Chinese swimmer proposed to. Ryan Lochte robbed. French court pursuing ban on burkini. Judge overturns Brendan Dassey’s conviction. Citizens of Mon Beach in Syria celebrating liberation from ISIS. Study from Journal of Drug Issues making claims pot users spending most of income on marijuana.

To be fair, I know a lot of divers lol. David Boudia, Steele Johnson, Guo Jingjing, and others. XD But I get Cenk’s point about He Zi getting way more publicity about it lmao. I actually don’t particularly care for public proposals; I mean, seriously, if you do a public proposal, you’re literally just manipulating them.
Thanks to my boyfriend Preston who non stop steam TYT when we first started dating
Now I am a proud member! Love the show; Ana, Cenk and all the other hosts on TYT! I think you guys have started something so Amazing and I get into work every morning ready to listen to the show! Thank you for keeping me informed.
The main issue not addressed re: the proposal is interrupting the moments of glory the gold and bronze medal winners had worked years for because this dude wanted to be a dope publicly.
Weed is not only cheaper is also way more healthier than alcohol!
About the Burkini story ive thought about it and there truly are a few positives
1. No sun burn no matter how long you swim.
2. Pretty sure the women rocking perma-Burka have little to no occurrences of skin cancer.
*As a side note if I suddenly had to live in some parts of the middle east I as an agnostic woman would voluntarily rock the burka, simply because occurrences of violence and rape are more common.
Can you guys share the segment explain why it’s important to fund non corporate media so
I can share it to help get members. Thanks
Regarding the Burkini-Topic, just as a fun fact. Here in Germany we have some dedicated FKK-beaches (Freie Körperkulturen = free body culture = being totally naked). You can take your clothes off at other beaches, too, but those are reserved for people who feel more comfortable being naked if everybody else is naked, too.
When we were at one of those beaches, once we sat there just wearing bikini bottoms because we had just fetched some food and felt weird eating totally naked ;-) and the the “textile police” came over and MADE us take off our bottoms because otherwise we would not be allowed to be at the FKK-beach. This only happened to me, once, but I found it incredibly ridiculous. I mean, we were still topless and the people asking us to undress were fully dressed, uniformed guard people.
Goes to show that those kind of policies can go a bit too far…
Idk what price point you guys are using but in nj, it’s far cheaper to drink than to smoke, tragically imho.
I know a lot of people/companies who do commentary on news say that you shouldn’t use them as their primary news source, but because I live in a foreign country, it it really difficult to get news from reputable sources and I really appreciate that TYT gives an honest commentary on whatever is happening in the news on a daily basis, and I really appreciate that even though the reporters sometimes disagree over things they are reporting, they try to show every detail of each story so that people can form their own opinions about the stories as opposed to reading or watching something from an extremely biased source. I only hope that my review can help TYT reach their goal of 50,000 members!
Re: 25% Income towards weed in low-income individuals
I wonder how many of these people using ‘weed’ daily are using it medicinally. Even where is it sanctioned for ‘Medical Use’ and sold by dispensaries, cannabis in a dried or oil (edible) format is expensive, it is not covered by any private or public medical insurance (at least here in Canada).
When I was using prescribed oxycodone for pain, the cost was about $30/month. For legal medicinal cannabis It costs me upwards of $200/month, and that is after participating in a Survey (to get a small $ discount), and getting compassionate pricing because I am in a low income/Canada Pension recipient bracket. If I could find the same consistent quality of medicine from the ‘guy who used to date my roommate’s cousin’ for a cheaper price, I’d do it too. For now my medicinal cannabis is tied with food in level of necessity.
Hmmmm. I’m unable to play the embedded video or download it. Anyone else?
Is this link dead for anyone else or just me?