Trump’s special counsel denies campaign trailing in polls. Jill Stein’s pitch for Sanders supporters. Democrats not buying Sanders’ public opinion solution. Obama Admin pushes TPP.
#LoserDonald segment being a terrible businessman. Fox News’ Eric Bolling believes Trump losing polls are nonsense. 5 year old Syrian boy making headlines.

Correct me if I’m wrong, when opponents of a public option say it would have an unfair advantage its because unlike a private company a government entity can operate at a loss without going out of business. I’m all for the public option, but I think that’s a more accurate assessment of the opposing argument.
You’re not wrong, but it’s not so much “going out of business” they’re worried about. It’s that their business model involves paying the CEO enough to run a large country, and non-profits don’t do that. Any not-for-profit model will be better for the customer than a for profit model always, because they only have to make enough to break even, not to profit.
About Syria; it doesn’t matter who is right, because if America cared about civilians, you would accept more than the pittance you’re currently allowing into the country. So this bullshit about helping Syria is gross, and clearly, no fucks are given by the military as they bomb hospitals that house the only paediatricians that could help the kids being damaged by the very bombs you are complaining about. There are no good side or bad side here only people interfering in a conflict that will drive up oil prices for the profit of the few. Ask yourself where the weapons come from and follow the money and you will realize that this is far more disgusting than just one side bombing indiscriminately.
I think that is about right.
What happens to those kids and civilians drives me out of my mind, as it does to most of us, but the only sane response is to push for more ceasefires and to give more aid to the victims, doctors, rescue personnel, refugees, etc.
If we instead make the mistake of encouraging our generals and interventionist politicians, we will just make things worse.
Yippee! The comment section is back!
Sad Panda …. it only took dDErss half a second turn it into Putin-apologist wallpaper.
hillary and debbie cheated to win the primary. they spurned sanders and his supporters at every turn. i guess they dont need my vote then, and they can go pander to neocons and “moderate” repugnicants. im voting for jill stein, call it what you want
If you live in a safely “blue state” like California or New York, to me it is a no-brainer — we are absolutely free to vote our conscience, because Hillary will win our state’s electoral votes without us.
Because I live in California, I do not need to feel obligated to vote for Hillary to stop Trump — I don’t need to cast a vote for a shameless sociopathic self-serving liar in order to keep out of office a shameless sociopathic self-serving liar who also appears to be clinically insane.
My vote in November will be a protest vote, for the purpose of sending a message to the DNC (ironic, given all the MSM who repeated the lie that Bernie voters did not really WANT Bernie to be president, we were just “sending a message”… No, I voted for Bernie because he would make the GREATEST president of modern history, the true heir to FDR. )
Now that the option of voting for a GREAT candidate is gone… and the two front runners are both despicable, and since I live in a state where Hillary will win no matter what… I will vote third-party and probably for Stein simply because the Green party stands for progressivism, and that is the message I want to a send to the DNC — “if you want my vote, you need to be progressive.”
We have already seen Hillary zoom right-ward (relieved she no longer feels the need to pretend to be progressive), but there are other candidates who may be more open to understanding that the American people have, as a whole, moved left-ward of the Democratic Party.
If Hillary wins by landslide, that will send the wrong message to the DNC (“status quo awesome! don’t change anything!”). Therefore I urge anyone in a Blue state to vote third party for president. Help the DNC understand the world is changing.
Deb-n-NCAL, I am right there with you. I’m pretty damned sure that Oregon will not elect Trump, so I’ve got no reason to prop up Clinton with false support.
I think that is the proper position to have in this circumstance. Now I actually am more favorable towards Clinton then most of the TYT crowd (don’t get me wrong, I supported Bernie, and I recognize HRC is a flawed candidate), but even i believe we should artificially make this a squeaker. So if you are a Bernie supporter in a blue or red state, your vote really sint a vote against trump, it would be a vote against her. But if you do live in a swing state, your vote is against Trump, and you should do so. We need to give her an electoral landslide but a popular vote majority to show her that she needs to enact good progressive policies. I don’t think HRC is a lost cause, and if we make this election a squeaker, we can drive our message through in the one way the overrides her donor network, and that is through her wanting to keep her political career.
Sanders is doing a great job in outing those who stand in way of the revolution.
Apologies for my posts that should have been replies but ended up as new comments. Just FYI, it’s using Safari on an iOS device (possibly with third party cookies disabled) that causes this, so I recommend using other browsers and a different setup.
Bernie says vote for Hillary, I’m not suggesting anyone substitute his thinking for their own analysis, but I thought enough of the guy to vote for him when it was an option.
Only streets he is going to is Wall Street….
Jill Stein is a total loon and even her supporters know that. Most of her policies do not even make sense and her running mate is even worse.
