost everyone I know is planning on voting third party, including this lifelong Democrat. In fact, I’ll be voting third party up and down the ballot, until we the people take back the Democratic party.
The MSM is lying about the polls. I think Killary is getting crushed by the idiot, narcissist, corrupt business man, Trump.
Go ahead all you establishment Democrats, use the MSM talking point on me ‘Conspiracy Theorists’. Calling something a Conspiracy theory is simply saying the MSM isn’t reporting it, so I take it as a compliment.
ps I’m guessing TYT viewership went up 30% today because Jimmy was on.
Also, let’s be clear, yelling ‘Conspiracy Theorist’ at staunch progressives all the time is devaluing and undermining the term ‘conspiracy theorist’, for when we need it to take down genuine nutters like Alex Jones.
It’s just as bad as saying that Bernie Sanders was ‘sexist’ on that shaky basis “how dare he run against a woman, espeically when that woman is the frontrunner…”
Jimmy, the difference between “deplorables” and “war criminals” is one performs the “atrocity” personally while the other performs the “atrocity” through surrogates. The revulsion occurs because we literally see blood dripping from the “deplorable’s” hand. With the war crime, it seems our revulsion diminishes as we follow the path of responsibility from the crime, up through the ranks, and to the person who ordered the act/policy. Remember, in our justice system anyway, by “justice” I mean the laws that affect you and me, the people who rob the bank are guilty of the crime, the get-away driver is guilty of a crime, and the person who masterminded the caper is guilty of a crime. After the fact, anyone who has knowledge of the crime and does not report it is also guilty of a crime.
I’m not calling the Iraq War criminal because I have not performed the research. I do know that Hillary voted for the war. A war that was unnecessary. A war that killed many Iraqi civilians. A war that disabled hundreds of thousands of American military personnel. A war that has cost taxpayers trillions of dollars. Hillary said she made a mistake. It would be a mistake to make her president.
She said she made a mistake voting for the Iraq war and immediately said she is proud Henry Kissinger endorses her.
If you don’t know who Henry Kissinger is, do some research. He’s the biggest war criminal this country has ever known.
Killary is a war hawk. Vote third party.
I know who Henry Kissinger is, and he is a war criminal, but not the biggest one this country has ever known. Every US president since FDR has committed war crimes according to the criteria set out at Nuremberg. Every president has committed at least one war crime that got Nazi leaders hung. Remember, that according to the Nuremberg definitions, and the geneva conventions, wars of aggression (including the nonsense term “preemption”) are war crimes. Obama commits war crimes every Tuesday of every week with his kill lists. Bush committed many many war crimes. Clinton killed anywhere from 100,000 to maybe a million Iraqis in his term with the no-fly-zone and sanctions. Bush before that in Iraq and Panama. Reagan all over central and south america. Carter in Zaire, Guatemala, East Timor. Nixon back to Eisenhower on Vietnam alone. But Ike was responsible for some of the most growth and destruction coming out of the CIA. The US was still all powerful in the world for about a decade and a half after world war II, and the CIA (the president’s hit squad) killed thousands, overthrew and assassinated leaders in sovereign nations.
I really hate Hillary Clinton myself. All neoliberals are a cancer on our world, but what is uniquely dangerous about her? What makes her so much worse than an Obama? Lots of people have been friends to Henry Kissinger. Since about 1980, he’s been part of polite company in the inner circles of power. Even freaking Stephen Colbert is friends with Henry Kissinger. I’m not saying he isn’t terrible. He is terrible. But when you make broad sweeping generalizations like “worst in history” I’d like to know if you actually know the history.
oy vey. she didn’t vote FOR the war. She voted on a non-binding resolution to the 1973 war powers act which would give Bush the power to go to war only after sanctions and diplomacy efforts had been attempted and failed and then there were more boring rules he didnt adhere to in relation to congressional approval after the fact. she didnt vote to go to iraq!! AAARGH you guys live in a bubble of self selected information sometimes/some issues and it drives me insane. I’m a leftie Aussie and maybe because i’m not ‘in it’ i can see different perspectives on issues, I can be less emotional perhaps – but for shits sake, this is factual information that no one on TYT ever seems to correct. /rant
Hillary voting for the business opportunity…excuse me, WAR in Iraq….
