Ted Cruz told supporters that he agrees with Bernie Sanders that the government is corrupted, but they disagree on how to change it. Bernie wants to add more government to bad government. Florida has declared a state of emergency over the spread of the Zika virus. John admits his fear of sharks. A Kentucky mayor has been busted for soliciting sexual favors from female parolees. Sandy Rios, a pro-Life pastor believes that the Zika virus and the Flint water crisis are not important compared to illegal immigration.
Man Rights Activists get togethers have been blocked by MRA members from safety concerns by their critics. A small chain closing store Dainty Hooligan has removed one of its employee’s Instagram pictures for not being model material to wear the store’s clothes.
Just what i was thinking
“Man [sic] Rights Activists get togethers have been blocked by MRA members from safety concerns by their critics.” TYT is still calling Roosh V and Return of Kings MRAs? It is not that hard to understand the difference between pick-up artists (PUAs) and men’s right activists (MRAs). Roosh V is a PUA and he hates MRAs with a passion. Roosh is a deplorable person, but using him as an excuse to attack MRAs is really pathetic.
It’s like when Elliot Roger (the Santa Barbara shooter), another psychotic PUA, was also used as an excuse to attack MRAs. The real irony with Elliot Roger was that not only was he not an MRA, he was a subscriber to TYT. If you don’t believe me on that last one, please check for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/user/ElliotRodger/channels
I am really disappointed with this, as a long time member, to see them do, what the MSM do, it feels like true TYT is slipping into hyper focused narratives, exactly like the ones they criticize.
I’m not a fan of the word “hypocrite”, as it gets used to much, (there’s no but coming). I just hope there isn’t a situation where it can be levied against TYT.
MRAs are assholes. I don’t care if you think you’re some special component of some select group that isn’t properly represented by the majority of MRAs. They claim to care about men’s rights, but they just hate feminists, not real feminists, some straw man nonsense made-up boogie man they call “feminism”. I’ve been on the MRA sites. It’s not about men’s rights. It’s about hating women, no matter what you tell yourself you’re about. If you care about men’s rights, feminism addresses those. If you’re just about protecting male privilege, that’s what MRAs are about.
whine all you want about it being unfair. That’s what MRAs are best at. I’ve seen the sites. I’ve seen what they say with my own eyes. MRAs are not victims. They are assholes.
I think we’re reading different websites. Your distaste for MRA is clear.
Do you feel like Women need more rights? I am not even sure, at this stage what more “equality” there is, they have equal, and in many cases more rights in the eyes of the law. So, old school feminist won, I guess. Which is fine.
You state “If you care about men’s rights, feminism addresses those.”
You must be mistaken, all I hear from them is “rape culture”, “misogyny” and crying about male harassment online. That doesn’t seem like feminism addressing anything for men. Making men look bad, and trying to “fix” how men thing.. is not a good thing. We have laws.. let’s use that, eh?
The fact that you use term’s like “male privilege” and you stating “whine all you want” show’s you are too deep in the feminism path to recover.
Just, please, feminism is no longer about “equality” it has evolved into a hideous monster, going into schools, from the top down. It has become a “cancer” as a certain celebrity put it… and subsequently setting the Internet on fire….
It looks like you drank the cool aid, so, I won’t go further.
I wish you well.