Plus the fact that she is a pathetic attention seeker. If she really wants change she should campaign locally and win local elections. Other parties as well as hundreds if not thousands of independent candidates succeeded and with the money she and her party have she can do much more good especially that 86% of all laws and regulations that affect people’s lives are decided on the municipal, county and state levels.
Nationally, the Greens currently have roughly the same number of local elected officials as the Libertarian Party. I think it’s between 130 and 140 for the former, the latter claims 143 officials.
By definition, isn’t the point of an independent running for President to seek attention for his or her party? They never have a serious shot at the office itself because of the Party Duopoly, so getting attention for themselves is the only practical benefit from the whole undertaking.
Cenk is getting a lot of new sound bits lol
Right! My favorite is still Beat em’ with a stick and they will do!
That is what passionate politics and real democracy look like. The elitism and technocracy of Clinton is a dead end for any democracy worthy of that name. Trump supporters are dangerously wrong about most issues but they are totally right in bringing that much conviction to the table.
And despite the near-total lack of genuine enthusiasm for establishment candidates like Clinton, their supporters are just as capable of low-brow attacks and vicious tactics as those of “populist” candidates. Those voters are certainly not inherently more moral or virtuous than the latter voters.
None of this equal-opportunity crude behavior really matters, in the grand scheme of things, as long as the viciousness isn’t coordinated, planned and funded from the top. Such as by…you know…Super PACs.
Half of my replies end up as new comments somehow. Is anyone else experiencing that? I’m trying to figure out if it is dependent on which browser you use.
Damn, Cenk! You hit it right on the head about the Dem sell-out to the private insurance industry. Thinking there might be a good chance we could oust incumbents from their seats when you consider all the funds rerouted from the state dems into Hillary’s victory fund.
Also, many thanks to the TYT tech team for sorting out the comments section and fixing the problem with streaming video. I stopped coming here for awhile to view missed episodes due the the video stream constantly getting stuck.
Cenk is wrong on many facts on Syria and the boy picture; no wonder, though, as he reads *the MSM that “FORGET” TO REPORT* that:
1) “activists” the female journalist and “rebels” Cenk mentions is almost exclusively Janhat al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, and its clones.
2) The majority of Aleppo is held by the government, nearly 2 million people, but some parts of the city were invaded by Al-Qaeda and its clones in 2012; the city itself is never rebelled. They now control the population of about 40 000, according to Reuters.
3) The massive use by “rebels” of so-called “hell canons” destroyed significant parts of the city, which adds to the many suicide bombings “moderate rebels” do there.
4) Putin said in his UN speech and in the interview to Charles Rose that Russia is going against Daesh (ISIS), but also against other terrorists. Even Pentagon admitted that “moderate rebels” is a myth.
5) the claim that “Syrian government has killed hundreds of thousands of civilians” is FALSE. Even the circulated 250 000 death toll number admits that two thirds of the toll is combatants. Though the methodology is bogus so UN has stopped to recognize this number as meaningful.
7) the video with the boy has no scenery around recorded, no independent media interviewed the boy and confirmed any of the claims, we only have Al-Qaeda’s “activist” claims. You see a number of people shooting and making photographs because it is DAMN PR OPERATION by the terrorists in attempt to pressure the government to allow them to stay in Aleppo. The veracity of the video can not be verified. (Especially since different factions jihadists shell and missile each other.)
8) the bombs in Syria are not dropped “blindly” by any party since the scale of the bombardments is small: tens of thousand bombs for a front lines that are hundreds of kilometres long. Compare it to MILLIONS of bombs dropped on Vietnam, where the bombing were actually blind (carpet bombings mode).
9) there is no civil war in Syria. Aleppo is 99% Sunni and yet it almost completely under government control, people never rebelled there, the city was partly invaded by the jihadists. And even the likes of Bzezinski and Kissinger admit that Assad would win even the most fair elections since he is the only hope to all secular Sunni as in Aleppo, let alone for the Christians and Alawites.
ON JILL STEIN segment: Cenk always mentions Trump’s bad promises as an argument to vote against him. This scaremongering is not intellectually honest as almost EVERYTHING THAT TRUMP PROPOSES OBAMA IS ALREADY DOING:
1) Obama-Clinton regime has the extreme vetting of the refugees already installed;
2) Obama-Clinton regime deported record number of illegal immigrants, and Clinton herself called for a “fence” with Mexico many times (though lately she is silent on that to differentiate herself from Trump);
3) Obama-Clinton regime kills “terrorists and their family members” for all of the years, including even USA’s own citizens without a trial, and even their 16 year old sons in a separate drone strikes; thousands of non-target people were killed along with the targets that are only about ten percent of the deaths. There is simply no way to go more tyrannical than that;
4) Obama-Clinton regime is so hostile to the idea of free media that Obama has personally called USA-Saudi puppet ruler (now ousted) in Yemen to keep the reporter that disclosed the death toll of the drone strikes in jail;
5) Obama-Clinton regime has stopped direct involvement of USA’s forces in torture, but it continues to happen as it gets outsourced to, as Obama says, “our friends and allies in the Middle East”, to where the CIA forwards illegally detained people “to work on”. Torture also continues within the USA itself as even the military court admitted that what the regime has done to the private Manning was in effect a torture;
6) Obama-Clinton regime continues to illegally occupy parts of Cuba such as Guantánamo Bay and keep people there indefinitely without a trial.
