TYT Hour 1 August 22, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by Gigi Manukyan39 Comments

Trump refuses info on immigration plans. Trump says The Apprentice show will run from White House. TYT Politics on emergency lead and arsenic situation in W. Calumet, Indiana. Trump’s “pitch” to Black voters. Trump forces begin actual attacks on Clinton. “Stop Hillary Survey.” Sean Hannity joins Trump’s team.


  1. I’m getting tired of listening to the anti trump propaganda. It’s gone beyond just showing bad things about trump to hiding and covering up for Hillary as well. The comments on how her health is perfectly fine and that ‘it was a flashlight’ and not a Diazepam pen. By stating the online community is calling it a syringe CHANGES the information to fit your end, and gives the impression that we would be looking for a clear needle with a long point. You’re almost intentionally misleading your audience and trying to hide and avoid the problems that Hillary has and are repeating yourself (opening 3 casinos in AC which cannibalized yourself (58 million in the first year that the Taj took from his others). This is not the same Cenk I’ve been listening to for years, he seems to be cracking under the pressure and as he stated in a PG… worrying about the 60+ people who he now has to take care of. Hillary not having a seizure? You need to watch that again. Playing with the reporter if you watch the whole thing? No coverage of the election fraud and actually anti coverage saying that Trump’s claims are pre-emptively baseless while his own channel continues the election fraud coverage through Jordan Chariton. I wonder if anything would have come of it if he’d continued the fight for Bernie and not just given up and turned to Anti Trump and regurgitating the mainstream media’s game of ‘sweeping Hillary problems under the rug’. Please Cenk, stop making me rethink my membership.

    1. Trump is a horrid human being unfit to be a janitor who scrubs toilets let alone president of the US. You’re a tool and a troll obviously.

      1. I thought the first member made some fair points. In comparing both comments, the quality and nature of your statement seems more attributable to “troll” behavior than the original. We are all paying TYT members here, so voicing valid opinions is far from being “a tool and a troll”.

  2. The problem with the counterattacks is that Trump will always be Trump. He will find a way to fuck up his campaign which automatically negates whatever attack he launches against Hillary.

    In any case we are coming up fast on the critical 60 day mark where the poll leader by then almost always ends up the winner of the election with the notable exception of 1980. The biggest caveat is that we are seeing the same divergent pattern this election that we saw in 2012. Clinton extending leads in state polls and having a static proportion that is still below 50% in the national polls which means Trump still has a chance of gaining support among the Gary Johnson supporters who are steady at 10%. If these people start to diverge towards Trump he might actually take the lead while Clinton still not losing any meaningful support nationally.

    Short of a surprise or a gigantic flop the last 60 days might turn out to be quite interesting.

    1. > Clinton extending leads in state polls and having a static proportion that is still below 50% in the national polls which means Trump still has a chance of gaining support among the Gary Johnson supporters who are steady at 10%.

      That’s right. It’s definitely too soon to say that the game is already over.

      1. From an electoral college perspective the game is over in certain states that might have been in play like Virginia which barely went Obama in the last elections. However we are seeing that Trump is competing strongly in states that were safer than Virginia last time around like Iowa and Nevada and still gaining there.

        This is why I said the election is still contested and cannot be written off yet.

  3. Funny that Republicans run such an ad on Obama the Celebrity. Student loan debt is above $1 trillion, 85% of college grads are moving back home, and 1 in 2 recent college grads are unemployed or underemployed thanks to the legacy of Reaganomics and the Republican Party. Deregulation is a Republican baby that has brought about this shit storm of people walking away with a mortgage payment as the price for getting an education. But the lenders are making record profits off of it. Exploit everyone and everything is the Republican dream and is alive and well. Yay capitalism.

    1. > Deregulation is a Republican baby that has brought about this shit storm of people walking away with a mortgage payment as the price for getting an education. But the lenders are making record profits off of it. Exploit everyone and everything is the Republican dream and is alive and well.

      It’s not alive, though. It’s a zombie walking, and it hasn’t yet noticed that it is DEAD. None of this sustainable over the long term, anymore than the housing bubble was sustainable over the long term.

      Bernie’s Revolution is inevitable. It’s that simple.

  4. Instead of loser Donald segments, TYT should do a daily TPP segment. It’s actually more important than this election. If TPP passes, one of the effects will be the end of TYT. All that stuff we fought against for net neutrality and SOPA/PIPA. All of that is in TPP. If it passes, Comcast can sue for compensation over the loss of profit they would have garnered if they could charge premium fees to users and to content creators to use the faster service. TYT probably can’t exist under a model like that. So, maybe you ought to cover it at all, but it would be even better to cover it daily.

    Obama is going to do everything he can to pass this in the lame duck with the outgoing congress people and the Republicans. If he does, the things we could have pressured Clinton into doing will be severely limited, because the US will face large fines as a consequence of most progressive policies. So, from now until January, it is vital that the word get out all the time on all the dangers of the TPP, and why it cannot be passed.

    1. TPP (as well as TIPP) are much bigger than the presidential election, absolutely. It could decide nearly everything in the economic realm. It must be opposed at all costs.

      1. Exactly. Interestingly enough, If you watch last weeks episode of Old School, Dave Koller voiced a similar concern and said the show is too focused on the day to day minutiae of politics.

