Anthony Weiner catfished. Another Russian-Trump connection. Coverage of Louisiana flooding. Trump’s campaigned chairman on secret list of being bribed and influenced by Ukrainian government. #LoserDonald segment. Biden’s “awkward” hug with HRC. Riots in Milwaukee after cops shot. Glenn Beck “understands” BLM Movement.

This comment is for Jayar – Thank you Thank you Thank you for seeing this young man’s message for true – such a compelling message – thank you for getting it right!!
No mention of the DWS / Tim Canova debate? Bummer.
Yeah, was thinking about this too
Putin and Trump:
Yes, it’s a story. But I’d be careful about demonizing Putin just to show one more time what a loser Trump is. We have more to fear about what Hillary wants to do in Syria than Putin. And more to fear what Hillary would provoke in Ukraine than Putin. Glen Greenwald published an article that looks like it was meant especially for you after this program, Cenk: “Democrats’ Tactic of Accusing Critics of Kremlin Allegiance Has Long, Ugly History in U.S.”
Hillary takes a deep breathe after Biden relinquishes his grip…
Would love to be able to download a 1080p version.
I am a member mainly for the ability to watch the show in it’s entirety the day after (time zones). But I have to settle with a lower quality video stream than non-paying viewers on YouTube.
For goodness sake, he has a documentary coming out about him… JC
Why Cenk is pronouncing Ukrainian and Russian names so obnoxious?
Glen beck trying hard
Something that everyone who cover this campaign failed to figure out is that Trump was never going to be allowed to win. Those media corporation like NewsCorp, love Trump cause he gives them rating and makes them money, but they don’t want him in the white house. They know he be a disaster, they know he’d crack down on freedom of the press. So all along, they knew they would let him say what he want and makes them money, up to the point where it would be time to destroy him. Now he’s done being profitable ? It’s time to get rid of him.
The Weiner bashing actually really gets under my skin right now. Is or was there ANY evidence, that at ANY POINT he said or did ANYTHING un consensual or to/with a minor? No? So why is this a “news” story for 3 straight years? He is not even running for anything right now…
TYT really missed imho to use this story to demonstrate how to destroy one of the most liberal politicians at the time with stuff that might be unusual, but it actually quite diminishes real cases of creepy behavior/harassment to get all angry about consensual with sane and awake adults.
The guy sexting is none of my or anyone’s business – the whole story is actually more of an indictment of American culture than it is of Anthony Weiner.
Glen Becks pie metaphor is straight from a readdit post a couple months ago, but not as well said.
Please cover the protests against the Dakota Pipe Line in North Dakota.
Thank you
Cenk, you’re kinda old, so that’s probably why you haven’t heard it, but that analogy was used way back in April to explain it to some conservative group on Facebook and “went viral”. G Beck actually came to an understanding; he wasn’t saying the problem was their own community, but that there is a culture of disrespect towards the black community. The man might be somewhat insane, but he’s more right on this than you gave him credit for.