Additionally, Clinton is one key way significantly worse than Trump: she is a neocon/neolib maniac, a war-hawk that is eager to bring the world to the WWIII: she has proposed to install a no-fly-zone over Syria to cover the Wahhabi/Salafist “moderate” heads-chopping, women-caging, genocidal “moderate rebels” as per bidding of the biggest Clinton Foundation sponsor — the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as Qatar. Obviously, Russia would not let no-fly-zone to happen so Clinton’s idea literally means WWIII. Trump offers collaboration with Russia in the fight against terrorism, and it makes all the sense in the world.
Actually, I do not agree with basically everything that Trump says except for his way more safer international policy, but the critiques against him should be fair and admit the parts where Clinton-Obama regime is already doing the same thing or worse, not pretend otherwise to scare public of Trump.
You haven’t been following the news lately haven’t you?
1- 6000 Syrians freedom fighters are now besieging the supposed 2 million people the regime claims to be living in Western Aleppo (which is by the way half the size of eastern Aleppo which the UN, the Syrian regime and Russia acknowledge as having 400-500k people currently living there) which means either the regime is lying about how many people actually living there (which is not the first time an the consensus is about 500-600k) or Marvel’s Avengers are lending the freedom fighters a hand.
2- Jabhat Al-Nusra is only a very small faction in Aleppo, their strength is in Southern Idlib and the Anti-Lebanon Mountains. The battle of Aleppo is fought by 2 dozen groups half of them are FSA troops and the other half are Islamist groups that just 4 months ago kicked out Jabhat Al-Nusra and its allies from Southern Aleppo (isn’t that what you want) and every single one is Syrian not imported shia militiamen or Ruskie pilots. By the way Al-Julani and every single field commander were either in Syrian Maximum security prisons or Iraqi Maximum security prisons in July 2011 waiting for execution. Who released them?
3- Hizbullah, fighting for the regime, launched 30 suicide bombers this year mostly against rebel held civilian areas in Zabadani and Madaya. Don’t tell me that Hizbullah is a moderate group or freedom fighters.
4- We know the names of every single one who died broken down by age, gender and places of birth and death and the 300k number does not include the military deaths (around 120 k split evenly) nor the 40k deaths inside the regime prisons (A Christian activist lost his two only sons to gang rape and starvation in an Air Force Intelligence facility in Damascus and the pictures are not pretty and this is this year). Unless those 40 children in the Aleppo children’s hospital were militants (again the pictures are there with videos recorded and broadcast live) I will trust the numbers given by all international organisations still working in Syria.
5- It was recorded live by Al-Jazeera and Sky News Arabia (funded by the UAE which continues to sell oil to the regime), I know because I saw it.
6- When you barrel bomb a 10 sq km neighbourhood with 1653 bombs in 6 months of this year (a neighbourhood that by the way signed a truce with the regime and kicked out all anti-regime militants) what can you call it, love?
7- So the 6 million Syrians (ironically all from a single sect) who left since 2011 are what, tourists?
8- If the regime is indeed so popular why haven’t the two million regime supporters in Aleppo besieged by terrorists are not flocking to defend their homes and lives and fight for the regime? That’s a thinker.
I only wish I could post videos so the people here (not you, unfortunately I do not have the FSB connections to show you the light) could see the regime and its true colors.
1) Even the latest inaccurate estimations of number of people that still live in terrorist-held parts of Aleppo is “250-300 thousand”, not “400-500 thousand”. More accurate estimation by Reuters is 40 thousand as almost all of people are long gone from those areas.
2) even Pentagon admitted that Jabhat al-Nusra (Jaish al-Fata) Al-Qaeda is the biggest force in Aleppo. “International community” id est USA pressed Syrian government to release “political prisoners”/”opposition leaders” as pre-condition to the negotiations in 2011-2012. And, of course, after government has agreed, now they blame the government.
3) the claim that Hezbollah used suicide bombers in Madaya is false; there is no evidence of that.
4) the fact that you personally trust the numbers from “international organisations” does not mean much since the UN has discarded their methodology and does not recognize their figures any more. The more so those “international organisations” are all accidentally funded by “regime change” sponsors like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the USA, the UK, and mostly headquartered in Turkey, also a major “regime change” actor.
