
  1. I am 60 years old and feel that the way the world is going, 2020 is too far away. I a an Ex-Pat living in Europe and so I have another perspective on politics and our manipulation. Examples: We had no information about the Madison Union Uprising of 2011. Corporate media doesn’t want the European Labor movement to get any ideas. There is no coverage about the Sioux Uprising of 2016. Did I mention that many of our newspapers are owned by Newscorp? Are you getting any information about the Siberian tundra fires? I doubt it. I am waiting for the October Surprise since if you build up a good Police State you have to use it. I just voted for Jill Stein, but I decided to open my mouth and start the Green Revolution since a revolution doesn’t need an election. Germany is burning more coal now than in 2010 despite 50% renewable energy. They need to work on storage, as does the world. They drive less than 1% EV. They profess that they are starting to build more EV, but it is for 2020 or 2025. This is too late. Tesla is building battery factories in Nevada and now Buffalo, Europe has planned 3 but again it is for too late. I would like to look into the Acquion system with Salt Water battery storage as an alternative. Start promoting this to your average viewer since they need to become educated. How many live in an area with a community garden? Start one! I already voted. Stop talking about Trump and Hillary and start talking about the alternative, the REVOUTION. Your children will thank you.

    1. Larry, ah, you are not alone – I am also an ex-pat, living in Europe, around your age, and pretty appalled at the political state, not only of the US, but much of Europe, as well. Sadly, our generation does get most of its information from mainstream media, and if the current US elections have taught us anything, it is that mainstream media does not indulge in ‘journalism’, is biased, is corporate owned, and manipulates the information that it gives to the public. While the nomination of Bernie Sanders may not have been a total panacea, it was interesting that people of our generation were not too concerned about the ‘world we would leave to our children’, hence the preponderance of older people that insisted on the status quo, Hillary Clinton, etc. There are many issues that involve the survival of the human species – climate change being one (although, if you understand corporate business, follow the money, then the initiation of carbon tax is an interesting outcome), along with overpopulation, and the new ‘gold rush’ for the 21st century: fresh water. The US political system is an utter mess – the Clinton Foundation has involved political leaders, not just from our own country, but throughout the world, and the corruption that has ensued is beyond overwhelming. I don’t know the answer – while it is good to make the proper personal choices in lifestyle, there is a political and corporate machine that continues to trundle along – it will soon get us involved in a conflict with Russia, if the military industrial complex has its way, and Hillary Clinton is elected. Perhaps, for us personally, it is good to be watching this from afar. The problems have reached such a magnitude, that it is almost overwhelming to think about.

  2. Got to this program kind of late – had turned off to TYT after Bernie lost, and the TYT platform appeared to be blindly Hillary. Frankly, I imagine that the TYT powers that be saw a loss of viewers after the DNC. So, I’m glad that this new program has evolved. Thanks!

  3. My two favorite TYT people (and glad Steve will be joining). This show is my political nourishment. We don’t need more of how godawful Trump is: MSNBC and CNN have that job. Clinton will be a war-mongering corporatist disaster and let’s start getting a progressive to run against her in 2020 NOW!

  4. NO Bernie didn’t sell out, duh. My question to those that think this is, would you rather have Donald for president?! Any rational person would answer that question correctly. Or give a real solution instead of having a tantdrum, wanting something they can’t have.

  5. Where can we find the whole show from beginning to end? Are these just clips??? Thought the show was going to have two hours; one free and one for members only. Can someone point us to the whole show?

  6. Less than 5 minutes in, and I freaking LOVE this!! Jimmy and Jordan are perfect for this, and I have a new show to watch regularly! Thanks guys!

  7. Good stuff! I look forward to more episodes. However, I am having a hard time swallowing this pill. At the end of the day Bernie Sanders supports a candidate who stands for everything he’s been against for so long. You can split hairs and say well, he never thought he would win as a third party, or that he never had a chance against the almighty Hillary. You can say he’s being practical, sure but Jordon if you never really thought he had a chance then wtf did you waste all this effort on. I’m delighted that there’s a whole younger generation that Bernie has tapped into and has pushed the progressive ideas to the forefront. That’s great! But, Presidential candidates lie, we know this. We have Obama “on record” saying this and that. So? It’s too late now. He’s already done the damage. Just like Hillary will do when she’s in office. So much for being practical. Sure he’s popular now, but he’s still just one senator out of a hundred.

