Cenk shares a story Julie, TYT worker, told him about cops arresting students at her school over disrespecting police officers. Cenk mentions how prejudice he used to be when he was a Republican. He also speaks on the reason he started The Young Turks. Ana clarifies her opinions on the presidential election for the Bernie Or Bust people and on whether or not she’s a sellout to Fusion. Ana and Cenk talk about the Latino awards xeremony, Imagen Awards, they attended over the weekend.

Identity politics, is that what you call that?
She is progressive how, what I’ve heard so far about her does not make her an appealing candidate.
Right, TYT covers her and her policies, but if Jimmy was so into her let him list why it is so besides “she’s a progressive”
He is so uninterested in her that he would not even make a comedy clip about her. Yet, that’s his candidate.
Then what is the reason besides I am not voting for Hillary ever. Right, then don’t vote at all.
I have not researched this but it would be interesting to know how the electorate that chooses not to vote affects the elections in the US
Cenk and Ana, I love you guys!! I have your back always and you will NEVER lose me as a member!
Cenk and Ana, you guys are amazing – keep up the good work!
I do not understand, seriously, how can you assess Jimmy as being the only one with realistic pov. It baffles me, honesty. What is realistic about it, please state it for me. Because the only thing Jimmy does is say he cannot vote for Hillary and therefore will vote Jill Stein.
Is that the only reason you guys are going to vote that way, because Jill is not Hill? That is ridiculous and yet I have not heard a single reason from Jimmy why he’s voting that way besides I’m voting 3rd party. Yeah? Tell me , Jimmy, how do you differ from the people you go after, the people you accuse of supporting Hillary because they do not like / are afraid of Trump. Well, it seems to me you are doing the same, you are supporting a candidate whose policies you rarely talk about because you and your followers do not like / are afraid of Hillary Clinton presidency. It’s a shallow narrow minded position – could be detrimental as well, and the more you emphasise it the more I think about it and find it weak and without substance. So called protest vote. Hey, protest when you protest, vote when you vote.
That is the difference between Cenk and any other host on TYT. Cenk does not calm himself by relying on his followers only. He constantly questions himself and is always aware of his opposition. That makes him find reason and motivation to prove his points even more. While Jimmy relies on widespread discontent and is happy to appeal to his followers only, insulting, accusing and repeating the same over and over. Being in the negative. I am getting tired of him, seriously. I used to like him more. These elections have revealed him being close minded and a personality lacking depth and width. Sorry you guys who adore him but that’s how it looks from distant not biased point
Jimmy is voting for Stein because he’s a progressive and she’s the most progressive out of the 4. He’s made that pretty clear on both TYT and on his Jimmy Dore Show.
I totally agree. Cenk and Ana are honest and reasonable. I can throw Ben in as well. Jimmy and his supporters are way over the top when they comment the fight / the movement cannot be paused because of presidential elections. No, it is not paused. Lining up against Trump is not pausing the movement.
And by the way, why are you so obsessed with voting for a candidate who has proven to be inefficient, has been dismissed for years, has dismal support and funding, does not have any personality appeal whatsoever, is latching onto the base of Bernie supporters and even so still has dismal ratings. You do that on principle only, so that you do not vote establishment? I find that your support for Jill Stein goes against your principles. Look, you emphasise you are interested in policy rather than politicians, and at the same time assert you’re voting for Jill Stein only because she’s 3rd party and non-establishment. What policies of hers do you support? By reading comments and hearing opinions I am left with the impression JStein is in the picture for the sole reason she’s not Hillary, which contradicts the position that you are for policies rather than personalities. Please correct me if I’m wrong
Ana, you badly need a break from everything. Work, social media, family etc. After you get married, take a break for a couple of months and just spend time with you husband and take time for yourself and your mental health. If you are not careful, you are going to have a break down that you won’t be able to recover from. Cenk please help Ana make this possible! When she is back, she will be missed and people might treat her better. And hopefully, the negative, she can deal with better. All these years on the internet is starting to take it’s toll on her.
its not about bernie or bust this is bigger than bernie. bernie is out we understand however we dont solve the problem by choosing hillary. ppl knew that bernie beats donald in the general election by much more than hillary now that hillary has the nomination now bernie supporters are told a vote for jill is a vote for trump.
1.) I agree with the people who say Ana should consider a social media holiday –she’s clearly becoming increasing bothered by it. And no one needs that negative shit in their lives, so maybe consider extricating yourself from that for a little while.
2.) This is something Chomsky’s discussed repeatedly, and even though he/I/other libertarian socialsts and others are farther on the Left than you guys, there’s a LOT of pressure to just conform. Making consistent, principled decisions and standing by them –it sucks. There’s always fanatics on both sides who are trying to implode the system for their own self-gain or out of their own ignorance (i.e. the establishment, Right or Left) and then you have a certain faction of the far Left that just wants to light the whole system down, which firstly won’t work and secondly if it did, it’d create a bigger mess.
