
  1. Mathematical theories regarding the tuning of stringed instruments were developed in Classical Greek society. About 500BC.

  2. It’s so weird. Cenk and Ben are my age, but when they talk about their childhood punishments, it’s like a parallel universe or something. I had “pick me out a switch” and you had to pick something lean and green because if you came back with a stick that was too fragile or too wide to leave a red slash, they’d go pick one themselves and you’d get extra lashings for picking out a poor whip.

    1. I never have or ever will understand hitting a child. My parents never laid a finger on me and I turned out to be a productive member of society and a kind soul. When my parents yelled, I listened. Didn’t need to be hit to listen. Also I don’t believe corporal punishment does any good. Just makes the kids fear his parents and makes them think hitting other people is a good way to solve problems. Just My Opinion.

  3. Hmm. I’m white and my mother used to cut my and my siblings hair when we were young. We couldn’t really afford to get it done by a professional. I also can’t stand people touching me and so massages are a no-no, and that goes for so-called scalp massages, too. I’ve always found that weird and bizarre. I don’t even like the stylist washing my hair, but I know she has to do that so that she can cut it properly.

    p.s. Guys it’s time to invite a woman onto Old School :)

  4. Most first hours have 3 or 4 HRC-Trump stories and not much else, it’s also important to cover other aspects of the election like both third parties and Tim Canova. I am aware that the front runners should get more coverage but the ratio of coverage seems to be way off, especially if you consider the mainstream news.

    Just be aware that you might be contributing to the two party system just by focusing almost exclusively on the democrats and republicans.

  5. Great old school!! However, that’s not the quote your known for…. I immediately googled Cenk Uygur quotes and this is what popped up – “Why do all Republicans need Lego hair?” haha

  6. awesome old school.. ive been cutting my hair for years aswell. save tons of money… also the avocado at subway is not real avocado its paste thats nasty.. im with jayar with this one!!

  7. This was the poster child of Old Schools. Food, the olden days, kids, and dealing with life. These are the best conversations. I could probably listen to you guys talk about where to get the best sandwiches for hours. At this point, I probably have.

  8. Read Colin Turnbul’s “The Forest People” the trumpet is rooted in their mythology/belief system. It symbolises the sounds of their diety. The BaMbuti (commonly known as the pygmies) are also renowned for their singing. It is a theory that as homonins migrated to Europe and the east, they (now we) developed agriculture as one method of survival. The Bambuti however, adopted hunter horticultural survival strategies combined with egalitarianism as well as living in harmony with their environment (as opposed to Europeans and the East/Middle East who conquered and reshaped it).

    One theory for the development of language was the development of fire. As human brains are far far larger than that of any other animal, a more varied and refined diet was required for the brain to develope (cooked food). Also fire meant that early humans could operate during the dark thus increasing the length of time humans could remain active.

  9. You can get t-gel shampoo that makes your scalp tingle.

    LMAO @CaptainObvious. My favorite inspirational quote is “A journey of ten thousand miles begins with a single step.”

    Key Lime pie is from the Florida keys, so I don’t think it’s a black thing.

    I love when you talk about your kids, definitely more likely to keep me than lose me by doing that!

  10. Super Cuts is doing the hot towel and scalp massage, because of Sport Clips that has been doing it for a few years now. I’m not sure how it is over on the West Coast, but us on the East Coast have been getting the Hot Towel Treatment (for guys) for a while now. Super Cuts is trying to keep up, bit $32 for that is a little pricey. Sport Clips does all that and a shoulder massage for $22- $25.

  11. Cenk does not reads comments, so can somebody relay to him that he can put the woman’s name into iPhone’s phone book with accentuations? This way he can always look up how the name should be pronounced correctly. Even more: you can make Siri learn the correct way to pronounce her name, too, so when Cenk would say “call [woman’s name]” Siri would understand who exactly is meant.

    1. It is also beyond me why Cenk does not ask to write his name on TYT site, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube with a proper letter “Ç” instead of regular “C”.

      It does not mean that Cenk should require journalists, commentators, colleagues in regular communications to use that letter, but at least he would eliminate a huge amount of cases of people not pronouncing the name correctly because they have no idea that the “C” is not really a “C”.

  12. Good stuff. Cenk should take that clip in which he trolls the trolls with his “wisdom” on Twitter and post it on Twitter.

  13. I’m with Jayar, I never liked the cosmetologist to touch me other than the cut itself.
    It’s also funny that Ben says a college campus is a white world, I guess that must be true somewhere, but no college I’ve ever been to has been a “white world”.

  14. Credit card tips definitely make it to the employee, but they are automatically taxed, unlike cash tips, which are up to the employee to report.
    And I’ve been cutting my own hair for 20 years. I’ve had some terrible outcomes, but I’ve spent only $60 on three pairs of clippers in those 20 years.

      1. i just googled them, curious about today’s prices. from $450 on eBay to around $1,200 on! mine are super-sharp, and they could even kill an intruder, if they ever got close enough for me to slit their throat with the tiny little blades.

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