TYT Hour 2 August 18, 2016

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 2 - On Demand by David Koller22 Comments

DOJ will begin to phase out use of private prisons. Drama behind U.S. swimmer Ryan Lochte’s robbery story. Tony Perkins, who blames natural disasters on immorality of victims, has becomes flooding victim. Univision purchases Gawker. Naked Donald Trump statues around US. Rio locals point out how easy it is to spot tourists on beach.


  1. I like the new related section (I didn’t see it before)
    Why is the video quality so bad? I know S3 is not cheap but please do something about it.

  2. The story on Univision buying Gawker should have had a disclaimer about Ana’s new show on Fusion which is owned by Univision. Any financial ties to a story, no matter how unrelated, is worth disclosing. Don’t give the haters anything to use. —- ALSO, it would be a great chance to plug the new show.

    1. True, it never hurts to add disclaimers. This story seems fair and objective to me, but some people will approach it from the angle “Univision is going to keep parts of the criminal company Gawker up and running, and TYT doesn’t raise any objections to this, even though they were very critical of Gawker itself.”

    1. 720p download in linked to low res button for some reason. While the high res download link is low res. I think they got them switched up.

  3. Genk claims to be an agnostic but daily invokes God’s name in “bless yous, forbids” and calls people surviving this and that “miracles.”
    The funniest thing is he caught himself doing it the other day and laughed as though it was an anomaly, when it’s actually the norm.

      1. I know, just messing a bit because it’s so prevalent even amongst those not indoctrinated, and amusing…cheers.

      2. After listening to Friday’s show I’ve changed my mind.
        Genk made a statement and ended it with “God willing.” I’ve been an agnostic/atheist since I could form rational thoughts, am almost 53 now, and while the “God damn, God bless, etc.” are not particularly uncommon from non-believers, I’ve never heard the above mentioned.
        I suppose it’s not a big deal, but pretty suss, regardless. ;)

  4. Drums of war? $hillary has been talking about going Iran as her target for a long time.
    War-mongers? Neo-cons have endorsed $hillary. She is the defense contractors best friend.
    Republicans & the War-complex may not like Trumpzilla & woulld oppose him because his aim can’t be controlled or he may decide he doesn’t “feel like bombing those guys.”
    There will be no REAL opposition to $hillary’s war plans, she is waaaay to good for business.

  5. Just became a member, best show Ive seen in awhile that tackles every issue in modern society involving politics, ideology, climate change and also, trending topics which are mostly funny

  6. Seriously, I have been watching this show (as a member) for awhile – and the show tonight was absolutely the best thing I have seen – stay strong!!

  7. Ana hits a home run on the Prison story – ya’ll were on fire tonight. On the swimming scandal (?) as an Air Force brat, I witnessed what American arrogance wrought abroad – and I was ashamed to be associated with that as a visitor in a foreign land , they deserved so much more from their fellow human beings. Loved Cenk’s commentary on the religious right – they should realize by now, God is not on their side. Number One rule in life “Don’t be a dick” (thank you Jim Jeffries)! Thank you TYT for listening.

    1. They don’t have HD at all on tytnetwork.com, that’s only for YouTube for some stupid reason. But they usually have 720p.

      But yeah, the normal one is 240p and the lowres one is 720p.

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