So the only thing you can do is just say what you believe, and march forwards. People have been browbeating Noam Chomsky for decades –he’s been verbally bullied, he’s been criminally defamed (but he won’t sue people out of principle), he’s been blacklisted from corporate news, and when the mainstream media and the establishment like something he says or wants to twist it, they’ll pull his name off of the shelf, misquote him, and then use the integrity that he’s built up to go against what he’s said and go for their interests.
There’s nothing you can do except the one thing that pisses them off the most –to just keep on doing it. Keep on telling your truth, keep on refusing to buckle to peer pressure, keep on willing to be radically rational and evidence-based to the best of your human abilities, etc.
This is nothing new. African-Americans and Native Americans/Indians have had to do it for 200 years, gays have done this for 50, feminists have been doing it for 100, unionists and socialists for 110, and we all march forward. We may end up losing, but at least we’re trying.
“Incrementally not worse.” LOL! Yeah, man, that’s fucking covers it to a tee.
Cenk and Ana are unquestionably right about the Trump vs Hilary debate.
Hilary is an extremely flawed candidate, everybody knows this but to claim a racist xenophobe with fascist tendencies is better then her is insane. And to boot he knows nothing about governing, he knows nothing about foreign policy, he knows nothing about running a real business or even basic economics. All he knows how to do is pander to a crowd. The damage he has already inflicted by whipping up hate against vulnerable minority groups should send a chill down the spin of any rational human being.
The idea that some would question Cenk and Ana’s motives when they are simply stating the obvious is laughable.
1) the low average life expectancy figure from the past takes into accout very high death rate among children. Otherwise people lived not that dramatically shorter lives than they live now;
2) it is easy to make a case that Trump is better than Clinton, if you against the globalist agenda that strips countries of their sovereignty in favour of the international crony capitalist oligarchy, so you are against TPIP, and other similar deals. Also, if you care about the world piece since Hillary has Saudi-backed policy proposal to install a no-fly-zone in Syria, which can lead the world to the WWIII. Coincidentally, the kindom of Saudi Arabia is Clinton Foundation’s top sponsor, as well as the main threat to humanity with their push to spread the Wahhabi/Salafist terror around the world, including Syria and Yemen;
3) Ana is wrong about Jill Stein. On her site she details her proposals, they are well-founded, including the idea to cancel the debt. Ana should research the issue before having an opinion; and the same is with Cenk, who just denies things without knowing what exactly he is against;
4) yes, Cenk’s coverage on Clinton’s health issue where he just relayed Hillary/her campaign lies about how she “stumbled”, even though she fainted, was bad. It was not intentional on Cenk’s part, his bias overpowered his capability of be objective in that.
Jimmy Dore is the only person that regularly sits on the panel that has a realistic view of the situation right now. Voting for the lesser of two evils is still a step in the wrong direction. To advocate evil in any instance is simply an evil act. The fact of the matter is, many Americans already experience the heinous Donald Trump scenarios that are continually threatened if he gets elected and sure to be prolonged if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency. Deportation, war, fear mongering, manipulation of elections, ties to big money-interests, pro-trade agreements, anti-climate change policies (fracking), compulsive lying, against single payer healthcare, etc., both sides are guilty of. In fact, the only thing that Democrats are better at are social issues, but not even to the extent of making effective policy change in even that area nationwide. So for most people, they’re screwed either way. So at the end of the day, they’re all the same. Clinton, Trump, Obama, Bush, Democrat, Republican,
“…they’re all just spokes on a wheel. This one’s on top and that one’s on top and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground. We’re not going to stop the wheel. [We’re] going to break the wheel.” -Daenerys Targaryen.
People are correct when they say that this system doesn’t allow for third party candidates to be a viable option and we’re not being realistic. But WE made the system so WE can change it. TYT is aware of the power of the correct message and they get it right most of the time. This planet cannot survive another 4-8 years of this BS. It’s time for real change NOW! It’s time to break the wheel.
Hey Cenk and Anna. When you stop caring about what other people think, it will set you free. I don’t care what the masses think because they have been proven over and over to be gullible and unintelligent. I know it’s much easier for me to say, because what the masses thinks greatly affects you guys. You’ll keep the intellectual members, and lose the crazy ones. That’s ok. You don’t want crazies on your side, and they can never be satisfied with reason. In a world of intelligent people TYT would rule, unfortunately this world has a sea of fools.
I already knew all those things you guys just pointed out were lies about TYT. It’s a high probability that lot of the attacks in the YouTube and member comment section are political plants on the right that are there to instigate dissent within the TYT subscriber or member base. Some of the dumb leftist sheep are easily primed or “puppet-ed” by their words. I don’t know maybe it’s time to have a Progressive website that gives progressive customers information to buy products from Progressive companies only. In turn TYT would earn advertising money from the Progressive companies? Money is power and if the Progressive companies have money then the progressive movement will have more strength.