5) Al-Jazeera is a Qatar’s propaganda outlet. Qatar is a Wahhabi/Salafist tyranny that backs its own al-Qaeda clone in Syria, Ahrar al-Sham. This ideology has brought to the world not only Al-Qaeda, but also Daesh (ISIS) and Boko Haram, among others. So the fact that Al-Jazeera participates in this PR operation is quite understandable. No independent media and reporting is done about this accident.
6) there are only few documented cases of use of barrel bombs in all five year history of the conflict. Their use is so rare because Syria has unlimited supply of industrially-made (though old) bombs from the giant Soviet warehouses; there are probably hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions of them. Also, the barrel bombs are actually MORE accurate, not less accurate since they are dropped from statically hovering helicopters versus from fast-moving planes. So whole hysteria about it is just another “Saddam’s WMDs” propaganda by the StateDep.
7) by the autumn of last year Syria had 11 million refugees, including 7 internally displaced people, and 4 to other countries. Considering proportions between the sects it you can see that the government has most of Sunni IDPs, let alone cities such as Aleppo that are 99% Sunni and never rebelled, and the government holds almost all Aleppo’s people in its territory.
8) civilians can not effectively fight against a well-organised, USA/UK/KSA/Qatar/Trukey armed terrorists.
By the way, the point that the boy video is a terrorist PR cover up operation is obvious not only because they had few “reporters” there, but also because they all “accidentally” happened to be at the exact time and space when those two boys were about to be evacuated to the ambulance car.
So the terrorists either kept the children in the rubble to wait until “reporters” will arrive to then put the children into the ambulance car on camera, or the children were “prepared” beforehand for the show. Hence there is no video of how “rescuers” actually dig the children out.
1- So you admit making stuff up, good to know.
2- Jabhat Al-Nusrah is not part of Jaish Al-Fath, nor it has been nor it will ever be. Sure they are allies but they are also mortal enemies as demonstrated just last spring when Jaish Al-Fath kicked them out from Aleppo. Plus Hizbullah and a dozen shia and Kurdish terrorist organisations on the terror watch list are allied with Assad. And by the way you should check with Upstairs at FSB HQ because Jaish Al-Fath is represented in the Syrian opposition that regularly meets with Russian foreign ministry officials and has participated in the negotiations in Geneva.
3- They used them, they bragged about using them in their own media (Al-Manar website has an English version). I will believe them over you.
4- The UN stopped counting for a good reason that they explained. Others did not stop like MSF, Amnesty, HRW let alone the Syrian groups themselves but since anyone who opposes the regime is a terrorist by definition I will not quote them and their numbers are higher than the 300k I quoted and with credible proof.
5- Sky News Arabia is owned by the UAE which financed Assad and gave him oil, housed his mother and a large number of his relatives and deported every opposition leader living there in some cases to Damascus to be murdered and even they could not stomach the news broadcast live by their own correspondent.
6- So we should blind ourselves to the Syrian state television broadcasts which unabashedly brag about the barrel bombing of civilian areas including a hospital last night with numbers and believe you?
7- 12 is the latest estimate from the UNHCR and 6 million are outside Syria not 4 because neither Turkey nor Saudi Arabia register the refugees as such but gives them guest visas and the number of guest visas issued in Saudi Arabia to Syrians jumped from 700k to 2.1 million.
8- They could volunteer for the Syrian Arab Army but they don’t. I wonder why?
1) what parts I “made up”?
2) there are no constant mortal enemies and allies among the jihadists. They ally on certain joint offensive operations, but not others. Then they may go to bomb each other. They they may join forces again. It is all irrelevant as they all terrorists. And, by the way, Russia does not make the list of those who are allowed to Geneva talks. Even genocidal maniacs such as Jaish al-Islam that praised Bin Laden, caged women and vowed to commit genocide against minorities are part of the talk, they are pushed there as “moderate rebeles” by the likes of the UK and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
3) I heard such news from them; Google did not help; how do I find those “news”?
4) the UN explained that the methodology for the counting is bogus. Even the 250 K number is arbitrary and has no proper foundation. So regime change PR cover up tools aka Amnesty and others can “count” whatever they want; the data is useless;
5) SNA is not Al-Jazeera, and currently UAE has nothing to do with supporting Assad; they are allied with Saudi Arabia on this, so it is the same propaganda. Hence SNA coverage is always was pro-terrorist;
6) when did Syrian television brag about using barrel bombs? I could not find an example;
7) the figures and how you count is different, but the fact is that Syrian governments holds the most of Sunni residents that are not displaces, as well as internally displaced;
8) they did volunteer; this is how Syrian Self-Defense Forces (pro-government militias) were created.