In the political context of the time, everyone knew that passing “the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002”, enacted in October 2002, would be by far the most essential stepping stone towards the invasion. Everyone also knew that the neoconservatives in and around the administration just wanted to remove Saddam, period. We all knew that. Hillary – if she has even just half a brain – knew that.
Further evidence of this is that in early 2003, the Iraq Resolution was challenged in court to stop the invasion from happening. The plaintifs understood perfectly well, as did everyone else, that the whole war hinged on that resolution.
29 Democratic senators vote in favor of that resolution, including Hillary.
Great Panel
Jimmy is the man. Michael and John seem like embarressed prunes when Jimmy talks. But fuck that . Jimmy is just telling the truth
If you’re concerned about your personal emails then don’t be a public figure & even put yourself in the spotlight. Average Americans don’t get their personal emails put in the public.
Another item: e-mail is not secure. At least average people’s e-mail is not secure. The e-mail does not move over the internet from one e-mail server to another in encrypted form.
All of the this funding is done in a vacuum. There seems to be an inability to make decisions on a macro level. It seems that we cannot think or plan beyond the next election cycle. This has been true as long as people have come together in groups. In order to accommodate the group, thought becomes constricted. Anyway…
what great chemistry on this panel! even when they disagreed on details, they carried on a respectful and always intelligent conversation. more more more please! thanks you guys!
Love this panel. Michael Shure is quite the intelligent fellow, so glad he gets some time on this show.
Although I think he does raise good points, I don’t agree with Michael Shur. Colin Powell is a political figure, and the leaked emails that are being discussed don’t have to do with his family, with his personal life, with his marriage, or with anything that has a separate reason to remain hidden or anything that has no legitimate interest to governance or public policy.
But they were talking about emails where he expresses his opinions on the news and on politics. This isn’t about his favorite hooker, his wife, which son he likes the most, or his favorite movie. This is just, plain and simple, his opinions about matters of legitimate public interest. And I do not care if we have access to that information, and I don’t see how privacy relates to this issue. To take another example, the DNC had every expectation of privacy when they violated their own charter and tried help subvert an election, and all of the emails leaked had an expectation of privacy and just being between the two correspondents. But I don’t give a single shit about that, because there was a legitimate public interest in the emails, then that immediately overrides expectations of privacy.
(Contrarily, if there are emails about family matters, I do not believe that those emails should be leaked and they certainly shouldn’t be talked about publicly.)
Jimmy is great. I uv his passion. Get off his dick! :)
Cenk can retire now, Jimmy rules!
Jimmy is the best ever. He’s an advocate for social and economic justice and does it while being the funniest ever. Of course ,Michel’s first comment (about Jill Stein) was super snarky. Trying to convince him to go to MSNBC with the other Clinton shills. (And of course Clinton has Parkinson’s. She has very possible symptom.)
New Rule – If Cenk is not present, Jimmy needs to be!
john how are they suppose to google your name when they can’t spell it
We need more Jimmy Dore!
I have been a huge fan of Jimmy Dore for years. I have loved him since his first album and the marijuana logs. I will never come out against him. However, a year ago, I would have jumped at the chance to see him have a new show like Aggressive Progressive. But I have yet to listen to a single one of those, because over the last four months or so, Jimmy has started to become truly unhinged. He’s not there yet, not by a long shot, but he’s starting to feel to me like he’s begun the path that a year from now becomes an Alex Jones or Glenn Beck of the left.
