Democrats Debate 2/4/16 Play-by-Play

In Membership, Special Events by klingbeil2116 Comments

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton compete for voters in New Hampshire, on February 4, 2016. TYT provides complete play-by-play. Sign up for TYT Membership to catch all of TYT’s election year coverage of debates, town halls, caucuses and elections. There is an alternative to conventional CNN nonsense.


  1. Of course Bernie Sanders isn’t a millionaire I mean the couple uses a table at a restaurant as a office……but there is something really beautiful about knowing that your president isn’t wealthy and that works hard like all of us and is own to earth.
    I love that about Bernie. I want him to be representing me.

  2. Hey whats with all the age bashing? “Gimme a break” :) I’m 64 yrs. old and cool as hell with a young outlook, I stay that way by listening to people like all of you at TYT but I’ve been noticing more age jokes lately so in the words of Hillary I’m telling you to “Cut it out”

  3. Ah, thanks, Jesse. The title had me confused and I didn’t watch the video because I like to try to watch them in order for full context.

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