@dDRrss @sec86379
Hey, it’s good to see both of you have at each other with the informational polemics. It’s been a while… :)
Your comment did not appear in the thread; the replies tree is probably maxed out. Post it to any of my comments that are above in the tree, closer to the root.
I think it is because the video links.
If you do not have your text any more I can forward it to you to your mail address so you could re-post it — with only one outright web link, the type does not matter; just replace the rest of links with titles to search for them.
No, the issue is different: the comment system does not allow more than one link in a post. So remove all links but one, and replace those deleted links with titles that could be searchable via Google.
Er, so you don’t think that Big Pharma should be regulated? It’s an industry that is vital to the public health. Of course it should be as closely regulated as possible.
What kind of Bernie supporter or progressive would use the expression “Bernie Bro” like that? That’s beyond ridiculous. You’re actually adopting and perpetuating the deceitful rhetoric that was used by paid-for Clinton trolls and the DNC to run Bernie’s campaign into the ground.
I don’t believe you for a second. And if you think that you represent the average of TYT’s audience, you are in for a rude awakening.
That ” Calling his Bollshit ” of Dana Perino open-handed slapping Eric Bolling is hilarious. Kudos to the graphics dept.
Damn Cenk, you’re totally right on the Public Option. I hope they hear you and do what you’re saying.
Wow, apparently the comments are working again. They were invisible to me until now. Good job to whoever fixed that.
I did see what she said, that is precisely why I am saying that. She said she doesn’t believe vaccines cause autism, but that you should regulate big pharma about their safety, which is what the anti-vaxxers are latching onto RIGHT NOW that their film and research paper got smeared and proven wrong.
And it is not a lie, the green party has droves of anti-vaccine supporters because of that dog whistle message about big pharma.
There are no doubt anti-vaxxers in the Green Party. And she’s not one of them.
The need for better regulation of Big Pharma is obvious. It doesn’t matter how anti-vaxxers feel about that: they are certainly not the only ones who support better regulation.
Listening to Jill Stein – a person completely unqualified for local comptroller, let alone president – blabber on is just painful. Please don’t cater to the lunatic fringe of Bernie’s supporters. Judging from the polls, very few people give a damn about Green Party news. She’s losing to “Deez Nuts” in Texas, and is just edging out Harambe, lol.
Texas did elect George W Bush Governor, so how sound is their judgment?
You do realize that TYT is a PROGRESSIVE news network, right? Do you seriously think that its viewership doesn’t want hear about the most progressive candidate still in the race?
What you call “the lunatic fringe” is, of course, nothing of that sort. Anyway, you can address us directly. I’m right here. Bring it on.
Given that over 90% of Bernie’s supporters are supporting Hillary; and the remainder are independents and millennials who probably aren’t going to vote at all anyways; and most comments I see online from Jill Stein supporters are just as vile as what Republicans have been saying for the past twenty years; and Jill Stein can barely rub 5 percentage points together in any poll; and there isn’t a single Green Party member in all of Congress; yes, I actually do believe “lunatic fringe” is a completely appropriate descriptor.
I heavily supported Bernie – with my money, my time, and most importantly my vote – but there’s a reason he ran as a Democrat and endorsed Hillary, not Stein.
And being a progressive and being an angry, petulant Bernie Bro are very different things, and you’re foolish to think that TYT is obligated to cater to both groups. Cenk is clearly leaning towards Clinton and doesn’t like some of Stein’s policies; John , Michael and Ben have already indicated they’re supporting Hillary; and even Jimmy has said he’s spooked enough by Trump to consider Hillary. Ana, in her typical lazy way, has said she’s just not voting, which is SHOCKING.
My point being: this is not a safe refuge for you. I’ve already seen other fringers insult Cenk and indicate that they’re dumping TYT, and they should; TYT believes in common sense and keeping Mussolini 2.0 out of office, and common sense seems to have fled from a small percentage of Bernie’s supporters.
What kind of Bernie supporter or progressive would use the expression “Bernie Bro” like that? That’s beyond ridiculous. You’re actually adopting and perpetuating the deceitful rhetoric that was used by paid-for Clinton trolls and the DNC to run Bernie’s campaign into the ground.
I don’t believe you for a second. And if you think that you represent the average of TYT’s audience, you are in for a rude awakening.
Oh trust me, when I was supporting Bernie, that phrase drove me fucking crazy. But I didn’t realize at the time that there many Bernie supporters who really were the worst of us; the liberal equivalent of Trump supporters.