I mean, seriously, I fucking hate Hillary Clinton too. I love Bernie, but c’mon man. We have to live in the real world. She’s not the devil. She’s not a fascist. She’s a horrible, corrupt, neoliberal. She’s not that much different than Obama, who Jimmy was somehow able to criticize without losing his fucking mind. She’s going to do a lot of terrible shit that will put this country more in the hands of billionaires and corporations, and we have to fight her everywhere we can. But it’s fucking nuts to say that Trump would be better, or that Trump would start a revolution against him or that people would stand up and fight him. No they wouldn’t. This idea that Congress is going to stand up to Trump and block him has no basis in reality. They are bought and paid for puppets in congress. They’re not going to stand up to Trump. And the fucking democrats? The same democrats Jimmy has been railing against his entire life for having no spine? They’re not going to stand up against anything either. They’ll be too afraid of looking like they’re doing nothing. Some right-wing pundit will say they’re standing in the way of getting things done, and they’ll fucking cave in like fucking always.
The president picks a lot of people, not just supreme court justices, but judges all the way down the hierarchy of the court system. The president picks the cabinet, and fills the executive branch. We have already approved TPA, so that means that even if we manage to not pass TPP by some miracle, the president has 6 years to negotiate any new trade deals and get an up or down/no amendment vote, and all they have to do is vote to re-up the TPA again, and he gets another 6 years. We are barely holding on to Net Neutrality that keeps TYT alive (among a million other necessary issues) and Comcast tries new shit all the time to defeat that. You want President Trump and his FCC deciding that for us? Dealing with the mass incarceration, black lives matter, criminal justice reform. You want Trump’s attorney general working on that? You want Trump in office as we try and unschedule marijuana? You want Trump’s Labor secretary? Head of FEMA? Sending negotiators to climate summits? Nuclear negotiations with Iran? I know you’re pissed, but be serious, man.
Our election system is rigged. It is set up to block a lot of people from voting, but it was not rigged for or by Hillary Clinton. It was rigged over decades for anyone like a Hillary Clinton, for the elite, for the establishment. Anyone paying attention knew this before the primary even began. It was not new information. Bernie most of all. Bernie never expected to win the election when he began. In about January, I think, he came to realize he could win, and adjusted accordingly. If he had thought he could win from the beginning, he would have had outreach to local activists and movements and coalitions all across the country a year before he announced. Because Bernie isn’t new to this. Because he’s been in politics his entire life, he knows how rigged it is. He didn’t come out of nowhere, as Jimmy has said a thousand times. He’s been around. He worked from the small local level to become the independent senator from Vermont for decades. They built that independent party from the ground up in Vermont over decades. That’s how you do that. He didn’t sell anybody out by supporting Clinton, and neither did Elizabeth Warren. They are being a mother fucking adult who knows how you actually get things done. Screaming like a maniac doesn’t do anything except make you feel better. It’s not how real change happens.
Real change is hard, and it takes actual work, boring work that fails 20 times before it succeeds. The bad guys win all the fucking time. They have rigged things so that they do. You care about politics for an election year. They have armies of lobbyists and lawyers who get paid millions of dollars to care about it every minute of every day. They don’t get dispirited or scream when they lose, they show up again the next day and find a new angle. They have the luxury of getting rewarded for this work and we have to do it for free. It’s totally unfair. It sucks. It’s hard. But I’m sorry. That’s the fucking world we live in. It doesn’t get better just because we say it’s unfair. So, please, Jimmy, pull back from the edge. Take a break from all your political shows. Go on a vacation. Get some distance, smoke some good weed. Make those omelettes I know you love. Sit on a beach and think about E=MC squared until your head explodes. Come back relaxed and refreshed and with a clear head. We need you out there.
This is spot on. Great post.
