The problem with not addressing problems in the voting process is that it doesn’t get fixed ever. I am not a complete voting conspiracy person but I do see problems. Even if it was a comical string of innocent errors, they were errors and they probably affected the outcome which means we will be experiencing a future that shouldn’t be. Errors won’t fix themselves, which means those problems are still there for next time.
I am a programmer and the several instances of voters dropping off the voter rolls or getting switched to independents is a problem that had a cause and when it comes to databases, things don’t just happen. Best case scenario is that a human made an error or there is a bug in their system. In either case, their CIO/CTO should be finding root cause and taking steps to remediate the issues. In the case of human error, you now know where to put in safe guards to prevent those humans from making those errors or if it a bug, you fix the bug. But nothing gets fixed if you never investigate and it will most likely happen again next time.
Worst case scenario is that you find fraud and like Jimmy said about Gore, history takes a left turn via inaction. Imagine the possible differences in this country if we had 4 years of Gore as opposed to Bush! We absolutely wouldn’t have had Iraq, probably not Afghanistan either and you think Gore wouldn’t have been farther down the road on Climate Change? Possibly GoreCare would have been put in place so by the time Obama came a long we would be talking about single payer already. I know, total conjecture, but you can’t tell me we were better off with Bush/Cheney, Iraq and Afghanistan.
sevilnatas, good comment! I am concerned about the voter roll databases because, as you wrote, “…things don’t just happen.” What about the integrity of the data? What are the operational protocols for backups and access? Who has responsibility for the data? sevilnatas, as a programmer, what happens to you when the database your program updates becomes corrupted? If my Beanie Babies Collection database on my desktop at home gets corrupted, I say, “Oh, damn!” Afterwards, I re-establish the database and re-enter the data. These databases are different. It’s not a matter of re-entering the data and moving forward. They contain eligible voters. State legislatures pass laws in order to protect the security of elections. Allegedly, these elected officials do not want citizens to vote if they are not eligible. If this is so important, do any of these laws also ensure the protection of the voter registration data? “Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process,” states Hillary Clinton ( If this is true, where’s the follow-up? What is the remediation?
This election is over. 2020 is the focus to primary Hillary. All 50 states county voting process must be investigated! The 2018 mid-term will be the first in-road for progressives to get a toe hold and be elected. Primary every democrat and Republican who votes for TPP/TTIP/TISA and for more war.
I had canceled my subscription, but I might sign back up for this. This show takes courage. My one suggestion, sometimes I get lost in your sarcasm Jimmy. Be sure to make it plain for those like me;) Good luck and looking forward to the show!
By far the two best parts of TYT–Jordan and Jimmy. I can’t believe my luck having Steve Oh being co-host, he is my other absolute favorite. My only complaint is the show should be nightly, or at least two hours weekly.
This show is a much needed corrective to the focus of the nightly show. Thank you, Cenk, for hearing your members (even if you don’t like some of us ;)
Great new show. We’re watching the unraveling of both hideous parties. We will prevail. We’ve rattled the neo-liberals. They’re short on ideas, even if they have money. Demography is on our side.
FYI, that tweet may have been sent by a staffer IDK but check out his profile & he states on both of his Twitter accounts how to tell if he was the author of the tweet.
Also, VERY INTERESTING***Election Justice USA, is a non-partisan national organization of seasoned election integrity experts, statisticians, attorneys, journalists and activists put out this 96 page in depth report on the primary:
DEMOCRACY LOST: A Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries
They’re @ (or org)
Bernie’s authenticity and honesty as a decent human being with a heart and spirit dedicated to public service is what compells me to give him the benefit of the doubt. I still trust him.