  5. If anyone is going to get Trump elected, it will be you, Cenk Uygur. Your childish segments about Trump, particularly the loser Donald segments, are simply embarrassing. Twenty-five minutes into the show and all you can do is whine about Trump! Nothing about Clinton and her issues, just how terribly awful Trump is. Your show is no better than any cable news show on any channel at this point. At least give us something relevant! How many times are you going to tell us Trump went bankrupt? We know already! And you really thought those Trump stories were more important than to lead the show with than the crisis over lead and arcenic in Indiana’s water? Come on. TYT has become an embarrasment. Far, far away from being any kind of standard bearers of alternative news media in any way. Ridiculous.

    1. I agree that the arsenic story should been the lead-in. It’s an awesome story, well-investigated, and massive kudos to TYT for it. But there are just no good reasons to dump it behind 25 minutes of those by now highly predictable and repetitive Trump trivia.

    2. I cannot believe it. I was just commenting in PG how TYT is finally talking about OTHER political stories and not non-stop Trumpzilla. STOP WITH THE TRUMPZILLA!

      Cenk, if you feel you MUST talk about Trump, do it in those 2-4 min youtube clips that you do ON TOP of 1&2 Hours on TYT. I would probably watch those … laugh & send them on to my friends!

      You know what? Wasting all this time on Trumpzilla and then token tidbits on $hillary & the Clinton Foundation, etc is a pointless. When PBS has their Viewership Drive they play primo shows & fan-favorites .

      You have a membership drive going and you are BLOWING IT by spending so much time on Trumpzilla.

      I didn’t become a member 7yrs ago to listen to crap about Trump I can find anywhere.
      I had some hope last week …. now I’m depressed again. Same Trump-shit, different week.

    3. I second all comments above. It’s time to dump the Trump barrage & get back to good balanced news.

  6. Love you fellas, but that is just more Trump than my system can handle. Gonna have to skip this episode.

    1. I’m doing the same. I am fully aware of how bad Trump is and everything he does wrong is covered by the MSM. There was literally a whole week that I didn’t watch because so much time is being devoted to Donald Trump. I could deal with one Trump story per segment but I just don’t feel that he deserves an hour of my attention every day.

      1. That is exactly my modus operandi, as well. Unless a progressive suddenly woke up out of a year-long coma, there is a limit to how much Trump coverage we really need. Even moreso when it becomes distracting to honest-to-goodness investigative journalism.

    1. Why, because Jedi always deflect their shooting with their sabers? :)

      The only problem with that is that we don’t have lightsabers! Probably for excellent, saber-control related reasons!

  7. When said started to say that Hillary’s campaign isn’t controlling the media but is planting ”true” fact and is just being ”clever”, I honestly start to doubt TYT ‘s intention of fair coverage for the first time.

    WTF is going on. On the right, people are saying that she is a demon witch who is having people kills, which is ridiculous. But now I have my favorite source of news that I’ve been supported for a while for being real with us, obviously playing down what she actually is doing wrong.

    You told us many time that if this election is about trump, he loses and if it’s about hillary she loses. Nowadays there is practicly nothing on hillary here, it’s the Trump show 24/7. I get that you don’t want him, I don’t want him either. But be balanced in your coverage ffs.

    You accused CNN of showing Trump empty podium, yet you do unrelated empty stories on him that has nothing to do with the election.

    Cover both, don’t be CNN 2.0.

    1. You accused CNN of showing Trump empty podium, yet you do unrelated empty stories on him that has nothing to do with the election.

      that’s a good line, but I’d actually like if we focused less on the election all together, not just Trump.. We had a weekend of news. News all over the world is pushed off the table so we can talk about this fucking election for another day.

      There was a bombing in Turkey that killed 50 at a wedding. I wish Cenk would talk about Turkey more in general, since he has special insight into that country and it’s currently collapsing into dictatorship. The war crimes of the Saudis in Yemen, backed by the US in military aid, is finally getting some attention and John Kerry is being sent over to pretend like the US is upset by this. That might be a worthy story to delve into. There’s a theory out there that the US is helping Saudi Arabia with aid to Yemen and in exchange Saudi Arabia is keeping the oil market flooded with crude, so that oil prices stay low and this is helping to crush Venezuela which is a petro-state. As Venezuela collapses, the US can start getting their hands dirty taking Venezuela over again through it’s neoliberal policies. After the Iran deal, Saudi Arabia and Iran are now in competition for most favored oil nation status to the US. The geopolitics of all this would be interesting to cover. Maybe even more relevant even than what Trump had for breakfast today. Nigeria claims to be killing a lot of the main leadership of Boko Haram. Maybe that might be an interesting story to cover on TYT. It’s an international show, right? It’s online. Anyone can download it? So maybe there’s other things happening in the world besides the god damn US election that has been going on for over a year.

  8. I may have missed Cenk saying this, but is Hannity finally out of the closet on this “journalism” because Ailes is out at the network? Roger probably had a strict policy on getting involved with campaigns to feign the idea of objectivity within the organization.

  9. Like ‘ mrande81’ above ” file not supported” is what I saw ; When I tried to Watch the August 22nd Post Game ???
    Are You Folks having ‘ Windows 10 ‘ problems, too ???

  10. Running the Apprentice from inside the White House.. it would be awesome.

    Bring the people to the Cabinet Meeting.. awesomeness..

    Make the government transparent.. priceless.

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