Tossing in my two-cents, I would say that I think Jimmy has become very bothered by this election, and I can understand why. I don’t know that he’s becoming bothered to the point of being like Jones or the other slime balls, but he’s definitely been bothered to the point where he can’t be rational sometimes. Again, I fully understand why –I can’t stand Hillary Clinton. The primary has forever sealed an intense rage towards her, and the explanation –not necessarily the justification, but at least the explanation– of why I think that is for him is because Hillary brutally savaged liberals during the 2016 primary. When she and Obama were up against each other, neither of them really had to punch “lefties” (as Jimmy likes to call them) down so hard. But Hillary Clinton took 14 months to express to us, carefully through her mouth pieces, just how much she can’t stand the left, just how much she can’t stand women who don’t fall in line, just how much she can’t stand policies that aren’t neoliberalism, and she’s done it in many, many different ways. That has inspired very little but intense bitterness, frustration, angry, and sadness in the Progressive Left. So even though I think he’s gone overboard with the Hillary hatred, I can’t pretend like I don’t understand it, either. The only people who don’t understand why Hillary is a polarizing figure are the people who haven’t even been a supporter of a candidate that wasn’t her –because she’s not just coming for the candidate, she’s coming for their supporters with brass knuckles and a blow torch. Obama never came after us, so it’s hard for him to elicit the same kind of visceral reaction, even if I do feel betrayed by Obama’s hope campaign.
As for you commentary about having to fight again and again, it’s true. In the end I think it’s also true that (agree or disagree, I’m not sure where I stand yet) we’re sort of just losing. So I’m not as bothered by people rejecting Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate. Like you, I’m pretty sure it’s not a wise decision, but the flip side is that I also recognize that someone at least needs to publicly state the concerns that we may just be on a path to total implosion and it may be that it feels like we’re constantly losing because we are just constantly losing.
So overall, I’m bothered by how Jimmy is starting to see a little unhinged (or rather, he sometimes just can’t express his issues calmly or rationally), but I still like Jimmy. I still think he’s usually making great points, I just wish he could let go a little bit and be a little more impartial and rational in stating his case, which I think Steve Oh and Jordan Chariton have done rather well. So, again, I think that he makes great points, he just needs to calm down, go on vacation for a little bit, and hopefully take a step back to get his full objectivity back.
From someone who is far from unhinged myself, I couldn’t disagree with you more. Jimmy is the only one who is making TYT somewhat progressive.
We’ve tried it your way and look what’s happened. We have a ruling Democratic party that’s pro war, pro wall St, pro pharmaceuticals, pro private prisons, pro NSA, anti Glas Steigal and anti Snowdan/WikiWeaks.
It’s pathetic and uncomfortable to see Michael cringe at everything Jimmy says, while John sits idly in the middle.
Are you a boomer? If so, time to step aside and allow millennials to fix this mess were in. They have the most knowledge and the most to lose, so please don’t try to hinder them. The meaning of progressive is more than just pro marijuana.
If I could somehow save this comment I would. Very well said.
Well said. I’m a fan of Jimmy and I quite like the new show but he’s in his own bubble. As I’m writing this I’m watching his Youtube channel and he’s saying Hilary definitively has Parkinson’s.
More jimmy dore!
I understand totally what he says.
When trump decided to destroy Native American land and build coal mines, I will have the entire progressive side and all my family and friends and maybe even Hilary on my side to stop him.
He’ll probably be impeached.
The point is as a young person we cannot vote for fracking and Wall Street. Their interest are completely opposed to progressives.
If everyone that told me to grow up just had some respect for the fact that by 2050 9 feet of sea level rise will change the map forever. Quit defending the democrats.
Watch democracy now! They only halted part of the pipeline.
I like John but he is constantly defending the corrupt democrats these days in fear of trump!
Discuss green policies!
Vote green!
Yeah – I’ve begun to skip over any Jimmy segments. Which is sad because I used to love hearing his opinions and his sarcasm but daaaaamn he has gone a tad batty. It’s hard to express how much anxiety I have over this election, because I’m australian and I have no one here to talk to about it… so imma rant a bit on here now that i’m a member. WOO!
so basically I just wish everyone in USA could think about the fact that if they’re going to insist that USA is a global leader, a world power, influencer of nations (i think that’s not a real world, but you get it), then maybe not just it’s politicians but also it’s people could try and get some global perspectives as to who you elect to lead said global, leading country. The outcome of this election will affect many more lives than just those who live in USA and it is such a time wasting exercise to get all worked up about how much you hate Hillary. It is beginning to come off as childish. Run for local government instead if you’re so passionate about it.
