Oregon militia standoff. Bernie Sanders health records. Ted Cruz debate performance. Hillary Clinton and Wall Street regulation. Cenk, Ben, Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore hosting. The FBI has released the video of Oregon militia member Lavoy Finicum being killed by pursuing cops. The Feds also released an explanation of what happened, including him reaching for his 9mm handgun in his jacket. Jimmy thinks it was suicide by cop. Discussion of whether or not this was a justifiable shooting. Cenk hopes that the cops would’ve waited longer before shooting. Ben disagrees.
After Clinton supporters have called for Bernie Sanders’ health records, he submitted. The results show that he’s had gout and has a thyroid condition that Hillary Clinton also has. TYT videos from Hillary’s campaign event today where she focused on regulation and Wall St. Video of Hillary claiming that she is in favor of regulating Wall St, just like Bill. Hillary Clinton has floated the idea of appointing President Obama to the Supreme Court after being asked at a townhall event. Video of the question and answer. Discussion over whether or not this is a good idea. Many thought Ted Cruz lost the debate, as the Des Moines Register reported that he tried to insult his opponents.
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FBI releases video footage of LaVoy Finicum shooting
Why Police Shot the Oregon Occupier LaVoy Finicum
Hillary Clinton Would Consider Appointing President Obama to Supreme Court
Bernie Sanders in ‘overall very good health,’ doctor writes
Circumstances leading up to his death are the following:
1. Openly said he would kill anyone trying to arrest him
2. Suspects vehicle ran two road blocks placing the lives of officers in jeopardy
3. “Suspicion” he was likely armed favors the benefit of the doubt on the side of the police officers.
Conclusion? Officers reacting the way they did is warranted…
I’m standing my ground: There were certainly other ways to arrest these clowns without making it a shootout. The government has all kinds of SWAT equipment meant to protect policemen in a shooting situation. They could have moved in on the fed building with heavy equipment and surrounded it with cement barriers so the militia couldn’t come and go. That’s my point: They let them come and go–armed, for crying out loud–when they could have been arresting them. If they had just arrested Ammon Bundy, peacefully, the thing would have slowly fell apart.They waited WAY too long to arrest them.
Jimmy Dore on Hilary: nailed it!
I agree.
Also, I found Hillary’s campaign song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pj5z50FukdQ&feature=player_detailpage
Cenk is wrong about the application of felony murder to Ammon Bundy.
The “Redline Rule” is an exception to Felony Murder, which provides that felons are not liable for the deaths of any co-felons that occur during the commission of the crime, so long as the death is caused by the victim or a police officer attempting to prevent escape or further criminal activity.
it depends. It has variations in different states, and of course it’s all about what you can make stick in court, not just what you’re legally allowed to charge.
The hernia surgery was several months ago, not over a year ago. He was back at work the next day.
Is anyone going to address the elephant (donkey?) in the room? A Clinton/Sanders ticket?
address some made up something that neither party is interested in and is never going to happen? Why?
Sorry; have to agree with Cenk. The FBI had three weeks to stage an arrest scenario. Yet there was some sort of crazed urgency to get them to surrender when they are stopped–trapped in fact–in their cars. They could have been given a chance to throw down their guns before shooting to kill Watching it reminded me of the Tamir Rice footage.
That comment is a huge disservice to Tamir Rice, One was a child in a park given less then 1 second to explain his actions. Another was a grown man, a militant armed to the teeth who issued death threats to police for weeks…
Couldn’t agree with you more, AckaDacka.
I understand your point. However, in both cases, the police seem to have one response to ALL situations: draw and shoot. As I detailed below… Law enforcement needs to get creative in these situations instead of just defaulting–in both cases, including Tamir’s–to pulling a gun and shooting to kill.
So what should they have done ? Used tasers on him ? They know he was armed and had threatened to kill them. What if the tasers misfired or had little effect on him and he managed to draw the gun he had and shoot them.
Also you seem to be forgetting that he had his chance at a peaceful end to the conflict when he was initially detained by police but then chose to evade them by driving off.
Not only that but when he crashed his car nearly running down an officer then had the time to get out and walk around he was STILL not shot, only after he made 3 attempts to draw his weapon was he finally fire upon. He had all the chances in the world.
The dude was delusional, possibly mentally ill. I just believe it could have ended differently given they screwed around for three weeks before forcing a standoff. The police in this country need to think outside the “shootout box”.
Usually i agree with Cenk in seeing a gun, but this guy as Cenk himself said, threatened to kill cops for weeks ! The moment finally come for the confrentation and he CLEARLY is going out of his way to force a showdown reaaching twice for weapons everybody knows is there and he gets shot.
I dont even care if he had nothing or keys in his pocket, he knew what the perception of himself was to police he asked for it and he got it.
Agreed. Especially if he fires his gun when it’s inside his pocket, which is an entirely plausible scenario in this situation. Cenk is wrong…they didn’t need to wait to see if he had a gun…not in this case. Cenk needs time in a shoot house with various scenarios to better understand the dynamics. I agree that in the vast majority of the shootings discussed on this show are not justified, but in this case, it’s entirely justified.
Exactly, i know that Cenk asked for just one more second of caution before they shot but these guys got given so much “bonus time” its rediculous, every second they were given after the car of KNOWN armed occupant’s evaded initial police attempts to apprehend them was “a second extra”.
Even after they nearly ran down a cop at the second barricade, THEN he got out, THEN fumbled for his weapon, he was given more then “one more second” he was given minutes of bonus time.
The line for one more second is drawn at the precise moment you are detained by the police.
Nobody thus far has acknowledged the possibility that one of those cops on the ground might have actually seen the weapon during one of the THREE times the guy opened his jacket and tried to reach for it. Hard to notice that possibility from the pov of a helicopter.
This was simply the wrong scenario to apply Cenk’s line of reasoning, but I want to agree with him simply for the reason of not continuing down the rabbit hole of using deadly force as a default in many other cases.
king kunta
We have no audio so was there instructions by any of the official to drop a weapon or was they all silent ?
Policing does not always need to be a “movie Western standoff “. There were many other ways to apprehend them without killing someone.
This particular case WAS a “movie Western standoff”! Once these guys threatened the use of deadly force against anyone who came to apprehend them, and Lavoy Finicum himself said he would sooner die than be “put in a metal box”, and when authorities knew these guys were armed to the hilt… The militia members set it up that way. It’s a tragedy that this guy died, but I can scarcely see any way the authorities in this case could have handled it better.