Rachel Maddow did a real snide piece on him Tuesday night and it appeared as though she took real pleasure in implying failure and disruption of some sort. Why didn’t she interview him instead of the NYTimes? I really ticked me off. She acts as if she thinks he’s ‘after’ the nomination, ugh! Jeez, I only just started back watching her again. I’d quit in Feb because of her treatment of Bernie & so I stopped watching msnbc altogether those months. Brother, I don’t know how I feel about her. She even annoyed me with the way she conducted herself during the Kellyanne (Trump’s campaign manager) interview . Bummer, is it me or has anyone else felt the same?
I’m running out of a polite way to describe these people, so I’ll just call them what I do in my head: The Faux Left.
There’s a lot of well-intentioned people who watch MSNBC, and they do not ever question what comes across their TV screen. It leads to a totally different kind of misinformed, useless voter. I’m not saying you shouldn’t question TYT (they get things wrong, too, and they have their stated bias), but that’s why it’s important to watch multiple, non-corporate news sources.
As for MSNBC itself –like Fox News, like CNN, etc, they all pander an extremely corporate and partisan perspective. MSNBC is just the propaganda-wing of the DNC party. MSNBC NEVER, ever, clarified that they incorrectly reported on “violence” at the Nevada rally, for instance; worse than that, over a month later, they still referred to the totally-debunked/NPR-journalist-got-fired false news story as a fact, and never made reference even to the possibility that it was wrong. It was an accepted DNC talking point, and so they had an obligation to repeat it.
So I have little interest in watching MSNBC, not to mention the only times when I have watched MSNBC, they take 20 minutes to do a 5 minute segment. That means they’re covering so much less news.
Well, the debut of AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE started off sadly funny — Jordan and Jimmy complaining about something that did not happen.
Jimmy Dore was completely wrong. Bernie’s tweet was OBVIOUSLY about Donald Trump’s attempt to explain his November loss by complaining about voter fraud today. Duh. It had NOTHING to do with the primaries.
So, Jimmy and Jordan started the show by complaining about something that did not happen (i.e. that Bernie calls anyone who claims voter fraud political cowards — NO, he was calling Donald Trump a political coward… Duh).
File last night’s debut show under “Rosanne Rossanadanna” — “Never mind.”
It looks to me that he is attacking Donald Trump. Bernie doesn’t strike me as the guy who would call somebody a coward for no reason and we can say reasonably that Trump is a coward, making excuses for his future loss and his debacle in the polls.
Honestly, I thought he was talking about Donald Trump because he kept talking about Hillary was gonna rig the election. I mean…this came out two days ago, the DNC stuff happened weeks ago.
ITs almost like you don’t want to believe that Bernie could be corrupted. I know it’s like growing up. After Reaganomics and the genesis of the corporate/political state I I Considered myself on the good side with the Democratic Party. I Supported Bill and defended him against all republicans. But after a few decades (and you usually don’t find out about the true nature of things until long after they’ve left the White House), you start to see a pattern. Bill with NAFTA. Obama with his Obamacare giveaway, drones, fracking, on and on. You want to believe. I know! But statistics don’t lie. Polling machines failing random audits. Exit polling are used around the world To identify corrupt Elections. You don’t have to be a mathematician To read the conclusions of these reports. But that’s just my opinion.
I think that Bernie was aiming that tweet at the GOP and Trump’s campaign. I think he should have clarified that a little bit, because even experienced journalists are taking it at face value. I was shocked when first reading it and it took observation by others to get me to look into it more in-depth. Love that there is finally an outlet for someone like me to turn to. Jordan is my favorite reporter at TYT although I do love the main show. And Jimmy, well I just love Jimmy and we’ve shared the passion for Bernie and our revolution from the beginning. Cenk and TYT deserve props for listening to their members and giving us an outlet for our frustration with the system!
finally! I was considering dropping my membership due to what I perceive to be lacking in depth coverage of the main channel on very criminal problems, like election fraud, war criminality…. issues beyond the personal dramas of drumf and shillery. That is a DISGRACEFUL tweet by Bernie, shocking!—- i think he needs to turn that around and say that those keeping quiet about election fraud are shameful political cowards! Yikes!