In Australia we have a parliamentary system so it’s a bit different, but the factions remain pretty similar – we have 2 major parties, centre left, centre right with wingnuts on (mostly the right) both sides who sit on the outer edges + a (becoming major) Greens party + independents and some smaller minor parties. I understand how annoying the system is – we have one senator who got elected this year, with 70 votes (SEVENTY) because of how the voting rules have been changed, and this doofus of a human thinks NASA corrupts climate change data to dupe us all – he literally argued with Brian Cox on our national broadcaster a few weeks ago and refused to hear anything Cox said because he wanted ’empirical data’ (which was being provided to him, LIVE on tv, yet he’s so dumb he doesn’t know what empirical means). The woman who runs this idiots party also got re-elected 20 years after saying ‘Aus is being swamped by Asians’, now it’s ‘Aus is being swamped by muslims’. I’m not even paraphrasing – those are the words she used. She dropped out of high school at 15 and is a federal senator now. so I GET IT. Lots of politicians are the wooooooorst. Hillary just is not one of them. Perspective guys, it’s all about perspective. Everything USA does trickles down in some way to other countries – it’s not all about you guys anymore!
100% agree on all points. Had to stop watching his YT channel bc of his off the rails claims. It’s annoying because there are actual things to criticize HRC for and plenty of them but when he goes on his unhinged rants he discredits true criticism. As much as I VEHEMENTLY disagree with Michael Shure I feel like he is coming from a logical place and is open to outside thought in a way that Jimmy just is not.
This is a very interesting and insightful comment. I don’t fully agree that the difference between what would happen in a Trump presidency as opposed to a Clinton presidency would be as distinct as you suggest, however I think you raise some important points. My feeling is Trump would undoubtedly be worse, but I doubt he would be worse enough to make putting a closet conservative like Clinton in power to push a conservative/neo-lib agenda in the name of the progressive cause. As with Blair or Obama when the conservative/neo-lib policies fail the blame is bestowed on progressive ideas because of the false public narrative than the conservative/neo-lib leader is a progressive. To me this damages the progressive cause far more than anything an unashamed conservative leader could do.
As regards Jimmy I can see threads of logic in his position on Clinton and agree with him in certain aspects, but him pushing the idea she has Parkinson’s is troubling. In doing so Jimmy is hurting his own credibility and as you suggest flirting with the territory of political kooks. I hope he takes your advice and steps away for a rethink.
Jimmy is like the left’s version of Sean Hannity or Glenn Beck. We don’t need one of those on our side. I’d like to see less Jimmy in the future.
Yah. apparently (according to comment above) he now says Hillary has parkinsons, and is serious about it. Thaaaaat’s not great for TYT.
They just gave him his own segment on TYT, there’s no way he’s going anywhere which is unfortunate.
TYT should remove the looney Jimmy and bring in Michael & Ben to even out the panel. TYT’s best content is usually a debate between Cenk and Ben, arguing the progressive vs center left viewpoints on their merits. Jimmy going off on a rant adds nothing to the discussion.
> Jimmy going off on a rant adds nothing to the discussion.
Not everything has to be a debate with Ben and Michael’s establishment views. You can’t be a progressive network if you don’t do a sufficient amount of progressive monologues. Cenk does those monologues (especially when he’s hosting by himself, which is very often) and Jimmy does them too.
Jimmy and HRC sitting in a tree — boy if you want Jimmy to get a minor stroke mention Hillary and he’ll go off. Holy crap every minute, every second, we get it bro you’re a progressive. So is everyone else here, but helping Trump win is unacceptable.