The second episode of All-Star Tuesday features weekly news stories from TYT Network hosts: TYT Sport’s Francis Maxwell, Friday Post Game’s Dave Koller, Nerd Alert’s Kim Horcher, Think Tank’s John Iadarola.
Electric car story: when he said ONLY $30,000, I did a spit take. That is so much more than I can afford I can’t even say. I never had a new car in my life, nor did my parents. If it isn’t used and depreciated we can’t afford it. Even a used car will put me in major debt. But, I “officially according to Fed” live in poverty. A lot of ppl say they are poor and don’t really know what poor is.
Unrelated: I love the Imperial red ear rings, I want me some.
And for Trent Dilfer to say anything is laughable. Dilfer was a journeyman backup quarterback and a huge draft bust. He was a top 10 draft pick and he only won a playoff game with the Ravens defense behind him. Kaepernick brought the 49ers to the Super Bowl. Of course it doesn’t matter, but for a backup like Dilfer to try and use that as an attack on Kaepernick’s validity is gross and stupid
Too bad that the UK guy and John continue the neo-MacCarthysim:
1) the most of shows on RT call Trump “racist” and “fascist” since the hosts are either progressives such, as Edward Schultz, or Democrats, like Larry King, who said he will not vote for Trump. So that UK politician guy getting a show on RT means is not editorial policy move to cement some pro-Trump propaganda. And the guy is not going to focus on Trump anyway, he will cover UK politics from pro-Brexit point of view, which is opinion of the majority of UK citizens, let alone it adds the variety of opinions to RT, what makes it different from Fox News that is pro-Republican, MSNBC that is pro-Democrat, and CNN that is pro-corporate.
2) for now there is no evidence that Trump has any connections to Russian banks. John relays speculations over suspicions or, if you will, suspicions over speculations as a fact that should scare the audience. This fearmongering, xenophobia and bigotry that those hosts use manipulate public into supporting Hillary, and it is disgusting and hypocritical, considering the fact that they accuse Trump/his supporters of the same thing they are doing, but the difference that it is a religion, not nationality.
But I am not suggesting that the hosts do it out of malice, though. They are in the Orwellian bubble, created by the establishment media that de-facto work for StateDep, neocon/neolib think tanks and the military industrial complex: “U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great For Business”, “When the Cold War ended, “all defense budgets went south,” says one contractor hoping to turn that around”, “The Pentagon already has more than enough money to address any actual threat to the United States.”
Love the Tesla! My mom has ordered hers and should get it in 2018. it will cost about 45k after she gets all the upgrades she wants. The more charging stations that they make the more people will be willing to get the all electric car.
All of OPEN SOURCE is essentially idealism, Francis. Yeah, it needs some support from institutions, groups and individuals (I for one regularly donate to open source projects) but people often make it out of principle, and it’s free to use and free to adapt (the source code) for your own purposes.
Case in point: when it became clear that Adblock Plus – which is open source – was selling out to (some) advertisers, someone took the source code of Adblock Plus and created Adblock Edge, later to be renamed uBlock Origin, which continues to do what Adblock Plus used to do: block all the ads, period.
Thankfully, uBlock Origin isn’t even necessary on this website right here, which doesn’t have any ads apart from that tiny Amazon Shop thing on the front page.
I feel like the branding for this show is too similar to Aggressive Progressives. I don’t dislike it, I just think maybe it should be a little more distinct.
It’s subjective to a degree, I’m sure, but to me it doesn’t seem that way. This show is not branded ideologically in any shape or form, the other show is basically nothing but ideology-based branding. They do have in common that they are nominally focused on “stories that aren’t covered by the Main Show”, true, but in a different way. Also the bigger and rotating cast of AST must give it a very different outlook, even to the most casual of observer.
Oh, I thought you meant the manner in which the shows were being promoted and presented to the audience and the world at large.
I see what you mean, both logos have lots of dark blues and dark reds going on. At least the AST logo is more stylized than the other and it also has that yellow lettering.
I REALLY like this new show! While I like the inter-sectional and topic-jumping style of the main show, there is something super effective about making each story more concise. Could be wrong, but I feel that, due to the time constraints, the hosts feel motivated to launch from crucial point to crucial point as opposed to going on tangents.
SERIOUSLY EXCELLENT FORMAT. Maybe segments of the main show like this?
Seems to be working now.
(but yep, TYT’s platform is a mess – it needs to be completely rebuilt from scratch, it could all be done in AWS Lambda to be honest, since none of these are dynamic pages)
Electric car story: when he said ONLY $30,000, I did a spit take. That is so much more than I can afford I can’t even say. I never had a new car in my life, nor did my parents. If it isn’t used and depreciated we can’t afford it. Even a used car will put me in major debt. But, I “officially according to Fed” live in poverty. A lot of ppl say they are poor and don’t really know what poor is.
Unrelated: I love the Imperial red ear rings, I want me some.