On Facebook, I followed every single Bernie fan page that floated across my feed. After it was certain Bernie would not be able to win, I watched with horror as these pages devolved into grotesque, conspiracy-theory laden hate pages, filled with disgusting attacks and memes that would make Republicans grin admiringly. I saw Elizabeth Warren compared to a literal pile of shit for supporting Clinton, with hundreds of comments underneath hooting in agreement. I’ve even seen a really depressing amount of Bros and Bro-ettes calling Bernie a traitor, and Cenk for that matter. Seriously?
For a time I was completely ashamed to even have been associated with Bernie’s movement due to his heinous followers, but now I know it’s just a very small, young, vocal minority, crying because they want to take their ball and go home. Bernie did the right thing. TYT and Cenk are doing the right thing.
BoardGameBrawl, I saw this happen as well, but to be honest, none of us actually know who these people on line are. It’s not a conspiracy theory to say that there has been a lot of time, effort and money spent on employing people to influence, and or, disrupt on-line discussion. I’m not saying that there are were not a lot of true Bernie supporters who were not online venting their frustration about how things played out. Yet, from what I observed much of it reeked of political troll manipulation. It’s something I’ve learned to keep in mind and actively question. Often, I found the responses were not coming from someone who actually knew what Bernie’s policy positions were.
That is what passionate politics and real democracy look like. The elitism and technocracy of Clinton is a dead end for any democracy worthy of that name. Trump supporters are dangerously wrong about most issues but they are totally right in bringing that much conviction to the table.
And despite the near-total lack of genuine enthusiasm for establishment candidates like Clinton, their supporters are just as capable of low-brow attacks and vicious tactics as those of “populist” candidates. Those voters are certainly not inherently more moral or virtuous than the latter voters.
None of this equal-opportunity crude behavior really matters, in the grand scheme of things, as long as the viciousness isn’t coordinated, planned and funded from the top. Such as by…you know…Clinton Super PACs.
As for Sen.Warren, who made her rep fighting AGAINST Banksters, to then turn and endorse $hillary, the Banksters’ Babe, BEFORE the primaries were anywhere near over, shows me a lot about how actually progressive she is. And if you give me the “pragmatic” bullshit line, not buying it.
Again, with the reasoning that everyone who bends the knee to $hillary, is reasonable, pragmatic, responsible, blah, blah, blah. If perception is means anything, by being openly supportive of someone who is “against what you believe or want” is vaguely masochistic. You really don’t want to “win.” Hmmm ….
I believe that it was $hillary’s SuperPac that first paid $1 million & then $6 million to troll Bernie supporters. Berniebusters & Progressives never had that coordination or $$$$$$.
Wow , Mr.BGB it appears your intention here is in your name.
Only people who never really supported Bernie or Progressives, ever uses the derogatory term “Bernie Bros” in actually reference to His supporters. So, much like Ben & Michael who said they “liked Bernie” but were never going to vote for him, I suspect you were in the HRC camp from the beginning.
The very fact that you describe Green Party or Bernie supporters as “fringe” who need a “safe refuge,” shows that you are more $hillary-bot than anything else. Just because you SAY you liked Bernie, doesn’t give you carte blanche to slam Progressives, openly berate Jill Stein, and then imply that anyone who doesn’t believe as you do doesn’t have “common sense.”
It’s been no secret that I have not been happy with the non-stop, double -hour dump of Trumpzilla that has been going on since the DNC convention. Finally, TYT is getting back to giving a more expanded view of what else is going on in politics. Today, he is going back to basics and taking on the Dem Party again. FINALLY. I LOVE IT.
TYT encourages its members to discuss, disagree & express their opinion. TYT is not a “safe refuge” for anyone, except those who like some intelligent humor with the news & opinions that are not being covered anywhere but in new media.
I would argue that the common sense you claim has left Bernie supporters, NEVER had a home with HRCs backers, the DNC or the Democratic Party. So stop pretending that your “brand” of common sense is better or more “realistic” because you perceive that TYT & Cenk are on your “team.”
Primary all of the defeatest, corporate-sell-out Democrats?
Well, apparently we can’t even primary DWS, let alone all of the corporate Democrats. It’s factually without question that DWS did horrible things as chairwoman of the DNS and LITERALLY had to resign in shame, and still a poll came out that showed her up 58-33 against Canova. I genuinely don’t know if I can vote for Hillary –and I live in a swing-state. Every time I try to acquiesce and confirm my vote for Hillary, she does something so needlessly dickish –like endorse and campaigning for DWS, or promote a corporate lobbyist into a, or pick Tim Kaine to be her VP, or choose not to acknowledge the DNC leak other than to praise DWS the same day, etc– and I realize that she’s such a disgusting neoliberal asshole. You can’t really bargain with Hillary, her morality was surgically removed and replaced with ambition and donor money.
Some day, I hope we can repay the DNC in kind.
