Democrats Town Hall 2/3/16 Wrap Up

In Membership, Special Events by dcguido21 Comments

Wrap up of the Democratic Party Candidates Town Hall on CNN, February 3, 2016. TYT members can catch all TYT debate, town hall, caucus and primary coverage throughout 2016, so you don’t have to watch that conventional insider talk from CNN, MSNBC or FoxNews.


  1. Will the full coverage video be updated today? I’d like TYT to be my primary source for coverage on events like this, but if we have to wait 2 or 3 days you’re not exactly making a strong case for it. Thank you.

    1. Seconded! I really like these full debate shows, but I can never watch them live. One time, the full coverage and the shorter wrap-up were in my podcast app the very next day, so I know it’s possible. PLEASE do that every time. It feels like the podcast is an afterthought, but surely there are large numbers that never watch the show live and only get the show through the podcast like me.

    2. agreed. Im just now getting around to catching up on coverage of the last few presidential debate events, 5 days after this aired, and still no sign of the play by play coverage. I come to you guys first, don’t let me down with missing content.

  2. I wish TYT would just put its fucking schedule up where it is easy to find and not cluttered with a bunch of other stuff like clips. I always watch TYT a day late and I had no idea there was even a town hall yesterday.

    1. I wish they would do better in this department there is quite often stuff missing for an archived viewer like my self…

    2. I’ve been wondering the same thing. I thought it might have been the website update for this event, but they also didn’t put up the debate coverage. I’ve sent out a few tweets and commented on the debate wrap up. Hopefully, we’ll get answers as I work nights and membership has usually gotten me all of the content on my schedule. We can watch the wrap ups on YouTube.

  3. Quick Question TYT, are you going to post up the whole entire commentary? I ask because I missed out and would like to watch it.

  4. I’m gonna vote for Hillary if she wins the dem nom. But I’m not gonna be out spending my money on her campaign and buying shirts and getting excited. I think people underestimate how much people don’t like her. My husband is voting her sanders in the primary but if Hillary wins I doubt he will vote for her over Rubio. I know that’s just 1 person but I know so many others like him. I think some of the dislike towards Hillary is misplaced but it’s going to be an uphill battle to get conservative leaning independents to vote for her.

  5. EARTH TO ANA: Obama cannot snap his magical fingers and MAKE IT SO. Obama DOES NOT ISSUE RAIDS. As long as the Feds are in charge of the drug raids, THEY are the ones who choose where and when to raid. Until the scheduling of drugs is declassified, the laws totally changed, and the acceptance of those laws, the law enforcement will fight tooth and nail against losing their jobs and their POWER. Obama is the President, he is not God. He has to push every single decision through congress, and you may think he can just issue yet another mandate, but what happens when the next guy is elected? What happens when everyone turns against him for defying congress?

    1. From what I know, you are wrong on this. Presidents can’t change the laws, by themselves, of course, but they do put in leaders to the respective agencies that enforce the policies that mirror the president’s. Obama’s DEA chief, as pointed out, refuses to acknowledge cannabis isn’t as deadly as other drugs. Secondly, through these leaderships, they can -certainly- prioritize enforcement. How much enforcement is done on federal laws regarding corporate, white collar crimes, illegal immigration, and yes, marijuana can be controlled directly by the president.

      Sanders could potentially go in on day one of his presidency and, without changing any laws, basically order his DEA chief to divert ALL funding and effort away from federal enforcement of marijuana usage/growing/selling. Same goes for how much he, or Clinton, or Obama chooses to handle illegal immigration.

  6. Thrilled!! to be a new TYT member especially with the 2016 election on the horizon

    I want to comment on Hillary’s town hall remarks about marijuana that were missed in TYT’s post
    analysis.. Apparently she only wants the “right kind of marijuana” to be give to medical marijuana patients.
    Really? Guess Hillary only wants the ‘kind’ that doesn’t get you stoned? Then she leapfrogged to the heroin addiction problem thereby suggesting a link between weed and opiate addiction. Big turn off for this casual stoner.

    ‘Feel The Bern’ !!

  7. I feel like Ben is being contrarian to a large degree. He’s said multiple times that he will be voting for Bernie and prefers him to Hillary. And he’s totally awesome usually, second to Cenk IMO.

    That said, a lot of his arguments recently, and especially last night, have me wondering if he was body-snatched by Michael Shure. Along with what others have pointed out in the comments already, he called the ACA “revolutionary”. Seriously? The same bill that the Republicans were pushing for in the 90s that mandates that everyone buys privatized health insurance without any sort of cost control measures is revolutionary!? And then nobody on the panel pushes back on that. I REALLY wish Cenk had stuck around to check him on that.

  8. I’m with Ben on this discussion about lying in politics. What a politician says is useless information. What a politician has done tells me what I need to know. Similarly, who cares what a salesperson or commercial video advertisement says or shows? It’s past performance that indicates future performance. It’s not a guarantee, but it’s the best we can do.

    Caveat Emptor! In God we Trust! (by implication, every else’s words are suspect).

  9. Ben is repulsive throughout this video.. love him normally but but this is… No class or system-critical analysis at all, he just doesn’t get it. Cenk has started to get it in the last couple of years..

  10. Ben — “some of the criticism of Hillary is her obvious and dramatic lack of purity on issues that are important to us”.

    I see what you did there … nice meme about Bernie supporters looking for “purity” on issues. I guess you think we don’t get the “nuance” of Hillary’s stances on oh … I don’t know … TPP, single payer, breaking up the banks …

  11. Why on EARTH did you stop Elliot from arguing with Ben? I wanted to see how that played out so bad. I was feeling just as Elliot was, facepalming at Ben’s weird defense on how we should simultaneously hold politicians accountable and be misinformed (lied to.)

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