And for Trent Dilfer to say anything is laughable. Dilfer was a journeyman backup quarterback and a huge draft bust. He was a top 10 draft pick and he only won a playoff game with the Ravens defense behind him. Kaepernick brought the 49ers to the Super Bowl. Of course it doesn’t matter, but for a backup like Dilfer to try and use that as an attack on Kaepernick’s validity is gross and stupid
TYT is winning with this show!
Waiting for this to be in podcast form like Aggressive progressive. Time will only tell…..
I also vote for a climate change story every week.
The audio download still is giving me an error. Please fix so I can get more TYT!
Me, too damn it!
way better than last week. love this group. would love to see them together again in the future.
Dave is right, there needs to be a climate change story every week! Make it happen.
The specified key does not exist.
I’m also unable to download the audio. Dave please help!
Too bad that the UK guy and John continue the neo-MacCarthysim:
1) the most of shows on RT call Trump “racist” and “fascist” since the hosts are either progressives such, as Edward Schultz, or Democrats, like Larry King, who said he will not vote for Trump. So that UK politician guy getting a show on RT means is not editorial policy move to cement some pro-Trump propaganda. And the guy is not going to focus on Trump anyway, he will cover UK politics from pro-Brexit point of view, which is opinion of the majority of UK citizens, let alone it adds the variety of opinions to RT, what makes it different from Fox News that is pro-Republican, MSNBC that is pro-Democrat, and CNN that is pro-corporate.
2) for now there is no evidence that Trump has any connections to Russian banks. John relays speculations over suspicions or, if you will, suspicions over speculations as a fact that should scare the audience. This fearmongering, xenophobia and bigotry that those hosts use manipulate public into supporting Hillary, and it is disgusting and hypocritical, considering the fact that they accuse Trump/his supporters of the same thing they are doing, but the difference that it is a religion, not nationality.
But I am not suggesting that the hosts do it out of malice, though. They are in the Orwellian bubble, created by the establishment media that de-facto work for StateDep, neocon/neolib think tanks and the military industrial complex: “U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great For Business”, “When the Cold War ended, “all defense budgets went south,” says one contractor hoping to turn that around”, “The Pentagon already has more than enough money to address any actual threat to the United States.”
Check out the BMW i3, electric vehicle that is also made from all recycled materials starting around 45k
why does it take so long to make the shows available??????????? youtube get it all before members. but I am still stupid enough to pay for it
Audio download is still not working. :(
Love the Tesla! My mom has ordered hers and should get it in 2018. it will cost about 45k after she gets all the upgrades she wants. The more charging stations that they make the more people will be willing to get the all electric car.
All of OPEN SOURCE is essentially idealism, Francis. Yeah, it needs some support from institutions, groups and individuals (I for one regularly donate to open source projects) but people often make it out of principle, and it’s free to use and free to adapt (the source code) for your own purposes.
Case in point: when it became clear that Adblock Plus – which is open source – was selling out to (some) advertisers, someone took the source code of Adblock Plus and created Adblock Edge, later to be renamed uBlock Origin, which continues to do what Adblock Plus used to do: block all the ads, period.
Thankfully, uBlock Origin isn’t even necessary on this website right here, which doesn’t have any ads apart from that tiny Amazon Shop thing on the front page.
I feel like the branding for this show is too similar to Aggressive Progressives. I don’t dislike it, I just think maybe it should be a little more distinct.
It’s subjective to a degree, I’m sure, but to me it doesn’t seem that way. This show is not branded ideologically in any shape or form, the other show is basically nothing but ideology-based branding. They do have in common that they are nominally focused on “stories that aren’t covered by the Main Show”, true, but in a different way. Also the bigger and rotating cast of AST must give it a very different outlook, even to the most casual of observer.
Sorry, I meant branding as in the visual aspect like the graphics and color scheme. I think they are different in their content, both good.
Oh, I thought you meant the manner in which the shows were being promoted and presented to the audience and the world at large.
I see what you mean, both logos have lots of dark blues and dark reds going on. At least the AST logo is more stylized than the other and it also has that yellow lettering.
I REALLY like this new show! While I like the inter-sectional and topic-jumping style of the main show, there is something super effective about making each story more concise. Could be wrong, but I feel that, due to the time constraints, the hosts feel motivated to launch from crucial point to crucial point as opposed to going on tangents.
SERIOUSLY EXCELLENT FORMAT. Maybe segments of the main show like this?
Here’s your favorite error message again:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
The specified key does not exist.
Still no audio download guys. Hoping it’s fixed soon. Love the show!
Audio not working.
Great show! You all have good chemistry.
Audio download isn’t working for me
thanks for the heads up
Download isn’t working folks. Can’t wait to listen.
Seems to be working now.
(but yep, TYT’s platform is a mess – it needs to be completely rebuilt from scratch, it could all be done in AWS Lambda to be honest, since none of these are dynamic pages)