TYT Hour 2 August 22, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan18 Comments

Prescription pills found at Prince’s house. Heartwarming Olympics story. Winner of 100m Butterfly event edged out Michael Phelps. Studies show pessimists more likely to get their way. Ramen more valued currency in prison than tobacco.


  1. Just tuned in to Hour 2 …
    If they start talking about Trumpzilla again I’m going to vomit all over this comment section.

  2. Again the lack of procedure to prepare the show harms the quality of TYT reporting. This time it is not a significant issue, but it adds up.

    Prince death case is not similar to Michael Jackson’s. Jackson did not have opioids in the system or in the house; he had insomnia and he had regulated substances for that; it was not addiction issue. His doctor got in jail not for providing those illegal drugs (for that there is medical license revocation), but for leaving the patient unmonitored during administering of the drugs that could cause breathing issues, what was a criminal negligence that resulted in a manslaughter.

    If a doctor involved in supplying Prince those dangerous illegal drugs he can lose its licence and can be potentially sued in a civil lawsuit, but it is not going to be a criminal prosecution as in Jackson’s case.

    If TYT had someone who would check Cenk’s and Ana’s arguments before the show (separately from each other so the hosts would not know all of each other’s arguments beforehand), this kind of incorrect reporting could be eliminated almost entirely.

    1. I believe the positive criticism you provided is helpful.
      Too many times the negative trolls ruin the comments section.

  3. Cenk, you’re right about the overweight term. It should be changed. We’re people, too, damn it! Perhaps, “morbidly big boned”?

    Ana’s reaction to your observation, Cenk, about turning the Olympics news item into stories about yourselves was priceless. It may seem selfish, but one could say that what separates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom is stories. There is nothing better than a well-told story. From this perspective, who can fault you “guys” for being human and sharing stories well told!

  4. I argue all the time, I get further in life fighting for something rather than hoping I’ll be shown the path towards it…

  5. We had a problem with doctors writing for fentanyl patches after surgery for acute pain. Which it is not indicated for, especially in the opiate naive.

  6. I think you may have missed the Ramen issue and possibly by a long shot. Over time the lack of nutrients will kill more prisoners faster or sustain a line of poor health that will milk government funded health care in the prison, because the privates don’t pay for that, than Nicotine. There are two types of Ramen. One is the deep fried and mass produced Ramen(often times called “Instant Ramen” though it takes the amount of time to cook as the later) and the other, which is the low in calorie and fat, that is not fried. Which one would you bet they are using in prisons? The first is loaded with saturates and give the body the impression they are filling cells with nutrients. The other is meant as a condiment or needed in mass amounts, mixed with protein and veg. The same gravitation towards this cheap fried shit with minimum wage workers has been happening just as long. I’ve watched what people choose to eat when faced with what to choose and the income of the poor. They eat this stuff and have no energy, whether they eat one packet and are carving another or two and go into a food coma. I’m fairly certain it’s bigger than we can imagine or understand. Nicotine pacifies and cured boredom, but a lack of nutrition mixed with a poor education and the ability to unify, is ultimate control in the wrong direction.

    1. > The same gravitation towards this cheap fried shit with minimum wage workers has been happening just as long. I’ve watched what people choose to eat when faced with what to choose and the income of the poor.

      Totally right. The reality is that, excepting those lucky few who have easy access to large quantities of cheap fruits and vegetables, in most circumstances the cheapest food is invariably the most unhealthiest (the fattiest, the least nutrients, the most mass-produced, the most GMO-manipulated, etc.). So the poor are being extra damaged and shat on for being too poor to afford the more expensive healthy options, if they exist in their environment at all.

  7. The fact that prisonner are trading ramen instead of tabacco is not a positive development ! Do you know what even less healthy than tabacco ? Food that gets you food poisoning because your country is to fucking stupid to fix their goddamn issues.

  8. Prisoners are being given unsafe food and not enough food and the focus is on the relative merits of ramen?!! Wow. Can’t wait for the new progressive show with Jimmy Dore!

    1. To add just a bit more to that. People are out in the world that have intense mind numbing pain and the medical profession has no answers for a large number of them. These people who did not choose to be sick, would much rather not have to live at the mercy of drs ,and the ever changing rules to get their MEDICATION. It isn’t their fault people abuse drugs!!!!! but they get fucked over every time someone overdoses. if the cops can’t do their job we don arrest entire neighborhoods we still have to hold people responsible for their own individual behaviors . We need to stop harassing sick individuals who have tried all else and still need their pain medication. Chronic pain can kill and a life of addiction and less pain is better than no life at all. This blindness boils my blood. I watched my sister suffer like a criminal for over 35 years and her only crime is being sick and needing pain meds to live. The system sucks for severe chronic pain sufferers. I can’t help it if an addict wants to get high why should that fuck up my sisters already burdened life? Anna and Cenk never seem to see that side of this issue

      1. sykat76
        I am so sorry about your sister! I have a close relative who also could not live without opioid painkillers; without them she would not be able to function at all. I agree that Cenk and Ana seem to be ignorant of the problem.

    2. My relative who takes Norco for chronic pain only weighs 120 lbs but can take large doses without it seeming to affect her because her pain is so extreme. If the doctor took her off the meds, her life would be even more of a living hell.

  9. how about Jordan doing some investigating of Prince’s medical prescription history? should make for a very interesting story, and could lead to, well, some leads.

    Cenk, morbidly obese is not harmless. you optimist, you! why don’t you try what got me to lose 50 lbs. without a lick of exercise — i switched from butter to olive oil, specifically, the EVOO from Sciabica’s in Modesto. they’re online, and their EVOO is awesome. truth be told, i also cut down on bread and heavy cream (big sacrifices, but still in my diet), and i never liked pasta much, anyway. and i still have 50 lbs. to go … no problemo!

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