    1. So you would like Bernie to help Trump become president, by not endorsing Hillary? What’s your solution? You play with the cards you have, and those are the cards. Bernie did push Hillary to support his policies to help citizens.

  8. Fantastic!
    I don’t think Bernie sold out, but I do think he was sold a lemon. IMO the entire concept of letting Bernie have his whole Our Revolution thing and all these grand visions Hillary & the Dems say he can keep is only to try and keep progressive in the party long enough to win and squash out all the embers they can. Keep the progressives bottled up in the Democratic party telling them they can {try to} continue their work so they don’t run off and do for Jill Stein what they did for Bernie’s grassroots awakening. And then we’ll all “grow out of it” by the time it comes to Hillary’s second term. It’s vampirism – suck the energy out of us so we can’t cause more trouble.

  9. Great show as I knew it would be and it’s just the time for a more progressive start that we passionate Bernie Sanders supporters were craving. Renemies…if you watched the first three pieces of the show you’d see that Jordan spoke more than Jimmy did, so all in all it was a fair representation of each of their views. I don’t feel and never have felt that Bernie sold out. Yes, I wish he had fought harder at certain times and personally think right after CA he should have went independent while he had a super strong momentum but I feel he underestimated his own power as a candidate. With the two most disliked candidates in the history of American politics, I think he could have won. As for Warren, I definitely think she sold out. She could have strengthened Bernie’s campaign immensely and for some reason chose to join the establishment for reasons we don’t know. Perhaps there’s a position for her in the administration or perhaps she got screwed by Hillary. That wouldn’t surprise me. Hopefully between Bernie and Elizabeth they can keep pushing HRC to the left on policy, which in that regard is worthwhile on it’s own.

  10. Love You Jimmy Dore!! When Bernie “endorsed” Hillary at the convention, he had that look on his face that said “Wall Street should be afraid” – and he prefaced every policy point with “Hillary Clinton UNDERSTANDS” it sounded like a threat to me!! Humanity bows never! keep it up!!

  11. Yes, the Left! Post Aggressive Progressive shows daily! I’d love to see interviews with Katie Halper, Nina Turner, and other smart, proud progressives.

  12. 2.5 freak outs out of 5 good content weak continuity in the start but you two got on track and volleyed pretty well. Constructive Criticism.

    Now as a Fan of both of you FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

  13. so glad to see more Jimmy! couldn’t agree more that she will have Obama take the fall for TPP, and he will be glad to do it for her. definitely Bernie didn’t sell us out. I believe after 30 yrs in politics, Bernie is on the scene. Yes, that sting hurts recluse spider style but we can’t give up. our struggle continues. you know, don’t freak out.

  14. He didn’t sell out because he promised to support the nominee when he entered the race and promised to keep it clean and positive. As always he did what he said he would do, how can that be selling out?

    You can agree or disagree with his tactic, but it was clear from the start what he would do and why. He believes that he will be most effective in forwarding his agenda if he plays some ball with the democratic establishment. He might be right or wrong, but the issue is not about selling out.

    The same was true for Warren as well. She knows how vindictive the Clinton machine is to people they perceive as disloyal and or adversaries. She believed that her endorsement wouldn’t be significant enough to sway the primary either way and thus if endorsing Sanders might lead to less influence with Clinton and or the democratic caucus the benefits of endorsing Sanders wouldn’t out way the costs.

    Again, u can agree with that tactical decision or not, but if you believe she sold out why and how? Do u believe she’ll stop fighting for the causes that lead her to leave her tenured professorship at Harvard and run for Senate in the first place? Unlikely!

    Warren probably made a tactical decision based on what she believed would be the most effective way to get her agenda enacted. Probably basing it on her perceptions on the effects her different possible courses of action would have and make a tactical based on those beliefs carefully weighing her options before choosing the tactic she believes to be the most effective based on her information. And based on the tactical decisions she has taken so far in her political career we should give her the benefit of our doubt.

    If you want to hear a really good reflection on the relationship between the difficult nature on the relationship between principles and politics you should see Robert Reich’s 2004 lecture on the subject:

  15. Great episode! This is why we’re frustrated.

    Keep the movement going! Lets enact change through direct democracy. engage where you can locally. Get involved.

  16. How can Bernie be a sellout if he stated from day one that he’ll support the democratic nominee? He’s keeping his word even if it hurts.

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