Let’s be real: I mean, Jill might be well intentioned, but she has some troubling stuff on her party and campaign rhetoric. The big pharma rhetoric is not only fear mongering itself when it comes to safety of vaccines (on pill pricing and other medications absolutely true) and her party has a crap ton of anti-vaccine nut cases. Vaccines are not a for profit business and they have very strict safety controls here, so much that no corporation wants to touch new vaccines because there is no money to be made with all the requirements and boards of doctors and reaserchers overseeing them.
The vaccine thing is a smear. She sets the record straight in an interview with Jordan Chariton.
robertjordan18, thanks for the URL post. I saw the interview shortly after it was posted. It was refreshing to see a politician deny an allegation without equivocating!
You’re welcome. She makes it very clear that it is about the need for improved regulation of the pharmaceutical industry and that she’s NOT advocating that anyone stop taking vaccines.
Have had an Epiphany of sorts, was it Oscar Wilde who said “life is a series of conversations in an elegant room”? anywhoo the TYT network is that conversation. My review: story 1: the CNN anchor could have cited some facts on those polls, her failure to do so made her look almost as dumb as him. Story 3: I LOVE YOU CENK!! BRAVO! Story 4: Again, where do these people think they are going to live when the whole world is unlivable? Story 5: The LDJT (LoserDonaldJTrump) community are the gamblers the Donald loves Story 5: what if that was Your child? how can we help? once again – BEST SHOW EVER!!s
PatriciaSTL, if the Trump surrogate wanted to dispute a specific poll on technical grounds, then the anchor should have provided an example as you suggested. From the edited clip that was shown, it appeared as if the surrogate was in denial mode regardless of the mountain of facts to the contrary. In my view, the anchor’s response of repeating “all the polls” illustrated the absurdity of the surrogate’s position.
One way to possibly help the civilians caught in the Syrian civil war would be to contact the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Before going international, you might want to contact the Red Cross first.
I realize that the larger issue of the bombings is Infinitely more important than what I have to say here, but I’ve heard it for years and I’ve finally reached my boiling point. I can no longer go without pointing out how annoying and insulting it is, as a person without children, to hear Cenk and other parents say, “As a parent, it’s very difficult to see (Fill in any event that was harmful to children here).” Well, guess what parents. You don’t have to be a parent to care about children! I cried during this story even though I have no kids. It strikes me as arrogant, even though I’m sure it’s not intended to be. I think it’s more a matter of thoughtlessness. So, parents, please stop implying that you, somehow, have an added level of compassion just because you reproduced. It’s insulting to those of us who chose not to, whether you intend it to be or not.
In a Bipartism system you cannot evade your responsabilities. We have this kind of system in France and we learned it the hard way in 2002. The progressive guy, center left seemed a lil too centrist for a lot of folks so we had all those other leftist candidate showing up. The result was sour : Jean Marie Lepen (extreme right populist) versus Chirac (Right wing guy) on the second turn. But its worst for you because you only have one turn. We held our nose and voted for the lesser evil but since then we are very careful not to spoil our vote to the candidate we just “like” the most. He should have the means to win ! Efficiency is important in democracy. The idea that Clinton track record could be compared to what Trump is actually puting out there is crazy to me. Its not just words he saying its campaign promises and policies ! Do you remember Bush ?
I like your perspective comparing this to France. I thought there were comparisons in different elections in different countries, but I didn’t know what they were. And of course I agree with you about Hillary. Of course she has committed some policy blunders (her policy in Latin America was atrocious), but given the far-right has a chance to win, that’s not a chance I’m willing to take. I remember Bush quite well, I don’t want a reprise or even worse
Paranood and Sra3fk, I’m tired of the fear-mongering (I’m not blaming you folks), and your comments give me a chance to say so. I didn’t think Trump was serious when he entered the race. Unfortunately, the Republicans bungled the primary and to everyone’s surprise, including Trump’s, he became the nominee. As Cenk has speculated, Trump may withdraw at a convenient point for himself from the race. If he gets elected, Trump may resign or the Congress will call for his impeachment. Either way, Trump doesn’t serve as President for a full term. As far as the fear that he will nuke another country is concerned, the military will not allow that to happen.
As part of your caution about Trump, you both allegorically reference Bush. One could also caution about Hillary by referencing Nixon. There are too many similarities between them for Hillary’s term in office to end well. She wants the presidency too damned much!