Cenk you’re like me, you got pulled into a lot of fights because you never back down and always stood up for yourself. That’s what heroes do. If everyone was like that there would be less problems in the world. Throughout my life I’ve seen most people just take it, and bow which enables evil to flourish. Hence this makes passive people, as much of a problem, as stupid people. I know this sounds harsh, but the truth is not always pleasant.
Again Bernie is a hero. But I’m starting to see the BernieOrBust group as the radical left. They have no real solutions. They are just a bunch irrational children flipping over the chess board when they can’t get what they want.
Even if they aren’t paid trolls, many are probably just a bunch of nerds from /pol/ who get together and troll together. A lot of us support TYT because they stick to the truth better than most out there. That’s my opinion.
as a member of the super left (libertarian socialist), i am ruling against all charges levied against you and agree with your voting tactic.
You guys started arguing about how people cant escape their own experience and then you guys proceeded to confine yourselves to this silly straw man argument purely based on your american experience; I wanna see you arguing so passionately about how Trump is worse than hillary when you’ve been displaced from your home and forced to be a refugee as a result of Clinton’s policies, Hillary Clinton has more blood on her hands, and Trum has words
TYT talks about it all the time. The problem is you’re not watching any of their videos.
Cenk and Anna you guys are doing a great job. I understand you need to respond to some of the accusations lobbed at you by the unwashed masses, but don’t dignify every comment with a response :) Focus on moving forward, presenting the news and effecting change! We’re with you.
1820AD avg life expectancy was 35? Science,… Gooo! Elbow from the top rope on high mortality rate. whaaaasigdelaaaah! Jenk Hyuuuuger decrees modern science,…TOO STRONG!
Maybe I’ve missed too many episodes recently to know the answer to this question (mainly due to their dismissing of election fraud in the primary on the main show – thank god Jordan’s been more thorough – as well as their focus on Trump rather than positive discussion of progressive policies, which makes me too nauseous to watch) but when I hear Ana say she doesn’t like any candidate and yet we are spoon-fed the belief that HRC is better than Trump, why – if you’re a progressive as claimed – isn’t Stein way better (policy wise if not ‘experience’) than Hillary? What’s Ana’s beef with her? Has she outlined why she presumably prefers and/or believes HRC’ ‘s policy positions are better? Because for the life of me I don’t see that. I love you Ana (even if you’re not feeling it right now!) but it’s super obvious Stein better represents Bernie’s agenda than Hillary. As for “she’s not ready to lead” who the f*%k was before becoming President? Feed them the Royal jelly of power and they’ll look Presidential enough! It’s character! It’s values! And if some of the policy positions seem outlandish to you (do they? Please explain which so we can critique) then either they’d be tempered in office or fail to pass. But please never disrespect you’re viewers by saying “she can never win anyway” as though that’s a real reason not to vote for her. Vote FOR. That’s why you’re flailing and failing with so many of your viewers and members right now – you’re not emphasising the positive ideals we stand FOR sufficiently and wallowing in the ‘pragmatic’. No wonder you’re depressed! Being likely to lose a battle where the odds are against you isn’t necessarily a reason to abandon the battlefield – this isn’t SunTsu! We just want to know our ideals are being championed by good folks in media who are up for the fight long term. It’s why we donated for that studio you’re sat in and why we still care enough to stick around and complain, even if you find it uncomfortable right now. Choppy waters indeed, for us all. Peace.
You’re absolutely right, but what’s especially precious in Ana’s critique of Stein is that she voted for her back in 2012. I guess she must’ve expected Jill to win that one in a landslide, and when she didn’t, Ana figured “Well shit, I threw my vote away, I should’ve totally voted for Obama”.
“You guys, Trump will be super bad to immigrants if he wins! We need to push hard for the Status Quo Candidate, then bitch about systemic reform later!”
Supporting a third party on general principle in 2012., then sneering at those who choose to do the same in 2016. = fucking disgraceful.
People grow up, like you will in 4 years.
I am from the generation that decided to vote Nader instead of Gore, look where we are now.
Elections have consequences and even in an election where Nader painted both candidates with the same brush we now know how painfully wrong this was. Hillary for all her bad qualities will not do worse than what Obama has done so far, Trump however is a fascist pure and simple.
Denying that is pure stupidity.
In 4 years I’ll be 41, o wise old person intent on educating the unwashed youth.
Looking at each election cycle as an isolated segment of history that has little to do with the time that follows or precedes it is pointless reductionism. A entrenched political system can’t be reworked in four or eight years. All you can do is work toward that goal slowly and patiently by informing the party of your choice of the fact that your your votes can no longer be taken for granted.
Voting against is, in the long run, inevitably a bad idea. Political decisions made out of fear only expose you to fear-based manipulation in the future. By voting in people and parties whose policies you don’t actually support, you contribute to the climate in which ill-informed masses get to pick from two awful options every few years.
But hey, you’re putting a stop to the rise of fascism and xenophobia and warmongering. When Trump loses, the zeitgeist will be magically cleansed of all those threats. Bully for you.
