Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman arrested. Study on child hunger shows correlation between teenagers and criminal activity. Protesters kicked out of Dancing with the Stars taping. Maryland woman was arrested for stealing 3 french fries from police officer. NCAA pull championship games from NC over anti LGBT bathroom law. Correlation between sperm count and cellphone in pocket. Law professor discovered that schools with large minority population have higher levels of surveillance.

Am still waiting to find out about “What if Hillary were to drop out of the race would Bernie Sanders replace her ?
That cop’s name? Joey Tribbiani
I mean at the end of the day they’re still his fucking fries.
I get that he didn’t have to go all power hungry and charge her for that but still.
Right. If some drunk bitch was stealing muh fries and a cop was there I would expect him to intervene. Unless she was hot.
They are so wrong on the fries story. Its not even close. They are so fucking wrong!
Think about it this way. Big guy trying to flirt with a woman cop. Way bigger then her being forceful. You told them to stop. Its about the fucking principle of it not that they were fries. She was told multiple times that he did not want her to take anything but she did it any ways. He warned her. I dont know why but i have never been more triggered by a story you covered before. Please dont put me in the position where i have to defend cops. FUCK I AM SO TRIGGERED RIGHT NOW!
You really need a science correspondent. I’m sure Cara Santa Maria could hook you up, especially since she is now part of the Skeptics Guide to the Universe (led by Dr. Stephen Novella, who was quoted on TYT about the weird Glen Beck psuedoscience treatment).
You need someone who can evaluate that cell phone meta study and see if it is any good, like SGU did with the dental floss study. Cell phone radiation is non-ionizing and it is more likely that if there is a cauasal connection, it is heat and not radiation. Cell phones can get hot which is known to adversely impact sperm.
Also, the WHO classifies everything as a cancer risk. Their classifications are based not on how risky something is, but how sure we are that the risk exist at all. On that scale, cell phones are very low because they almost certainly don’t cause cancer. It is a very misleading scale.
So a show about shows?
Wait.. did Anna Catcall a cop?
I don’t know if its just me because of my age or whatever (as old as Mankiewicz) but Dave is a hero to all of us progressives who still feel the need to yell “get the hell of my lawn!”
You NEED Kyle KulinskiKyle for All Star Tuesdays.
Kyle Kulinski* You guy need to put in an edit post feature .
High resolution and low resolution videos are reversed at this time, evening of 9/13
Yeah, this isn’t the first time they’ve mixed this up.
Jimmy is the best!
is it just me or is the video quality for this terrible.
Try downloading the low-res video instead
CBS reported on the Dakota Pipeline, though it wasn’t very good.
I watch Democracy Now as well. I find it hard to believe they really have the poser to arrest Amy Goodman… now we’re arresting journalists? Ever since the republican convention I’ve noticed something strange happening with protesters. It’s seems like our government is cramping down on protests & protesters. We needed to get permits to protest the conventions… seriously? Protest(ers) are under surveillance by helicopter or drones with equipment that does face recognition. I’ve seen interviews with protesters who were harassed by local, state, or federal police. If we don’t change the power the kind of power corporations have, we could wind up losing our freedom to protest. A very bad feeling I have, no proof just gut feeling. Just look at how police officers are getting away with murder. Seriously, if the government has anything to fear… it’s us! And we all know what politicians do to things that they fear, & it really has me concerned. Who knows, maybe this 62yr old alien, white, pot smoking progressive TYT member is just a little paranoid…
If something like this would happen in Russia, the media would say that it is “brutal Putin regime”.
It does not happen there (let alone thousands of unarmed people are not getting killed by police in Russia), and yet the MSM as well as Cenk, Benjamin and John are in the neo-MacCarthyist fearmongering about Russia, spreading unfounded defamatory claims ANYWAY. Good service for the military industrial complex, unwittingly though.
We NEED more Agressive Progressive, and WAYYY more Ben, Jimmy, and Wes.
Amy Goodman wasn’t arrested. A warrant has been issued, but she hasn’t been arrested.
yes. we know. that’s what ana said in the show
Aggressive Progressive is the best ever. We need Jimmy everyday.