I doubt Trump will back out of the race or the presidency if he wins. And I’m not worried about him nuking another country or any of those absurd fear-mongering statements. I’m worried about him deporting 11 million people, decreasing our standing among the international community, bringing back torture, flaunting the Geneva Conventions, and generally acting like a right-wing strong man. If you Hillary is right-wing strong man/hawk, you better believe Trump is a hawk. Yes I know he says he was against the Iraq War, etc. But you can never tell what his foreign policy is. But it is pretty clear he wants to fight a war against ISIS, probably using ground troops. In short: his domestic policy, particularly on immigration, would be catastrophic to refugees, the 11 million undocumented people in America, etc. His tax policy would essentially be Bush tax cuts 2.0, huge giveaways to corporations and the rich. Hillary’s tax policy is clearly more progressive. But as far as foreign policy, Trump is in line with mainstream Republican hawkishness and belligerence, and he will if given power be in danger of committing war crimes, as he has stated he will do on live television. I will not risk him being in the White House for 2 minutes. Even without passing a law, he can do executive actions that would weaken Obamacare, deport people, throw the Supreme Court into a conservative majority for a generation. The Republican establishment (Paul Ryan, etc.) continues to back him, he will not be impeached if he wins. Your minimization of the risk of a Donald Trump presidency I see as not realistic given his clearly monstrous stances on most issues
The streets they’re taking it to on TPP are the gated mansion driveways of the ultra-rich or the valet entrance to the lobbies below their penthouses. If they took it to your street or my street they’d get mauled by the public outcry against it.
I’m pissed that people are still defending Obama’s position on TPP. It’s literally ignoring the will of the people. What more proof is needed that politicians feed off the apathy of average Americans who are distracted with entertainment & infotainment to the point they “the Owner Class” can get away with political murder & face no consequences. The pawns will get voted out and replaced with new pawns.
Beyond heartbreaking…I’m in tears. We’ve got to stop our participation in these wars (though I realize that supposedly we were not involved in this air strike). Just stop. I’m grateful to the heroes who are on the ground helping the survivors but I grieve for us all.
Ceng should not use Bernie Sanders as an example as polls also showed he would win. There is no “scientific explanation” as to why he didn’t win and the results were so different from polling…
Typo, Cenk not Ceng!! Sorry!
Good job Cenk! Keep holding these democrats and politicians stuck in their own bubble accountable!
Polling, as reported on Rachel Maddow’s show, says that HRC has the election locked up whether she loses all the swing states or not. So battleground state or not, I don’t need to vote for HRC. She doesn’t need me. She says she doesn’t need me. Her supporters say she doesn’t need me. The polling now says she doesn’t need me. So I plan to vote for Jill Stein. However when I tell people that, they have a fit and tell me it will be my fault if Trump wins. They can’t have it both ways. Either she needs me or she doesn’t and if she needs me, then she should actually stand by her platform “promises.” But we all know that she has no intention of adhering to the non-binding platform. How do I know? Ken Salazar.
I agree with you 100%, the one caveat your missing though is that Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, HRC have been wrong about almost everything this election. So it may be the case that they DO need our vote to win but are too arrogant or ignorant to see that.
It might be up to us to save the world from Trump and live to fight the establishment another day…
“I agree with you 100%, the one caveat your [you’re] missing though is that Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, HRC have been wrong about almost everything this election.”
Not sure what you mean by wrong but they certainly have not been truthful. Lost all respect for Rachel Maddow when she started carrying Hillary’s water during the primaries, rather than objectively reporting. Never had any respect for Chris Matthews; he’s obviously a corporate tool and had a major conflict of interest during the primary race. HRC is a corporatist and an opportunist as she has shown at every turn. I fully expect she will be “elected” but have no expectations about her actual agenda being in any way progressive or even liberal. I’m voting Stein and I hope that TYT will actually look at her policies and proposals rather than just dismissing them out of hand. I’m heartened that they included a piece on her tonight.
What do I mean by wrong? Rachel Maddow consistently underestimated Donald Trump from the very beginning. If you read the comment I was replying to, francescahawley2 was making an argument that some of the establishment press is certain that Hilary will win. I was pointing out, fairly clearly, that those who missed the Donald Trump rise in the primary should not be trusted during the general election. You seem to have projected a set of horrible positions on my comment. I never said anything about being a fan of Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow and I certainly didn’t make a claim that Hilary was going to follow through with any of the recent progressive policies she claims to support. Jill Stein would be an amazing president. However, as a white collage graduate with a comfortable university faculty position, I could afford to make a principled stand and risk a Donald Trump presidency. Instead I will sacrifice a small piece of my morality for those who would suffer greatly by Trumps policies.
We all travel as frogs from a different pond!
Not sure how this comment ended up here. Meant to refer to 2nd hour discussion re Rio. ;-))
It is obvious the Trump campaign is high on pot… oblivious.
Sadly, in my state, Stein is not even on the ballot. And they do not count the write in ballots, unless it is mandated.
A vote for Trump will at least be counted.
What state are you in? She is on the ballot in mine (Florida) but its a swing state so I feel very uncomfortable voting for her
Hey don’t bring my dear Mary Jane into this! Also they are brain dead not stoned. There is a difference.