Jordan, appreciate your POV about moving forward, but without also focusing on the fraud and suppression that has gone down already, it just gets worse for the next election, just compare this election cycle to the Gore/Bush cycle, it seems quite a bit more overt this time around because nothing was done by Gore or anybody else last time…. BOTH past and present need to be attended to. “Somebodies” absolutely need to dedicate their energies to this, get into the deep shit pit of elections before the general and beyond, if we want any enthusiasm/participation whatever for voting in the future, imo.
Agree, I think a lot of people are missing the intended point of this tweet. He is talking about drumpf and the general. He is too old to still be thinking about the primary. He could die in his sleep tomorrow he has lived a long and wonderful life. He wants to continue moving forward to accomplish as much as he can before that very sad day comes to pass.
I interpreted that tweet differently. I thought that he was condemning the Republicans who are passing voter suppression laws to disenfranchise those not likely to vote for them and using “widespread voter fraud” as an excuse to do so.
It’s possible to create a hacked account that makes you appear as though you are somebody else. That has been done before. TYT needs to know about this mistake!
Jimmy, election fraud is not the same as voter fraud!!
The problem with not addressing problems in the voting process is that it doesn’t get fixed ever. I am not a complete voting conspiracy person but I do see problems. Even if it was a comical string of innocent errors, they were errors and they probably affected the outcome which means we will be experiencing a future that shouldn’t be. Errors won’t fix themselves, which means those problems are still there for next time.
I am a programmer and the several instances of voters dropping off the voter rolls or getting switched to independents is a problem that had a cause and when it comes to databases, things don’t just happen. Best case scenario is that a human made an error or there is a bug in their system. In either case, their CIO/CTO should be finding root cause and taking steps to remediate the issues. In the case of human error, you now know where to put in safe guards to prevent those humans from making those errors or if it a bug, you fix the bug. But nothing gets fixed if you never investigate and it will most likely happen again next time.
Worst case scenario is that you find fraud and like Jimmy said about Gore, history takes a left turn via inaction. Imagine the possible differences in this country if we had 4 years of Gore as opposed to Bush! We absolutely wouldn’t have had Iraq, probably not Afghanistan either and you think Gore wouldn’t have been farther down the road on Climate Change? Possibly GoreCare would have been put in place so by the time Obama came a long we would be talking about single payer already. I know, total conjecture, but you can’t tell me we were better off with Bush/Cheney, Iraq and Afghanistan.
sevilnatas, good comment! I am concerned about the voter roll databases because, as you wrote, “…things don’t just happen.” What about the integrity of the data? What are the operational protocols for backups and access? Who has responsibility for the data? sevilnatas, as a programmer, what happens to you when the database your program updates becomes corrupted? If my Beanie Babies Collection database on my desktop at home gets corrupted, I say, “Oh, damn!” Afterwards, I re-establish the database and re-enter the data. These databases are different. It’s not a matter of re-entering the data and moving forward. They contain eligible voters. State legislatures pass laws in order to protect the security of elections. Allegedly, these elected officials do not want citizens to vote if they are not eligible. If this is so important, do any of these laws also ensure the protection of the voter registration data? “Voting is the most precious right of every citizen, and we have a moral obligation to ensure the integrity of our voting process,” states Hillary Clinton ( If this is true, where’s the follow-up? What is the remediation?
Thank you TYT. This show will keep me a member!
Did they repeat the same show yesterday –the videos posted here are from Aug 23rd. Thanks
This election is over. 2020 is the focus to primary Hillary. All 50 states county voting process must be investigated! The 2018 mid-term will be the first in-road for progressives to get a toe hold and be elected. Primary every democrat and Republican who votes for TPP/TTIP/TISA and for more war.
Yeah I can’t seem to find any video for Progressive Aggressives from 8/25.
Did they just replay this video that was released on the 23rd? I thought Cenk was going to be on Jimmy’s panel.
Also the banner on the front page for the show does not work and the direct link to the show page gives a 404.