Jordan is apart of TYT, and they did cover it. Duh, are you seriously stupid or did you have a lot of practice with that? So vote for Stein right? Hahah she doesn’t even have a chance to being president! What’s her current percentage 1-3% and there’s 2 months till the election? You’re either stupid are a political plant here to send democratic votes to someone who has no chance as winning. I’d rather you be a plant because I can’t imagine someone being that stupid.
You have no solutions. You’re just #SpeakingWhileStupid. I won’t waste anymore time on an idiot.
You guys Are fucken Awesome! You won’t be loosing me as a member;) And I’m so glad you guys started more shows!!!
The whole ” If I criticize Trump i’m not Bernie or bust ” is such a fucking strawman.
You have to dig real deep into TYT haters to find people saying that.
What we’re saying is that you are no longer being truthful. We can’t even question Hillary’s health without you calling us conspiracy nutjobs right winger.
I think not realizing this is your biggest failure yet.
Oh, I think Cenk gets it. You can see him struggling with the course he’s taken more and more every day. (Ana, on the other hand, doesn’t have a clue as to what’s going on.)
Cenk’s made a miscalculation, that’s all. He figured they were big enough now to ride out this wave of discontent until the election is done, then switch back into gear criticizing the HRC administration. (Just look at that stupid counter on the main page – they were hoping to get 50,000 paying members, FFS.) But that’s a big assumption to make. Trust, once lost, isn’t easily built back up. Any criticism he levies against the new regime will sound hollow to those who remember the disingenuous scaremongering that’s going on now.
There are quizzes online that ask you questions on your position on most (dozens and dozens) of the relevant policy positions. It then compares you with the candidates’ recorded policy positions. At the end it gives you the percentage you agree with each candidate. You can also specifically looks at your answers versus their’s in the end. I don’t really like Hillary and I’m a progressive on the vast majority of the issues and this is what I found when I took the quiz:
1. I agreed with Hillary Clinton on 98% of the policy positions.
2. I agreed with Jill Stein on 97% of the policy positions.
3. I agreed with Donald Trump on 7% of the policy positions.
This shows that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are very different when it comes to most of their policy positions. It also shows that Clinton and Stein’s policy positions overlap A LOT.
This isn’t 100% representative, because most issues are nuanced and can’t be fully estimated by quizzes, no matter how many questions are asked. It also doesn’t account for how hard each candidate is going to work toward each issue, but I still think it’s extremely significant. Even if it is off, it still is representative of the fact that Trump and Clinton are NOT the same type of candidate and that Clinton is much closer to progressive ideas than Trump. I don’t like her or really trust her, but it’s just a fact.
Remember that the media (even the Young Turks) and the people of the U.S. focus on a small percentage of the relevant policies. They are also usually the ones that create some kind of conflict.
We’ll do our best to get them next time, but Hillary Clinton is the best we have right now.
One of the wrinkles being that HRC won’t actually get any of her policy positions done, because she doesn’t really believe in them enough to fight for them. It’s the reverse of Jill Stein, sadly.
I agree with you that a good number of them she won’t fight for, but to say all of them is just inaccurate based on history. Remember, again, we focus on the issues that candidates have conflicting histories and statements on, on both sides. The media and the candidates usually discuss very few issues compared to the vast number of policies that are important to the country and the job of President of the U.S. I think she’s a terrible candidate, too much of a corporatist, doesn’t crack down nearly hard enough on climate change, etc. All I’m saying is that we have to remember the big picture! (Ugh…I really hate defending Hillary haha) It’s also, unfortunately, too late in this specific election and this specific point in history for any 3rd party candidate to actually become president, whether it’s Jill Stein or someone else.
Much respect though, fellow member!
Thanks Jaclyn, for being one of the few reasonable people in this world.
He’s made that error explicitly in other videos. What he said here is equally approximately true either way, but in other comments he has frequently pointed out that certain people would be old or dead in past times. That isn’t true.
There’s a big difference between saying Hillary is better than Trump and going out of y’alls way to repeatedly shit on Jill Stein supporters. They (we) all know she won’t win. Some of us live in dark blue (or red) states where a protest vote makes sense. It’s also called trying to get federal funding for a third party. Stop blaming Jill Stein supporters for Trump.
Election 2016 – “The Election of Fear”
Dem Supporter: “Vote for Hillary because Donald is the worst person and will destroy the world.”
Extreme Republican Supporter: “Vote for Donald because ISIS is coming and all immigrants are taking your jobs”
Libertarian: “Donald is an extreme nut job and Hillary is the establishment, don’t waste your vote”
Green: “This world will end soon if we don’t dramatically change our policy positions”
The rest of the world: WTF U.S. ?
What to do: Get involved in your local government and demand Progressive change today!
Alternative: See if you’re pre-qualified for Canadian citizenship – http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/become-eligibility.asp
Thank you Jake! A man with a real solution and not just complaints.
You spend a lot of time talking about the trolls you disdain.
