TYT January 26, 2016 Hour 1

In Membership, The Young Turks Hour 1 - On Demand by klingbeil2117 Comments

Democratic candidates Town Hall. Oregon militia members. Minorities and the cops. Media coverage of Sanders vs. Clinton. Flint water crisis. Cenk hosting today. At last night’s Democratic Townhall debate, controversy surrounded a question from a kid that slipped up and said, “I can see why they gave you this question” when it was supposed to be from the constituents. Video of the moment in question that made people ask if the questions were planted for Hillary from CNN. Cenk points out that Clinton has a history of planting questions. Video of her answer to the question. The kid that asked the question tweeted that it really was his question that was submitted to CNN for any candidate. Cenk rules that the kid was telling the truth, and that it wasn’t planted. One militia member in Oregon is upset that Christie called for them to be dismantled so he challenged him to a sumo match. Video of his challenge. Another story from the militia members was caught on police body cams when they arrested one heading to Oregon to help protect the other patriots. Video of the conflict where he was arrested for DUI and threatened to kill all of the cops. Cenk imagines what happens to minority citizens that have run ins with cops when they don’t’ have a gun or threaten death.

Cenk sorts through the stark difference between how Bernie Sanders was treated and questioned at the Townhall event vs the way Hillary Clinton was quizzed. Videos of Chris Cuomo grilling Sanders, boasting big government, tax hikes, & punishment for the rich despite Bernie’s clear explanations of how his policies would lower costs for Americans. Video of how Cuomo embraced Clinton in his 1st three questions that touted her. A Vine video of Bernie saying we will raise taxes was put up and tweeted about without the context of his answer. Video of the answer in context. News outlets ran with headlines that simply said Bernie vows to raise taxes. All of the headlines declared Sanders said, “Yes We Will.” Updates on Flint, Michigan’s lead tainted water crisis. Governor Snyder has been exposed to have responded to emails that warned him of the danger in providing water from the Flint River for the city’s supply, showing that they went with it anyway. He also gave away billions of dollars to corporations that funded his campaign, who told him to go with this water supply. After all of this, he then begged the Federal government for money to bail the city out of the mess he put it into with corporate welfare.

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Bernie Sanders Refuses to Melt

Exclusive: Gov. Rick Snyder’s Men Originally Rejected Using Flint’s Toxic River

People Are Losing Their Minds Over ‘Planted Questions’ Theory at CNN’s Town Hall

Army veteran on way to join militiamen occupying Oregon wildlife reserve threatens to kill cops on camera and calls President Obama a ‘Nazi’

WATCH: Loincloth-clad Oregon militant challenges Chris Christie to a sumo match in this bonkers video



  1. As a person of Irish decent, I’m a little embarrassed at how we’ve represented ourselves in the news today.

  2. God I hate these lawsuits that result in taxpayers paying out instead of the people responsible.

    The families who are victims of the Flint water have every right to compensation, but WHY should that compensation come from the same taxpayers who were harmed in the first place? And WHY should it come from people who had no knowledge of what was going on?

    The shielding of Government representatives from lawsuits is ridiculous. In these types of cases, the individuals responsible should be forced to pay out first — every last cent they have — and THEN only should the taxpayers have to pay anything. I’m sure Rick Snyder can afford to pay these claims.

  3. Caesar Flickerman from the Hunger Games portrayed by Stanley Tucci is an exact caricature of Chris Cuomo with Hillary Clinton.

  4. As I said all along the gun pervert folded like a wet paper bag full of shit, then bleated like a weak little lamb when safely handcuffed. They’re all the same.

    1. If you mean the yahoo militia guy, you are so right. I could not believe it. Black guys get killed for running away and this guy is armed and threatening POTUS and the cop is all nice to him. Wow

  5. Scarborough bashes her all morning, you guys bash her all night. This town hall story is so unnecessary. I’m all for Bernie Sanders but HRC is hardly getting a free ride from the media, anyone who doesn’t see that is willfully ignorant.

    1. HILARIOUS hypocrisy and reverse psychology there!!! Next time try watching the questions for Sanders and for Clinton side-by-side, since clearly your memory is so short and flawed you can’t see a difference! Let’s see, one guy gets drilled and drilled and drilled, gets a whopping SEVEN WORDS of his entire segment plastered all over the media, once again brainwashing everyone who literally does not give a shit if it’s true or not, and they all say the exact OPPOSITE of what he’s actually DOING. SHE gets the following: “OMG Mrs. Clinton, I am SUCH a big FAN!! I see you’ve gotten SO MANY ENDORSEMENTS! Congrats girl! SO EXCITING, right??? SO amazing how Obama said how incredibly SMART you are, and has anyone told you you look SO much YOUNGER! OMG, you are just SO GREAT!! How do you handle progressive socialist SCUM like SANDERS?? What an asshole right??” *fanboy squeeing from the reporter*
      …YEAH, NO difference AT ALLLLLL…..

      1. Um…you need to relax. It isn’t Clinton’s fault that she had easier questions the other night. Bernie Sanders is just getting more scrutiny now that he is getting the poll numbers and attention. But if you think the CNN town hall was too easy on Clinton then maybe you should listen to what some other people have to say about her, starting with Maureen Dowd, Salon magazine, the entire cluster—- that is Morning Joe, Chuck Todd, old white rage radio, everyone on FOX and, yes, CNN, who have done decades of negative stories about her disguised as in depth reporting. This is not reverse psychology and not hypocrisy and I’m not using the Force to type, they are just facts and I don’t need all caps or a second by second breakdown of who got more or better questions to know this.

  6. I found myself way more angry than usual at the Bernie Sanders coverage. Them media could study for years and never be more obviously biased than they are.

    1. But they are not only biased – they are completely ignorant and/or unwilling to see what’s happening, fortunately! I mean every attack (and yes, I also see it as unfair attacks) on Bernie came across more like giving him a chance to explain his points of view.

      It’s just the culmination of the majority of establishment media declaring Hillary as winner, but then Bernie comes closer – every single time! They just don’t understand what’s going on. Today I saw an article and it said that people trust Bernie more, but on every single policy issue, people agree with Hillary Clinton. They were wrong btw, because there was one issue that Bernie lead comfortably “regulating banks/campaign finance reform”.

      So we have a lead here and in “Whom do you trust more” – then they even broke down the polls by demographic. The funniest thing here from my perspective was “Hillary leads among Democrats who still think congress is doing a good job” – well, congratulations Hillary, you really have this 2-3% on lockdown, I suppose…

      So for them it’s just one out of many issues, but if so many people hate the establishment, both the trust and the corruption issue trump everything else by a landslide – and they just don’t understand it – and frankly Hillary doesn’t either or why would she go for the “poetry/prose” line – after she said the line the second time after seeing Bernie’s ad, you could really hear how the applause “broke”, almost “died” there…

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