Kind of a shitty launch. Were there issues and it didn’t air?
I had canceled my subscription, but I might sign back up for this. This show takes courage. My one suggestion, sometimes I get lost in your sarcasm Jimmy. Be sure to make it plain for those like me;) Good luck and looking forward to the show!
By far the two best parts of TYT–Jordan and Jimmy. I can’t believe my luck having Steve Oh being co-host, he is my other absolute favorite. My only complaint is the show should be nightly, or at least two hours weekly.
This show is a much needed corrective to the focus of the nightly show. Thank you, Cenk, for hearing your members (even if you don’t like some of us ;)
Great new show. We’re watching the unraveling of both hideous parties. We will prevail. We’ve rattled the neo-liberals. They’re short on ideas, even if they have money. Demography is on our side.
l love this show, thank you
FYI, that tweet may have been sent by a staffer IDK but check out his profile & he states on both of his Twitter accounts how to tell if he was the author of the tweet.
Also, VERY INTERESTING***Election Justice USA, is a non-partisan national organization of seasoned election integrity experts, statisticians, attorneys, journalists and activists put out this 96 page in depth report on the primary:
DEMOCRACY LOST: A Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries
They’re @ (or org)
Bernie’s authenticity and honesty as a decent human being with a heart and spirit dedicated to public service is what compells me to give him the benefit of the doubt. I still trust him.
Rachel Maddow did a real snide piece on him Tuesday night and it appeared as though she took real pleasure in implying failure and disruption of some sort. Why didn’t she interview him instead of the NYTimes? I really ticked me off. She acts as if she thinks he’s ‘after’ the nomination, ugh! Jeez, I only just started back watching her again. I’d quit in Feb because of her treatment of Bernie & so I stopped watching msnbc altogether those months. Brother, I don’t know how I feel about her. She even annoyed me with the way she conducted herself during the Kellyanne (Trump’s campaign manager) interview . Bummer, is it me or has anyone else felt the same?
I’m running out of a polite way to describe these people, so I’ll just call them what I do in my head: The Faux Left.
There’s a lot of well-intentioned people who watch MSNBC, and they do not ever question what comes across their TV screen. It leads to a totally different kind of misinformed, useless voter. I’m not saying you shouldn’t question TYT (they get things wrong, too, and they have their stated bias), but that’s why it’s important to watch multiple, non-corporate news sources.
As for MSNBC itself –like Fox News, like CNN, etc, they all pander an extremely corporate and partisan perspective. MSNBC is just the propaganda-wing of the DNC party. MSNBC NEVER, ever, clarified that they incorrectly reported on “violence” at the Nevada rally, for instance; worse than that, over a month later, they still referred to the totally-debunked/NPR-journalist-got-fired false news story as a fact, and never made reference even to the possibility that it was wrong. It was an accepted DNC talking point, and so they had an obligation to repeat it.
So I have little interest in watching MSNBC, not to mention the only times when I have watched MSNBC, they take 20 minutes to do a 5 minute segment. That means they’re covering so much less news.
Well, the debut of AGGRESSIVE PROGRESSIVE started off sadly funny — Jordan and Jimmy complaining about something that did not happen.
Jimmy Dore was completely wrong. Bernie’s tweet was OBVIOUSLY about Donald Trump’s attempt to explain his November loss by complaining about voter fraud today. Duh. It had NOTHING to do with the primaries.
So, Jimmy and Jordan started the show by complaining about something that did not happen (i.e. that Bernie calls anyone who claims voter fraud political cowards — NO, he was calling Donald Trump a political coward… Duh).
File last night’s debut show under “Rosanne Rossanadanna” — “Never mind.”
Finally Jimmy Millions has his own TYT show!! Now if we can just get Wes Clark Jr a show this network will be complete
It looks to me that he is attacking Donald Trump. Bernie doesn’t strike me as the guy who would call somebody a coward for no reason and we can say reasonably that Trump is a coward, making excuses for his future loss and his debacle in the polls.