Rule #2 of the internet; “Don’t feed the trolls”
Please stop confusing like expectancy with life span. Life expectancy used to be dragged down by high infant mortality. Life span, which is the life exlectancy of those who have already reached adulthood, hasn’t increased much over the course of human history, especially recent history.
He said we’ve doubled our life expectancy and that 2/3 of the people in the office would be dead with a life expectancy of 35 years. This is technically true, as they would have died as infants or children. Where did he imply the life span was longer?
You say “here we are again”, but you aren’t.. you’re punching down, not up.
I feel like TYT could do well to ignore fringe critiques, but to still try to listen to the criticism of some of your longer term members. Not everyone who’s dissatisfied with the show right now thinks you’ve sold out to Hillary. There are also rational folks in the middle who just feel like the quality of the show has suffered as TYT has gained popularity. The issue, in my opinion, isn’t that you’ve gotten less progressive, but that you’re offering less information with the stories. In the past, when Cenk was doing most of the research himself, I would always learn something new from your coverage. Now, I feel like the main show is mostly the hosts emoting in response to the story, instead of offering additional context.
In the case of the Hillary fainting story, I feel like Cenk could have made all of the points he did in a more calm, reasoned way and with additional information, and people wouldn’t have reacted so strongly it. That clip felt like shilling because instead of asking critical questions about what happened, Cenk just angrily defended Clinton. A better example of how to report on it is the segment Chris Hayes did. He made all the same points as Cenk, but he also critiqued the campaign’s decision to wait 7 hours to release the diagnosis, and asked the audience to think about where the line should be about disclosing health issues. That works a lot better to get people to be rational about an issue. When you just yell and emote, people will yell and emote back.
I miss the days when TYT spent more time on research than on fancy graphics and trying to get YouTube clicks. I really think people would be more amenable to TYT supporting Clinton if the stories had more depth and information.
– A member since 2008
Can we like vote on PG content? This insane focus on online trolls and weddings is killing me.
Yeah straight up giving the trolls exactly what they want by getting flustered and spending 15 minutes covering it… trolls. Mission accomplished.
Vote for members only, so I doubt that trolls would be an issue. If you want to troll, you pay $ for it and then you kindof deserve to troll. Or you can make it 100$+ users; I would upgrade immediately, just to get a say in stopping postgame-hijacking by this insane focus on TYTs relationship with trolls.
Ah, I see what you’re saying now. 100% agree.
I think if we stopped supporting horse races, and started supporting the ideas we want, maybe we would not really be in this mess to begin with.
I do not like HRC, never have, I can not trust her and every word that comes out of her mouth to me gets filtered though a lie. Not to mention that single payer is my absolute 1 political want (followed very, very closely by climate change). And while I will not support her, people who have legitimate concerns about our country and find that reason to support her, well, this is a country where you have ever right to think what you wish.
I am so thankful for the work you all do, and even if I may not agree, or maybe even more that I do not always agree on things like interpretation, I am glad that at least some facts, good or bad, are being presented. I think holding your beliefs, and opinions and defending them, only makes you stronger in them.
I will not vote for her, I align more with the Greens, and honestly can not bring myself to vote for someone who says that single payer will “never ever” happen, and won’t take fracking off the table, let alone other measures for climate change that I am sure, her corporate over lords, will let her do.
I do think she is marginally better than Trump, but only in the way that I won’t vote for him either, because I don’t agree with him more than others.
I will always hold great respect to people who stick to their opinions, wither I agree with them or not. At least its not you yelling “VOTE HRC OR YOU ARE A “, which to me is so very annoying and condescending. And people who use the “well they are not winning” excuse even if they do agree with the losing candidate, also grate on me, but that’s mainly because I do hold that belief that if we just voted on who we agree with more, we would again, not be in this mess.
Don’t let purists get to you. It is easy to get into a mind set when you are around others that strongly agree with you to only think one way and to hate those that think differently. At the end of the day those who will fight tooth and nail for the things they believe, they are the strong ones, and I would like to believe, since we are human, sometimes that is a very gray area.
“At the end of the day those who will fight tooth and nail for the things they believe, they are the strong ones, ”
we call those people “purists”
I believe that the “purists” Soppi was referring to are the Bernie or Bust, Stein Voters who accuse others of being sell-outs for not doing the same. I’m sorry but these “purists” are not fighting tooth and nail. Casting a vote (for anyone) might require standing in a line but it hardly qualifies as a “fight.” In fact, for most it’s relatively easy. While I have no love for HRC, to automatically run to Jill Stein is a lazy form of protest. The Standing Rock Sioux are fighting tooth and nail for what they care about and if we want change we should be following their example rather than aggrandizing the ideological significance of a third-party vote.
the other “purists”
I feel like the social media aspect of this type of news organization is really messed up. In order to succeed and promote themselves and the show, Ana is having to expose herself to the kind of Crazy that most people just can’t handle in quantity. I can only imagine what the trolls out there say to and about her…. Jeezum lord mercy as Cenk would put it.
