
    1. @hansberg8 Them boys got HEATED, didn’t they?
      The political scene throughout every election changes how people interact.
      It changes the culture.
      2016 was a MAJOR changing year & it will be a test for The Young Turks to hold together as their views diverge.

      It was one thing being united more or less against Dubya Bush during the Bush era.
      It was another thing being a critic of your own team during the Obama era.
      But now in this Trump transitional era until we get to the full Bernie era, we have people within TYT disagreeing SHARPLY on tactics & pretty much going into separate camps of thought.

      2016 was a realignment year in so many ways than one.
      I hope Ben & Jimmy practice agreeing to disagree a lot better because based on their political backgrounds they are GOING to diverge.

      And in a Post Game a few weeks ago, Cenk told a worried Ana that if she thought 2016 was bad, she ain’t seen nothin’ yet once 2020 comes around.
      It was the June 1, 2017 one. The one discussing the feedback of the Elizabeth Warren interview & the concept of “alternate universes” of seeing the same issue.

      I’m rewatching TYT’s election coverage to relive & review how TYT saw things then & how it led up to Election Night & today.
      Early on you saw Jimmy break with the pack on contemplating Hillary Clinton.
      He was FED UP. FED. UP. It was hilarious to see.
      Ben was MUCH more willing to back Hillary & you even suspected that he was really for Hillary all along the way he contradicted the rest on air.

      It’s a surprise those 2 didn’t lock horns earlier than this.
      But Ben grew up & lived in a Liberal/Progressive Movement in decline.
      Jimmy sees a Liberal/Progressive Movement on the rise.
      So Ben is used to taking the crumbs while Jimmy sees a full course meal on the horizon.
      And that explains the divergence.

      John Lucas

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