Ana joins Cenk for SCS. The Mizzou professor that tried to stop journalists from reporting on the school’s racial tensions, asking for “muscle” has been charged with 3rd degree assault. After investigating Planned Parenthood over the fetal tissue sale controversy, the conclusions led them to indict the group that made the sting videos instead of PP. Fox News’ Judge Napolitano lost his mind over the fact that this Republican judge didn’t rule against Planned Parenthood. President Obama wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post announcing his executive order to ban solitary confinement for juveniles. The issue of drug addiction is suddenly something that legislators care about since White people are primarily addicted to heroin.
Hip hop artist B.o.B. has been sending out tweets about how the world is flat. He even went after Neil Degrasse Tyson for his realistic thoughts. Ana hopes that this is an elaborate publicity stunt. Rights for LGBT citizens in Russia are losing rights as they are now banned from public displays of affection. Gay friendly clubs and bars have closed to avoid any trouble coming from the new restrictions. A South African mayor has given scholarships to women that have maintained their virginity. The women have to get checked to make sure their hymen is intact in order to receive the scholarships. A group of Arizona high school girls were suspended for taking a picture lined up with shirts that spelled out Ni**er.
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Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Leads To Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Activists
Arizona school district responds to students’ racist T-shirt message
Mizzou Professor Who Blocked Reporters From Protest Charged With Assault
B.o.B Is Doing Everything He Can to Prove the Earth Is Flat
Barack Obama: Why we must rethink solitary confinement
Cenk, Ana I know I’m late to the subject but look up dave murphy on the issue of flat earth .
Look closely at B.o.B.’s twitter post about the time lapse star photos. It was posted on 4:20. Whatever he’s smoking, I want some of THAT!!!
You guys should check out the urban dictionary definitions of Kasparian. You might laugh, you might cry, either way, you’ll be entertained.
Stoners have the patience to sit through 2 hours of news
The asterisks were actually part of the composition of the original photo in between each word. Still premeditated perhaps, but not as certain as Cenk perceived it to be.–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjtzbT0xO3c9ODAwO2lsPXBsYW5l/
“Best you’ve ever seen class of 2016” also doesn’t have an “i” in it. Definitely premeditated. Crazy how different the youth down south is from the stories you hear up north.. it’s like a different country down there
they used the ‘1’ in 2016 as the ‘i”. Do you think they changed shirts with other girls, or were the racist girls the popular girls and they pressured the necessary letters into the picture?
It has a 1 in it which is the same shape
It doesn’t even matter if its premeditated, Its overtly racist. You see a black chick in that photo? Look I live in northern california, And I moved out here from fucken New Hampshire. I’ve heard my white co-workers say some of the dumbest racist shit I’ve heard in my life out here. Its amazing, the racist shitwhite people say and do, when they’re are no non whites around, and they assume I’m white so I’m cool with it. Yet, they know how I feel about that shit and that I’m rather progressive. America has a long way to go with its racial problems, and if the fact that a white militia in Oregon can point guns at police and take over a government building, then come and go and FUCKING get MAIL delivered to them while unarmed black KIDS are shot in the back… dead in unders 20 secs ………YEAH WE HAVE A FUCKING RACE PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY!
To talk about potentially expelling a kid and ruining their lives over a racial slur is crazy. We can’t paint with the same brush a violent act of intimidation with this stupidity. 5 days seems about right. They’re teenagers. They should get a few chances to fuck up in the course of their high school career because a lot of them are not smart but some will get wiser in the future.
I agree, frontal lobe isn’t even grown yet. Some of these kids might really not know why its OK in a rap song but horror of horrors if they use the word. That is why I am against the word being used by ANYONE. You can’t say, I can say this and you can’t. It never works, it never will. LET THE WORD DIE
The “ER” ending is NEVER used in rap songs. NO ONE would’ve allowed this in my high school ten years ago, much less today. I knew the word was wrong when I was in middle school. If you don’t understand that when you’re graduating high school, you’re ignorant & raised wrong. They should have AT LEAST 5 days suspension. If it was 17 & 18 year old black kids spelling out a white racial slur or a Jewish slur, I guarentee half these people defending the white girls would be trying to crucify black girls.
Yup! Yeah but they’re YOUNG racists, at least wait till they grow up and shoot a minority in the back, or try to overthrow the government because our president is a muslim Kenyan ….
Yeah, no. What I never got Is WHY white people want to use it any way, you know the history behind it? Every race and ethnicity has a derogatory word associated with it. Should every other group stop using those words as well? I’m white, I have no problem withe that word in black culture or what ever context they want to use it in, but when that word comes out of a white persons mouth the meaning is inherently changed.
Should everyone stop using derogatory words for races, even their own, YES.
I am a woman and I don’t use any derogatory word for women. There are A LOT of those, even TYT used those. TYT uses them when talking about some republican men. But I use them never.
Anyone know what SCS in the video description stands for?
social commentary stories
Thanks! I never knew this!