Don’t get burned out girl! We need strong, smart journalists like you to keep telling us the truth even when it’s ugly. Thanks to both of you for what you do.
-Satisfied TYT Member
I’d just like to say that Cenk and Anna have significantly changed the way that I think, not to think like them, but to think independently. While I do think that Jill is fit to be president, i deeply respect this how and this network. I hope you guys are reading these comments. I completely stand with TYT.
P.S – John is the shit too, and Jimmy is my favorite comedian.
Ana it’s frustrating cos you feel like your pounding your head against a wall trying to learn them some lol. But that is why your job is so relevant, because we need more ppl out there like TYT to continually explain it over and over for those who need it said 100 times before they hear a word. And you guys break these stories down pro, and framed in a way that tries to reach out to the stubborn minded. What you do is extremely important, because it does reach people who you think are beyond the pale, and each one you reach is one more slightly more educated, slightly less stubborn person.
Cenk, you and Ana are excellent at your job, and i think y’all are excellent human being’s too! keep on keeping on my friend’s!
Cenk, you and Ana are excellent at your job, and i think y’all are excellent human being’s too! keep on keeping on my friend’s !
We had cops in school starting in middle school where I went to, but luckily, when I went through, he was one of the most bad ass cops there was. Needless to say, he had no gun on him, only non lethal gear. He talked to all of us, played video games, talked about video games. I think he retired when I was finishing high school. Too bad that’s not the case anymore.
Now I get angry :-)
What about the crying :-) EVERYONE is in the middle of his own story. WE ALL get attacked from left, right and center. Not in the same quantity and I hear you, but the feeling of being between every positions is true for each and every human on the planet.
Years ago, you guys may remember, you showed a video of a Neo-Nazi (who killed African-Americans before) complaining of being criticized by the right all the time for not hating ALL N-words. Everyone is in the center of his own story…
Remember how the establishment sees society? On the right is the huge flank of dangerous people who wanna destroy everything – on the left you have a small bunch of annoying people who are right somehow but can’t do anything, so you need the guy in the middle balancing it out. And of course he is more concerned about the right and acts accordingly.
On the other side of that equation you have TYT and Cenk telling us that the majority of the population is left-leaning, that strength wins and being left and strong is not self-contradictory, but ultimately more successful, because society as a whole and young people in particular are shifting more and more left.
Isn’t it interesting that, for his own audience, Cenk is now very close to the establishment POV. The middle is the biggest and most reliable group. Than you have the crazy right who’s bombarding them with tweets and comments and now the “die-hard Bernie or Bust people” which is the smallest, yet somehow most annoying group.
Do I believe TYT sold out? No. Do I believe there are connections between the Clinton camp and TYT or the Clinton camp and Ana/Fusion etc.? No. But why are you so surprised/angry for those comments. You tell us for years and years and years to follow the money and Univision is financed by a Clinton supporter. Doesn’t mean anything, but you should’ve expected the comments. The whole concept of TYT is to comment on other media outlets – sometimes fairly, sometimes not. In a time TYT has 3-times the online audience than CNN isn’t it to be expected that you get the same kind of treatment ONLINE? Cenk sometimes speculated about board meetings of companies (when the company did something questionable or controversial) and somehow the whole segment everyone talks about it as if it really happened. Now they’re surprised when people make up stuff about TYT based on what they see on air. TYT IS NOT the small radio-show out of Cenk’s living room. It’s the biggest online news show in the world – for better or worse….
Thanks Cenk and Ana for addressing this insane purity movement that has formed amongst lefties. It seems like it is a tea party of the left that is beginning to take hold. Ideological purism is dangerous no matter where it comes from. Yes of course we fight for progressive values and policies but we can’t let purism dictate our motives. “No true Scotsman” is a logical falacy for a reason.
Anna, you are definitely not a sell out for Fusion! But you guys have to come to WMU instead of U of M! Its not too late!
I respect your opinion Ana, but I disagree with you, because I much rather vote for a candidate that represents and adresses the issues in details that is facing this country and Jill Stein is that person. Voting for the lesser of two evils is a terrible excuse and if Trump is that bad of a candidate like I believe, then Hilary has to earn my vote or at least try and she has not even try to go after progressive voters like Berine or Jill, instead she goes after Jeb Bush voters and Romneys donors. Trump may say unbelievable horrible things, but Hilary’s track says it all.
This is getting embarrassing.
Cenk, you’ve been cheerleading for Hillary ever since the primaries ended. You know it, we know it, even Ana knows it. “I don’t want Trump to win” is not an excuse for being dishonest and manipulative.
FFS, your reaction to the fainting story was “Meh, the media’s overblowing it and FDR had polio.” Your *honest* reaction would probably have been something like “Well, it looks like we’re fucked for this election cycle, thanks DNC, I told you Bernie was the better candidate.”
Voting for the lesser evil is a hard personal choice that some people make. (I’ve made it a couple of times in my life, and came to regret each and every one.) On the other hand, actively trying to manipulate others into voting for the lesser evil is a fucking disgrace. You’re shilling and telling yourself you’re doing it for a good cause so it’s OK.
