Does this happen to You guys too , video plays for one second , pauses for 23 seconds , plays two seconds , pauses 47 seconds ????? Do You guys get this constant interference too ? Thanks .
Here’s our well known error message again. Do it like this at FOX and they have to bend over for Roger and his red and raw . No contract and no air time for you.
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
The specified key does not exist.
The eyes look like boobs…
Does this happen to You guys too , video plays for one second , pauses for 23 seconds , plays two seconds , pauses 47 seconds ????? Do You guys get this constant interference too ? Thanks .
i though it was funny.
SO provocative.
Really? That’s the provocative image ???? Oh man
some family comes back from vacation
and their car has been towed because of some msg on the back windshield
Same here
Still dead
Here’s our well known error message again. Do it like this at FOX and they have to bend over for Roger and his red and raw . No contract and no air time for you.
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
The specified key does not exist.
Too bad I can’t hear Cenk talk about or see the provocative image because once again the video doesn’t work!
So… file is unsupplied?