geeze, all these guys saying “my Christian faith will influence the way I govern. ” and they all want to KILL KILL KILL, the mid east. If you are a Jesus first guy, you would be peace first.
They are not pro Jesus. None of them. Why are ppl stupid enough to believe that
If I had to pick one of these guys, Rand Paul. He makes me bi polar. He has really good ideas and really bad ones. No middle. But, Paul is the only one with ANY good ideas. So out of the clown car, I would pcik Rand Paul
ok last time my commenting butt chimes in. Next debate, make the sound of TYT louder than the debate. Both at the same volume made it just a mess of yammer that was not easily understandable.
Got to say this for the 100th time. Trump is not an alpha male. Bernie is an alpha male. Alpha is leader of the pack, he takes you where you want to go and takes care of the pack.
Trump is a sorry ass chicken, no alpha male. All he’ll ever be is a faded memory of a bully
“I believe it’s unfair to withdraw the rug” – Ben Carson LMAO
geeze, all these guys saying “my Christian faith will influence the way I govern. ” and they all want to KILL KILL KILL, the mid east. If you are a Jesus first guy, you would be peace first.
They are not pro Jesus. None of them. Why are ppl stupid enough to believe that
Because all they have to do is say it. “I love Jesus”. And people will believe them. Stupidity; it’s a powerful thing.
If I had to pick one of these guys, Rand Paul. He makes me bi polar. He has really good ideas and really bad ones. No middle. But, Paul is the only one with ANY good ideas. So out of the clown car, I would pcik Rand Paul
Got this posted super quick. Thank you!
ok last time my commenting butt chimes in. Next debate, make the sound of TYT louder than the debate. Both at the same volume made it just a mess of yammer that was not easily understandable.
oops, I said this would be my last comment. LOL, too tall an order for me. I have to keep on yacking on
Got to say this for the 100th time. Trump is not an alpha male. Bernie is an alpha male. Alpha is leader of the pack, he takes you where you want to go and takes care of the pack.
Trump is a sorry ass chicken, no alpha male. All he’ll ever be is a faded memory of a bully