You’ve lost sight of your priorities, man. Your responsibility is not the outcome of this election, or even the future of the country. Your sole responsibility is being honest with your audience, not trying to coral them one way or the other like sheep. You built your audience on that honesty, not on campaigning against Trump. Once you lose that, you’ve got nothing left.
I think you are being incredibly reactionary and unreasonable. Trump is a walking dumpster fire who does something “news worthy” seemingly every other day. What has Hillary done or said that Cenk and friends haven’t covered? Is it that they are covering for her? or is it that Hillary isn’t doing enough to take the attention away from trump?
Hillary is a known quantity. Anyone who is even a little bit politically informed knows about her and likely knows if they agree with her or not. Trump is not only an unknown quantity (in the political world) but is also a dancing baboon who says and does the most craziest things anyone has ever seen in a presidential race and shockingly enough it’s working for him. So yes, trump is covered more but simply because of his wild card, unpredictable nature. Cenk and gangs job is to inform. Comparably there is a lot more to be learned about Trump than needs to be learned about Hillary. I think they are doing exactly that.
Cenk has spoken multiple times of his discontent for Hillary. Never mind your opinions of the “lesser of two evils” scenario and what that entails. Your political opinions are your own and as long as your taking in information and keeping your opinions fluid you can side anyway you want. Do you man but I think your wrong or at least misread the situation. And give the audience more credit. To think anything Cenk has said pro Hillary or otherwise is (to them) him endorsing her. I think they are smarter than that. I think TYT has garnered a general audience of open minded critical thinkers. Not to say Cenk doesn’t have any influence he absolutely does but I don’t think it’s to the extent your talking about.
Anyway, again do you man. Have your own opinions but don’t read into simple misunderstandings to find something you want to see. If you disagree with Cenk that’s great but it’s crappy to put words in his mouth. Or maybe I just don’t see what your seeing.
You can’t disregard the “lesser of two evils scenario”, it’s at the core of the issue they’re discussing. Cenk’s shift in HRC coverage since the primaries has been staggering – he’s even framed it for us, saying that both candidates are immensely unpopular and the one that the media covers more will be the one that loses in the end… so here’s our brand new “Loser Donald” segment, and let’s forget everything we ever said about Hillary being the Wall Street candidate, the status quo candidate, etc. We’ll totally go back to criticizing her once she gets into office, but for now let’s just make sure she wins. Because Trump.
That’s somehow cynical and naive at the same time. People hate being so obviously manipulated by someone they used to trust, which is why a lot of TYT viewers are giving Cenk shit on social media, that’s all I’m saying. Not being American, I have the luxury of distancing myself from the whole kerfuffle, but it’s as plain as day that he’s going: “Guys, guys! Look over there! That Trump person is super bad, you know, so who you gonna vote for? That’s right! Let’s make it happen! Ra ra ra!”
(BTW, what people also don’t like is being preached to by Ana Captain Obvious Kasparian. “Well, Jill Stein has no chance of winning – she doesn’t, she doesn’t, that is THE TRUTH!” Yeah, and I supposed she had a great chance of winning when you voted for her in 2012?)
FFS, people will vote the way they’ll vote, you can’t sway the election so just be honest. Don’t condescend, don’t manipulate, and don’t fearmonger. Is that too much to ask?
You’re delulsional, irc, THAT’S what is embarrassing. I’ve been watching TYT very regularly, and I have to really question your definitions of “cheerleading” and “shilling”, because they’re otherwise just not there. I do not think they mean what you think they mean. This is coming from someone who voted for Bernie in the primaries, who was very distraught when he lost to Hillary, who was enraged when emails were released basically showing collulsion within the DNC to favor her (although that was something that was heavily suspected beforehand, the emails just confirmed it). I contemplated, for a hot minute, joining with the Bernie or Bust crowd just to spit in the eye of the DNC, the washington media machine, and Clinton supporters over their handling of the primaries. I didn’t want THEM to win (as opposed to just HER), I wanted so badly for them to reap the fruits of their misdeeds. I wanted to cast a vote for a third-party candidate just to show them that they’re losing support…though at no point did I think either Stein or Johnson had an actual chance of winning, nor do I agree fully with their policies, I wanted to do it just to send a message.
But you know who I don’t want to win even more? The guy who incites his supporters to violently assault protestors and makes jokes about them assassinating his opponent. The guy who wants to deport good people I know and millions of others because he’s pandering to racists. The guy who normalizes xenophobia and islamophobia. The guy who wants to openly and actively target the families and children of suspected terrorists for death. The guy who pens up reporters, has ones he doesn’t like roughed up, and muses about suing them for libel. While Hillary may be a corporatist warhawk giving us more of the same, THIS guy is an absolute monster, a buffoon, whose presidency would make it exponentially harder for us to elect a real progressive the next time around, not to mention the amount of damage he’d inflict upon us and the world not only economically, but the human toll as well. The damage he would do is almost inconcievable.