This probably is the correct context, actually, yes.
Honestly, I thought he was talking about Donald Trump because he kept talking about Hillary was gonna rig the election. I mean…this came out two days ago, the DNC stuff happened weeks ago.
More Jordan is More Good!
ITs almost like you don’t want to believe that Bernie could be corrupted. I know it’s like growing up. After Reaganomics and the genesis of the corporate/political state I I Considered myself on the good side with the Democratic Party. I Supported Bill and defended him against all republicans. But after a few decades (and you usually don’t find out about the true nature of things until long after they’ve left the White House), you start to see a pattern. Bill with NAFTA. Obama with his Obamacare giveaway, drones, fracking, on and on. You want to believe. I know! But statistics don’t lie. Polling machines failing random audits. Exit polling are used around the world To identify corrupt Elections. You don’t have to be a mathematician To read the conclusions of these reports. But that’s just my opinion.
Enjoyable. Excited to see more of this series.
Love the new show Jimmy! Keep it up!
Yes! A Jimmy Show! Looking forward to hearing more from Jimmy Dore!
I think that Bernie was aiming that tweet at the GOP and Trump’s campaign. I think he should have clarified that a little bit, because even experienced journalists are taking it at face value. I was shocked when first reading it and it took observation by others to get me to look into it more in-depth. Love that there is finally an outlet for someone like me to turn to. Jordan is my favorite reporter at TYT although I do love the main show. And Jimmy, well I just love Jimmy and we’ve shared the passion for Bernie and our revolution from the beginning. Cenk and TYT deserve props for listening to their members and giving us an outlet for our frustration with the system!
Don’t you think Bernie was probably tweeting about Trump, guys?
finally! I was considering dropping my membership due to what I perceive to be lacking in depth coverage of the main channel on very criminal problems, like election fraud, war criminality…. issues beyond the personal dramas of drumf and shillery. That is a DISGRACEFUL tweet by Bernie, shocking!—- i think he needs to turn that around and say that those keeping quiet about election fraud are shameful political cowards! Yikes!
Jordan, appreciate your POV about moving forward, but without also focusing on the fraud and suppression that has gone down already, it just gets worse for the next election, just compare this election cycle to the Gore/Bush cycle, it seems quite a bit more overt this time around because nothing was done by Gore or anybody else last time…. BOTH past and present need to be attended to. “Somebodies” absolutely need to dedicate their energies to this, get into the deep shit pit of elections before the general and beyond, if we want any enthusiasm/participation whatever for voting in the future, imo.
Jimmy!!! Keep fighting the good fight!
F**k yeah! That is more like it.
He is talking about Republicans claiming “Voter Fraud” as an excuse to create new voter laws.
Agree, I think a lot of people are missing the intended point of this tweet. He is talking about drumpf and the general. He is too old to still be thinking about the primary. He could die in his sleep tomorrow he has lived a long and wonderful life. He wants to continue moving forward to accomplish as much as he can before that very sad day comes to pass.
I interpreted that tweet differently. I thought that he was condemning the Republicans who are passing voter suppression laws to disenfranchise those not likely to vote for them and using “widespread voter fraud” as an excuse to do so.
Yeah you’re right I’m not sure what he was referring to I thought he was referring to the Republicans
Yep I read it the same way.
I believe somebody had to of committed libel. I checked Bernie’s twitter feed and he did not say that.
It’s possible to create a hacked account that makes you appear as though you are somebody else. That has been done before. TYT needs to know about this mistake!
Nevermind. I found the tweet. Sanders has two twitter accounts.
So excited about this show!!!!!! Thank you so much tyt for listening to the fans!!!!! You guys are truly the best!!!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
More Jimmy Dore is More Better.
We Progressives need fighting voices more than ever.
HELL YES!!! I love this show!! We need more aggressive progressives in America like Cenk and Jimmy. Stick it to the man.