WTF are you talking about? Gathly is right! Feminism addresses the issue of gender inequality, learned and by society enforced gender roles. All the (justified) issues that I can see of “discrimination against men” by law are related to the male gender role, either directly (prison, alimony, child custody) or indirectly, hitting men that don’t wanna live by the societal expectation of that male role (LGBT, asexuality, diverse interests etc). So they are being addressed by feminism and if feminism succeeds, all those problems would be eradicated…
What’s wrong with the expression “male privilege”? Aren’t men far less likely to get raped or sexually assaulted? Aren’t men far more likely to be equally or over-represented in media, culture, news, politics, the economy etc? Are men not far less likely to be seen as incompetent solely because they are too pretty or too ugly etc.? The list goes on and on…
I do agree with the inaccuracy part that coolaj56 mentioned, but your little rant here is almost proof that gathly is correct here! And btw, on principal I tend to disagree with him, because I think accuracy is important no matter how much of an asshole someone is – at the end accuracy is important for us, for the one making the judgment not to be fair or for the guy being judged…
Now to be completely accurate: Cenk and Ana corrected themselves immediately after calling him an MRA, so…
Forget to comment on that:
“Just, please, feminism is no longer about “equality” it has evolved into a hideous monster, going into schools, from the top down. It has become a “cancer” as a certain celebrity put it… and subsequently setting the Internet on fire…”
Can you please elaborate what you mean by that? I see the complete opposite. More and more women, especially young women are calling themselves feminists and it already changed the feminist movement, I think, to the better. Think about mainstream feminist views on sex work, pornography, telling women what clothes are “sexist” etc. now and 10 or 20 years ago – huge change, HUGE change!
Feminists of the 60s and 70s would have voted for Hillary Clinton no questions asked…
The only modeling blogs I follow are either by nonbinary people (nonbinary fashion is actually interesting) or fat women. I don’t really care that much about clothes or fashion but I’m fat so fat fashion is relevant to my interests for practical reasons. It’s not like this is a moral crusade or anything, it’s just that I can’t wear clothes that are designed for skinny people so I’m not interested enough in that to actually follow them.
I mean it’s not like I mind skinny models, I like those pictures fine too whenever I run into those but I’m not interested in that.
Anyway, isn’t this a matter of having more options? Why not have models of various sizes is your customers are also of various sizes? It’s not like you suddenly have to only have fat models! (Besides that woman is really cute! She doesn’t look like a model but she’s sexy and cute! I don’t understand why people insist that if you’re even just a little fat you must be ugly, what the fuck. Look at her!)
I love it how Ana criticises the owner of the clothing shop for wanting a good looking person to model their product. The owner wants her product to look the very best. Wouldn’t you? If not, don’t go into business for yourself. You won’t last very long.
No Cenk, no postgame, no Old School. Not a good day to be a member.
Im questioning why even be a member any more. Cenk seems to be gone more than he is here and when he is here, often times it is with John (and I am not a fan of Johns). I have been a member for quite some time and the only reason I became a member was to hear Cenks take on the stories.
I agree.
Keeping them independent is good enough of a reason for me.
They did multiple hours of debate coverage instead of a 15 minute post game…
John is the funniest after Jimmy for sure. Always thought so.
Completely agree. Johnny Pie is totes adorable, funny and well informed.
I think it’s a good idea to give members who give more additional perks like Patreon/Kickstarter things do, but I have a big concern with giving people who can afford to donate more the perk of access.
As a national-level Regional Coordinator with Wolf PAC, what I hear all the time from reps is that they won’t do a quid pro quo at the state level, but donations do buy an open door, and usually that’s enough to have a corrupting influence. People who can afford to give more will inherently have different priorities than those who can’t, so having only those affluent members be the ones who talk to you guys about what you should be prioritizing content wise is VERY concerning.
Please revamp your rewards for donation levels to either not give unfair influence to more wealthy watchers, or give no one influence over content. I have been a member while unemployed, and I think that deserves far more influence than a watcher who makes millions every year giving $100 a month.
Status titles, reading names, T Shirts, Goodie Bags, etc. are all fine because they don’t influence content, but calls with staff/Cenk do, so if we’re going to be selling influence to the show we should at least do it by percentage of income available not raw dollars. Given your policy avocation, I’d hope this concept is one you’d get pretty easily. If you feel doing so isn’t practical because of how much effort it’d take to verify income levels, then feel free to stop selling influence entirely. (:
I don’t mind changing the titles away from the TYT Army gimmick to a more professional gimmick, but I do mind when it stops being a gimmick and actually starts compromising the show’s integrity. Please fix this, because as a person who has renewed their membership annually for a decade I’m very concerned about this. Thank you.
Very interesting thoughts! I hope someone at TYT reads this. You might be better off emailing Dave (I think he reads and responds to emails at support@tytnetwork.com, or something like that).