Its a sad fact that yes, many people are voting this year “against” someone instead of “for” someone. Its also a sad fact that neither Johnson, Stein, nor any other third party candidates have a realistic, viable chance of winning. I really do wish that there was a chance for someone else, but there isn’t. That’s the reality of this election this year. Even if they were allowed into the debates, the support just isn’t there for them.
But the other fact here that’s of main importance is that there is no “shilling” going on by TYT for Hillary. Your point of contention is that they wont say she’s unfit for the presidency and the DNC fucked us because…she has pnuemonia? I’m sorry, but that’s dumb, and you’re dumb for thinking it.
Your read of the current situation isn’t wrong, but I couldn’t disagree more with the conclusion you’ve drawn. Voting “against” instead of voting “for” is a perversion of the election process, no less so due to the fact it’s commonly done. Voting for the lesser of two evils is a vote for the status quo, a vote for the establishment, a vote that encourages the powers-that-be to keep playing the same game because the public is that easy to yoke – just make sure they really, really dislike one candidate and it won’t matter who the other guy is. That’s how the voters are being played from the right and the left” For years, the media has been aggressively pushing for the “against” vote, disregarding the issues, pretending that the one candidate they’re not scrutinizing 24/7 would make a great president by default. This has largely been directed at Clinton from the right, these days it’s directed at Trump from the left. Most of those criticisms do stand, but they’re missing the point! You’re supposed to criticize every candidate, to pressure them and demand their stance on every relevant issue, to apply skepticism to every damn thing they say.
When you just go “Welp, whatever kid of candidate Clinton is, at least she’s not Trump”, you’re doing everyone a disservice, doing your part to prevent an informed choice. And yes, a vote of abstention is a choice, whether you boycott or vote for Jill Stein, or whatever the fuck it is you choose to do. Just don’t fall in line voting for the “lesser evil”, don’t lend support to a candidate you don’t actually support; it’ll come back to bite you in the ass whether you win or you lose.
Bottom line: If the USA votes in a monster like Trump, it’s precisely the kind of monster they deserve. (The rest of us not so much, but you have that system of checks and balances to keep him from blowing up the world, I trust.) You can dislike that, you can even vote for Hillary if the thought of Trump frightens you that badly. But what you can’t do as a public figure is cheerlead and fearmonger, at least not without losing a huge amount of trust. That’s where Cenk is right now, and I think he knows it. He’s just trying to convince himself that it’s all worth it. Because Trump, man! Trump.
Oh, and as to this part: “Your point of contention is that they wont say she’s unfit for the presidency and the DNC fucked us because…she has pnuemonia? I’m sorry, but that’s dumb, and you’re dumb for thinking it.”
Nope, my point is that Cenk knows how this plays to the general public, knows that the media will have a field day, knows that she’s lost millions of voters the moment she collapsed on camera. but he’s unwilling to discuss any of that. He just plays it off , going “come ooon, it’s wasn’t *that* bad” even though he knows that it may have been the turning point of this election.
That’s as clear a sign as any that he’s given up on informing his viewers. He’s too busy massaging a talking point. He’s covered the “basket of deplorables” thing much the same way.
irc117, TYT has been saying that, and you’re #SpeakingWhileStupid
“That”? Are you trying to stay under the 140 character limit or what?
Not only are you #SpeakingWhileStupid, now you’re reading while stupid.
And now you’re ditching the hashtag – that’s great, a step in the right direction.
The next step would be realizing that “ur stupid” isn’t an argument and never will be, on Twitter or elsewhere.
If I don’t tell you you’re stupid then you’ll go throughout life not knowing that you’re stupid. I’m trying to keep my sentences short so that you can understand.
Cenk or Anna can you please interview Ralph Nader? Don’t confuse dogmatic or reactionary lefties with, what I truly think, is a genuine logic that you’ve misread what supporting Stein will tangibly do. Elections are far more then simply who wins/loses, the historic role of 3rd parties, and the social movements they push, is far too important to waste a vote in the 37-42 states including California that aren’t in contention. Ralph Nader is a lucid, incredibly intelligent person with a powerful perspective I think TYT needs, please interview him on “spoilers” “least worst” myths. Thank you.
You guys are what keep me hopeful for American politics. I turn on NPR, establishment neutral propaganda. I go to my parent’s house, my mother tells me about what she saw on Fox “News” and I have to convince her why voting for Ted Cruz is a bad thing. I live in Alabama, every TV is set to Fox “News”. I’m surrounded by guys young and old plastered in Confederate flags. My rich millionaire aunt who leans or is Republican, I have to explain why people at or below the age of 24 should be allowed to vote.
The Young Turks rocks. It’s one of the few places I can trust when they give me insight into the outside world or my own country. Corporate media, establishment propaganda, and general ugliness is soul crushing and relentless. I’m happy there’s a show I can watch at the end of the day that reminds me that sane people exist. Good job guys.
Ana needs to leave social media. It’s clearly affecting her negatively..